Sevinch Rustambekova Most common ielts topics. Vocabulary. Family, people and relationships
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FAMILY, PEOPLE, Relationship
Parts of the house Balcony -balkon Roof -tom Wall -devor Ceiling -shift(patalok) Fence -panjara(reshodka) Stairs -zina Types and names of buildings Airport - aeroport. Castle -qasr Church -cherkov Hospital- shifoxona. Prison/ Jail-qamoqxona Hotel - mehmonxona Hostel -umumiy yotoqxona Museum -muzey Cinema -kinoteatr Bookstore/Bookshop -kitob do'koni Shop - do'kon Mosque - machit Clinic/ Health Center - klinika Bridge -ko'prik Factory-zavod,fabrika Shopping mall -savdo markazi Post office- pochta Gas station -yoqilg'i quyish shahobchasi Railway station -temiryo'l bekati Skyscraper -osmono'par bino Stadium - stadion, sport maydon Florist's shop -gul do'koni Barbershop/Hairdresser's - sartaroshxona Tower -minora Tent -chodir Garage - garaj, mashina turargohi Temple -ibodatxona Kindergarten -bolalar bog'chas i Sculpture - haykal Bus stop-avtobus bekati Theatre-teatr Palace -saroy Bank - bank HEALTH(1) Health -sog'liq Healthy -sog'lom Healthily -sog'lom ravishda Fit - sog'lom, tetik, baqquvat Athletes have to be very fit Ageing -qarish It's possible to slow ageing process. Suffer -qiynalmoq, azoblanmoq He suffered when his wife left him. Refresh - tetiklashtirmoq She refreshed herself with cool shower. Sanitation -sanitariya, toza tutish Poor sanitation is bad for health. Respiratory system - nafas olish sistemasi (Raspiratory diseases) Immune system - imunitet tizimi Her immune system is strong. Look after = to take care of sb/smth - g'amxo'rlik qilmoq Remedy -davo, dori,chora Remedy for broken heart is sophisticated. Pass away = to die -vafot etmoq His mother passed away last year. Do aerobics/yoga -aerobika mashqini qilish,yoga qilish I do yoga. To be addicted to - mukkasidan ketmoq, o'rganib qolmoq A sedentary lifestyle -kam harakat, o'tirgan holdagi hayot tarzi Burn a lot of calories - ko'p kaloriya sarflamoq Meditation - meditatsiya, sokinlikda chuqur mulohaza qilmoq I often try meditation after a stressful day. Keep fit -sog'liq/qomatni saqlash He keeps fit by jogging every day. Mental health problem - aqliy/ruhiy sog'liq bilan muammo Chronic illness = chronic disease -surunkali, juda yomon kasallik Vaccines -vaksina Vaccines deliver antibodies that fight disease Obesity -semizlik Obesity can increase the risk of heart disease. HEALTH(2) Overweight - ortiqcha vazinli, semiz He used to be very overweight. Sports centre (fitness centre) - fitness/shug'ullanish markazi Maintain - bir holatda saqlamoq To warm up -qizib olmoq, shug'ullanib olmoq Do you warm up before exercising? Health problems - sog'liq bilan bog'liq muammolar In good health -sog'lom I hope you are in good health. In poor health -kasal, betob She is in poor health. Infection - infeksiya, kasallik yuqishi Infectious- yuqumli Allergy -allergiya She has an allergy to nuts. Allergic - allergiyasi bor Some children are allergic to nuts. Vulnerable -nimjon, nozik Old people are vulnerable to the flu. Surgery -operatsiya, jarrohlik Lily had surgery on her toe last week. A check-up -tibbiy ko'rik You should have regular dental check-ups. Cancer -saraton, rak He died from cancer last year. Have a runny nose - burni oqmoq You have got a runny nose today. To diagnose -tashxis qoymoq The illness was diagnosed as cancer. Have flu -grip bo'lmoq She has flu, so she didn't come to school. To stutter -duduqlanmoq 'W-w-what?!?' he stuttered. Painkillers - og'riq qoldiruvchi dorilar Body produces chemicals which are natural painkillers. Illness/disease -kasallik Many people suffer from this disease. Fever -isitma He has a high fever/ slight fever Headache - bosh og'rig'i I have got a terrible headache. Cough -yo'tal Many people get cough at this time of year. Sore throat -tomoq yallig'lanishi She had a sore throat. Sneeze -aksirmoq I have been sneezing all morning. Injury -jarohat, shikastlangan joy Bella suffered serious leg injuries in the accident. Part 3 questions: 1. Do you think people pay enough attention to their health today? 