Original Russian Text N. N. Nevedrova, E. V. Pospeeva, A. M. Sanchaa, 2011, published in Fizika Zemli, 2011, No. 1, pp. 63-75
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- Interpretation of Complex Electromagnetic Data in Seismically Active Regions: Case Study of the Chuya Depression, Mountain Altai
- Near Field TEM Data
ISSN 1069 3513, Izvestiya, Physics of the Solid Earth, 2011, Vol. 47, No. 1, pp. 59–71. © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2011. Original Russian Text © N.N. Nevedrova, E.V. Pospeeva, A.M. Sanchaa, 2011, published in Fizika Zemli, 2011, No. 1, pp. 63–75. 59 INTRODUCTION The Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophys ics, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, is carrying out complex geological and geophysical sur veys in the Mountain Altai. These studies were consid erably expanded after the destructive Chuya earth quake with a magnitude of 7.5 on the Richter scale that occurred on September 27, 2003. This was the strongest event over the instrumental period of seismo logical observations. The focal zone of the earthquake overlaps the territory of the Chuya and Kurai Depres sions, and the North Chuya Range. The main earth quake rupture is well observed in the western part of the Chuya Depression as a discontinuous belt of local fractures, landslides, and ground displacements. It was decided to carry out a complex electromagnetic survey over a test area in the western closure of the Chuya Depression, where the array electromagnetic mea surements with controlled and natural sources were deployed (Fig. 1). Since no magnetotelluric sounding (MTS) had been carried out in the Mountain Altai until recently, the main goal of our study was to reconstruct the deep geoelectric cross section of the lithosphere according to the MTS data, and to refine the structure of the sed imentary cover and the upper portion of the paleozoic basement using a complex of MTS and near field transient electromagnetic sounding (NF TEMS) methods.
The present work also addresses another challeng ing issue, which is urgent for all seismically active regions including the Mountain Altai. It is studying the time dynamics of the geoelectrical parameters of a rock massif that underwent strong seismic impact [Nevedrova, 2007]. There is a considerable amount of archival electric data to support modern studies. These data include vertical electric sounding (VES) and NF TEMS results obtained for the Altai depressions in the latter half of the 20th century. These data were used to determine the geoelectrical parameters of the environ ment before the destructive earthquake of 2003. The efficiency of the electromagnetic monitoring of geodynamical processes undoubtedly depends on the detailed studies of the geoelectric structure to which the present paper is primarily devoted. FIELD TECHNIQUE The controlled source electromagnetic sounding (NF TEMS and VES) were carried out in the western part of the Chuya Depression in a set of profiles (Fig. 1). Figure 1 depicts the profiles and observation sites of all electromagnetic measurements. NF TEMS measurements were implemented as the sounding with induction excitation of the field and recording the time derivative of the vertical component of the mag netic field ( ∂Hz/∂t) in the coaxial loop configuration. We note that in case of induction excitation and recording, the high resistivity screens have no effect, and the influence of local near surface heterogeneities is weak. These factors are also important in the field measurements on the territory of intermontane tec tonic troughs, where the upper part of the cross section contains insular permafrost and lenses of coarse grained deposits. The side length of the transmitter loop was 400 m, and the same was the spacing of mea surement sites. The average distance between NF TEMS profiles was 2–4 km. Based on the geophysical interpretation, it has been established earlier that the controlled source electromagnetic methods in the geological conditions of the Mountain Altai provide an exploration depth of Interpretation of Complex Electromagnetic Data in Seismically Active Regions: Case Study of the Chuya Depression, Mountain Altai N. N. Nevedrova, E. V. Pospeeva, and A. M. Sanchaa