Republic of uzbekistan andijan machine-building institute fundamentals of business management

List of used literature Main literature

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List of used literature Main literature: 
1.LRDabay and others/Principles of business/2012.600p. 
Jeff Madura/ Introduction to business/ Florida Atlantic University/ Paradigm Publishing 
Inc. 2010.694 p. 
Additional literature 

Pereverzev M. P., Shaidenko N. A., Basovsky L. E. Management. - 2-e izd., 
pererabotannoe. - M.: INFRA-M, "Vysshee obrazovanie", 2011. - 330 p. 
34. Meskon M.Kh. i dr. Osnovy menedzmenta.-M.: Williams, 2008.-672 p. 
35. Lawrence Mensah Aqueteus. Business administration 
for student
oath managers//Sotsis. - 2011 
36. Robert C. Appleby. Modern business administration. Manual.– M: Gardarika, 2009 
Internet sites 
Topic 10. Career planning and development 
Career opportunities 
Plan your career 
Submission of documents for employment 
1. Career opportunities 
A profession is a task or set of tasks aimed at providing a product or service. People are 
hired to fill vacancies and are paid according to the work they do. An achieved position is a goal 
achieved through a profession or a series of professions to fulfill a job. You probably have a real 
goal of success right now: "to graduate well and prepare for the future." » 
Success planning is the process of planning for success during your studies, discussing your 
overall suitability in the field you want to succeed in, and deciding on your future career. This 
process begins with an assessment of personal merit. Your interests and abilities will be the basis 
for your choice of profession, and new interests and abilities will be formed in order to succeed in 
this profession. It is a long time before you make the right decision in choosing a profession 

may continue. In the coming years, some of your goals and plans may change as you may discover 
new interests and abilities. Career learning is an ongoing process. New skills are always emerging 
and developing in professional learning. You cannot learn any profession in a day or a week, of 
course. It is important that you understand that this process is lifelong. This process continues even 
after you are successful in your career. Your first choice is an uncertain choice, because if you get 
new interesting information about another profession over a period of time, you may change your 
decision. Such temporary decisions are better than no decisions at all. ra is much better. Such a 
to you 
to get 
give. Starting from school, there are many useful aspects of personalization. One thing is that you 
will already have some ready-made information about the career you are interested in. Most 
importantly, the first choice will help you decide which courses to prepare for. You will be more 
motivated if you are interested in organizations related to your field and study their activities. 
Organizations teach you how to succeed in business and in business. 
Vocational training 
Successful completion of many occupations requires additional education and training in 
addition to formal education. These are the following educational choices: 
• Two-year schools, primary schools, provide training in many areas. 
• Four-year colleges and universities can be either public or private. 
• Private business schools and other institutions provide training for many fields: computer 
technician, hairdresser, court reporter, computer technician, hairdresser or mechanic. 
Currently, various types of financial assistance are provided to pupils and students in educational 
institutions. For example, favorable opportunities such as scholarships, loans and additional jobs 
are provided. The financial aid program is awarded to young people who are successful in their 
Others are grants for children of families in need of financial assistance. 
You can know how to choose the right career, you know? There is no reason to say that your choice 
is the best. Those who follow the correct sequence of steps make good decisions. 
Step 1 Personal analysis 
Identify your interests and opportunities 
Discover your talents and abilities 
Step 2 Labor market 
analysis Geographic 
Business and economic orientation 
Step 3 Application process 
Application form 
Resume and cover letter 
Step 4 Interview process 
Preparation for the 
Follow-up training 
Step 5 Recruitment 
Salary and financial factors 
Organizational environment 

