Theme: types and stylistic function of periphrasis in english and uzbek contents: Introduction

Results and analysis of the types and stylistic function of periphrasis in English and Uzbek

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2.1.Results and analysis of the types and stylistic function of periphrasis in English and Uzbek.
Active use of various metaphorical compounds is consistent with the nature of the popular style. Considering this, the present study aimed to examine features of the use of the periphrases of the Uzbek and English languages in journalistic texts. In that way, it was aimed to analyze medical periphrases of Uzbek and English languages through comparing some features. Applying the compare-contrast approach features of the use of the medical periphrases of the Uzbek and English languages in journalistic texts were investigated. The results indicated that both languages developed through the years. Journalistic texts are distinguished by their expressiveness, responsiveness, and effective use of periphrases.
Especially active use of various metaphorical compounds is consistent with the nature of the popular style. It is observed that the use of periphrases in the English and Uzbek languages the most important component in Journalistic style to avoid repeating words and making them more expressive, effective, figurative, and attractive. It is known that journalism being a large field comprising artistic, political, scientific spheres embodies a series of genres such as news, message, report, analysis, main article, article, essay, feuiletton, pamphlet, announcement, advertisement reflected on the means of mass media like radio, television, newspaper, and magazines.6
The expanse of this coverage, in turn, requires the normalization of language units in each genre separately. Journalism, which is considered as the main factor in the development of language, in its turn, widely uses the possibilities of language, at the same time, contributes to the enrichment of our language through new words and phrases. While such qualities as accuracy, conciseness, compactness, and brilliance in journalistic style texts attract attention, these texts are distinguished by their expressiveness, responsiveness, and effective use of illustrative expressions. Especially active use of various metaphorical compounds is consistent with the nature of the popular style.
The concept of periphrasis is touched upon in the works of such famous scientists as I.R. Halperin, V.V. Odintsov, T.G. Vinokur, Yu.A. Belchikov, I.A. Melchuk, Yu.D. Apresyan, A.K. Zholkovsky, V.G. Huck, O.I. Moskalskaya, M.V. Nikitin, Yu.S. Stepanov, A.G. Baranov, A.V. Kravchenko, M.V Verbitskaya and others. The structural and semantic characteristics of periphrasis received the most coverage (see this in the works of A.K. Zholkovsky, I.A. Melchuk, Yu.D. Apresyan, and others). The first experience of the semantic study of periphrases can be associated with the generative grammar of N. Chomsky. A study of the problems of syntactic semantics in the framework of generative grammar (Chomsky 1965) led to the development of numerous transderivation procedures (attachment, elimination, permutation) and lexical filling rules that provide various transformations of semantic representations into surface-syntactic ones [19; 272]. I.A. Melchuk and A.K.
Zholkovsky used paraphrastic sentences for machine translation. Such an approach is not accidental; it coincides chronologically with the development of transformational grammar when the focus was on the problem of constructing variants of sentence models based on certain deep structures [18; 123]. Much attention was paid to the problem of periphrases in the framework of the theory of linguistic semantics in the works of J. Lakoff, C. Fillmore, J. Katz, and many other researchers. C. Fillmore was one of the first scientists to address the semantic aspects of periphrases (“periphrases” in the terminology of the author). He noted that peripheral relations exist in different languages, i.e. relate to the number of language universals [5; 74-122]. Analyzing examples such as “My hair is black”, “I have black hair” (or “He is tall”, “John had a dream about Mary”), C. Fillmore pointed to the possibility of a variable expression of certain semantic representations and the existence of representative names and deputy names [20, 215]. This mechanism, in particular, explains the relationship between the predicates “offer” and “make an offer”, “kick” and “give a kick” [6; 74-122]. Similar ideas are also developed by JD MacCauley, who writes: “There is an erroneous opinion (leading to many misunderstandings) that expressions that are identical in meaning must necessarily have the same semantic concepts” [5; 67]. Confining himself to the limits of formal semantics, JD Mack Coley, however, insists that semantic “identity” can be defined as an equivalence relation, i.e. semantic representations may be equivalent, but not necessarily identical.
