Toshkent farmatsevtika instituti farmatsevtika ishini tashkil qilish kafedrasi tibbiyot va farmatsevtika tovarshunosligi
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Medical technique -medical equipment intended for using in medical practice: equipment, apparatus, equipment and collections. The main purpose of medical 315 supplies-to prevent the disease (prevention), diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation of persons with disabilities (rehabilitation), medical procedures, and others. Tibbiy asboblar profilaktika, tashhis qo‗yish, davolash, tekshirish, muolajalarini o‗tkazish uchun mo‗ljallangan texnik vositalar. Medical equipment (devices)- Equipment on the state of patient information, diagnostics or devices that allow identifying the technical norms. Tibbiy uskunalar priborlar Bemor holatiga oid ma‘lumotni olish,tashhis qo‗yish yoki me‘yordan og‗ishlarni aniq lash imkonini beradigan texnik qurilmalar. Uskunalar ko‗rsatuvchi, qayd etuvchi, kombinirlangan bo‗ladi. Medical equipment (devices)- Equipment on the state of patient information, diagnostics or devices that allow identifying the technical norms. Tibbiy apparatlar – bemor organizmiga davolash yoki profilaktik ta‘sirini ko‗rsatish, yoki organizmdagi a‘zolar va tizimlarning o‗rnini bosish yohud funksiyalarini tuzatish uchun mo‗ljallangan tibbiy texnika qurilmalari. Medical apparatus- medicaldevices intended to make therapeutic or prophylactic effect or to cure or to substitute the body organs and systems or to correct the functions. Tibbiy jixozlar davolash-kasallikni oldini olish jarayonlarini amalga oshirishda, tashhis qo‗yish, muolajalar bajarishda bemorlar va tibbiyot xodimlari uchun qulay shart- sharoitlarni yaratuvchi tibbiy texnik qurilmalar yig‗indisi. Medical equipment - the implementation of the process of treatment and prevention of the disease, diagnostic procedures for patients and medical staff in the implementation of favorable conditions for the sum of medical technical devices. In vitro tashhis vositalari test-tizim va test-tasmalar, reagentlar, kalibratorlar, analizatorlar, tekshiruv ashyolaridan tarkib topgan tashhis qo‗yish uchun tibbiy buyumlar. In vitro diagnostics -test system and test strips, reagents, Calibrator, analyzers, consisting of materials diagnostic medical devices. 316 Qadoq Tabiiy buzilishlar va yo‗qotishlardan, atrof-muhitni esa ifloslanishdan himoya qiladigan vosita yoki vositalar majmui. Packing material -tool or set of tools that protects from natural damage and losses, environmental pollution Qadoqlash Qadoqlash vositalari yordamida mahsulotni tashish, saqlash, sotish va iste‘mol qilishga tayyorlash. Packing- packaging products let goods transportation, storage, sale and consumption. Iste‟mol qadog„i Mahsulot bilan birgalikda iste‘molchiga kelib tushadi, tovarning bir qismi bo‗lib uning umumiy narxiga kiradi. Bunday qadoq turi mustaqqil tashishga muljallangan bo‗lib, uning og‗irligi, o‗lchamlari cheklangan bo‗ladi. Consumer pack- will come with the product to the consumer, the product of a portion of its total cost. This package is intended to transport independently , its weight, size will be limited. Transport (tashish) qadog„i Tovarni iste‘mol qadog‗idagi yoki qadoqlanmagan tovarni tashishga mo‗ljallangan bo‗lib alohida mustaqil tashish vositasi sifatida ishlatiladi. Transportation (transportation) package - designed for the transport of goods or consumer goods packaging and used as an independent means of transportation. Ishlab- chikarish qadog„i ishlab-chiqarish jarayonini tashkil qilishda uning texnologik qismi sifatida ishlatiladi, mahsulotni chakana savdosi uchun muljallanmagan. Production pack- is used as a part of technological production process of product and is intended for retail sale. Konservatsi ya qadog„i Xom ashyo, buyumlarni, texnik vositalarni, xavfli chiqindilarni uzoq muddat saqlanishiga mo‗ljallangan. Temporary closing pack- is designed for long-term preservation of hazardous waste and conservation of raw materials, products, technical tools Birlamchi (individual) qadoq Mahsulotni uzoq muddat davomida saqlanishiga mo‗ljallangan bo‗lib, mahsulotga hech qanday salbiy ta‘sir ko‗rsatmaydi yoki u bilan reaksiyaga kirishmaydi. Primary (individual) packaging - is designed for long-term safety of the product with no adverse effects, or react. Ikkilamchi Birlamchi qadoqni tashqi Secondary packaging - is 317 qadoq omillardan ximoya qilishga mo‗ljallangan vositadir designed to protect from the external factors primary packaging tool Guruhiy qadoq Birlamchi va ikkilamchi qadoqlarni himoya qilishga mo‗ljallangan, mahsulot qadoqlanayotganda mashinalar yok apparatlarda shaklga solinadi. Group packages