Lekin: Ba’zan ushbu predloglar fe’lga maxsus ma’no kasb etadi, ya’ni asosiy fe’lning ma’nosini
o’zgartirib yuboradi va birikma fe’llar (iboralar) hosil qiladi: Sorry I'm late. The car broke down. Mashina
buzilib qoldi. Look out! (=watch out) There's a car coming. Ehtiyot bo’ling. Mashina kelayapti. Take off
– ko’tarilmoq: It was my first flight. I was very nervous as the plane took off. Samolyot ko’tarilganda
asabiylashdim. I was so tired this morning that I couldn't get up. Take off – yechmoq. I’m taking off my
coat. men pal’tomni yechayapman.
Get on – eplamoq, topshirmoq: How did you get on in your examination yesterday? Kechagi imtixonni
qanday topshirding.
2. Birikma fe’llar ot bilan ifodalagan to’ldiruvchilar bilan kelganda to’ldiruvchi birikmaning
o’rtasida ham undan keyin ham kelishi mumkin: I turned off the light = I turned the light off. Men
chiroqni o’chirdim. I put out the fire = I put the fire out. Men olovni o’chirdim.
Lekin: Tushum kelishigidagi olmosh (me, you, him, her, it, us, them) lar faqat birikma fe’llarning
o’rtasida keladi: Ann is sleeping. Don’t wake her up. Anna uxlayapti. Uni uyg’otmang. They gave me a
form and told me to fill it in. (fill in it bo’lmaydi). Ular menga shakl berishdi va uni to’ldirib berishimni
Throw away – tashlab yubormoq. I don’t need these letters. You can throw them away. Bu xatlar menga
kerak emas. Ularni tashlab yuborishingiz mumkin. Pay back – qaytarib bermoq. Here’s the money you
need. Don’t forget to pay me back. Mana sizga kerak bo’lgan pul. Qaytarib berishni unutmang. Look
forward to – intizorlik bilan kutmoq: I’m looking forward to meeting you. men siz bilan uchrashishni
intizorlik bilan kutyapman. Keep up with – yetishib yurmoq: You’re walking too fast. I can't keep up
with you. Siz juda tez yurayapsiz. Men yetishib yurolmayapman. Cut down on – qisqartirmoq: Jack has
cut down on smoking. He only smokes five cigarettes a day now. Jek chekishni kamaytirgan. U hozir bir
kunda faqatgina 5 ta sigareta chekadi. Speak up – baland gapirmoq, turn up – kelmoq, paydo bo’lmoq,
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