In Uzbek linguistics, describing the linguistic and speech aspects of the periphrases was began in the 1990s, until that time the information about this phenomenon was only the explanations and descriptions that went through the dictionaries and brief descriptions of the textbooks [21; 1595]. The first study on periphrases was published by K.Shamsiddinov [10; 29]. In his article, he cited several important issues regarding periphrases studies. Later in his doctoral dissertation, he described features of periphrases as functionalsemantic synonyms [11; 141]. For the first time in Uzbek linguistics, periphrases were studied by I.Umirov in a monograph [9; 3]. In it, the author of the study sought to determine the relationship between the phenomenon to language and speech, its types, and the similarities and differences between related events. Later, the linguist D. Aytboyev researched motivation and lexicographic interpretation of the periphrases in the Uzbek language. In Uzbek linguistics, the periphrases have been studied to some extent. However, the fact that the medical periphrasis used in medical texts are not a separate, specialized research object, and comparative study in the Uzbek and English languages has prompted us to explore this issue. 7
As it is clear that all possibilities of the language can be realized in the speech. In this case, the dialectics law of opportunity and reality is applied, and more precisely, the relationship between language and speech appears. Professor H. Nematov explains the relationship between language and speech based on dialectic laws: “Indeed, if we approach the dichotomy of language and speech in terms of the categories of generality and identity, essence and phenomenon, possibilities and reality, cause and effect categories, we see the relationship of unpredictable sides like a generality, essence, opportunity and cause with language, and as for discourse, identity, phenomenon, reality outcome” 8
A study of existing studies on the problem of linguistic periphrases shows that there is currently no clear understanding of this phenomenon. In many works, the terms “paraphrase” and “periphrases” are confused. The semantic-stylistic and communicativepragmatic functions of paraphrase in a literary text have not been studied. All this determines the relevance of further research in this direction.
The linguistic meaning of the term paraphrasis is usually understood as the ability to change the linguistic form while maintaining the content. A periphrasis is interpreted as a repetition in which the utterance, as a rule, is not completely copied, some changes of a complementary or clarifying nature are introduced into its content. As we all know, one of the means to enrich speech, to make it attractive, figurative, expressive, and enhance the meaning of the speech is the periphrasis that is illustrative expressions.
"Periphrases are one of the most important stylistic tools associated with the speech process. They not only give the speaker greatness, exuberance, and impact but also helps the speaker or the writer take his speech seriously, with every word. For example, in Uzbek: Уруғланган тухум ҳужайра бачадонга тушади ва унинг деворига маҳкам ёпишиб олади. Ана шу пайтдан бошлаб бачадонда янги ҳаёт – хомила ривожланади. (“Шифо- инфо” newspaper, №46, Page 201). In English: Medical schools and residency programs need to return pregnancy termination (abortion) to the curriculum, and federal and state measures must be strongly enforced. (The New York Times, Oct 13, 1994, Section A, Page 26). The first attempts to understand the concept of periphrasis date back to ancient rhetoric. This phenomenon was first mentioned in the 1st century BC. Quintilian. Then it found its place in discussions of the rhetoric of the Greek authors Hermogenes (2nd century BC) and Autonionis (4th century BC). At that time, periphrasis was viewed from the standpoint of teaching rhetoric as an important oratory, as a means of creating an elevated syllable and decorating speech. Particular attention was also paid to periphrasis as a descriptive technique consisting of replacing taboo words and phrases. Quintillian considered periphrasis the main tool for teaching oratory.
