Republic of tajkistan
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36 Total segment 3 2,869 225.37 40,300 22,135 20,279 101,395 18,018 4,158 143,850.0 1 0.08 21.0% Wheat 3,500 59 1 59 294 104 1 Rajabova Khumor President ial 168 Paddy 5,000 84 2 185 924 1,386 462 3309,6 153 № of HH Larp No Road km Dekhan farm and the owner Type of Dekhan farm No of farm memb ers Total farm land (Ha) Affecte d land (sq. meters) % of the affected land vs total land holding Type of crops Average crops producti vity (kg/ha) Total affect ed produ ction (kg) 1 kg of produc ts (market value TJS) Annual crop value to be compe nsated (TJS) Allowanc e for loss of use rights (5 years annual crop value) TJS Allowanc e for severely affected househol ds (TJS) Allowa nce for vulner able house holds (TJS) Total compens ation for affected agricultu re lands (TJS) 1 0.08 28.0% Wheat 3,500 78 1 78 392 105 1 Sattorov Ismat President ial 224 Paddy 5,000 112 2 246 1,232 1,386 3335,8 1 0.08 15.8% Wheat 3,500 44 1 44 221 106 1 Muzafarov Buri President ial 126 Paddy 5,000 63 2 139 693 1,386 2484,2 1 0.08 12.3% Wheat 3,500 34 1 34 172 107 1 Muzafarov Nabi President ial 98 Paddy 5,000 49 2 108 539 1,386 462 2703,6 1 0.08 10.5% Wheat 3,500 29 1 29 147 108 1 Rajabov Daler President ial 84 Paddy 5,000 42 2 92 462 1,386 2120,8 1 0.08 15.0% Wheat 3,500 42 1 42 210 109 1 Muminov Abdurashid President ial 120 Paddy 5,000 60 2 132 660 1,386 2435 1 0.08 15.0% Wheat 3,500 42 1 42 210 110 1 Muminov Malik President ial 120 Paddy 5,000 60 2 132 660 1,386 462 2898 1 0.08 15.0% Wheat 3,500 42 1 42 210 111 1 Mardonov Ashur President ial 120 Paddy 5,000 60 2 132 660 1,386 2437 1 0.08 23.3% Wheat 3,500 65 1 65 326 112 1 Rajabov Avazmurod President ial 186 Paddy 5,000 93 2 205 1,023 1,386 462 3474,2 1 0.08 23.3% Wheat 3,500 65 1 65 326 113 1 Safoev Ahliddin President ial 186 Paddy 5,000 93 2 205 1,023 1,386 3013,2 1 0.08 20.0% Wheat 3,500 56 1 56 280 114 1 Abdulloev Uroq President ial 160 Paddy 5,000 80 2 176 880 1,386 2788 1 0.08 31.3% Wheat 3,500 88 1 88 438 115 1 Otabekov Ahtam President ial 250 Paddy 5,000 125 2 275 1,375 1,386 3572 1 0.08 15.0% Wheat 3,500 42 1 42 210 116 1 Buriev Sulton President ial 120 Paddy 5,000 60 2 132 660 1,386 462 2904 1 0.08 16.3% Wheat 3,500 46 1 46 228 117 1 Buriev Mamadqul President ial 130 Paddy 5,000 65 2 143 715 1,386 462 2992 154 № of HH Larp No Road km Dekhan farm and the owner Type of Dekhan farm No of farm memb ers Total farm land (Ha) Affecte d land (sq. meters) % of the affected land vs total land holding Type of crops Average crops producti vity (kg/ha) Total affect ed produ ction (kg) 1 kg of produc ts (market value TJS) Annual crop value to be compe nsated (TJS) Allowanc e for loss of use rights (5 years annual crop value) TJS Allowanc e for severely affected househol ds (TJS) Allowa nce for vulner able house holds (TJS) Total compens ation for affected agricultu re lands (TJS) 1 0.08 12.5% Wheat 3,500 35 1 35 175 118 1 Kholov Mingit President ial 100 Paddy 5,000 50 2 110 550 1,386 2270 1 0.08 20.0% Wheat 3,500 56 1 56 280 119 1 Haitaliev Saifiddin President ial 160 Paddy 5,000 80 2 176 880 1,386 2793 1 0.08 31.3% Wheat 3,500 88 1 88 438 120 1 Jabborov Karim President ial 250 Paddy 5,000 125 2 275 1,375 1,386 3577 Wheat 3,500 53 1 53 263 150 Paddy 5,000 75 2 165 825 900 Onion s 20,000 1,800 1 1,260 6,300 121 1 Dusti' Sanginov R. Collective 5,605 Cotto n 2,500 1,040 2 2,101 10,504 21,469.8 122 1 Hokimbobo' Abdulkhairo v Kh. Individual 1 245 Onion s 20,000 490 1 490 2,450 2,940.0 123 1 Zabir' Zabirov T. Individual 1 560 Onion s 20,000 1,120 1 1,120 5,600 6,720.0 1 Wheat 3,500 525 1 525 2,625 124 1 Rustambek' Boboev Kh. Individual 1,500 Paddy 5,000 650 2 1,313 6,565 11,028.0 1 Wheat 3,500 897 1 897 4,484 125 1 Valijon Ashurov' Ashurov Individual 2,562 Paddy 5,000 1,028 2 2,077 10,383 17,839.6 126 1 Amro' Saifulloev A. Individual 1 310 Onion s 