The Common European Framework in its political and educational context What is the Common European Framework?
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TE Lev el 2 C AN of fer advice t o clients wit hin o wn C AN unders tand t he g ener al meaning C AN mak e reasonabl y accur at e not es at a job area on sim ple matt ers. of non-routine lett ers and t heoretical meeting or seminar where t he subject ar ticles wit hin o wn w ork area. matt er is f amiliar and pr edictable. AL TE Lev el 1 C AN s tat e sim ple req uirements wit hin C AN unders tand mos t shor t repor ts or C AN writ e a shor t, com prehensible not e o wn job area, suc h as ‘I w ant t o or der manuals of a predictable nature wit hin of req ues t t o a colleague or a kno wn 25 of . . .’ his/her o wn area of exper tise, pro vided contact in anot her com pan y. enough time is giv en. AL TE Break - C AN tak e and pass on sim ple messag es C AN unders tand shor t repor ts or C AN writ e a sim ple routine req ues t t o a th rough Lev e l of a routine kind, suc h as ‘F rida y product descriptions on f amiliar colleague, suc h as ‘Can I ha ve 20X meeting 1 0 a.m.’ matt ers, if t hese are expressed in sim ple please?’ languag e and t he cont ents are predictable. Document D5 ALTE WORK statements Overview of concerns and activities covered CONCERN ACTIVITY ENVIRONMENT LANGUAGE SKILL REQUIRED Work-related 1. Requesting work- Workplace (office, Listening/Speaking services related services factory, etc.) Writing 2. Providing work- Workplace (office, Listening/Speaking related services factory, etc.) Writing customer’s home Meetings and Participating in Workplace (office, Listening/Speaking seminars meetings and seminars factory, etc.), Writing (notes) conference centre Formal presentations Following and giving a Conference centre, Listening/Speaking and demonstrations presentation or exhibition centre, Writing (notes) demonstration factory, laboratory etc. Correspondence Understanding and Workplace (office, Reading writing faxes, letters, factory, etc.) Writing memos, e-mail, etc. Reading Reports Understanding and Workplace (office, Reading writing reports (of factory, etc.) Writing substantial length and formality) Publicly available Getting relevant Workplace (office, Reading information information (from e.g. factory, etc.), home product literature, professional/trade journals, advertise- ments, web sites etc.) Instructions and Understanding notices Workplace (office, Reading guidelines (e.g. safety.) factory, etc.) Writing Understanding and writing instructions (in, for example, installation, operation and maintenance manuals) Telephone Making outgoing calls Office, home, hotel Listening/Speaking / Receiving incoming room, etc. Writing (notes) calls (inc. taking messages/writing notes) Appendix D: The ALTE ‘Can Do’ statements 255 Document D6 AL TE study statements summar y AL TE Lev e l Lis tening/Speaking R eading W riting AL TE Lev el 5 C AN unders tand jok es, colloq uial asides C AN access all sources of inf or mation C AN mak e accur at e and com plet e not es and cultur al allusions. q uic kl y and reliabl y. during t he course of a lecture, seminar or tut orial. AL TE Lev el 4 C AN f ollo w abs tr act argumentation, f or C AN read q uic kl y enough t o cope wit h C AN writ e an essa y whic h sho ws ability t o ex am ple t he balancing of alt er nativ es the demands of an academic course. communicat e, giving f e w dif ficulties f or and t he dr a wing of a conclusion. the reader . AL TE Lev el 3 C AN giv e a clear presentation on a C AN scan t es ts f or rele vant inf or mation C AN mak e sim ple not es t hat will be of familiar t opic, and answ er predictable and g rasp main point of t ext. reasonable use f or essa y or re vision or f actual q ues tions. purposes. AL TE Lev el 2 C AN unders tand ins tr uctions on classes C AN unders tand basic ins tr uctions and C AN writ e do wn some inf or mation at a and assignments giv en b y a t eac her or messag es, f or ex am ple com put er libr ar y lecture, if t his is more or less dictat ed. lecturer . catalogues, wit h some help. AL TE Lev el 1 C AN express sim ple opinions using C AN unders tand t he g ener al meaning C AN writ e a v er y shor t sim ple nar rativ e expressions suc h as ‘I don’t ag ree’. of a sim plified t extbook or ar ticle, or description, suc h as ‘My las t holida y’. reading v er y slo wl y. AL TE Break - C AN unders tand basic ins tr uctions on C AN read basic notices and ins tr uctions. C AN cop y times, dat es and places from th rough Lev e l class times, dat es and