The periphrases prevent the repetition of the same word, provide the emotion and the image of the idea and, in turn, serve to show the author's reaction to the expressed event. In the world linguistics, the relation of English periphrases to categories and their role in the text has been investigated in the studies of E.T.Lisovskaya, lingvopragmatic properties of periphrases in the dissertation of E.L.Tunitskaya, the role of periphrases as expressive means in the press in the studies of M.A.Sirivlya. In European languages, the term periphrasis penetrates as a name for rhetorical reception. Thus, most of the etymological dictionaries of the French language date the appearance of this term in 1525, when its use was recorded in the context of religious polemics in one of the texts written by Lefebvre d'Etaple [5; 10]. B. Donate believes that the history of paraphrase as a scientific problem dates back to the 17th century when some reproaches were formulated to translators - “paraphrasists” who were too loose on the original text. C. Fuchs draws attention to the same aspect, which indicates that paraphrase can be considered too free reformulation (reformulation) of the author's thesis. In this regard, she writes: “Classical authors cultivated the aesthetics of an exact word, exact expression, which were considered as the only ones possible to express this idea, and from these positions the paraphrase was condemned by theorists, since reformulating the idea led to its vagueness, inaccuracy and even distortion of meaning”. It is no coincidence that in the 18-19 centuries, by "paraphrase" they mean "poor translation", leading to the expansion of the text. Then, starting from the 20th century, the paraphrase is understood as a fuzzy and inaccurate statement and as a repetition that should be avoided in speech.
And today this term retains a negative connotation in many literary studies, denoting from the standpoint of metatext activity an excessively verbose arrangement of the text. However, according to B. Donate, the role of paraphrase as a way of developing and explicating the meaning of a supporting statement, as a highly effective method of heuristic interpretation of the meaning of the text is overlooked. We could see the analyses of figurative language and Oxford Dictionary of Literary Terms by Chris Baldick names them as tropes and includes periphrasis (circumlocution) within metaphor, simile, metonymy, synecdoche, personification, irony, hyperbole (overstatement), litotes (understatement]. In general, paraphrase has long been understood as a special case of biblical exegesis. This is convinced by the work on Apocrypha and pseudo-epigraphs. The greatest attention was paid not to the paraphrase itself, but to the analysis of the sources in which it was used, commentary on the texts. Under this section, all possible cases of synonymous substitutions at the level of the whole sentence or its components were covered.
Note that a similar interpretation of paraphrase is now traditionally developing in Uzbek studies. As a rule, under this heading are considered problems of lexical variation, and the concept of the paraphrase is practically identified with the concept of periphrases. DISCUSSION: Applying the compare-contrast approach, features of the use of the periphrases of the Uzbek and English languages in journalistic texts were investigated. Observations have shown that paraphrasing occurs mainly in word combinations. The word combination is formed by the semantic-grammatical combination of two or more independent words, in the valence relationship. The peculiarity of periphrasis is that they are made up based on collocations and idiomatic meaning.
More accurately, those collocations which intensify the image, clarify the meaning of things, and serve as illustrations, can be periphrases. For instance, in uzbek: елбўғоз- ёлғон ҳомиладорлик, салмонеллёз – айёр касаллик, ошқовоқ – “сариқ олтин”, қовоқ – табиий дорихона, катаракта – маккор касаллик, Қрим-Конго геморрогик иситма касаллиги – қора ўлим; in English: foetus – unborn child, COVID19 – invisible enemy, Conjunctivitis – pink eye Amblyopia – “lazy eye, Indigestion – upset stomach, tachycardia – rapid heartbeat, spinach - miracle vegetable, etc. Periphrases are divided into types, such as pure and contextual periphrases, in speech, as a unit of speech. At the same time, pure periphrases express certain meanings and concepts without any context, and most importantly, they can be understood without the text. For example, in Uzbek: salomatligimiz posbonlari - shifokorlar, ёлғон ҳомиладорлик - елбўғоз; in English: rapid heartbeat - tachycardia, unborn child - foetus, pregnancy termination - abortion, and etc. Contextual periphrases are only created inside a certain context and can use only in this situation. Outside the context, among other words, they are just figurative images. For example, in Uzbek: "Yuzda ochilgan bahor gullari"; in English: “She was still fat after childbirth, the destroyer of her figure sat (son) at the head of the table”.
For example, in the sentences: “Bahorning quyoshli kunlari go`zal qizlarimizni biroz tashvishga solishi tabiiy. Negaki, u yuzdagi dog`lar va sepkillarning avj olishiga sabab bo`ladi” and “I had become rather seriously ill with one of those carefully named difficulties which are the whispers of approaching age” it is difficult to realize what is being conveyed in this phrase without reading the text.
