O„zbekiston respublikasi oliy va o„rta maxsus ta‟lim vazirligi samarqand davlat universiteti mahkamoy tursunova
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7e4be6c88e603deee29f43c805a0ed6d O„ZBEK ADABIYOTINI O„QITISH METODIKASI
1. Vvedenie 2. Obщie teoreticheskie voprosы metodiki prepodavaniya uzbekskoy literaturы. 3. Istoriya i razvitie formirovaniya metodiki prepodavaniya literaturы. 4. Svyaz metodov prepodavaniya literaturы s drugimi dissiplinami i ispolzovanie mejdissiplinarnoy integratsii na urokax literaturы. 5. Konkretnыe prinsipы prepodavaniya istorii uzbekskoy literaturы, metodika prepodavaniya. 6. Rol analiza xudojestvennoy literaturы v samostoyatelnom mыshlenii v literaturnom obrazovanii. 7. Osobennosti biografii avtora. 8. Rol i znachenie literaturno-teoreticheskix nauk v izuchenii primerov istorii uzbekskoy literaturы. 9. Vidы rabot nad proizvedeniem iskusstva v zavisimosti ot formы i soderjaniya. 10. Rabota nad Epic Works 11. Nauchit shkolnikov otsenivat geroev proizvedeniya na urokax literaturы. 12. Texnologiya problemno-orientirovannogo obucheniya v obespechenii duxovnoy zrelosti oxotnika. 13. Izuchenie primerov klassicheskogo poeticheskogo teksta. 14. Uluchshenie ustnoy rechi uchaщixsya na urokax literaturы. 15. Testovыe uroki texniki. 16. Domashnee zadanie po literature. 239 CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2. General theoretical issues of teaching methods of Uzbek literature. 3. History and development of the formation of methods of teaching literature. 4. The relationship of teaching methods of literature with other disciplines and the use of international integration in literature lessons. 5. Specific principles of teaching the history of Uzbek literature, teaching methods. 6. The role of fiction analysis in self-awareness in literary education. 7. Features of the author's biography. 8. The role and importance of literary and theoretical sciences in the study of the history of Uzbek literature. 9. Types of work on a work of art, depending on the form and content. 10. Work on epic works 11. To teach schoolchildren to evaluate the heroes of production in literature lessons. 12. Technology of problem-oriented learning in ensuring the spiritual maturity of the Oxotnik. 13. Study of examples of classical poetic text. 14. Improving the student's oral speech in literature lessons. 15. Test lesson methodology. 16. Homework on literature. |
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