Step 6 Career Development Experiencing 
the key to success 
Development of sustainable operations 
Career Information Resources 
It's easy to find a variety of resources that teach career planning. Your institution may also 
have a career resource center with a variety of newspapers, magazines, books, and other 
information sources. Some resources can provide you with detailed information on jobs and career 
opportunities in your area. Print and mass media sources. See extensive information and 
advertisements in many newspapers and magazines about hundreds of jobs, job benefits, education 
and training courses, employment requirements and development opportunities. you can reach 
These resources are also available online. 
Related to businessarticles, local companies and a variety of interesting information about 
career success secrets are provided in the business section. Advertisements will highlight what 
skills and abilities are in demand in the current job market. Online Resources There are many 
websites that help with career planning. These sites are interesting for their information related to 
career opportunities, resumes, impactful interviewing and career development. 
Interviews for more information. A very useful way to get a position is to have an interview to get 
more information. 
An informational interview is a scheduled interview with an employee, where the employee can 
help you with information about the work you do, what kind of preparation it takes, and other 
people's reactions to that type of work. the person giving. These conversations will give you an in-
depth and long description of the path to the position. 
Most workers speak from their own work experience. At this point, prepare the questions 
you always ask the speaker. Some questions might be: 
• How did you land your current job? 
• What made you satisfied with this job? 
• What tasks and activities does your job entail? 
• What is the most important quality to work in this field? 
• What advice would you give to a young person considering this line of work? 
Briefly write down information that you discovered as new for yourself during the interview. 
If the pursuit of a particular position is of great interest to you, you can become a job shadow by 
listening to and following the words of a mentor or other responsible person, an employee of that 
enterprise, that affects your interest. The most effective way to learn how to perform certain job 
activities is to be a job shadow. Business relations. The process of talking to someone who works 
in the field you are studying about their work is called networking. It is a good advantage that your 
communication is not limited during the interview process. Every partner you talk to is a potential 
source of communication that shows you how to move forward in your career. These connections 
can help you as a support force when you get a job. 
Career fields with a high probability of growth 
Business Services: 
Data Analysts 
translators Web 
s: e-commerce 
investment advisorsrisk 
Management and human 
resources: administrators 
interviewreceiving journalists 

computer operators, 
system analysts web 
Health care: health care 
home nurses, 
technicians, therapists 
Trade and retail: e-
commerce representatives, 
economic service 
representatives, medical 
product sales managers 
corporate trainers are 
training administrators 
special education teachers 
Hotel and food services: 
customer service representatives 
food service managers meeting 
resort and hotel 
Social services: 
child health workers are 
workers who care for adults 
family lawyers, social 
service agencies 
Do you not doubt that you have chosen a career that will satisfy you throughout your life? Your 
plans should start with your own desires, abilities and possibilities. These three fields will help you 
make the best choice. After personal questions and answers, you will find a position (mansab) that 
will give you complete satisfaction and good luck. 
Interests. Currently, information in the form of answers to the questions of young people is 
available both in written form and online. Your passions are the foundation for achieving your 
goals at work. 
People with strong social skills may be more suited to interacting with people. It is no 
exaggeration to say that if you are interested in observing and investigating events, then their 
investigations will suit you. What area of interest do you have? Do you know? 
It is very important for you to know your capabilities and always take them into account. It is 
enough to try the work of your chosen field in practice or in exercises to know your capabilities. It 
shows how comfort, money, power, achievement, independence, security, belonging, or service to 
others is worthy or unworthy of your position. Each of these will not fail to affect your vital work 
You can determine your limits by answering some of the following questions. These will help 
you know what is important to you. Sample questions: 
• Is it important for me to earn a lot of money? 
• Am I interested in serving others? 
• Is having a job as important to me as it is to others? 
• Do I want a job that is very complex and may require additional training? 
• Am I willing to start a job that pays less than somewhere else that is complicated and offers 
better amenities in the future? 
• Is setting aside money for education or extra courses as important as spending money on 
other things? An additional question to understand this is: "If someone gave you a lot of money, 
what would you spend it on?" Would you like to start your own business? Would you travel around 
the world? Would you start an organization that supports disadvantaged children? He bought the 
most modern wardrobes 