After being introduced with the text, the reader can understand that the flowers blossomed on the face are freckles and pigments on the face. The periphrases of this kind are abundant in medicine. It should be noted that contextual periphrases can gradually become more and more clear to the public. However, this does not mean that all contextual periphrases become pure periphrases after a certain period time. The peculiarity of medical periphrases is that the word expressed by them, in some places, combinations of words are used mainly in conjunction with figurative expressions, for example, in Uzbek: Gijjalar – ichki dushmanlar, Stenokardiya – yurakni g’ijimlaydigan dard, stenokardiya – yurak siqishi; in English: hypertension – the silent killer, Hepatitis A – gradual liver failure, abortion – pregnancy termination, AIDS – 21st-century plague. The medical periphrases can be divided into the following lexical-semantic groups: 1. Examples of periphrases associated with alternative medicine in the Uzbek language: 1) Qadimgi xitoylik shifokorlar chuchukmiyani go`zallik va yoshlikni saqlovchi hayot ildizi – jenshendan keying ikkinchi dori deb hisoblashadi. 2) Tabiat yuborgan tez yordam - petrushka jigar uchun juda foydali. Ovqatni ko`p iste`mol qilganda yordam beradi. Peshob haydovchi xususiyati ham mavjud. 3) Odamgiyoh–jenshen tindirmasi organizmni umumiy quvvatlovchi ta`sirga ega. 5) Nomi achchiq, shifosi shirin tosh. Achchiqtosh xalq tabobatida va tibbiyotda azaldan qo`llanib kelinadi. 6) Steviya - "o`zbeklashgan giyoh". Examples of periphrases associated with alternative medicine in the English language: 1) The parsley plant is a nutritious superfood that’s regarded as one of the healthiest herbs you can eat on regular basis. 2) Many health benefits have been discovered through the daily use of parsley. This vitamin herb is helps treat arthritis, anemia, and cancer. 3) Flax seeds are emerging as “a superfood” as more scientific research points to their health benefits [16; 50]. 4) “Dates are a source of fructose, which is a natural type of sugar found in fruit. Excellen natural sweeteners make a great healthy substitute for white sugar”, etc. 2. Examples of periphrases associated with the names of chemicals: In Uzbek: 1) Agar nonushta qilish istagi bor bo`lsa, biror shirin kulcha yoki shokolad yeb, ishga otlanishingiz mumkin. Chunki bular tarkibi qandga boy, yengil hazm bo`luvchi va belga yog` yig`uvchi dushmanimiz – yengil uglevodlar tezda odamga quvvat beradi; 2) Vitamin boshqa antioksidantlarning kuchini oshiradi, shuning uchun ham uni "salomatlik himoyachisi" deb atasakbo`ladi; In English: 1) If you do not eat breakfast completely, you may soon feel nervous and weak.
Because there is a constant shortage of brain fuel – glucose; 2) Vitamin D is a fatsoluble vitamin that is naturally present in very few foods, added to others, and available as a dietary supplement. 3. Examples of periphrasis associated with disease names: In Uzbek: 1) Oqsoqlik - "O`rdak yurish"ning davosi bormi? 2) Salmonellyoz kasalligi juda ayyor kasallik –yengil kechayotgan dard birdaniga zo`rayib ketishi mumkin. 3) Mikroinsult – organism "signali"ga bee`tabor bo`lmang! 4) "Semiz kishilar kasalligi" yoxud insult" changali"ga tushib qolmay desangiz… 5) "Emlanish–organism va xastalik uchrashuvi". In English: 1) Preeclampsia is when pregnant women have high blood pressure, protein in their urine, and swelling in their legs, feet, and hands. Toxemia of pregnancy can range from mild to severe. (; 2) High blood pressure, sometimes called the silent killer, is very common in older people and a major health problem. ( 3) Several approaches are being utilized to control the outbreak of this fatal viral disease (coronavirus). (Expert Review of Anti-infective Therapy, Volume 19, 2021, page: 137) CONCLUSION: There may also be essential units with other characteristics. So, medical periphrases of this content are in the lexical layer of the Uzbek and English languages as enriching and attractive units of our speech, and they are waiting for their study. In addition, in Uzbek and English linguistics, as well as in world linguistics, the work on the relationship of language and culture, national specific elements of the language system, and the study of the speech of the native speaker do not lose their relevance. In short, in journalism, mainly the problems of life are covered, and vivid analogies, as well as figurative expressions - periphrases are widely used, so the texts formed in this style can quickly find their way into the hearts of people with their effectiveness.