Trofimuk Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, pr. Akad. Koptyuga 3, Novosibirsk, 630090 Russia Received January 12, 2010 Abstract—A procedure for the simultaneous interpretation of magnetotelluric and near field transient elec tromagnetic sounding (MTS and NF TEMS, respectively) data is proposed. The advantages of the complex interpretation are demonstrated by specific examples. In accordance with the interpretation of the field data, geoelectrical sections of the lithosphere in the western part of the Chuya Depression are constructed. A reduction in the depth to the conductive crustal layer in the epicentral zone is found, and the geoelectrical boundary in the upper part of the paleozoic basement is revealed. DOI: 10.1134/S1069351311010083 60 IZVESTIYA, PHYSICS OF THE SOLID EARTH Vol. 47 No. 1 2011 NEVEDROVA et al. up to 1–2 km. In order to increase the depth of inves tigation and the informativeness of the geoelectrical studies in the epicentral zone of a large earthquake, an average scale MTS survey was carried out over the range of periods from 0.003 to 6000 s. These MTS measurements were conducted using the new genera tion MTU–System–2000 (Phoenix Geophysics, Canada) equipment provided with the software for raw data processing (Satellite Synchronized MT, the SSMT). An extended MTS profile was acquired in the west ern part of the Chuya Depression. The profile starts in the southwest mountain framing of the depression, the South Chuya Range, and ends in its northern part, in the region of the Chagan–Uzun massif. The measure ments were carried out at 23 stations with an average spacing of 2 km. In the zone of tectonic deformations of the earthquake the distance between the MT sites was reduced to 1 km; the MTS stations in this region were coincident with the NF TEMS sites. Rectangular receiving setups consisting of grounded receiving lines
, Е у , and three magnetic sensors Н
, Н у , and Н z were used for registration of magnetotelluric variations. The length of the receiving electric lines was 100 m. This is the most suitable length providing optimal signal to noise ratio in the survey region. The time of recording was 19–22 h. PROCESSING AND INTERPRETATION OF THE COMPLEX EM DATA Near Field TEM Data At the first stage of processing, the field NF TEM data acquired in the observation profiles was consid ered. The entire volume of measurements was ana lyzed; each apparent resistivity curve was analyzed individually. The quality of measurements and possi ble data corruption were assessed; the character of the changes in the resistivity curves along the profile and their correlation with each other were analyzed; and pr.3 (NF TEMS) pr.4 (NF TEM) pr.5 (NF TEMS) pr.6 (NF TEMS) pr.7 (NF TEMS) pr.8 (NF TEMS) bel 18
bel 19 bel 20
bel 21 bel 22
bel 23 bel 14
bel 13 bel 12
bel 11 bel 15
bel 16 bel 17
bel 2 reg 21 reg 22 reg 20
reg 19 reg 18
reg 17 reg 16
reg 15 reg 11
reg 12 reg 13
reg 14 mtz 1
20 40 km
0 20 (1) (2) (1)
(2) 1 2 3 4 N
sion: 1 NF TEMS sites, archival and present day; 2 VES sites; 3 MTS 2007 −2008 sites, present day and acquired by the Krasno yarsk Research Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources; 4 MTS sites, 2009.
IZVESTIYA, PHYSICS OF THE SOLID EARTH Vol. 47 No. 1 2011 INTERPRETATION OF COMPLEX ELECTROMAGNETIC DATA 61 the main regularities in the transient process at differ ent segments of the profile were revealed. Then, the entire volume of the NF TEM field data was processed using the interactive computer systems for interpreta tion and computer modeling of nonstationary electro magnetic fields. Two automated systems—ERA and EMS program complexes, designed in the Laboratory of Electromagnetic Fields, Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences [Epov, 1990; Khabinov, 2009], were applied. The ERA program complex is a universal interactive system to work with the data of transient electromagnetic sounding. It should be noted that the EMS interpretation system is the development and extension to the ERA program complex for modern computers; it has good potential for using new NF TEMS modifications and new visualization tech niques. Both systems allow processing and interpreta tion of the field data of active source electromagnetic sounding using the models of laterally homogeneous media.