would you be Would you spend your money to cover an expensive education? Your answers will 
show your personal values. 
Talent and abilities. Everyone has some talents and abilities. A talent is an innate, natural, 
and obvious tendency to do something. That's why it's called ``naturally gifted''. Ability is the 
quality of being able to perform a mental or physical task. It is important to consider these when 
planning your approach to the position. 
You have the opportunity to define your abilities in different ways. Think about the grades 
you got in school and the extracurriculars you participated in. What extra clubs did you go to? 
Which one did you learn best? Which were considered easy and which were difficult? What were 
your favorite subjects? Your answers to these questions will reveal your talents and abilities. Skills 
can be developed and should be kept in mind. If you're more inexperienced in a certain area, you 
may want to join clubs that help you increase your knowledge in that area. For example, many 
workers increasingly believe that being able to write, read, and use a computer is very important. 
kidding If you are not good at preparing reports, take extra classes in English or Business 
Administration. If reading is difficult, get help with it. If fractions or decimals are difficult to deal 
with, it can be said that studying math lessons will pay off well. Try to strengthen your weaknesses 
in that field of work before starting your own business. Plan the training and workshops you need 
to grow in your chosen field. If you have difficulty working with decimals or decimals, it can be 
said that studying math lessons will pay off. Try to strengthen your weaknesses in that field of 
work before starting your own business. Plan the training and workshops you need to grow in your 
chosen field. If you have difficulty working with decimals or decimals, it can be said that studying 
math lessons will pay off. Try to strengthen your weaknesses in that field of work before starting 
your own business. Plan the training and workshops you need to grow in your chosen field. 
Job qualification. Some people have the skills to reach a higher position (success) than they 
think. Your activity in team work will be the basis for your experience in the work process. You 
can enrich the skills required by your profession in 4 ways: master classes in your field, part-time 
work, volunteering and school activities. 
Resources for finding a job 
For job seekers, there is always the challenge of finding a job that suits them. There are 
several resources that have become popular in solving this problem. Finding job vacancies is like 
finding the key to success. 
Public information. Vacancies are also given along with information on planning to achieve 
the position (success) given in the public information. The announcements in the one where 
workers are needed can be considered as a starting point. 
Newspapers and their websites also have new job search engines. However, please note that 
vacancies in some of the most important areas of community life are prohibited from being 
advertised to the public. 
Personal connections 
It's best that people know you're looking for a job. Counselors or business teachers at your 
educational institution can also help you with this. If there is an employment agency in your 
studies, be a member of that agency as well. Your relatives, friends, neighbors and others can also 
be a useful resource in your job search. 
Business contacts. You should meet business people in your field and ask them when new 
jobs are opening. Some businesses and others may post job openings in their windows. In some 
restaurant-like places, applications may be submitted on an ongoing basis. You can also apply for 
jobs online at the kiosks. In the process of job search, you get to know the environment. I mean, 
you get to know different situations and workers in the work process. It can also make it easier for 
you to connect with the right people. Job Vacancies you can find out through websites or business 
directories when searching for the names of non-publicized organizations. Connecting with these 
businesses or organizations can bode well for your future success. 
Industry exhibitions 

It is well known that many educational institutions and community centers hold exhibitions 
related to various fields. At these exhibitions, you can get answers to your questions in a short 
period of time during your communication with the representatives of the organization or 
enterprise, and you can show your talent and be invited to work in their organization or enterprise. 
Therefore, demonstrating that you have some knowledge of that organization or business during 
the interview process will help you stand out from the crowd. 
Government organizations for employment 
Local and state employment agencies are another source of job vacancies. These 
organizations support you in learning to work with qualified professionals and finding jobs. 
These organizations can provide up-to-date information on the job market for your 
industry. They can help you find a full-time, part-time or summer-only job. 
Rely on a variety of sources in your job search. The more people you talk to about jobs and 
job search strategies, the more positive results you'll see. It is important for them to see you as a 
strong and competent worker. 
Application for work. Application process 
The application process can begin in several ways. You can fill out the application form 
that will be delivered by the worker. Applications may be in paper form, or online applications are 
also common. You can also collect your resumes and submit them in an envelope. You can send 
these documents to the recruiting organization or company via email or website. 
Personal information sheet 
Before filling out the application form, you should prepare your personal data sheet. A personal 
information sheet is a collection of information about your profession. This is a list and description 
of your education and work experience. This information will ensure that you have all the 
necessary documents to complete your application. 
Application form. A recruiter always asks job applicants to fill out an application form. An 
application form is a request for information related to employment. The application form provides 
the employer with standard information related to the work performance of each job applicant. The 
application will ask for your name, address, education, work experience, the type of job you are 
applying for, and a description. Pay special attention to the direction indicated when filling out the 
form. If you are writing on a paper version of the questionnaire, pay attention to the fact that each 
of your words is written in an orderly manner. If you are filling in the online version, type the 
letters carefully. Answer all questions completely and concisely. 
Resume. A resume is a document that provides information about you to a potential employer. 
Two of the most common types of resumes are experience-based and skill-based. In an experience-
based resume, your experiences are usually listed in chronological order of your work history. A 
competency-based resume focuses on skills and experience that are relevant to the job you are 
applying for. * Figure 9-4 shows a sample resume form. The resume includes the following 
• Personal data: Name, address, phone number, e-mail 
• Career Goal: Your goal in a clearly focused career 
• Education: name of educational institutions,along with fields of study, duration and level 
• Experiences: work activities and volunteer activities with dates and responsibilities 
• Certificates of honor received in the field of career, etc.: achievements, activities in the 
educational process and team work 