As mentioned above, the pursuit of innovation is a key feature of popular style, which enriches the language with new words and phrases. In conclusion, I would like to note that during a detailed study of this topic, the goal of this study was achieved, namely, the main features of the use of periphrases in the English and Uzbek languages were considered, its most important components, types, and functions were highlighted. Possession of all this information will allow any person to more effectively see, compose and use these units in speech and writing. Indeed, now the number of people with higher education is falling, fewer people are going to study at the university, and, as a result, the level of education is falling. People are less and less paying attention to the quality of the speech they use, and this indicates the degradation of the language, because if people forget how to use their native language correctly, then they will die sooner or later.9
Therefore, scientists strive to prevent this and try to develop their native language, conduct all kinds of research, invent new methods of processing and synthesizing the language. And with these scientific works, there is hope for a long and successful life of a great and powerful means of interpersonal communication.

There are 3 types of exercises

• Language exercises
• Speech exercises
• Conditional exercises
Language exercises Exercise 1. Paraphrase the following sentences.
my wife, the fair sex, made me sleepless, the wedding day, cap and
gown, lawyer, a knight of the brush, a play of swords, the giver of rings
Five weeks of perfect liberty, would have prepared her for the day of bells. He has made my pillow uneasy. There are a lot of students in our university. The woman standing in the corner is my mother. A gentleman for the long robe is coming for a gift. My better half is a teacher, kind and hard-working woman. An artist is a person who draws and paints pictures very well. The battle was very dangerous. The king rules the country with the help of sword.
Exercise 2. Analyze the given periphrases from the viewpoint of their semantic type, structure, function and originality:
1. Gargantuan soldier named Dahoud picked Ploy by the head and scrutinized this convulsion of dungarees and despair whose feet thrashed a yard above the deck.
2. His face was red, the back of his neck overflowed his collar and there had recently been published a second edition of his chin.
3. "But Pickwick, gentlemen, Pickwick, this ruthless destroyer of . this domestic oasis in the desert of Goswell street!"
4. He would make some money and then he would come back and marry his dream from Blackwood.
5. The villages were full of women who did nothing but fight against dirt and hunger and repair the effects of friction on clothes.
6. The habit of saluting the dawn with a bend of the elbow was a hangover from college fraternity days.
7. Jean nodded without turning and slid between two vermilion-coloured buses so that two drivers simultaneously used the same qualitative word.
8. During the previous winter I had become rather seriously ill with one of those carefully named difficulties which are the whispers of approaching age.
9. A child had appeared among the palms, about a hundred yards along the beach. He was a boy of perhaps six years, sturdy and fair, his clothes torn, his face covered with a sticky mess of fruit. His trousers had been lowered for an obvious purpose and had only been pulled back half-way.
10. "Did you see anything in Mr. Pickwick's manner and conduct towards the opposite sex to induce you to believe all this?"
11. It was the American, whom later we were to learn to know and love as the Gin Bottle King, because of a great feast of arms performed at an early hour in the morning with a container of Mr. Gordon's celebrated product as his sole weapon.
12. Naturally, I jumped out of the tub, and before I had thought twice, ran out into the living room in my birthday suit.
13. For a single instant, Birch was helpless, his blood curdling in his veins at the imminence of the danger, and his legs refusing their natural and necessary office.
