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- Piezoelectric mechanism for the orientation of stripe structures in two-dimensional electron systems
r e ϩ
c A ͑r e ͒ ͬ ϩ ͫ Ϫiប ץ ץ
h Ϫ
c A ͑r h ͒ ͬ Ϫ e c ͓Bϫ͑r e Ϫr h ͔͒,
͑7͒ is conserved in a uniform magnetic field. The existence of this integral of the motion allows one to reduce the number of independent variables of the problem by expressing the kinematic momentum ⌸
of the hole in terms of the total momentum
P and the relative coordinates X e Ϫx h and Y e Ϫy h . With the aid of ͑7͒ and ͑4͒ we obtain ⌸
h ϭP
ϩ ប
0 2 ͑Y e Ϫy h ͒, ͑8͒ ⌸ y h ϭP
Ϫ ប
0 2 ͑X e Ϫx h ͒. ͑9͒ Substituting expressions ͑6͒, ͑8͒, and ͑9͒ into Eq. ͑1͒, we find the desired representation for the Hamiltonian of the electron–hole pair: H ex
͑P x ϩបy/l 0 2
2 2m ϩ ͑P
Ϫបx/l 0 2 ͒ 2 2m Ϫ e 2 2 ͵
͑Ϫ͉k͉d͒ ͉k͉ exp ͩ
͉k͉ 2
0 2
ͪ ϫexp͑ik x x ϩik y y ͒. ͑10͒ We note that P
and P
in ͑10͒ are components of the total momentum of the exciton, which is a conserved quantity. They commute with each other and with H ex and, hence, can be treated as c-numbers. The dynamical variables of the problem are the relative coordinates of the pair: x ϵX
Ϫx h and y ϵY
Ϫy h . They satisfy the simple commutation rela- tions ͓x,y͔ϭϪil 0 2 . Expression ͑10͒ is the starting point for studying the main characteristics of the ME. Let us first set P
ϭ0 and find the spectrum of the exciton at rest. For this we introduce a second pair of cre- ation and annihilation operators b ϩ and b as follows: x ϵ
0 ͱ
͑bϩb ϩ ͒; yϭ il 0 ͱ 2 ͑bϪb ϩ ͒; ͓b,b ϩ ͔ϭ1.
For Pϭ0 the Hamiltonian ͑10͒ is expressed solely in terms of b ϩ and b: H 0 ϭប e h ͩ
ϩ 1 2 ͪ Ϫ e 2 2 ͵
͑Ϫ͉k͉d͒ ͉k͉ ϫexp ͩ
͉k͉ 2
0 2
ͪ exp
ͩ i l 0 ͱ 2 k ¯ b ϩ ͪ exp ͩ
l 0 ͱ 2 kb ͪ . ͑11͒ In view of the isotropicity of the Coulomb potential, the second term in ͑11͒ is diagonal in b ϩ
ϵNˆ. It can be written in the form of a series,
0 ͚ m ϭ0 ϱ f m ͩ
l 0 ͪ ͑Ϫ1͒ m 2
͑m!͒ 2 ͑b ϩ ͒
b m , ͑12͒ where f m ͩ
l 0 ͪ ϭ ͵ 0 ϱ x 2m exp ͩ
x 2 2 Ϫ d l 0
Using the relation (b ϩ )
b m ϭNˆ(NˆϪ1) . . . (NˆϪmϩ1) and doing the summation over m in ͑12͒, we obtain an exact expression for the spectrum of excited states of the ME in a compact form: E N ϭប e h ͩ
ϩ 1
ͪ Ϫ
0 ͵ 0 ϱ exp ͩ Ϫ
l 0
2 2 ͪ L N ͩ
2 2
dx, ͑13͒
where L N (x) ϭ͚
( Ϫ1)
m (y m /m!)C N m ϪN is the Laguerre polynomial. For d ϭ0 the integral in ͑13͒ can be evaluated analyti- cally and the spectrum of the ME written explicitly: E N ϭប e h ͩ
ϩ 1
ͪ Ϫ
2 ͱ
0 ⌫͑Nϩ1/2͒ ⌫͑Nϩ1͒ . ͑14͒ 578 Low Temp. Phys. 26 (8), August 2000 E. D. Vol and S. I. Shevchenko
If d 0, then the integral in ͑13͒ cannot be evaluated explicitly. Nevertheless, it can be shown that the spectrum is not qualitatively altered. If we introduce the notation
͑ ␥ ͒ϵ ͵ 0 ϱ exp
ͩ Ϫ ␥ x Ϫ
2 2
L N ͩ
2 2
dx, then the following two statements hold for V N ( ␥ ): a ͒
N ( ␥ ) Ͼ0, and b͒ V N ( ␥ ) ϾV N ϩ1 ( ␥ ). It follows that for all d the energy of the ME increases monotonically with increas- ing N. Knowing E N , we can easily evaluate the function E( P) for small P and determine the effective effective mass m * of the exciton. For P 0 we can write H ex in the form H ex ͑P͒ϭH 0 ϩ P 2 2m h ϩV͑P͒, ͑15͒ where V( P)ϭiប(bPϪb ϩ P ¯ )/( ͱ 2l 0 m h ), PϭP x ϩiP y , and
H 0 is given by expression ͑11͒. Evaluating the correction to the energy E 0 at small
P to the second order of perturbation theory in V( P), we find ⌬E͑P͒ϵ P 2
* ϭ P 2 2m h ϩ ͉ ͗ 0 ͉V͉1 ͘ ͉ 2 E 0 ϪE 1 ϭ P 2 2m h Ϫ ប 2 P 2 / ͑2m h 2
