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- 6.6. Referāti (konferenču tēzes)
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A.Medvid’, A.Mychko, A.Krivich, P.Onufrijevs. „Formation of pores in Ge Single Crystal by laser radiation‖, Materials Science, Vol.10, N4, pp.197-200, Kaunas Technoloģija, 2004. 96.
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Д.Р.Зицане, З.Ф.Тетере, И.Т.Равиня, М.В.Петрова. Реакции N-оксисукцинимидных эфиров циклогексенмонокарбоновых кислот с некоторыми аминокислотами. Международная конференция «Перспективы развития химии алициклических соединений» 1-4 июня 2004, Самара, Россия, Тезисы докладов, 137. 5.
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11.M.Beķers, A.Daľiļevičs, P.Šipkovs, E.Gudriniece, V.Gulbis, G.Brēmers. Atjaunojamo resursu konversija un tās produktu izmantošana Latvijā. Starptautiska conference “EcoBalt’2005‖, 5.-6.maijā, Tēzes. Rīga: Intego Plus, 2005, 10. 12.Kurtenoka M., Jure M. Application of 2- and 3-aminopyridines for synthesis of condensed heterocycles. Proceedings of Scientific Conference: Organic Chemistry. Kauno
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23.L.Berzina, A.Skagers, L.Feldmane, J.Vetra, D.Sipcenoka, R.Cimdins. Calcium phosphate ceramics possible scaffold material in vivo and in vitro. Book of abstracts in 3
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28.A.Skagers, G.Salms, L.Berzina, R.Cimdins, L.Feldmane, I.Salma. HAp/TCP Bioceramic implants – long term expierence in dental and maxillofacial surgery. Abstracts of 7th World Biomaterials Congress, Sydney, Australia, 2004, P. 1860. 29.S.Gaidukovs, G.Valkovska, G.Meţinskis, R.Švinka. Investigation and modification of environmental friendly polymer water emulsion coating material. Proceedings of Intern.
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58.B.Berzina, L.Trinkler, R. T. Williams, D. L. Carroll, R.Czerw, R.Krutohvostov and A.Auzina. Ļuminescence of BN Nanotube/h-BN Powder Mixture, (oral report). (Book of Abstracts, p. 46) 2004. 59.L.Trinkler, B.Berzina, S.C.Shi, L.C.Chen, M.Benabdesselam, and P.Iacconi. UV Light Induced Luminescence Processes in AlN Nanotips and Ceramics, (poster). (Book of Abstracts, p. 68) 2004. 60.M.Benabdesselam, P.Iacconi, L.Trinkler, B.Berzina. Potential Application of Some Wide
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