room numbers, notices on classroom boar d or notice and on assignments t o be car ried out. boar d. Document D7 ALTE STUDY statements Overview of concerns and activities CONCERN ACTIVITY ENVIRONMENT LANGUAGE SKILL REQUIRED Lectures, talks, 1. Following a lecture, Lecture hall, classroom, Listening/Speaking presentations and talk, presentation or laboratory, etc. Writing (notes) demonstrations demonstration 2. Giving a lecture talk, presentation or demonstration Seminars and Participating in Classroom, study Listening/Speaking tutorials seminars and tutorials Writing (notes) Textbooks, articles, Gathering information Study, library, etc. Reading etc. Writing (notes) Essays Writing essays Study, library, Writing examination room, etc. Accounts Writing up accounts Study, laboratory Writing (e.g. of an experiment) Reference skills Accessing information Library, resource Reading (e.g. from a computer centre, etc. Writing (notes) base, library, dictionary, etc.) Management of Making arrangements, Lecture hall, classroom Listening/Speaking study e.g. with college staff study, etc. Reading on deadlines for work Writing to be handed in Appendix D: The ALTE ‘Can Do’ statements 257 ability to learn 12, 106, 149 accent 121 achievement assessment 183–4 achievement grades 40–2 acknowledgements ix acquisition 139 action-oriented approach 9–10 activities 10, 14, 147 aesthetic 56 communicative 25, 57–90, 180–1, 222 ludic 55–6 reception 65–72 speaking 58–61 text 97, 100 writing 61–3 aesthetic activities 56 ALTE (Association of Language Testers in Europe) xiv 244–57 analytic assessment 190 approaches action-oriented 9–10 branching 31–3 modular 175–6 multidimensional 175–6 assessment 19–20, 174–6, 177–95, 206 Association of Language Testers in Europe (ALTE) xiv 244–57 audio-visual reception 71 aural reception 65–8 authorities 141 Basic User Level 23 bibliographies general 197–204 proficiency scaling 212–6 branching approach 31–3 Breakthrough Level 23, 31 Can Do Statements 244–57 category assessment 191 checklist rating 189 co-operative principle 123 cognitive factors 160–1 coherence 7, 33–6, 125, 223 Common European Framework 1 criteria 7–8 definition 1–2 rationale 5–6 role 18–19 uses 6–7 common reference levels 16–18, 22–3 content coherence 33–6 descriptor criteria 21–2 global scale 24t self-assessment grid 26t–7t spoken language use 28t–9t presentation 23–5 communication awareness 107 communicative activities 25, 57–90, 180–1, 222 communicative competences 9, 13–14, 30–1, 108–30 communicative processes 90–3 communicative strategies 57–90, 147, 222 competences communicative 9, 13–14, 30–1, 108–30 discourse 123 existential 11–12, 105–6, 148–9 functional 125–30 general 9, 11–13, 101–8, 147–8 grammatical 112, 151, 152 learner 160–2 lexical 110–11 linguistic 13, 108–9, 149 orthoepic 117–8 orthographic 117 phonological 116–7 pragmatic 13–14, 123, 154 semantic 115 sociolinguistic 13, 118–121, 154 comprehension tasks 159 content coherence 33–6 context 9, 44–51, 48t–9t continuous assessment 185 continuum CR 184–5 Council of Europe xi, xiii, 17, 18, 248 language policy 2–4 course designers 141 criterion-referencing (CR) 184 curriculum 168–76 declarative knowledge 12, 101–4 description issues 21 descriptive categories 48t–9t 258 Index The index covers prefatory note, notes for user, chapters 1–9, bibliographies and appendices. Page references fol- lowed by t refer to tables The entries in the index are not hyperlinked to the text. You can use the 'find' function (Edit / Find or Edit / Search*) to search through the text of the document for occurrences of these (or any other) words. You can also use the 'go to page' function (Document / Go to page or View / Go To*) to go directly to the pages given in the index. *Different versions of Acrobat Reader use different names for these commands. descriptors communicative activities 180 criteria 21–2 illustrative 25, 36–7 language proficiency 37–40, 181, 205–11, 224t see also scales DIALANG xiv 226–30 dialect 121 direct assessment 186–7 discourse competence 123–5 domains 10, 14–15, 45–6 educational domain 45, 55 Effective Occupational Proficiency Level 23 errors 155 European Language Portfolio (ELP) 5, 20 examination rating scale 181–2 examinations 178–9, 182 examiners 140 exercises 152 existential competence 11–12, 105–6, 148–9 face-to-face interaction 82 fixed point assessment 185 flexibility 31–3, 124 folk-wisdom 120 formative assessment 186 functional competence 125–30 grammatical competence 112, 151, 152 Guide for Examiners 20 guided judgement 189–90 heuristic skills 108, 149 holistic assessment 