The Present simple tense

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tayyori 2003

The graffe is the tallest of all animals.
The bicycle is on excellent ineans of transport.
The bicycle – muayyan velosiped emas, velosiped turi
34.Jahon urushlaridan tashqari barcha urushlar nomlari oldidan the ishlatiladi: the Cold War, The Civil War, The Afghan War, The Crimean War, The Partisans War..
World War l , World War ll
Ammo During the World Wars many people were killed.
35. of predlogidan oldin va keyin sanaladigan ot kelsa har ikkalasi ham the bilan: the student of the institute-institutning studenti.
36.of dan keyin atoqli ot kelsa artiklsiz, turdosh otdan oldin kelsa the bilan keladi : the bank of Uzbekistan.
37. Dunyoga mashxur odam ajratib ko’rsatilsa the qo’llaniladi. Navoi, the Uzbek poet, was born in 1441 in Herat. Ammo oddiy odam ajratib ko’rsatilganda a yoki an bilan; Sherzodbek, a famous teacher, is my apprentice
38. Popular, ancient, centre, quite so’zlari doim the bilan; The popular shopping centre-mashhur savdo markazi. The ancient city-qadimiy shaxar
39. Ko’rfazlar, qo’ltiqlar nomlari the bilan keladi. The Persian Gulf-fors qo’ltig’i, The Gulf of Mexico
40. Ko’llar nomlari aniq the artikl bilan ishlatiladi. The Baikal, The Ontario, The Leman. Lekin ko’l nomlari oldidan lake ko’l so’zi kelsa the ishlatilmaydi. Lake Baikal.
41. Yarim orol nomlari Peninsula so’zi bilan kelsa the ishlatiladi. The Balkan Peninsula, The Kolla Peninsula
42. Kanallar va bo’g’ozlar nomlari oldidan the ishlatiladi. The Magellan Strait, The Berig Strait, The Torres Straits, shuningdek The Bosporus, The Dordonells. The Kiel, The Canal, The Suez Canal, The Panama Canal.
43.sharshara va dovonlarning nomlari aniq artikl b-n ishlatiladi: The Niagara Fall,Victoria Fall, the Swallow Falls, The Saint Gotthard Pass,The Kamchik Pass.
44.angliya, Amerikadagi park nomlaridan tashqari boshqa davlatlar parklari oldidan the ishlatiladi:
Hyed park, central park (in England), lekin “The Gorkiy park” (in Moscow) , the Tiergarten (in Berlin)
45.Atoqli otlardan so’ng ot yoki sifat kelsa. (Tarixiy shaxslar)
Alexandr the Great William the Conqueror Arthur the Great
46. Valyuta(pul birliklari) nomlari oldidan.
The dollar the rouble the sum
47. Sport va musiqa guruhlari, jamoalari nomlari oldidan.
The Beatles The Manchester United The Leeds United
48. Pyessa, asar va spektakl nomlari oldidan.
He likes to read the play “Othello”
49.Bosharuv idoralari nomlari oldidan.
The House of Lords The House of Representatives The Town Council
50. Teleradiokompaniyalar, delegatsiya nomlari oldidan.
The BBC The Russian Delegation The Chinese Trade Delegation
51. Kompaniyalar nomlari oldidan agar company so’zi bilan kelsa.
The Nokia company The Microsoft company
52. Quyidagi kasalliklar oldidan.
The measles-qizamiq The mumps-tepki The flu-grip
The willies-asabiy titrash The chicken pox-sachratqi
53. Raqs turlari nomlari.
The Tango The Vals
54. Ba’zi mintaqalar nomlari oldidan.
The Far East The North Pole The Tundra The Taiga
55.quyidagilardan oldin ham the qo’yiladi: the fire brigade, the army, the bank, the post office, the doctor, the dentist. agar bu gapda osmon,fazo ma’nosida kelsa, the ishlatilmaydi, lekin tor ma’noda oraliqjoy yoki bo’sh joy manosida kelsa THE bilan keladi; there are millions of stars in space.’ ‘is there any space to park my car?’
57.quyidagi so’zlar doim the artikli bilan keladi: same-bir xil, only-faqat,very-ayni,main-bosh,asosiy, next,following – keyingi, last-oxirgi,proper-mos,to’g’ri keladigan, previous-oldingi, adjacent-yonidagi, alleged- havola qilinadigan,principal-bosh,asosiy, left - chap,right – o’ng,central – markaziy, present-hozirdagi, former-sobiq, latter-oxirgi,necessary-zarur,opposite-teskari,so-colled- ataladigan,lower – pastdagi, upper- tepadagi,usual-odatiy.

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