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- Bakalavr, 30.06.2020 / Bachelor, 30.06.2020
- SULTANOVA MALIKA UMARBEKOVNA / SULTANOVA MALIKA T/p Fan (modul)ning nomi / Name of the course (module) Soatlarning
- JAMI / TOTAL 7344 4990.00 / 67.95 Kurs ishlari / Coursework
- Malakaviy amaliyot / Qualification practice
- Bitiruv malakaviy ishi (magistrlik dissertatsiyasi) / Graduation qualification work (masters) dissertation
- B 00015388 UMAROV ALISHER YUSUBJANOVICH 403 30.06.2020
B 00015388 Chilanzar district, Bunyodkor street 27 Chilonzor tumani Bunyodkor ko`chasi 27 uy +998 71 276 8086 SULTANOVA / SULTANOVA MALIKA UMARBEKOVNA / MALIKA 15.08.1996 41508966560044 2012 - 2015, Toshkent moliya va iqtisodiyot kolleji, K 254759 / 2012 - 2015, Tashkent College of Finance and Economics, K 254759
15.06.2020 5110100 - Matematika o‘qitish metodikasi / 5110100 - Methodology of teaching mathematics Matematika fani o'qituvchisi / Teacher of Mathematics Nizomiy nomidagi Toshkent davlat pedagogika universiteti / Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizami Rus/Russian Bakalavr / Bachelor 4 Yil / 4 Year O‘rta (to‘liq) umumiy ta’lim yoki o‘rta maxsus, kasb-hunar ta’limi to‘g‘risidagi davlat tomonidan tasdiqlangan namunadagi diplom va kirish sinovlaridan muvaffaqiyatli o‘tish / Successful completion of state-approved diplomas and entrance examinations for secondary (complete) general education or secondary special, vocational education Kunduzgi / Full time education 5110100-Matematika o’qitish metodikasi bakalavriat ta’lim yo’nalishi – umumiy o’rta ta’lim maktablari, o’rta maxsus, kasb-hunar ta’limi muassasalari uchun bakalavriat ta’lim yo’nalishi bo’yicha pedagogik kadrlar tayyorlash jarayonida foydalaniladigan fanlar, pedagogik faoliyat vositalari, usullari, metodlari; ilmiy-tadqiqot institutlarida ilmiy-pedagogik tadqiqot ishlari bilan shug’ullanish; ommaviy axborot vositalari, davlat boshqaruvi organlari, boshqa davlat va nodavlat muassasalarida kasbiy faoliyat yuritish kabi kompleks masalalar majmuasini qamrab oladi. Yuqorida keltirilgan kasbiy faoliyat sohalarining ta’lim jarayoni; o’qitishning pedagogik texnologiyalari va metodlari; nazariy masalalari; o’qitish metodikasi; pedagogik texnologiyalar asosida o’quv mashg’ulotlarini loyihalashtirish va tashkil etish, o’quv jarayonini boshqarish, shaxsiy va kasbiy axborot maydonini shakllantirish, maktabdan tashqari ta’lim muassasalarida pedagogik jarayonni tashkil etish; mos ixtisoslik bo’yicha ilmiy-tadqiqot, ma’naviy-ma’rifiy targ’ibot ishlari jarayonlari ob’ektlarida umumiy o’rta ta’lim, o’rta maxsus, kasb-hunar ta’lim muassasalarida matematika fanlaridan o’rnatilgan tartibda dars berish; umumiy o’rta ta’lim maktablari, akademik litseylar va kasb-hunar kollejlari, maktabdan tashqari muassasalarida; ta’lim tizimida kabinet mudiri, laborant va unga tenglashtirilgan lavozimlarda; mos ta’lim yo’nalishlar bo’yicha ta’limni amalga oshiruvchi vazirliklar, uning tarmoq boshqarmalari va muassasalarida metodist bo’lib; aniq va tabiiy fanlar yo’nalishidagi ilmiy-tadqiqot tashkilotlarida kichik ilmiy xodim bo’lib; mahalliy o’z-o’zini boshqarish organlari hamda joylardagi ma’naviyat va ma’rifat markazlarida ishlash; ishlab chiqarish sohalarida, kasbiy ta’lim pedagogikasi va texnologiyasi, o’qitishning didaktik vositalarini ishlab chiqish va amaliyotga joriy etishda faol qatnashish kabi kasbiy faoliyati turlari bilan shug’ullanadi. / 5110100-Methods of teaching mathematics undergraduate education - subjects, tools, methods, techniques