2. Do you think most people worry more about their health as they get older? 3. Do women pay more attention to their health than men? 4. How can people be encouraged to stay healthy? 5. What are the most popular ways of keeping healthy in your country? 6. Why do you think some people continue bad habits when they know that they are damaging to their health? TECHNOLOGY Computer buff - kompyuterga qiziquvchi, yaxshi tushunuvchi Desktop PC - faqat bir odam tomonidan ishlatilishga mo'ljallangan stolda ishlatiladigan shaxsiy kompyuter Gadget/applience/device - gadjet, asbob (telefon, noutbuk) Geek - texnologiyaga (kompyuterlarga) juda qiziquvchi odam Subscriber - obunachi To utilize - ishlatmoq Advances in technology -texnologiyadagi yaxshilanish,rivojlanishlar Digital era/ Computer age -hozirgi zamonaviy texnologiyalar asri Reliance [on] = dependence on - qaramlik Innovation - yangilik (yangi uslub, yangi fikr) To boot up -kompyuterni ishga solish, yoqish Surfing the Web/ To browse -Internetda biron saytdan boshqasiga o'tish, (titkilash), ma'lumot qidirish State-of-the-art, Cutting-edge, High-tech -eng yangi, eng yaxshisi Internet access - internetga ulanish Viral -ko'proq tarqatilgan, katta auditoriya tomindan tomosha qilingan kontentni tasvirlashda ishlatiladi Privacy - shaxsiylik Applications/Apps - ilovalar Obsolete/Outdated - eskirgan, zamon talabiga javobbermaydigan User-friendly -o'rganish, tushunish va ishlatishga qulay E-commerce - onlayn tijorat, Internetda sotish va sotib olish To be stuck behind a computer - Kompyuter ishlatib ko'p o'tirib qolish; me'yoridan ortiq ishlatish To go online - Internetni ishlatish/kirish Wi-Fi Hotspot -Internetga bepul ulanish mumkin bo'lgan jamoat joyi A techie - texnologiyaga yaxshi tushunuvchi odam Internet security - internetda xavfsizlik Not a rocket science - unchalik qiyin emas Labour-saving device - ishni osonlashtiradigan qurilma . TRAVEL,TOURISM AND HOLIDAYS Scenery manzara (chiroyli tabiat manzaralari: daryo,o’rmon…) The village had a great scenery:there were beautiful mountains, trees and flowers which all made Ann so impressed
WORK/ EMPLOYMENT(1) Chef /Cook -oshpaz Astronaut- fazogir Artist/Painter -rassom Police Officer -politsiya hodimi Firefighter -o't o'chiruvchi Veterinarian -veterinar Nurse- hamshira Pilot- uchuvchi Engineer- muhandis Accountant- hisobchi Scientist- olim Lawyer- advokat,yurist Judge- sudya Musician- musiqachi, sozanda Bus/taxi Driver-avtobus/taksihaydovchisi Photographer- suratkash Florist- gulchi Sales Assistant/Shop Assistant- sotuvchi Politician- siyosatchi Translator- tarjimon Postman- pochtachi Hairdresser/ Barber- sartarosh Pharmacist-dorixinachi Baker-novvoy Nanny- enaga Butcher- qassob Cashier- kassir Carpenter- duradgor, usta Electrician -montyor, elektrik Flight Attendant -styuardessa Gardener- bog'bon Receptionist -qabulxona xodimi, sekretar Merchant -savdogar Career [Noun] ish faoliyati, karyera taching career/change of career Overtime 1) [Adverb] ish vaqtidan ortiq They're working overtime. 2) [Noun] ortiqcha ishlagani uchun to'lov I can earn some overtime.. Deadline [Noun] ohirgi muddat He asked me to extend the deadline. Probation [Noun] sinov muddati (stajirovka) As a new employee, I will be on probation for three months Flexible working hours [Noun] moslashuvchan ish soatlari Most employees would prefer more flexible working hours. Download 204.29 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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