0 2
E 1 ϪE 0 , ͑16͒ from which we obtain the desired expression for m * : m * ϭ m h 1 Ϫ͑ប h ͒/͑E 1 ϪE 0 ͒ ϭ
m h ϩm B , ͑17͒ where m B ϭm h 2l 0 ប
h e 2
1 ͑d/l͒ . ͑18͒
In the deriving ͑17͒ we used formula ͑13͒ for E N at
ϭ0 and Nϭ1. We recall that
1 ͩ d l 0 ͪ ϭ ͵ 0 ϱ x 2 exp ͩ Ϫ
2 2
exp ͩ Ϫ d l 0
Expression ͑17͒ for the effective mass differs consider- ably from the analogous expression in the standard theory. 7 In the standard theory it turns out that m * ϭm B , which in- creases monotonically with increasing magnetic field and, as we see from ͑18͒, is independent of the mass of the holes. The discrepancy is explained by the fact that the assumption a B h /l 0 ӷ1 in the standard theory implies that m B /m h ӷ1. In
the present study there is no such assumption, and therefore result
͑17͒ is valid for a much wider range of magnetic fields than is the expression m * ϭm B . Since in fields which are not too high, the two terms in ͑17͒ are of the same order, the difference in the numerical values of m * between the two theories can be extremely significant. In addition, taking into account the term m h in ͑17͒ is important for studying the behavior of a ME in an electric field. Let us now turn to a brief discussion of this question. Suppose that in addition to the magnetic field B perpendicu- lar to the layers we apply a uniform electric field E parallel to the plane of the layers. Let us evaluate the energy incre- ment
⌬H E due to the electric field. The Hamiltonian of the system in the initial representation has the form HϭH
ex ϩ⌬H
E , ͑19͒ where H ex is given by expression ͑1͒, and ⌬H E ϭϪeE •(r
Ϫr h ). In the representation with a specified P it can be writ- ten in the form HϭH 0
P 2 2m h ϩV 1 ͑P,E͒, ͑20͒ where
V 1 ϵZbϩZ¯b ϩ ,
ͱ 2
i បP
h l 0 ͱ 2 . Evaluating the correction to E 0 to the second order of perturbation theory in V 1 , we find the desired expression for ⌬H E : ⌬H E ϭ
0 2 ͉E͉ 2 2 ͑E 0 ϪE 1 ͒ ϩ
e ប͓PϫE͔ z m h ͑E 0 ϪE 1 ͒ ϭ ͩ 1 Ϫ m h m * ͪ u •PϪ
1 2 ͩ 1 Ϫ
h m * ͪ m h u 2 . ͑21͒ In deriving ͑21͒ we have used the relation (E 0 ϪE 1 ) Ϫ1 ϭ(1Ϫm h /m * )/(
) and have introduced the standard no- tation u ϭc͓EϫB͔/B 2 for the drift velocity of a particle in crossed electric and magnetic fields. There is an important circumstance that should be noted in connection with expression ͑21͒. If ⌬H E is calculated by using standard perturbation theory, one obtains an expression analogous to ͑21͒ but with the factor 1Ϫm
/m * ϭ1
h /(m h ϩm B ) replaced ͑for m
ӷm e ) by
1 Ϫ
h m B ϭ1Ϫ
m h m e ͱ 2 4
. ͑22͒ For simplicity in ͑22͒ we have set dϭ0. The condition for applicability of perturbation theory means that l 0 /a B e Ӷ1. On the other hand, for m h /m e ӷ1 this
quantity in ͑22͒ is multiplied by the large quantity m h /m e , and it can happen that m h /m B becomes greater than unity. As a result, in the standard theory expression ͑22͒ changes sign, whereas in our proposed method one always has 1 Ϫm h /m * ϭ1Ϫm h /(m h ϩm B ) Ͼ0. Thus in the given case perturbation theory can yield even qualitatively incorrect re- sults. The reason is that for m h /m e →ϱ the energy spectrum of the electron–hole pair becomes highly degenerate and one must therefore use secular perturbation theory. We note that one can drop the restriction to the lowest Landau level for the electron, which we have been employ- ing up till now to simplify the writing of the formulas. Let the electron be ‘‘frozen’’ at an arbitrary Landau level n. For projecting Hamiltonian ͑1͒ onto level n, relation ͑5͒ must be replaced by ͗
