Sevinch Rustambekova Most common ielts topics. Vocabulary. Family, people and relationships

Part-time [Adjective] yarim stavkali I'm looking for a part time job

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FAMILY, PEOPLE, Relationship

Part-time [Adjective] yarim stavkali I'm looking for a part time job
Work experience [Noun] ish tajribasi He has no work experience.
Collaborate [Verb] birgalikda ishlamoq, hamkorlik qilmoq We've collaborated on many projects over the year.
Applicant [Noun] hujjat topshiruvchi Applicants were requested to submit their resumes
Productivity [Noun] samaradorlik, mahsuldorlik
Manual work [Noun] qo'lda qilinadigan ish Sewing is manual work.
Staff [Noun] xodimlar, ishchilar There's a good relationship between staff and pupils at school.
Day off [Noun] dam olish kuni You should take a day off
To earn a living [Verb] - ishab topmoq He used to earn a living as a musician, but now he is a photographer.
Overcome [Verb] yengib o'tmoq We need to overcome difficulties.
Work on [Verb] ustida ishlamoq You need to work on your pronunciation every day if you want to pass the exam.
Job satisfaction [Noun] ishdan qoniqqanlik, ma'mnunlik hisi Levels of job satisfaction have increased over the past few years.
Work environment [Noun] ish atmosferasi What would be your ideal working environment? Be occupied with [V] bilan band bo'lmoq He's occupied with driving
White-collar[Adj] ofisga oid White-collar workers work longer hours.
Cope with [Verb] uddalash, eplash It's hard to cope with 5 children.
Paperwork [Noun] qog'ozbozlik, hujjat ishlari
Retire [Verb] nafaqaga chiqish He'll retire from the army next year.
Client [Noun] mijoz The client asked us to begin this project.
Colleague [Noun] hamkasb My colleagues are so friendly and kind.
Well-paid [Adjective] yaxshi to'lanadigan He has got a well-paid job and can afford to live in a beautiful house.
Afford(to)[Verb] qurbi yetmoq I can't afford to go abroad this week.
An occupation [Noun] ish, kasb Her occupation is a teacher.
Profession [Noun] kasb (malaka talab etadi) Teaching English is his profession
Pay rise [Noun] oylik ko'tarilishi He is expecting to be given a pay-rise next month
Unemployed [Adjective] ishsiz She's been unemployed for over a year.
Workplace [Noun] ish joyi Smoking is not permitted in the workplace.
Salary [Noun] oylik, maosh I'm satisfied with my salary
Wage [Noun] xizmat haqqi(kunlik, haftalik) Small shops pay very low wages
A workaholic [Noun] ishlamasdan tura olmaydigan odam Annabel is a workaholic.


Law [Noun] qonun Tom didn't break any laws. Crime [Noun] jinoyat
Punish [Verb] jazolamoq Punishment [Noun] jazo
Consequently [Adverb] =as a result natijada
Legalize [Verb] qonuniylashtirmoq The government won't ever legalize the drugs trade.
Evidence [Noun] dalil There is reasonably evidence against him.
Confine / restrict/limit [Verb] cheklamoq
The crime rate [Noun] jinoyat miqdori, darajasi The crime rate is decreasing in Canada
Copyright [Noun] mualliflik huquqi
Offenders / lawbreaker/ criminal [Noun] qonunbuzar, jinoyatchi
Commit a crime[Verb]jinoyat qilmoq He committed a terrible crime.
Release[Verb]ozod qilmoq He was released from prison a year ago.
Break the law [Verb] qonnuni buzmoq
Homeless [Adjective] uysiz
Legal - qonuniy Illegal - noqonuniy Is abortion legal in your country?
Victim [Noun] jabrlanuvchi The children are innocent victims of war.
Guilty [Adjective] aybdor He was found guilty of the death of Ann.
A witness [Noun] guvoh According to witnesses, the robbery was carried out by two teenage boys.
A defendant [Noun] ayblanuvchi The defendant was sentenced to 3 years in prison.
A judge [Noun] sudya The judge sentenced him for a year in prison.
Verdict [Noun] yakuniy hukm Has the jury reached a verdict?
Capital punishment/ Death penalty [Noun] o'lim jazosi Most democracies have abolished capital punishment.
Abolish [Verb] bekor qilmoq This tax should be abolished.
Tax [Noun] soliq You must pay road tax if you have a car.
Sentence [Verb] hukm qilmoq He was sentenced to a year in prison.
To rehabilitate [Verb] axloqini yaxshilamoq Prison doesn't rehabilitate most criminals.
A fine [Noun] jarima(shtraf) I got a fine for parking illegally.
Murder [Verb] qotillik qilmoq He denied murdering his wife's friend.
Pickpocketing [Noun] cho'ntak, hamyon o'g'riligi Tourists are easy victims for pickpockets.
Petty crimes [Noun] mayda jinoyatlar
Arson [Noun] o't qo'yish, yoqib yuborish The school was destroyed in an arson attack.
Burglary [Noun] o'g'rililk(asosan uyga) They said there was a burglary, but nothing was missing.
Kidnapping [Noun] odam o'g'irlash He admitted the charge of kidnapping.
Drug trafficking [Noun] noqonuniy dori savdosi The key source of profit of organized criminal groups is drug trafficking.
Shoplifting [Noun]do'kon o'marish He was charged with shoplifting.
Blackmailing [Noun] shantaj qilish bilan qo'qitib pul so'ramoq


