Student -talaba

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  1. student -talaba

  2. blue -moviy

  3. tulip -lola

  4. mute -soqov

  5. tube -tubik,metro

  6. cube -kub

  7. six -olti

  8. sit -o’tirmoq

  9. big -katta

  10. lip -lab

  11. ill—kasal

  12. in -ichida

  13. it – u (sredniy rod)

  14. pin -tugma

  15. kill -o’ldirmoq

  16. milk -sut, sog’moq

  17. silk -ipak

  18. still -hanuz ,sokin

  19. thin –ingichka,ozg’in

  20. thick –yo’g’on,qalin

  21. this -bu

  22. pick - termoq, tanlamoq

  23. pen -ruchka

  24. ten -o’n

  25. red -qizil

  26. bed -krovat, agat

  27. leg -oyoq

  28. left -chap

  29. desk -parta

  30. dress -ko’ylak, kiy(intir)moq

  31. pencil -qalam

  32. net -to’r, sof

  33. set -to’plam,o’rnatmoq

  34. hen -tovuq

  35. tell -aytmoq,aytib bermoq

  36. text -matn

  37. what -nima

  38. bag -sumka

  39. man –erkak kishi

  40. map -harita

  41. flag –bayroq

  42. lamp -lampa, chiroq

  43. bad -yomon

  44. hat –shapka,shylapa

  45. hand –qo’l

  46. stand –(tik) turmoq

  47. that -ana u

  48. apple -olma

  49. fat –yog’,semiz

  50. rat -kalamush

  51. flat -kvartira,tekis

  52. plan –reja,rejalashtirmoq

  53. tram -tramvay

  54. cap -kepka, qopqoq

  55. cat -mushuk

  56. back -orqa, bel

  57. black -qora

  58. and –va

  59. cock -xo’roz

  60. dog –it

  61. not –emas

  62. box -quti

  63. on -ustida

  64. stop -to’xta(t)moq

  65. clock -soat

  66. hot -issiq

  67. fox –tulki

  68. sock -paypoq

  69. bottle -shisha

  70. kind –mehribon,muloyim,tur

  71. what kind of -qanday

  72. book -kitob, zakaz qilmoq

  73. look -qaramoq, nigoh, qarash

  74. good -yaxshi

  75. foot – oyoq, fut(30cm)

  76. too - o’ta,juda, ham

  77. boot -sapog, botinok, bagaj

  78. room – hona, joy

  79. spoon –qoshiq

  80. cook –oshpaz,pishirmoq

  81. food -ovqat

  82. soon –tez orada

  83. cool -sovuq, sovitmoq

  84. fool –ahmoq,ahmoq qilmoq

  85. bus -avtobus

  86. plus -plyus

  87. cup –chashka

  88. up –tepaga…

  89. cut -kesmoq

  90. rub –artmoq,ishqalamoq

  91. hut –kulba

  92. hunt –ov,ovlamoq

  93. sun –quyosh

  94. colour –rang, rang bermoq

  95. car -mashina

  96. park -bog’, parkovka qilmoq

  97. yard –xovli

  98. dark –qora,qorong’u

  99. scarf -sharf

  100. arm –qo’l,qurol,qurollanmoq

  101. art -san’at

  102. harm -zarar,zarar yetkazmoq

  103. mark –baho,belgi,baholamoq,belgilamoq

  104. farm –ferma

  105. fork -vilka

  106. or –yoki

  107. form –sinf,forma,shakl,tuzmoq

  108. norm -meyor

  109. horn –shox,signal

  110. sort –nav, navlarga ajratmoq

  111. girl –qiz bola

  112. first - birinchi

  113. third - uchinchi

  114. skirt - yubka

  115. her – uni,uning…

  116. turn – burilish,burilmoq, navbat

  117. bird – qush

  118. fur – mo’yna

  119. term – atama,semester,shart

  120. exercise – mashq,mashq qilmoq

  121. exercise-book - daftar

  122. note-book - daftar

  123. bench – skameyka

  124. kitchen –oshxona

  125. chair –stul, rais, raislik qilmoq

  126. shelf –tokcha

  127. shirt –ko’ylak

  128. shut –yopiq,yopmoq

  129. short –qisqa,kalta

  130. chin –jag’

  131. chess –shaxmat

  132. chick –jo’ja

  133. chart –jadval

  134. chest –ko’krak qafasi,sandiq

  135. lunch –lanch

  136. shake –silkitmoq,qaltiramoq

  137. sheet –choyshab,list

  138. ship – kema

  139. sheep – qo’y

  140. fish –baliq

  141. rush –shoshilmoq, tig’iz

  142. where –qayer…

  143. under –tagida

  144. open –ochiq,ochmoq

  145. minus –minus

  146. sofa –divan

  147. doctor –doktor

  148. absent –yo’q bo’lmoq (to be absent from…)