It's important to make sure your finished resume looks professional—clean, organized, and 
error-free. Limit your resume to one page. Use this format to highlight how you can contribute to 
the company's needs by applying your skills. 
Keep in mind that resumes are usually skimmed over quickly. Some companies even use 
crawlers that search for keywords. Relate your experience to the job requirement. For example, 
fluent in Japanese, proficient in Adobe Illustrator, Cisco network certification, research skills, team 
projects, leadership skills, foreign education and international experience. 
Use status words to describe what you have accomplished. As an example, consider the word 
list in Figure 9-5. 
In the process of preparing your resume, give real information about your qualities. Do not 
forget that employers will check your written information. If you give false information, you will 
lose your job. Once you get hired without false information, it will be exposed and you will face 
long-term conflicts and problems at work. 
Descriptions are usually not included in resumes. This information will be made available to 
the recruiter upon request. Make a list of people who can interview you about your personality, 
background, and qualifications. These may be your mentors, your former boss, colleagues. It's a 
good idea to make sure these people can describe you. 
Career portfolio. Individuals who are applying for a job prepare a career portfolio. 
Your career portfolio serves as evidence of your skills and abilitiesThis may include: 
• Resume, cover letter and answers to common interview questions 
• Minutes, presentations and research developments of projects 
• Custom website designs and artwork 
• Skills from articles or conferences attended 
• Cover letters 
A career portfolio gives employers the opportunity to see your skills and talents in real life. In 
addition, it will help you to show your initiative and unique side. 
Questionnaire volume 
A cover letter demonstrates your interest in a specific job. For example, think of it as a letter 
explaining what the purpose of the interview is. Like all such letters, let this one arouse great 
interest and attention in the reader. Let this letter make you eager to meet, inspire you to ask for a 
conversation. The letter should be well-written, organized and to the point. 
Introduction part 
The beginning of the letter should be able to attract the attention of the reader. Again, clearly 
explain the reason for your appeal in the letter. Emphasize the type of work or career you are 
interested in. Provide a brief description of your experience and qualifications. If applicable, 
mention the name of the person who invited you to this organization. 
Your development 
This is important in the evaluation for admission to the department. Therefore, you should 
highlight your education and experience in it. Refer the reader to your resume for more 
information. Here, summarize your experience and preparations. Also include the skills and 
knowledge you have for organizational work. 
In the last part, ask them to give you a chance to discuss your knowledge and skills one-on-one. In 
other words, ask to be invited to the interview! Also include your contact information, phone 
number and e-mail address. Make sure all information is correct. Complete the letter by 
summarizing how you can positively benefit the organization. 

A letter aimed at a specific target 
In recent years, some employers are preparing a targeted letter instead of a resume and cover letter. 
This is a brief summary of your skills that justify your suitability for the organization's needs. This 
letter includes a list of your most important skills and abilities. Your primary goal is to highlight 
your accomplishments and skills that will warrant an interview. 
online form filling process 
Most people use internet, mass media, mobile applications to run their careers. Online job 
applications and online interviews are now available. 
Online application 
Many organizations have the option of applying online. Additionally, you'll be able to review 
previous Q&As and talks about possible job placement. When sending your e-mail or online 
resume, consider the following: 
• Use a simple format. Stay away from italics, underlines, twists, and tabs. 
• Do not use files that are difficult to open. 
Resume samples are posted on various websites. They scan resumes for keywords to identify 
candidates with the right qualifications and skills. The words and phrases that indicate that you are 
a qualified professional vary by company and profession. For example, some companies focus on 
words like leader, team, and others on words like database, large format table. Online chat 
Most organizations conduct interview processes through video conferencing. Some of them ask 
for videos of the questions asked during the interview. Such "e-interviews" can include the 
following questions: "Do you work in a specific structure at work or do you adapt?" '' and '' How 
do you go about solving difficult problems? '' 
Online interviews can also be used to test a person's abilities in a job-related activity. For 
example, the applicant may be asked to respond as if they were acting as bank or retail officials. 
''We want to meet you face to face. ''This is your goal after submitting your resume or application. 
The interview is two-way, in which the interlocutor you find will get detailed information about 
you, and you will get detailed information about the company, job functions. 
Before the interview Before the interview, gather more information about the duties of the job you 
are applying for and what can be done in the development of the job. Prepare the questions you 
want to ask during the interview. They can be: 
What are the conditions for training workers? 
What are the qualities of highly successful professionals in your company? 
What new amenities does your company have planned for the next few years? 
In order to succeed in the interview, it is necessary to practice the interview more. Record 
and listen to your voice to see how fluent and calm your speech is. Think of meaningful, beautiful 
answers to the questions you might be asked. Ask a friend to test your conversation skills. Practice 
planning your thoughts in a rhythm. Speak fluently and without excitement. Most importantly, 
enter the conversation with enthusiasm. 

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