͉exp ͭ
0 2 ͑ka ϩ Ϫk¯a͒ ͮ ͉n ͘ ϭexp
ͩ Ϫ ͉k͉ 2 l 0 2 4 ͪ
n ͩ ͉k͉ 2 l 0 2 2 ͪ , where L n is the Laguerre polynomial of degree n. Formulas ͑13͒ and ͑17͒ are now generalized in the obvious way. Let us give the result for the spectrum of excited states of a ME at Pϭ0: 579
Low Temp. Phys. 26 (8), August 2000 E. D. Vol and S. I. Shevchenko E n,N ϭប e ͩ
ϩ 1
ͪ ϩប h ͩ
ϩ 1
ͪ Ϫ
0 ͵ 0 ϱ exp ͩ Ϫ
l 0
2 2 ͪ L N ͩ
2 2
L n ͩ
2 2
dx. ͑23͒
The quantum number n in ͑23͒ determines the coarse struc- ture of the spectrum, since
, and the number N de- termines its fine structure ͑the second and third terms in ͑23͒ can be of the same order ͒. In closing we emphasize that the results reported here can be checked experimentally in all two-layer systems in which carriers of different sign differ strongly in mass. This study was supported by INTAS ͑Grant No. 97- 0972 ͒.
E-mail: 1 R. J. Elliott and R. Loudon, J. Phys. Chem. Solids 15, 196 ͑1960͒. 2 H. Hasegawa and R. E. Howard, J. Phys. Chem. Solids 21, 179 ͑1961͒. 3 L. P. Gor’kov and I. E. Dzyaloshinski, Zh. E ´ ksp. Teor. Fiz. 53, 717 ͑1967͒ ͓Sov. Phys. JETP 26, 449 ͑1968͔͒. 4 I. V. Lerner and Yu. V. Lozovik, Zh. E ´ ksp. Teor. Fiz. 78, 1167 ͑1980͒ ͓Sov. Phys. JETP 51, 588 ͑1980͔͒. 5 C. Kallin and B. I. Halperin, Phys. Rev. B 30, 5655 ͑1984͒. 6 Z. F. Ezawa, Phys. Rev. B 55, 7771 ͑1997͒. 7 S. I. Shevchenko, Phys. Rev. B 57, 14809 ͑1998͒. Translated by Steve Torstveit 580 Low Temp. Phys. 26 (8), August 2000 E. D. Vol and S. I. Shevchenko Piezoelectric mechanism for the orientation of stripe structures in two-dimensional electron systems D. V. Fil *
͑Submitted March 22, 2000͒ Fiz. Nizk. Temp. 26, 792–798 ͑August 2000͒ A piezoelectric mechanism for the orientation of stripes in two-dimensional electron systems in GaAs–AlGaAs heterostructures is considered. It is shown that when the anisotropy of the elastic constants and the influence of the boundary of the sample are taken into account, the theory gives an orientation of the stripes along ͓110͔ direction, in agreement with the experimental data. For a two-layer system an effect is found wherein a reorientation of the stripe structure along the ͓100͔ direction occurs when the period of the structure exceeds the distance between layers. © 2000 American Institute of Physics. ͓S1063-777X͑00͒00708-8͔ INTRODUCTION It is known that the homogeneous state of a two- dimensional electron gas at low concentrations and tempera- tures is unstable. Under such conditions the system under- goes a transition to the Wigner crystal phase. For a classical Wigner crystal the minimum of the energy corresponds to a triangular lattice. 1 Recently much attention has been devoted to the study of inhomogeneous electronic states in quantum Hall systems. For these objects one expects a greater diver- sity of phases with spatial modulation of the electron density. For example, in a quantum Hall ferromagnet, lattice struc- tures can form from skyrmion excitations 2 ͑in this case the skyrmions carry electric as well as topological charge ͒. Since
the skyrmions are spatially extended structures, at a suffi- ciently high skyrmion concentration the skyrmion lattice will be square instead of triangular. Among the recent intriguing experimental results is the observation of a strong anisotropy of the conductance at a filling factor ϭNϩ1/2 (N is an integer, N у4).
