The Present simple tense

Artikl qo`llanilmaydigan ibora va birikmalar

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tayyori 2003

43. Artikl qo`llanilmaydigan ibora va birikmalar:

At night – kechqurun
At home – uyda
At work – ishda
At first sight – bir qarashda
At peace – tinchlikda
At breakfast – nonushtada
At sunset-shomda
At dawn-subhidam
At present-xozirda
At war –urush xolatda
Arm in arm-qo’ltiqlamoq
At ease-ossonlik bilan
Be appointed (chosen) secretary (chairman)-kotib (rais) etib saylamoq
Be out of place- … da yo’q bo’lmoq
Be at fault –aybdor bo’moq
By hook or by crook-bir amallab
By name-nomma-nom
By hand-qo’lda
By air-havo yo’li orqalik
By sea-dengiz orqalik
By land-quruqlik
By post-pochta orqalik
By heart-yoddan
By chance-tasodifan
By tram-tramvay orqalik
By bus-avtobusda
By mistake-yangliship
Day and night-kecha kunduz
Declare war against-ga urush elon q/q
From morning till night-ertalabdan kechgacha
From time to time-vaqti-vaqti bilan
From head to foot-boshdan oyoq
From day to day-kundan kunga
From shop to shop - do’konma- do’kon
For hours – soatlab
For ages-asrlab
Go south- janubga bormoq
Give (get) permission-ruhsat bermoq
Give place to-… ga joyini bermoq

Have breakfast-nonushta qilmoq
Have lunch-pol abed q/q
Have dinner-tushlik
Have supper-kechki ovqat q/q
Instead of …-… o’rniga
In good health-sog’lig’i yashi
In demand- talabga ega bo’lmoq
In fact-aslida
In debt-qarzdor bo’lmoq
In time-o’z vaqtida
In trouble-tashvishga tushmoq
In prison- qamoqda
In conclusion-xulosada
In general-umuman
On board ship-kema bortida
On deck-palubada
On foot-piyoda
On sale-sotuvda
Out of doors- tashqarida
Over head and ear-boshdan oyoq
Keep house-uy poylamoq
Leave home-uyni tashlab ketmoq
Lose heart-ruxi tushnoq
Make place or room-joy yoki xonaga buyurtma bermoq
Make use of- … nomidan
Take into consideration-xisobga olmoq
To take place – joylashmoq
To take part in-ishtirok etmoq
To take notice of-e’tibor q/q
To take interest in-qiziqmoq
To take care of-g’amxo’rlik q/q
To take hold of-ushlab turmoq
To take to heart-yuragiga yaqin olmoq
Send word-malum qilmoq
Side by side- yelkama-yelka
Shake hands with- bilan qo’l siqib ko’rishmoq

Fill in “the” where necessary.

The Larkins are a very interesting family. 2) Mr Larkin is a travel-writer who has been all over
3) world and written books about 4) China and 5) Chinese. He has also published articles in newspapers such as 6) Times and 7) Observer. 8) His wife, Sylvia, is a journalist who has interviewed people like 9) Prince of Wales and 10) President Reagan. At the moment, she is writing an article about 11) homeless. Their son, 12) Jack, is a professional footballer who plays in 13) USA. He has been playing 14) football since he was a child. Jack met his wife, Sally, at 15) Chicago Airport 16) morning after he had left 17) home to live in 18) States. She is a musician who plays 19) drums in a rock band. In 20) summer the whole family meet at 21) Maxim's in 22) Paris, then travel by 23) car around 24) Europe for a month. 25) Last year they spent 26) whole month of 27) July in Portugal before going back to 28) work.

Fill in “the” where necessary.

1) X Last summer we went to stay in 2) village where my grandmother was born. I had never been there before, so when we arrived at 3) station I was surprised to see how small it was. As in 4)

Rephrase the following sentences using the beginnings given. 66
Jack ate a whole chocolate cake last night 127
All day/ the whole day = butun kun. 127
I have been trying to find you all morning/the whole morning 127
All olmoshi 127
1. All olmoshi olmosh-sifat va olmosh-ot bo’lib keladi. 127
2. All olmoshi olmosh-sifat bo’lib kelganda hamma, barcha ma’nosida donalab sanaladigan ko’plikdagi ot oldida va donalab sanalmaydigan ot oldida ishlatiladi. All dan keyin kelgan ot oldidan the aniq artikli, egalik yoki ko’rsatish olmoshi keladi. 127

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