Skyrocketing [Adjective] shiddatli ko'tarilib borayotgan Skyrocketing hospital costs.
Low- rise [Adjective] kam qavatli, past bo'yli Low-rise residential buildings.
Narrow [Adjective] tor, ensiz The street is very narrow.
Apartment building [Noun] ko'p qavatli turar joy binos There's a nine-storey apartment building next to the bank.
Elegant [Adjective] didli, bashang, nafis Yellow lights made the room seem warm and elegant.
Cramped [Adjective] tiqilinch We can fit seven people in our tent, but it'll be very cramped.
Messy/ Scuffy [Adjective] betartib, alg'ov-dalg'ov, kir His bedroom was so messy.
Pavilion [Noun] o'yin/tadbir o'tkazish uchun maxsus joy. The pavilion on the hill looks down on the river.
Chores [Noun] mayda-chuyda ishlar, yumushlar Many husbands now help with the household chores like washing the dishes and cleaning the floor.
Upkeep [Verb] yaxshi holatda saqlash, avaylash The expenses of upkeeping the building are quite expensive.
Historical monument [Noun]tarixiy yodgorlik(haykal/obida) The historical monument is one most visited tourist attractions in Kuala Lumpur.
Construction site [Noun] qurilish maydonchasi Hard hats must be worn on the construction site.
Installation [Noun] o'rnatish After the installation of solar panels on the roof of his house, his electricity bills were reduced.
Majestic [Adjective] muhtasham, ulig'vor, azim The majestic mountains were all around us.
Tatty/Shabby [Adjective] yaroqsiz holga kelgan That house is tatty.
Dusty [Adjective] changli The trees were dusty and the rivers were dry.His first apartment was pretty shabby
High-rise [Adjective] baland va ko'p qavatli My parents live in a high-rise flat.
Skyscraper [Noun] osmono'par bino Skyscrapers are almost always found in big cities.


Sci-fi = science fiction [Noun] What is your favorite Sci-fi movie?
Trailer [Noun] oldindan beriladigan reklama sifatidagi videoklip The exciting trailer of the movie motivated him to watch the movie instead of studying for an exam.
Plot [Noun] The film's plot is predictable and the acting is mediocre.
Spectacular [Adjective] (Fascinating, amazing, fantastic, impressive or very exciting to look at) The view is spectacular and the atmosphere is absolutely unique.
Suitable for [Adjective] The movie is not suitable for children.
Venue [Noun] The coffee house is a great venue for dining and team building activities.
Gig [Noun] (a single performance by a musician, band or singer) Do you want to come with me to his gig?
Sitcom [Noun] We couldn’t stop laughing while watching a sitcom.
Cinemagoer = moviegoer [Noun] The film put America's moviegoers into a feeding frenzy. As a frequent cinemagoer, he is keeping abreast of the latest development of Hollywood movies.
Keep one’s eyes glued to screens [Expression] biror narsani diqqat bilan uzoq vaqt tomosha qilish When people keep their eyes glued to screens for several hours, waves from computers and wifi devices may cause headaches.
Frustrated [Adjective] They felt frustrated at the lack of progress.
(To) grasp [Verb] (to comprehend/understand something completely) He was able to grasp everything I taught in this lesson.
By leaps and bounds [Expression] (very quickly) His Japanese is improving by leaps and bounds.
Curious [Adjective] The neighbors are very curious about our business.
Enthralling [Adjective] I found his book absolutely enthralling!!
Broaden/ widen one’s knowledge [Verb] bilimini oshirmoq He is taking some courses to broaden his knowledge.
Reference book [Noun] ma'lum mqvzu bo'yicha ma'lumotnoma A dictionary is an excellent reference book.
Bedtime story [Noun] uhlash vaqtida farzandga aytib beriladigan hikoya/ertak My mother used to read me bedtime stories..
Blockbuster [Noun] muvaffaqiyatli asar/film That new movie is a blockbuster.
Action movie = Kung Fu film [Noun] jangari film Action movies and horror films are my favourite genres.
Animated film/cartoon [Noun] multfilm After dinner, he likes watching animated film.
Horror films [Noun] qo'qinchli film Do you enjoy watching horror films?
Release [Verb] chiqarmoq, ommaga taqdim etmoq When will the film be released?
Subtitle [Noun] film tagida chiqib turadigan matn The film is in Chinese with English subtitles.
Censorship [Noun] senzura, nomaqul qismlarini olib tashlash, nazorat qilish They applied censorship to all radio stations in the country.
Poetic [Adjective] she'riy, shoirona The lyrics to some of the Beatles' songs were often quite poetic.
Action-packed [Adjective] juda zavqli, ajoyib ishlarga to'la 'Taken' is one of the most action-packed movies I have ever watched!

Addictive [Adjective] Video games can be quite addictive for young kids.

Creepy [Adjective] The house looked OK from the outside but inside it was all dark and creepy.
Dreary [Adjective] (sad, boring or depressing) After the death of her grandmother, she was in a dreary mood for weeks.
Heartbreaking [Adjective] It was a heartbreaking story.
Inspirational [Adjective] Last week, I read a very inspirational book called The Power of Now.
Tear-jerking [Adjective] The film Annie is a tear-jerking story about an orphan.
E-reader [Noun] I want to read my books on my e-reader, not on my computer.
From cover to cover [Expression] (from the beginning to the end (a book or magazine) It's a book to be read from cover to cover.
Hardcover [Noun] Her friend gave her a hardcover book as a present for her birthday.
Page turner [Noun] The book is a page-turner and now I cannot take a break until I complete reading it.
Don't judge a book by its cover [Expression] I know I look serious in my picture, hope you don't judge a book by its cover.
To catch the latest movie [Verb] (to see a film that has just come out) I am going to grab a pizza and catch the latest movie with my friends at the theatre.
To flick through [Verb] (to look through a book quickly) She flicked through her diary, looking for the appointed date.
To know like a book [Verb] (to know someone or something extremely well). I know him like a book.

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