20,000 620 1 620 3,100 3,720.0 1 Wheat 3,500 77 1 77 385 127 1 Gufron' Zamonova B. Individual 220 Paddy 5,000 110 2 242 1,210 1,914.0 128 1 Jamolion' Habibova N. Individual 1 180 Onion s 20,000 360 1 360 1,800 2,160.0 155 № of HH Larp No Road km Dekhan farm and the owner Type of Dekhan farm No of farm memb ers Total farm land (Ha) Affecte d land (sq. meters) % of the affected land vs total land holding Type of crops Average crops producti vity (kg/ha) Total affect ed produ ction (kg) 1 kg of produc ts (market value TJS) Annual crop value to be compe nsated (TJS) Allowanc e for loss of use rights (5 years annual crop value) TJS Allowanc e for severely affected househol ds (TJS) Allowa nce for vulner able house holds (TJS) Total compens ation for affected agricultu re lands (TJS) 1 Wheat 3,500 74 1 74 368 129 1 Qurbon' Islomov Q. Individual 210 Paddy 5,000 105 2 231 1,155 1,827.0 130 1 Shokirjon' Burhonov Individual 1 180 Onion s 20,000 360 1 360 1,800 2,160.0 131 1 Alisher' Haidarov A. Individual 1 100 Onion s 20,000 200 1 200 1,000 1,200.0 132 1 Open Stake holding farm 'Haqiqat' Individual 446 25,000 0.6% Cotto n 2,500 5,500 2 11,110 55,550 66,660.0 133 1 Comunal Service land Tursunzoda Individual 3 700 2.3% Wheat 3,500 245 1 294 1,470 1,764.0 30 Total segment 4 27 450.36 41,024 17,539 27,340 136,700 23,698 2,772 190,509.8 Total affected agriculture crop land 3,075 1823.73 134,444 85,298 69,776 348,782 69,436 17,556 505,550.8 156 Compensation for land loss - Affected orchard and vineyard on agriculture land - LARP I № Name of Dekhan farm and the owner Type of Dekhan farm Affected area of the Dekhan farms lands (sq. meters) Type of fruit trees N0 of fruit trees Total affected fruit production (kg) Value of 1 kg of products based on market information (TJS) Annual fruit value to be compensated (TJS) No of years for replacement of trees Total allowance to be compensated (TJS) Total compensation for affected agriculture lands (TJS) 1 Kishmish Tuda' Rahimov Rashid Collective 300 Peach 22 550 5 2,475 2 4,950 7,425 600 Grapes 15 375 5 1,875 4 7,500 9,375 2 Barakatullo' Barakatulloi Marufkhuja Family 1,000 Cherry 18 450 5 2,250 2 4,500 6,750 3 Apple 112 4,480 3 13,440 3 40,320 Grapes 20 500 5 2,500 4 10,000 Navruz' Salimov Sh. Collective 12,400 Cherry 25 625 5 3,125 2 6,250 75,635 4 Khuja' Davlatov A. Family 400 Cherry 9 225 5 1,125 2 2,250 3,375 5 Michurin' Karomatov U. Family 900 Cherry 10 250 5 1,250 2 2,500 3,750 Total segment 3 15,600 231 7,455 28,040 78,270 106,310 157 APPENDIX 8 HOUSHOLD LOOSING BUSINESSES, LARP I Households loosing businesses - LARP I Affected Business № Road Km / from - to Name Village Jamoat District Type of Business Area m2 Patent Allowance for income losses TJS 1 58.15 Tukhtaeva Yorqinoy Regar Garav Tursunzoda Shop (Food/manufactured goods) / Магозаи Хуроквори 6.25 Yes 2,000 2 Tursunzoda Barber shop / Сартарошхона 7 Yes 1,500 3 26.525 Aliev Sadullo Dehinaw Mirzo Rizo Hisor Shop (Food/manufactured goods) / Магозаи Хуроквори 24 Yes 4000 4 Hisor Snack food outlet / Дукони хуроки тезтаёршаванда 80 Yes 7,500 5 19.15 Jabborov Iskandar Avghonobod Khonaqoh Hisor Shop (Food/manufactured goods) / Магозаи Хуроквори 20 Yes 4,000 6 14.12 Qodirov Abdusattor Shurob Shurob Hisor Shop (Food/manufactured goods) / Магозаи Хуроквори 93 Yes 20,000 7 Hisor Café / Canteen / Ошхона (буфет, столовая) 80 Yes 6,000 8 19.15 Jabborov Muhabatsho Avghonobod Khonaqoh Hisor Construction materials shop / Масолехи сохтмони 24 Yes 7,000 9 21.05 Miraliev Bozor Davlatmanqa Navobod Hisor Car repair workshop / Устохонаи таъмири мошин 24 No 2,772 Total 358.25 54,772 158 APPENDIX 9 EMC TOR Road Network Development Program G RANT 42052- TAJ: D USHAMBE -U ZBEKISTAN B ORDER R OAD Terms of Reference External Monitoring Consultant (EMC) 1. Introduction 1. The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has agreed to provide the Government of Tajikistan