Construction of the basic interpretation model is the most important step in the computer processing of the NF TEMS measurements. We invoked additional a priori information for this purpose. The available data for the existing wells were analyzed and general ized.
Sedimentary filling of the depression took place at the same geological time over the entire territory; therefore, although the majority of the wells are located in the central part of the Chuya Depression, the same drilling data can be used also for the interpre tation of measurements in the western part of the depression. The average drilling depth is relatively small (200–300 m). Only a few wells penetrated the Paleozoic basement [Nevedrova, 2001]. Examining the cross sections of these wells, we can trace the changes in the lithological composition of the medium with depth. The upper part of the cross section is com posed of the coarsest gravel and pebble deposits that become finer grained with depth. In the lowermost part of the section, the basement rocks are usually overlain by thin bedded clays and close grained sand stones without coarse grained material. The same well data can be used to estimate the thickness of all litho logical complexes and the total thickness of the sedi mentary filling, which makes it possible to unambigu ously determine the electric resistivity of the identified layers and, thus, to solve the questions concerning the equivalence of the geoelectrical models. It was ascertained that the lowest resistivity values are typical for thin layered formations: recent and Paleogene–Neogene clays, aleurolites, and argillites. The electrical resistivity (ER) of these sediments varies from 5 to 50 Ω m. Among the Paleogene–Neogene rocks, sandstones of the Tueryk suite, marls, and pitch coals are characterized by increased resistance values (to 200–300 Ω m). The rocks of the Tueryk and Koshagach suites are typically resistance differenti ated. The resistivity of the Paleozoic and Vendian sed imentary rocks ranges from 100 to 500 Ω m (except for limestones whose resistivity attains 1000 Ω m and higher). Magmatic rocks are characterized by the resistivity from 500 to 5000 Ω m.
Based on the analysis of a priori data, the main interpretation model was determined as a four layer cross section with a high resistivity upper part, a third well conductive layer, and a nonconductive bottom layer. The apparent resistivity curves corresponding to this profile refer to the QH type ( ρ 1
ρ 2 > ρ 3 < ρ 4 ). The interpretation of the major part of the NF TEMS data was carried out in the class of laterally stratified models. Primarily, this is associated with the high locality of the setup used for measurements [Rabinovich, 1987; Metodicheskie, …, 1983]. Note that the induction setups with coaxial loops are least sensitive to nonhorizontal boundaries. The slopes of the transmitting and receiving loops caused by the topography of the Earth’s surface have a negligible effect on the measurement errors. The influence of the nonlateral boundaries and the scarps in the basement manifests itself as an evident distortion of individual segments in some sounding curves (usually, the right hand branches of the appar ent resistivity curves are distorted). These distortions had been thoroughly analyzed earlier [Kuznetsov, 1982; Nevedrova et al., 2006]. If there are no grounds to take into account the phenomenon of induced polarization, it is reasonable to determine the geoelec tric parameters of the cross section from the curve including the vicinity of the minimum and rejecting the major part of the right hand side branch (other wise we would not be able to reliably estimate the resis tivity of the reference horizon). In order to exemplify the data interpretation, we con sider one of the NF TEMS field curves for profile 3 and the corresponding geoelectrical model (Fig. 2). The NF TEMS curve 102 completely corresponds to the type described. The minimum of the curve indicates the presence of a conducting layer in the section, which overlies the reference geoelectrical horizon. The inversion of the field data yielded a four layer model with the resistivity of the third (lowest ohmic) layer of 31 Ω m; therefore, these sediments can be referred to as the Koshagach suite. A shallower layer