TIMSS 2011 SCIenCe FraMework | 81 exhibit 9: Target Percentages of the TIMSS 2011 Science assessment Devoted to Cognitive Domains at Fourth and eighth Grades Cognitive Domains Percentages Fourth Grade Eighth Grade Knowing
While some hierarchy is imposed in the division of behaviors
into the three cognitive domains, a range of difficulty levels is
expected for items developed for each of the cognitive domains.
The following sections further describe the student skills and
abilities defining the cognitive domains. The general descriptions
are followed by lists of specific behaviors to be elicited by items that
are aligned with each domain.
Knowing refers to students’ knowledge base of science facts,
information, concepts, and tools. Accurate and broad-based factual
knowledge enables students to engage successfully in the more
complex cognitive activities essential to the scientific enterprise.
Students are expected to recall or recognize accurate science
statements; possess knowledge of vocabulary, facts, information,
symbols, and units; and select appropriate apparatus, equipment,
measurement devices, and experimental operations to use in
conducting investigations. This cognitive domain also includes the
selection of illustrative examples in support of statements of facts
or concepts.
82 | ChaPTer 2 1 Recall/ Recognize Make or identify accurate statements
about science facts, relationships,
processes, and concepts; identify the
characteristics or properties of specific
organisms, materials, and processes.