  149. sister –opa,singil

  150. letter –xat,xarf

  151. little – kichik,oz

  152. dinner – tushlik

  153. supper –kechki ovqat

  154. lesson – dars

  155. garden –bog’

  156. corner –burchak

  157. farmer – fermer

  158. duster -lata

  159. over – ustidan

  160. summer – yoz

  161. pepper – murch

  162. former – sobiq

  163. member -a’zo

  164. winter –qish

  165. paper –qog’oz, gazeta

  166. butter –yog’

  167. autumn – kuz

  168. house –uy

  169. count – sanamoq

  170. round –yumaloq, atrofida

  171. blouse –kofta

  172. town –shaxarcha

  173. down- past…

  174. brown – jigarrang

  175. flower – gul

  176. sound –ovoz, tovush eshitilmoq

  177. pound – funt (0,453kg),angliya pul birligi

  178. ground – yer, tuproq ,qo’nmoq

  179. power – kuch,tok

  180. boy – o’g’il bola

  181. point – nuqta,ishora qilmoq

  182. toy – o’yinchoq

  183. coin – tanga

  184. oil -neft, yog’

  185. noise – shovqin, ovoz

  186. old –eski,qari

  187. do – bajarmoq

  188. to – ga

  189. who –kim

  190. whom – kimni

  191. woman – ayol

  192. young –yosh

  193. window – deraza

  194. yellow – sariq

  195. show – ko’rsatmoq,tomosha

  196. follow –amal qilmoq,ta’kib qilmoq

  197. pillow – bolish

  198. shallow – sayoz

  199. narrow – tor

  200. hold –ushlab turmoq, o’tkazmoq

  201. work – ish, ishlamoq

  202. worker – ishchi

  203. how –qanday

  204. now –xozir

  205. school – maktab, gala (baliq)