14. The apes gathered around him and he wilted under the scrutiny of the eyes of his little cousins twice removed.
Exercise 3. Fill the blanks with suitable answer
1. I understood you are …………., and wish to earn money by nursing the little boy, my son, who was been deprived of what can never been replaced. a) poor
b) rich
c) happy
d) strong
2. If you are successful in cribbing your way through the nursery games known here as examination, I prophesy for you great and …………..future.
a) fine
b) great
c) shining
d) bright
3. That was a blow, a terrible blow; it was like a ……………… sentence. I stood turned to stone.
a) man
b) shock
c) spirit
d) death
4. Bill went with him and they …………….. with a tray of glasses, siphons and other necessaries of life.
a) came back
b) returned
c) gave back
d) pulled back
5. Jane set her bathing-suited self to washing the lunch ………….. a) dishes
b) food
c) meal
d) glasses
Exercise 4. Put the words in correct order
1. his, leather, were, to, femurs, huge, chairs, kind, the.
2. took, away, him, I, my, feet, from, obedient.
3. I, away, my, adolescent, as, quickly, I, got, hot, feet, as, could, on.
4. I, thinking, an, unmentionable, your, am, thing, about, mother.
5. milk, by, can, not, sold, the, calf, obviously, consumed, the, be.
4. reasons, health, for, animal, number, of, a, is, important.
5. specialist, breeding, is, very, area, a, heifers, and cow.
7. consumption, cattle, are, called, “beef cattle”, human, for, raised
8.When, saw, again, were, dollars, down, eyes, I, him, there, silver, weighting, his.
9. was, fat, childbirth; destroyer, her, sat, the, of, table, she, still, after, the, of, figure, at, head, the.
10. participated, that, Teutonic, known, the, War, I, in, delayed, migration, as, Great.
Exercise 5. Translate the sentences into English
1. Nari tur — beri tur qilib, besh-оlti kishi otga bosiriq bo’lganni o’rtadan olib chiqdilar.
2. Saroy nazmlarida tolgan Amu ham bu on bog’larga ketdi o’ynab quyosh childirmasida.
3. Chol hozir boshi berk ko’cha ichida ...
4. ... bularni ham so’zlab o’ltirishga hojat yo’q, haqiqat maydonda.
5. Mana, o’g’lim labi ustida qaldirg’ochning mayin qanoti.
6. Ма’rifat so’zi aytilishi bilan suhbatga yana jon kirdi.
7. Quyoshning tagida terlagan, tanlarni ko’ylaklar o’padi.
8. Bulut chodirini yirtib mo’ralab, chiqsa quyosh, ko’kka bo’laman maftun.
9. Sen uxlaysan, yanvar ayozi, ishga soldi, mohir qo’lini, seni qutlab, keng derazangga chizib ketdi nafis gulini.
Exercise 6. Now, after you have been acquainted with the semantics, structures and functions of major syntactical stylistic devices, you may proceed, in the summarizing form, to cases of their convergence, paying attention to each SD contributing to the general effect and of course specifying those which bear the main responsibility for the creation of additional information and the intensification of the basic one:
1. In Paris there must have been a lot of women not unlike Mrs. Jesmond, beautiful women, clever women, cultured women, exquisite, long-necked, sweet smelling, downy rats.
2. The stables - I believe they have been replaced by television studios - were on West Sixty-sixth street. Holly selected for me an old sway-back black-and-white mare: "Don't worry, she's safer than a cradle." Which, in my case, was a necessary guarantee, for ten-cent pony rides at childhood carnivals were the limit of my equestrian experience.
3. However, there was no time to think more about the matter, for the fiddles and harp began in real earnest. Away went Mr. Pickwick — hands across, down the middle to the very end of the room, and halfway up the chimney, back again to the door - posseted everywhere - loud stamp on the ground - ready for the next couple - off again - all the figure over once more - another stamp to beat out the time - next couple, and the next, and the next again - never was such going!
4. Think of the connotations of "murder", that awful word: the loss of emotional control, the hate, the spite, the selfishness, the broken glass, the blood, the cry in the throat, the trembling blindness that results in their revocable act, the helpless blow. Murder is the most limited of gestures.
5. There is an immensity of promenading on crutches and off, with sticks and without; and a great deal of conversation, and liveliness and pleasantry.