of pedagogical activity used in the training of teachers in the field of undergraduate education for general secondary schools, secondary special, vocational education institutions; engaging in scientific and pedagogical research in research institutes; covers a range of complex issues such as the media, public administration, professional activities in other public and non-governmental institutions. Theoretical issues of education in the above areas of professional activity; teaching methods; design and organization of educational activities on the basis of pedagogical technologies, management of the educational process, formation of personal and professional information space, organization of pedagogical process in out-of-school educational institutions; teaching mathematics in general secondary education, secondary special, vocational education institutions in the established order in the objects of research, spiritual and enlightenment propaganda processes in the relevant specialty; in general secondary schools, academic lyceums and vocational colleges, out-of-school institutions; in the education system in the positions of head of the cabinet, laboratory assistant and equivalent; as a methodologist in the ministries, its sectoral departments and institutions, providing education in relevant areas; as a junior researcher in research organizations in the field of exact and natural sciences; work in local self-government bodies and local centers of spirituality and enlightenment; in the field of production, pedagogy and technology of vocational education, active participation in the development and implementation of didactic tools of teaching.
SULTANOVA MALIKA UMARBEKOVNA / SULTANOVA MALIKA T/p Fan (modul)ning nomi / Name of the course (module) Soatlarning umumiy miqdori / Total hours in the curriculum Baholash/Grade (ball, reyting, baho, kredit / score, rating, mark, credit) 1 O’zbekiston tarixi / History of Uzbekistan 116 101.00 / 87 2 Huquqshunoslik. O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Konstitutsiyasi / Jurisprudence. Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan 116
82.00 / 71 3 Falsafa / Philosophy 148 102.00 / 69 4 Ma'naviyat asoslari. Dinshunoslik / Foundations of spirituality. Religious studies 92 69.00 / 75 5 Madaniyatshunoslik / Cultural studies 56 41.00 / 73 6 Iqtisodiyot nazariyasi / Economic Theory 116 84.00 / 72 7 Sotsiologiya / Sociology 56 36.00 / 64 8 Milliy g‘oya: asosiy tushuncha va tamoyillar / National Ideology: Fundamental concepts and Principles 60 49.00 / 82 9 Fuqarolik jamiyati. O‘zbekistonda demokratik jamiyat qurish nazariyasi va amaliyoti / Civil Society. Theory and Practice of Democratic Society Formation in Uzbekistan 112
79.00 / 71 10 Rus (o‘zbek) tili / Russian (Uzbek) language 116 101.00 / 87 11 Chet tili / Foreign language 360 269.00 / 75 12 Jismoniy madaniyat va sport / Physical Training and Sport 236 184.00 / 78 13 Informatika va axborot texnologiyalari / Informatics and Information technology 270 170.00 / 63 14 Fizika va astronomiya asoslari / Fundamentals of Physics and Astronomy 324 205.00 / 63 15 Yosh fiziologiyasi va gigiyena / Age-related physiology and hygiene 64 45.00 / 70 16 Ekologiya va tabiatni muhofaza qilish / Ecology and environmental conservation 74 64.00 / 86 17 Ilmiy hisoblashlar / Scientific computing 88 52.00 / 59 18 Umumiy psixologiya / General Psychology 274 192.00 / 70 19 Umumiy pedagogika / General Pedagogy 308 214.00 / 69 20 Matematik analiz / Mathematical analysis 988 577.00 / 58 21 Algebra va sonlar nazariyasi / Algebra and number theory 888 564.00 / 64 22 Geometriya / Geometry 852 558.00 / 65 23 Ehtimollar nazariyasi va matematik statistika / Probability theory and mathematical statistics 96 65.00 / 68 24 Matematikadan misol va masalalar yechish metodikasi / Method of solving examples and tasks in mathematics 248