with a $120 million Grant to upgrade and rehabilitate the Dushanbe-Uzbekistan Border road. The Project will entail Land Acquisition and Resettlement (LAR) impacts and its preparation requires the preparation of two Land Acquisition and Resettlement Plans (LARP) fitting ADB’s Resettlement Safeguards and approved by the Government. LARP1 will be finalized in February 2011 and implemented in the following 3 months. LARP2 will be finalized around mid 2011 and implemented by the end of the year. Based on the requirements of ADB resettlement safeguards the implementation of these LARPs will have to be monitored by an external monitoring agency (EMA) to be carried out in two phases: a) phase one will focus on the monitoring of the actual implementation of the LARP compensation program and will include the preparation by the EMA of a compliance report based on which ADB will provide no objection to the start of civil works; b) phase two, to be carried out one year after the implementation of the LARP will be devoted to a broad evaluation of the degree to which the rehabilitation of the Affected Parties (AP) has been achieved. 2. To satisfy the above requirements the Executing Agency—the Ministry of Transport and Communications (MOTC) is seeking the services of an independent consultant, acceptable to ADB and the Government, to act as the EMA for phase one of the external monitoring of LARP1 18 . Terms of Reference (TOR) for these tasks are detailed below. 2. Scope of Work 3. External monitoring of the Project will be based on (i) the procedures and guidelines of ADB as set out in the Handbook on Resettlement (Manila, 1998); (ii) relevant laws, policies, and regulations in Tajikistan; (iii) the prescriptions of LARP1; and (iv) the general principle that AP’s livelihood should be better or at least remain at the present level after completion of the Project. 18 Phase two for LARP1 and all external monitoring phases for LARP2 will be carried out by the supervision consultant 159 4. The selected consultant will closely monitor the implementation of the LARP and engage in the following tasks: (i) review of the disclosure of the LARP and of the Information pamphlet; (ii) review of the action taken by the Executing Agency (EA) to compensate the APs with particular attention to the way this action fits the stipulation of the LARP; (iii) verification of the compensation tallies and ; (iv) verify whether the compensation is provided thoroughly to all APs and in the amounts defined in the LARP and in the AP contracts; (v) asses the satisfaction of the APs with the information campaign and with the compensation/rehabilitation package offered to them; (vi) review the legalization process and assess its effectiveness; (vii) review complaints & grievances case; (vii) carry out an AP satisfaction survey with a 20% sample of the APs. 5. Immediately after the implementation of the LARP the EMA will prepare a Final Compliance Report (FCR) which will include well argued sections on the following: i. Assessment of the way compensation was carried out in relation of the stipulations of the LARP and the LARF; ii. Verification that all APs have been compensated in the amounts stipulated in the LARP iii. Assessment of the accuracy of survey and asset valuation iv. Assessment of the effectiveness and thoroughness of the Legalization process v. Review of complaint and grievance cases and of their solution vi. Assessment of the rehabilitation program for severely affected and vulnerable APs vii. Assessment of the satisfaction of the APs viii. Lesson learned to be applied to the next projects, and; ix. General assessment of LARP implementation and recommendations to ADB regarding the provision of No Objection Letter to start the civil works. 6. The FCR will be presented to MOTC and submitted to ADB for review. 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