  206. picture –rasm, tasavvur qilmoq, tasvirlamoq

  207. put –qo’ymoq,joylashtirmoq

  208. teacher –o’qituvchi

  209. teach –o’qitmoq,o’rgatmoq

  210. read –o’qimoq

  211. clean –toza, tozalamoq

  212. please – iltimos

  213. speak – gapirmoq

  214. sea – dengiz

  215. leaf –barg

  216. beach – plyaj

  217. lead – yetaklamoq olib bormoq

  218. seat – o’rindiq

  219. leave – tark etmoq

  220. tea – choy

  221. which –qaysi

  222. whose – kimning

  223. week – xafta

  224. well –quduq, yaxshi

  225. win –g’alaba qilmmoq, yutmoq

  226. grow – o’s(tir)moq

  227. snow – qor

  228. slow – sekin

  229. blow – esmoq, puflamoq

  230. ball –koptok

  231. all –barcha, hamma

  232. tall –baland

  233. small –kichik

  234. wall –devor

  235. call –tel qilmoq,chaqirmoq

  236. hall – zal, koridor

  237. fall –yiqilmoq,kuz

  238. stall – peshtaxta

  239. watch – soat,kuzatmoq,ko’rmoq

  240. wash – yuvmoq

  241. wardrobe – kiyim shkafi

  242. water – suv,sug’ormoq

  243. wasp – ari

  244. war –urush

  245. warn –ogohlantirmoq

  246. warm –iliq, isitmmoq

  247. floor –pol,qavat

  248. sweet – shirin

  249. eight –sakkiz

  250. they –ular

  251. grey –kul rang

  252. play - o’yin, o’ynamoq, pyessa

  253. say – aytmoq

  254. right –o’ng,to’g’ri,xaq-xuquq

  255. friend – do’st

  256. two –ikki

  257. rain – yomg’ir

  258. day –kun

  259. pay – to’lov, to’lamoq

  260. child –yosh bola

  261. four –to’rt

  262. hair –soch

  263. fair –malla,yarmarka,adolatli

  264. head – bosh

  265. field –dala,soxa

  266. factory –fabrika

  267. one –bir

  268. ear –quloq,boshoq

  269. eye – ko’z

  270. seven –yetti

  271. eleven –o’n bir

  272. twelve – o’n ikki

  273. thirteen –o’n uch

  274. fourteen – o’n to’rt

  275. fifteen – o’n besh

  276. sixteen –o’n olti

  277. seventeen – o’n yeti

  278. eighteen – o’n sakkiz

  279. nineteen –o’n to’qqiz

  280. twenty –yigirma

  281. thirty –o’ttiz

  282. forty – qirq

  283. fifty –ellik

  284. sixty – oltmish

  285. seventy –yetmish

  286. eighty –sakson

  287. ninety – to’qson

  288. hundred –yuz

  289. suit – kostyum, mos kelmoq

  290. glass – stakan, shisha

  291. sideboard - servant

  292. coat -palto

  293. telephone –telefon, qo’ng’iroq qilmoq

  294. armchair - kreslo

  295. here – shu yer

  296. there – u yer

  297. shoe – tufli , taqa, taqalamoq

  298. new – yangi

  299. news – yangiliklar

  300. newspaper - gazeta

  301. square - kvadrat, maydon

  302. many – ko’p

  303. much - ko’p

  304. very - juda

  305. key – kalit

  306. king - qirol

  307. queen - qirolicha

  308. kingdom - qirollik

  309. city – shaxar

  310. lane – tor ko’cha, yo’lak

  311. basket –savat

  312. some –ba’zi, bir oz, bir necha

  313. night – tun

  314. heart – yurak

  315. draw – chizmoq, sudramoq, tortmoq

  316. write - yozmoq

  317. come - kelmoq

  318. I -men

  319. you – sen, siz

  320. your –sening, sizning

  321. his – uning

  322. their – ularmig

  323. our – bizning

  324. its – uning

  325. happy – quvnoq, xursand

  326. birthday – tug’ilgan kun

  327. dear - aziz, qadrli, qimmat

  328. bright – yorqin, yorug’, porloq

  329. until - gacha

  330. till - gacha

  331. birth – tug’ilish

  332. today – bugun

  333. sunday – yakshanba

  334. monday - dushanba

  335. tuesday – seshanba

  336. wednesday - shorshanba

  337. thursday -payshanba

  338. friday- juma

  339. saturday- shanba

  340. second –soniya, ikkinchi

  341. january – yanvar

  342. february- febral

  343. march- mart

  344. april – aprel

  345. may – may

  346. june – iyun

  347. july - iyul

  348. agust -avgust

  349. september- sentabr

  350. october - oktabr

  351. november -noyabr

  352. december- dekabr

  353. have – ega bo’lmoq

  354. family – oila

  355. son – o’g’il

  356. daughter - qiz

  357. brother –aka, uka

  358. mother – ona

  359. father – ota

  360. parents – ota-ona

  361. aunt –amma,hola

  362. uncle –tog’a, amaki

  363. grandfather -buva

  364. grandmother – buvi

  365. village -qishloq

  366. stocking -chulki

  367. morning –tong

  368. evening – oqshom

  369. thank – rahmat aytmoq, minnatdor bo’lmoq

  370. long – uzun

  371. ink - siyox

  372. link – rishta, ulamoq

  373. think – o’ylamoq

  374. wink – ko’z qismoq

  375. wing – qanot

  376. bring – olib kelmoq

  377. song – ashula, qo’shiq

  378. sing -kuylamoq

  379. ring –uzuk, jiringlamoq

  380. spring –prujina, buloq, sakrash, sakramoq,baxor

  381. give -bermoq

  382. living-room - mexmonxona

  383. dining-room -oshxona

  384. bedroom – yotoqxona

  385. bathroom - vannaxona

  386. above - ustida

  387. near – yaqin, yonida, yaqinlashmoq

  388. in front of – oldida

  389. opposite - qarshisida

  390. in the middle of – o’rtasida

  391. behind - orqasida

  392. between - orasida

  393. wrong –xato, noto’g’ri

  394. put smth on – kiyib olmoq

  395. take smth off – yechmoq (kiyimni)

  396. kitchen-garden - tomorqa

  397. mouse - sichqon

  398. poor –bechora, kambag’al

  399. eat - yemoq

  400. address –manzil, murojaat qilmoq

  401. Number – raqam,son

  402. Month - oy

  403. Moon – oy

  404. Year –yil

  405. Last –o’tgan, davom etmoq

  406. Next –keyimg, kelasi

  407. Each – xar

  408. Alone – yolg’iz

  409. Rest – dam,dam olmoq

  410. Except – dan tashqari

  411. Leap –sakrash, sakramoq

  412. Leap-year –kabisa yili

  413. Way – yo’l, usul, yo’sin

  414. Bread - non

  415. Usually - odatda

  416. Often – tez-tez

  417. Sometimes – ba’zan

  418. Always – doimo

  419. Never – xech qachon

  420. Every – xar

  421. Breakfast – nonushta

  422. Piece – bo’lak, parcha, qism

  423. Peace - tinchlik

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