Speech exercises
Exercise 7. Answer the following questions
1. Speak about semantic types of periphrasis.
2. In what cases can a logical or a figurative periphrasis also be qualified as euphemistic?
3. What are the main stylistic functions of periphrases?
4. Which type of periphrasis, in your opinion, is most favoured in contemporary prose and why?
Exercise 8. State the linguistic nature of the following periphrasis. Find out the convergence of SDs. Speak about the SF of these periphrases:
1. When they reached Chicago Mrs. Gerald went her way, and Jennie and Lester took up the customary thread of their existence.
2. Mr. Mor's half is still to come.
3. I've got a pile of money in the bank, and there's nothing to spend it on this God-forsaken backwater.
4. Bygones are bygones. I'm perfectly willing to talk with you from time to time. That's all you want. This other thing is simply a sop with which to plaster an old wound.
5. Ah, but in spite of la mer maudite (the accursed sea), the heat abominable, and the annoyances of the sand, the little grey cells still functioned!
6. I disdained to argue, and entranced my curiosity behind a rampart of
pretended indifference.
Conditional exercises
Exercise 9. Read the poem and learn by heart.
What is this life if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare. No time to stand beneath the boughs,
And stare as long as sheep and cows.
No time to see when woods we pass,
Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass.
No time to see in broad day light,
Streams full of stars like skies at night.
Exercise 10. Group work. In this task teacher should divide the class into 2 group and ask to write their meaning about “The stylistic essence and the functions of periphrasis in the texts” and to speak their note turn by turn. Make a debate.
State the linguistic nature of the following periphrasis. Find out the convergence of stylistic devices. Speak about the stylistic functions of these periphrases.
Reading is one of the main skills that a pupil must acquire in the process of mastering a foreign language in school. Reading one of the fiction books also helps pupils to find out periphrasis and its types.
Periphrasis and its types is one of the most important themes which both pupils at schools and students at Universities must learn.
Objectives: Students will be able to write a periphrasis and distinguish periphrasis from other literary terms. After practice, students can use periphrasis effectively in their writing.
Time: 10 min
Warm up: Ask students what it means to periphrases. Write down responses on chart paper. Then, ask them to raise their hand when they hear a sentence that utilizes periphrases.
“Gargantuan soldier names Dahoud picked Ploy by the head and scrutinized this convulsion of dungarees and despair whose feet thrashed a yard above the deck.”
“His face was red, the back of his neck overflowed his collar and there had recently been published a second edition of his chin.”
“His huge leather chairs were kind to the femurs.”
“Ey, qalam tebratuvchi aziz qadrdonim, Buhoroi sharifda mundog’ befarhezlar hukumatdorlikka minib sizningdek ahli ilmlarga ozor bergan bo’lsalar, ularning ham jazolarini beruvchi Qahhor zuljalol egasi bordir”.
“Shunda alomat hodisa yuz berdi, shu bilan muhtaram ustod menga go’yo muborak ko’z oynaklarini berdilar “mana buni taqib, o’z halqingni o’tmishiga nazar sol”, dedilar.”
“Kuz oyini ho’p hush ko’rmayman do’stim, pahta terimi boshlanadi. Po’lat qushlar havoni buzadi.”
While-activities: (60 minutes)
Activity 1. Now, after you have been acquainted with the semantics, structures and functions of major syntactical stylistic devices, you may proceed, in the summarizing form, to cases of their convergence, paying attention to each SD contributing to the general effect and of course specifying those which bear the main responsibility for the creation of additional information and the intensification of the basic one:
1. In November a cold unseen stranger whom the doctors called Pneumonia, stalked about the colony touching one here and one there with icy fingers. Mr. Pneumonia was not what you would call a chivalric old gentleman.
2. He came to us, you see, about three months ago. A skilled and experienced waiter. Has given complete satisfaction. He has been in England about five years.
3. If it had not been for these things, I might have lived out my life, talking at street corners to scorning men. I might have died, unmarked, unknown, a failure. Now we are not a failure. This is our career and our triumph. Never in our full life can we hope to do such work for tolerance, for justice, for man's understanding of man, as now we do by an accident. Our words - our lives - our pains - nothing! The taking of our lives -lives of a good shoe-maker and a poor fish-peddler - all! That last mo'ment belongs to us - that agony is our triumph!