156.00 / 63 25 Matematikani o‘qitish texnologiyalari va loyihalash / Technologies of teaching mathematics and projection 144
101.00 / 70 26 Matematika o‘qitish metodikasi / Methodology of teaching mathematics 390 254.00 / 65 27 Matematika fanini kasbga yo‘naltirib o‘qitish / Professionally-oriented math education 96 74.00 / 77 28 Mutaxassislikka kirish / Introduction to Specialty 130 95.00 / 73 29 Qiziqarli matematika va olimpiada masalalari / Entertaining mathematics and olympiad tasks 70 53.00 / 76 30 Xalqaro baholash dasturlari / Programs of international assessment 60 55.00 / 92 31 Amaliy ingliz tili / Practical English language 74 44.00 / 59 32 Hayot faoliyati xavfsizligi / Health and Life Safety 136 109.00 / 80 33 Elementar matematikaning tanlangan boblari / Selected Chapters of Elementary Mathematics 82 58.00 / 71 34 Matematikaning tatbiqiy masalalari / Applied tasks of mathematics 54 39.00 / 72 35 Matematik analizning elementar matematikaga tatbiqlari / Application of mathematical analysis in elementary mathematics 50 49.00 / 98 JAMI / TOTAL 7344 4990.00 / 67.95 Kurs ishlari / Coursework 1 Fanlararo (umumkasbiy va ixtisoslik) / Interdisciplinary (general-professional and specialized) 100
86 2 Matematika o‘qitish metodikasi / Methodology of teaching mathematics 100 72 3 Matematikani o‘qitish texnologiyalari va loyihalash / Technologies and design of teaching mathematics 100 68
1 Malakaviy pedagogik amaliyot / Pedagogical qualification practice 100 80 / 80
Yakuniy davlat attestatsiyalari / Final state attestation 1 Chet tili / Foreign language 100 78 / 78
2 Fanlararo (umumkasbiy va ixtisoslik) / Interdisciplinary (professional and specialized) 100 100 / 100 Bitiruv malakaviy ishi (magistrlik dissertatsiyasi) / Graduation qualification work (master's) dissertation Quyidagi baholash (reyting) tizimi qo‘llaniladi: "a’lo"(86-100 b.), "yaxshi"(71-85 b.), "qoniqarli"(55-70 b.), "qoniqarsiz"(55 baldan kam) .) O‘quv rejadagi fanlarning 75% "a’lo", qolganlaridan "yaxshi", yakuniy davlat attestatsiyadan "a’lo" baho olganlarga "imtiyozli" diplom beriladi. / The following grading system is used: “excellent”( 86-100 s.) , “good” (71-85 s.) ,"satisfactory"(55-70 s.) ,"unsatisfactory or fail" (less than 55 s). Degree with Honours is awarded to those having completed the programme with no less than 75 percent / Berilgan mutaxassislik magistraturada o‘qishni davom ettirish imkoniyatini beradi / The qualification conferred gives the right to continue education in Master's programme Berilgan mutaxassislik ta’lim darajasi va malakaga muvofiq kasbiy faoliyat yuritish(ishga joylashish) huquqini beradi. / The qualification conferred gives the right to be employed in positions according to the level of education and qualification 2014-yil 25 iyundagi OT №000082 seriyali Toshkent davlat pedagogika universitetining akkerditatsiyasi haqidagi guvohnoma / Certificate of accreditation of Tashkent State Pedagogical University, series OT №000082, June 25, 2014 B 00015388 UMAROV ALISHER YUSUBJANOVICH 403 30.06.2020 Download 43,25 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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