190 hypertext 40 illustrative descriptors 25, 36–7 impression judgement 189–90 Independent User Level 23 indirect assessment 186–7 interaction 14, 57, 66, 73–87, 92, 99, 126–8 interculturality 43, 103–5 interlanguage 155 interlocutors 51 intuitive methods 208–9 know-how 11, 12 knowledge 11 declarative 12, 101–4 sociocultural 102–3 knowledge assessment 187 knowledge of the world 101–2 language 107 language learning 18–19, 131–56 language policy 2–4 language processes 10 language proficiency assessment 183–4 descriptors 37–40, 181, 205–11, 224t levels 16–18, 40–2, 182 scales 37–40, 181, 212, 224t language skills profile 26t–7t language switching 133–4 language teaching 18–19, 140–54 language teaching profession 140 language use communicative activities and strategies 57–90 communicative tasks and purposes 53–7 context 44–51 qualitative aspects 28t–9t texts 93–100 themes 51–3 language users 50 learner characteristics 160–2 learner competences 160–2 learners 141–2, 144 ability to learn 12, 106, 149 responsibility for own learning 149 lexical competence 110–11 lexical selection 150 linguistic competences 13, 108–9, 149 linguistic diversification 168–76 listening 65–8, 233–4, 237, 242 ludic activities 55–6 macrofunctions 126 Mastery CR 184–5 Mastery Level 23 measurement issues 21–2 media 71, 93–4, 145 mediation 14, 57, 87–8, 99 mental context 50–1 metasystem 192–6 methodology 142–54 microfunctions 125–6 mistakes 155 modular approach 175–6 monitoring 92–3 multidimensional approach 175–6 multilingualism 4 non-verbal communication 88–90 norm-referencing(NR) 184 objective assessment 188–9 objectives 3, 135–8, 170–4, 179–80 oral production 58–60 orthoepic competence 117–8 orthographic competence 117 orthography 153 paralinguistics 89–90 paratextual features 90 performance assessment 181, 187 personal identification 54 phonological competence 116–7 pluriculturalism 6, 133, 168 plurilingualism 4–5, 43, 133, 168 politeness conventions 119 political objectives 3 portfolios 5, 20, 175 pragmatic competences 13–14, 123, 154 production 14, 57–65, 91, 98 proficiency see language proficiency Proficient User Level 23 profiling 175 pronunciation 153 Index 259 qualitative methods 209–10 quantitative methods 210–11 reading 68–71, 235, 239 reception 14, 91–2, 98 activities/strategies 65–72 register 120 reliability 177 scale development methodologies 207–12 scale rating 189 scales analytic 38 assessor-oriented 38, 39 constructor-oriented 39 diagnosis-oriented 38, 39 DIALANG 226–30 holistic 38 illustrative 25, 36–7 addressing audiences 60 asking for clarification 87 coherence 125 communication strategies 222 communicative activities 222 communicative competence 223 compensating 64 cooperating 86 creative writing 62 DIALANG 231–43 discourse competence 124–5 essays 62 flexibility 124 grammatical accuracy 114 interaction 66, 85–7 linguistic range 110 listening 65–8, 233–4, 237, 242 media 71 monitoring 65 monologues 59 note-taking 96 oral production 58 orthographic control 118 phonological accuracy 117 planning 64 production strategies 64–5 propositional precision 129 public announcements 60 reading 68–71, 235, 239 reception strategies 72 register 120 repair 65 reports 62 self-assessment 231 sociolinguistic appropriateness 122 speaking activities 58–61 spoken fluency 129 spoken interaction 73–82 Swiss research project 217–25 text processing 96 thematic development 125 turntaking 86, 124 vocabulary 112 working with text 223 writing 61–3, 82–4, 231, 236, 240 language proficiency 37–40, 181, 224t user-oriented 37–8, 39 see also descriptors schools 172–4 self-assessment 126–7t, 181, 191–2, 231 semantic competence 115 series assessment 191 situations 46–9 skills 11, 12, 104–5 social relations 119 sociocultural knowledge 102–3 sociolinguistic competences 13, 118, 154 spoken interaction 73–82 strategies 10, 15–16, 25, 57–90 study skills 107–8, 149 subjective assessment 188–9 summative assessment 186 Swiss National Science Research Council 31, 217–21 tasks 10, 15–16, 53–6, 147, 157–67 teacher-assessment 181 teachers 141, 144 teaching 18–19 teaching/learning objectives xii 135–8, 179–80 teaching/learning situation xii tests 178–9, 182 textbook writers 141 texts 10, 15–16, 93–100, 145, 223 characteristics 165–7 themes 51–3 Threshold Level 17, 23, 52, 53 translation 99 transparency 7 validity 177 Vantage Level 17–18, 23 variation 135, 170–4 visual reception 68–71 vocabulary 112, 149–50 Waystage 17–18, 23 workplace communication 53–4 written interaction 82–4 written production 61–2 Index 260 |
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