4. The main thought uppermost in Fife's mind was that everything in the war was so organized, and handled with such matter-of-fact dispatch. Like a business. Like a regular business. And yet at the bottom of it was blood: blood, mutilation, death. It seemed weird, wacky to Fife.
5. Constance had said: "If ever I'm a widow, I won't wear them, positively," in the tone of youth; and Mrs. Baines had replied: "I hope you won't, my dear." That was over twenty years ago, but Constance perfectly remembered. And now, she was a widow! How strange and how impressive was life! And she had kept her word; not without hesitations; for though times were changed, Bursley was still Bursley; but she had kept it.

Activity 2. Analyze the given periphrases from the viewpoint of their semantic type, structure, function and originality:

"But Pickwick, gentlemen, Pickwick, this ruthless destroyer of . this domestic oasis in the desert of Goswell street!".
He would make some money and then he would come back and marry his dream from Blackwood.
The villages were full of women who did nothing but fight against dirt and hunger and repair the effects of friction on clothes.
The habit of saluting the dawn with a bend of the elbow was a hangover from college fraternity days.
I took my obedient feet away from him.
I got away on my hot adolescent feet as quickly as I could.
I am thinking an unmentionable thing about your mother.
Jean nodded without turning and slid between two vermilion-coloured buses so that two drivers simultaneously used the same qualitative word.
During the previous winter I had become rather seriously ill with one of those carefully named difficulties which are the whispers of approaching age.
A child had appeared among the palms, about a hundred yards along the beach. He was a boy of perhaps six years, sturdy and fair, his clothes torn, his face covered with a sticky mess of fruit. His trousers had been lowered for an obvious purpose and had only been pulled back half-way.
When I saw him again, there were silver dollars weighting down his eyes.
She was still fat after childbirth; the destroyer of her figure sat at the head of the table.

Activity 3. State the linguistic nature of the following periphrasis. Find out the convergence of SDs. Speak about the SF of these periphrases:

When they reached Chicago Mrs. Gerald went her way, and Jennie and Lester took up the customary thread of their existence.
Mr. Mor's half is still to come.
I've got a pile of money in the bank, and there's nothing to spend it on this God-forsaken backwater.
Bygones are bygones. I'm perfectly willing to talk with you from time to time. That's all you want. This other thing is simply a sop with which to plaster an old wound.
Ah, but in spite of la mer maudite (the accursed sea), the heat abominable, and the annoyances of the sand, the little grey cells still functioned!
I disdained to argue, and entranced my curiosity behind a rampart of pretended indifference.
Nari tur — beri tur qilib, besh-olti kishi otga bosiriq bo’lganni o’rtadan olib chiqdilar.
Saroy nazmlarida tolgan Amu ham bu on bog’larga ketdi o’ynab childirmasida.
Chol hozir boshi berk ko’cha ichida ...
Ey, boshi bosh donalar, ey qovoq kiygan dindoshlar... .
Uyalma, Abjal, bu vaqtda tiriklik toshdan qattiq, bola-chaqaning tashvishi kishini qaysi ko’ylarga solmaydi.
... bularni ham so’zlab o’ltirishga hojat yo’q, haqiqat maydonda.
Gagarin yer yuzidan oyoq uzib ketganda,
Afsonaviy bo’sh fazoning mehvariga yetganda, O’zing eding yo’llarida mash’al bo’lib yongan nur, O’zing eding mardlariga aytib turgan tashakkur!
Mana, o’g’lim labi ustiga qaldirg’ochning mayin qanoti.
Quyoshning tagida terlagan
Tanlarni ko’ylaklar o’padi.
Bulut chodirini yirtib mo’ralab, chiqsa quyosh, ko’kka bo’laman maftun.
Sen uhlaysan, yanvar ayozi,
Ishga soldi mohir qo’lini,
Seni qutlab, keng derazangga Chizib ketdi nafis gulini.
Post activity. Hometask. Lesson Extension (10 minutes)
After mastering periphrasis, students can move on to writing a story which the help of periphrasis.

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