with resistivity of 196 suite. The uppermost layer is characterized by the highest resistivity attaining 1100 Ω m. It should be noted that the resistivity of the upper layer strongly varies within the study area mainly depending on the content of the coarse deposits, permafrost, and the water content. The typical distortion of the right hand branch of the NF TEMS curve 102 is apparent. The curves of apparent resistivity calculated for the strati fied homogenous media with a nonconductive base ment and plotted in bilogarithmic coordinates are known to approach a line inclined at an angle of approximately 63 ° to the horizontal axis with increas 62 IZVESTIYA, PHYSICS OF THE SOLID EARTH Vol. 47 No. 1 2011 NEVEDROVA et al. ing period. The distorted curves are usually character ized by much higher angles. Therefore, a segment of the right hand branch of the NF TEMS curve 102 was disregarded in the determination of the geoelectric parameters of the cross section, and the electric resis tivity of the reference horizon was estimated condi tionally. Now, we turn to Fig. 3, which displays the field NF TEMS curves for profile 4. This profile has a longer extension than profile 3; it reflects the key features of the tectonic depression. Here, several supposed fault structures are distinguished. The geoelectrical NF TEMS models 170 and 218 also contain four layers, although the resistivity of these layers slightly differs from the values for the profile3. NF TEMS station 218 is located in the bed of the Chagan–Uzun River. The sediments in the upper part of the cross section are most probably filled with water; their resistivity is less than 200 Ω m. The farther away from the river the larger the resistivity of the layer. At station 170 it is 700 Ω m. Layers 2 and 3 are also composed of higher conductive sediments than those in profile 3. This is also determined by the geological conditions: most probably, the sediments deposited closer to the center of the depression are thinner layered. The procedure for processing and interpretation of the NF TEMS data acquired in the tectonic depres sions has been already described in sufficient detail in several works [Nevedrova, 2001; Nevedrova et al., 2006]. Therefore, in the present paper we will focus on the more detailed interpretation for the MTS method, which has been first applied for the medium scale sur vey in the Mountain Altai, and on the joint interpreta tion of these two electromagnetic methods.
We start with the stage of qualitative interpretation, when the dimensionality of the geological model is selected. The real distribution of the MT field is known to depend on all elements of the medium being sounded, both vertical and lateral. Therefore, an important stage of interpretation is the analysis of magnetotelluric data, which allows us to construct the interpretation model of the region under study. Here, the leading role belongs to the polar diagrams of mag netotelluric tensor which represent the depen dence of the MT responses on their orientation [Ber dichevsky and Logunovich, 2005], and the magneto telluric parameters, namely, the heterogeneity parameter N [Berdichevsky et al., 1997], the skew [Swift, 1967], and phase sensitive skew η [Bahr, 1988]. The analysis of the polar diagrams of the imped ance tensor for the western part of the Chuya Depres sion showed that, generally, the cross section here is quasi two dimensional (Fig. 4). In the two dimen sional model striking along the Х axis where the longitudinal and the transverse impedances Z ||
and Z ⊥ are the principal values of the impedance tensor. The apparent resistivity curves calculated along the principal values of the impedance tensor are longi Z ˆ ,
Z ˆ 0 Z ||
⊥ –
, = 100 0.1 1000
Ω m, TEMS 102 (profile 3) Geoelectrical model
Rho, 1 2 3 4 Ω m, 1100 196
31 2000
H, m, 342
124 330
Theoretical Observed
2 πt, s Fig. 2. Field data, synthetic curve, and geoelectrical model at NF TEMS 102 (profile 3). 100 0.01
Ω, m tem 170 (profile 4) Geoelectrical model
Rho, 1 2 3 4 Ω m, 700 33 13 2000 H, m, 470
220 100
objective function = 1.47 0.001
Theoretical Observed
t, s 100
0.01 Ω, m
tem 218 (profile 4) Geoelectrical model Rho,
1 2 3 4 Ω m,
180 23 14 2000 H, m, 160