3,4 The physical nature of this effect can be linked with the formation of a stripe structure at the upper partially filled Landau level. 5,6 For phases with spatial modulation of the electron den- sity in the two-dimensional systems realized in GaAs– AlGaAs heterostructures, an interesting question is the na- ture of the physical mechanisms that determine the orientation of the electron crystal relative to the crystallo- graphic axes of the surrounding matrix. This question is par- ticularly topical for a stripe structure, since in that case the influence of the external factors on the orientation can be observed experimentally ͑the necessary information can be extracted from measurements of the anisotropy of the con- ductance ͒. The formation of phases with spatial modulation of the electron density is the result of a competition between the Coulomb and exchange interactions ͑and also the Zeeman interaction in the case of skyrmions ͒. In systems possessing cubic symmetry these mechanisms are isotropic, i.e., they cannot determine the orientation of the electronic structure relative to the crystallographic axes. Nevertheless, mecha- nisms that assign this orientation are present in the system. For example, in measurements of the anisotropy of the conductance 3,4
a maximum is observed along the ͓110͔ axis and a minimum along ͓11¯0͔, i.e., the wave vector of the stripe structure is directed along one of the twofold axes. The anisotropic interaction that assigns the orientation must be weak enough to allow rotation of the stripe structure upon a change in direction of the tangential component of the exter- nal magnetic field ͑an effect observed experimentally in Refs. 7 and 8 ͒. In GaAs a natural candidate for this role is the piezoelec- tric interaction, which remains anisotropic even in a cubic system. The question of the anisotropy of the electron– electron interaction in piezoelectrics was considered in Ref. 9, where the influence of the piezoelectric interaction on the symmetry of the lattice of a Wigner crystal was discussed. In Ref. 9 an isotropic model was used to describe the elastic subsystem. Such a model gives a poor description of the situation in GaAs, in which the anisotropy of the elastic con- stants is rather large. In the present paper the piezoelectric mechanism for the orientation of modulated electronic struc- tures in GaAs is considered with allowance for the anisot- ropy of the elastic constants and for the influence of the surface of the sample. The majority of the results pertain to the case of a stripe structure. The main conclusion is that in the orientation of a two-dimensional electron layer in the ͑001͒ plane, the energy of the stripe phase is minimum when the angle between the wave vector of the stripe structure and the ͓100͔ axis lies in the interval 30–60° ͑in which case the potential relief forms a practically flat plateau ͒. Thus the average direction of the wave vector corresponds to the ex- perimentally observed orientation. In this paper we also consider a two-layer stripe struc- ture. The reorientation arises if the period of the structure exceeds the distance between layers. In that case the wave vector of the structure changes its direction and becomes oriented along the ͓100͔ axis. The effect can easily be checked experimentally, since the period of the stripe struc- ture, which is determined by the magnetic length, should increase with decreasing external magnetic field ͑increasing filling factor ͒. LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS VOLUME 26, NUMBER 8 AUGUST 2000 581 1063-777X/2000/26(8)/5/$20.00 © 2000 American Institute of Physics |
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