Shukur xolmirzayev hikoyalarida peyzajning poetik funksiyasi

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Research methods: The objectives and functions of the dissertation aning have determined the selection of research methodologies based on a functional approach and a set of biographical, typological, structural methods, as well as philosophical text analysis, but we also addressed the historical-genetic method and the method of fine poetry when necessary.
Amaliy ahamiyati: zamonaviy o‘zbek adabiyoti kursida olingan natijalarni oliy o‘quv yurtlarida, shuningdek, Shukur Xolmirzayevning badiiy adabiyotda tabiat mavzusi bo‘yicha maxsus kurslar va maxsus seminarlarda foydalanish mumkin. Dissertatsiya materiallaridan kurs va tezislarni tayyorlashda ham foydalanish mumkin. Shukur Xolmirzayevning badiiy matnlariga yondashish va talqin qilish, shaxsiyatdan qat’i nazar, umuman badiiy adabiyotdagi tabiiy jihatni tahlil qilishda qo‘llanma bo‘lib xizmat qilishi mumkin.
Magistrlik dissertatsiyasining ilmiy yangiligi. Ishning ilmiy yangiligi shundan iboratki, Shukur Xolmirzayev hikoyalarida birinchi marta peyzaj tasvirlarining ko‘p olchovli tahlili o‘tkazildi, peyzaj tasvirlarining shakllari va funksiyalari evolyutsiyasini kuzatishga harakat qilindi. Unda tabiat qiyofasi, muallifning olam va insonni poetik tushunish xususiyatlari tizimli tahlil qilinadi. Dissertatsiya muallifi tabiatning ko‘p qirrali tasvirlari va rasmlarini tahlil qilishdan, peyzajning vazifalari va uni tasvirlash uslubini aniqlash natijasida Shukur Xolmirzayevning tabiat haqidagi tushunchasi qan
Practical: The results obtained in the course of modern Uzbek literature can be used in higher education institutions, as well as in special courses and special seminars on the subject of nature in the literature of Shukr Kholmirzayev. Dissertation materials can also be used to prepare courses and essays. Approaching and interpreting the artistic texts of Shukr Kholmirzayev can serve as a manual for analyzing the natural aspects of literature in general, regardless of personality.
Scientific novelty of the master's thesis. The scientific innovation of the work is that for the first time in the stories of Shukr Kholmirzayev,a multi-dimensional analysis of landscape images was conducted, trying to observe the evolution of landscape images' shapes and functions. It provides a systematic analysis of the appearance of nature, the author's characteristics of poetic understanding of the universe and man. The author of the dissertation emphasizes what Shukr Kholmirzayev's understanding of nature was as a result of analyzing multilateral images and images of nature, determining the functions of the landscape and the style of its description. As we complete the review, we can conclude that today there is no serious work that systematically and consistently studies the manifestation of the landscape in the eyes of Shukr Kholmirzayev. And the novelty of our work is that It is the first attempt by Shukr Kholmirzayev to study, penetrate, systematicize and integrate the landscape world

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