150 75 objective function = 4.74 0.001 t, s Fig. 3. Field data, synthetic curves, and geoelectrical mod els at NF TEMS 170 and 218 (profile 4). IZVESTIYA, PHYSICS OF THE SOLID EARTH Vol. 47 No. 1 2011 INTERPRETATION OF COMPLEX ELECTROMAGNETIC DATA 63 tudinal ( ρ || ) and transverse ( ρ ⊥ strike of the geological structures. The validity of the choice of the quasi two dimensional model is sup ported by the analysis of magnetotelluric parameters
η (Fig. 5), which are calculated as skew = where * denotes a complex conjugation. It is known that in the laterally homogeneous model
N = skew = η. The deviation of N from 0 characterizes the lateral heterogeneity of the medium. In a two dimension model,
N ≠ 0, while skew = η = 0. In a three dimen sional model, all the three parameters are nonzero. As follows from Fig. 5, at high frequencies (Т Ӷ 1), the heterogeneity parameter N is less than 0.2, which indi cates that one dimensional estimations are applicable to assess the resistivity of the uppermost portion of the geoelectric cross section. Starting with the periods
decreasing frequency ( Т > 100 s), it increases up to 0.7. High values of N correspond to an enhanced skew that vary from 0.05 to 0.1 at long periods and attain 0.6 at short periods. With increasing frequency, the phase sensitive skew η increases, which, according to Bahr [Bahr, 1988], is evidence of the absence of local three dimensional inhomogeneities in the upper part of the section. There are two zones where η decreases to 0.08 over the periods from 1 to 160 s. One is located in the region of MTS stations nos. 18–15 and corresponds to the zone of the deep fault; another (MTS sites nos. 6– 14) apparently reflects the fault structures of the depression itself and its boundary with the Chagan– Uzun block (Fig. 5). N 1 4 Z xx Z yy Z xy Z yx –
xy Z yx – ( ) 2 – , =
xx Z xy +
xy Z yx – , η 0.5 Im Z xy Z yy *
xx Z yx * + ( )
xy Z yx – , = Thus, the geoelectrical section of the study region can be regarded as a regional two dimension structure containing local three dimensional inclusions in the middle and upper crust. The comparison between the MTS and NF TEMS data described in the next sec tion of the paper also confirms the two dimensionality of the studied geoelectric section. There are various recommendations and conclu sions concerning which of the MTS curves are the most informative in the 1D inversion [Kovtun, 2004; Spichak, 1999; Sovremennye…, 2009]. The results dis cussed in the present paper were obtained using the longitudinal curves. They were selected because in the study region the longitudinal MTS curves agree with the NF TEMS curves, after having been overlapped by the curves with which these MTS curves were inter preted using the one dimensional programs. The selection of longitudinal (quasi longitudinal) curves over the study region was implemented in the Line Inter MT program package, using which the profile processing and interpretation of the MTS data were carried out. Figure 6 shows the typical longitudi nal curves calculated for the western part of the Chuya Depression. The main task of the further profile processing of the results yielded by one dimensional inversion is correction for the
for constructing the final geoelectrical sections. As is well known, in the general case, if the medium contains inhomogeneous inclusions at all depth levels of the geoelectric cross section, the influ ence of the S effect becomes stronger with the increas ing depth of the MT field’s penetration into the Earth, since ever new geoelectrical heterogeneities start affecting the volume captured by the field. This situation is typical in the region of study; i.e., the discrepancy in the ρ т
increasing period of the electromagnetic wave. Under these conditions, different corrections are needed to compensate for the action of the
different depth intervals of the geoelectrical cross sec tion. This procedure of introducing such corrections has been implemented in the Line Inter TM program complex. The key point in this procedure is calcula MTS No. 1 MTS No. 2 MTS No. 3 MTS No. 4 MTS No. 5 MTS No. 6 MTS No. 7 MTS No. 8 MTS No. 9 MTS No. 10 MTS No. 11 MTS No.12 MTS No. 13 MTS No. 14 MTS No. 23 MTS No. 22 MТЗ No. 19 MTS No. 21 MTS No. 20 MTS No. 18 MTS No. 17 MTS No. 16 MTS No. 15 Profile line Profile line N N
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