is designed to protect the product of primary and secondary packaging, shaped bymachines or tools in packaging process. Qadoqlasha shyolari Tayyor dori vositalarni qadoqlashda yog‗och, qog‗oz, pergament, karton, polimerlar ashyolar sifatida ishlatiladi va idishlarni ishlab chiqarishga xizmat qiladi Packaging materials are used in packing medicinal preparations as wood, paper, parchment, cardboard, polymers materials and used in the production of bottles. Iste‟molidis hlari Turlicha hajmli qutilar, savatlar, tubalar, qoplar, karton va polimer ashyolardan tayyorlangan o‗ramlar, shisha va metall idishlar va boshqalar. Consumer vessels aredifferent size boxes, baskets, tubes, fiber, cardboard and coin made of polymer ingredients, packaging, glass, and metal containers and others. Tara Tovarni ma‘lum sonini joylashtirishga mo‗ljallangan idishdir Tara is dish intended to place a certain number of goods Iste‟molchi Foyda chiqarib olish bilan bog‗liq bo‗lgan shaxsiy iste‘mol yoki xususiy xo‗jalikda foydalanish maqsadida tovar sotib oluvchi, ish, xizmatga buYurtma beruvchi yoxud shu niyatda bo‗lgan fuqaro (jismoniyshaxs). Customeris thecitizen (natural person) associated with the purchase of goods for personal consumption or for use in private households, in order to provide the service or motivated Xizmat muddati Tovardan foydalanishi uchun belgilangan aniq muddat. Service date is specified period of time for the use of goods. Rusum (markirovk a) mahsulot, tara, qadoq Yuzasiga shartli belgilar, rasmlar, yozuvlar, raqamlar yordamida tovar va ishlab chiqaruvchi nomini, uning manzilini va xo kazo ma‘lumotlarni belgilash. Model (labeling) - products, container, packing the surface of symbols, images, text, numbers, using the brand name of the manufacturer and its address and related 318 information. Tovar belgisi Yuridik nomondan himoyalangan firma belgisi, nomi. Trade mark is protected by the legal name of the trade mark. “in vitro”guruh iga mansub tibbiyot va farmatsevti ka tovarlari Tashhis uchun mo‗ljallangan tibbiy buyumlar: kalibratorlar, reagentlar, reaktivlar, test- tasmalar, test-tizimlar, tekshiruvashyolari. Medical and pharmaceutical goods belongs to the group of "In vitro" are medical itemsintended for diagnosis–: Calibrator, reagents, reagents, tests strips, test systems, control equipment. Imlantantla r turiga mansub tibbiyot va farmatsevti ka tovarlar profilaktika, tashщis, davolash, reabilitatsiyaga mo‘ljallangan va tibbiy buyumlarni bemor organizmi bilan bevosita aloqa yoki o‘zaro ta‘siri sharoitida foydalaniladigan tibbiy mahsulotlar. Medical and pharmaceutical goods belong to the type of implant -medical goods intended for prevention , treatment, rehabilitation and used in the context of direct communication or interaction of medical products with the patient's organism. Tibbiymah ulotn i ishlab chiqaruvchi Tibbiy mahsulotni ishlab chiqarish, qutilash, standartlash, sertifikatlashga taqdim etish, shuningdek o‗zi ishlab chiqarayotgan tibbiy mahsulotni sotuvga chiqaruvchi tashkilot, kompaniya, korxona. Medical products manufacturer-the organization, enterprise, company manufactures and sales medical and boxes, standardizes, certificates medical product Tovarlar assortiment i- Bir guruh yoki tur ichida ishlab chiqarilgan bir hil yoki turli hildagi tovarlar yig‗indisi ( vazifasi, rangi, o‗lchami, ishlab chiqarilishiga ko‗ra ). The range of goods– collection of goods the same group or different types, produced in the same group or species (function, color, size, production). Foydalanuv -chi Tibbiy maqsadda qo‗llash va tibbiy mahsulotlardan foydalanish bo‗yicha yo‗riqnomaga muvofiq Tibbiyot va farmatsevtika tovarni ishlatuvchi jismoniy User-medical and pharmaceutical individuals using medicinal products in medicinal purposes, according to the instructions. 319 shaxs. Tibbiyot va farmatsevti ka tovarlarnin g xavfsizligi Foydalanuvchi va bemorlar salomatligiga, atrof-muxitga zarar etkazishni oldini olish maqsadida ishlab chiqilgan, tibbiyot va farmatsevtika tovarlarga nisbatan talablar yig‗indisi. The safety of medical and pharmaceutical goods-sum of the requirementsof medical and pharmaceuticals goods designed in order to prevent environmental harm and harm to the patients‘ and users‘ health . Tibbiyot va farmatsevti ka tovarlarnin g samaradorl igi muhofaza, tashhis yoki davolash samarasiga erishishni ta‘minlovchi tibbiyot va farmatsevtika tovarlar tasniflari yig‘indisi. Effectiveness of medical and pharmaceutical goods -the sum of classification ofthe medical and pharmaceutical goods provides protection, effective diagnosis or treatment efficiency . Tibbiy maqsadli o„lchov vositalari Inson organizmi holatini tariflaydigan miqdoriy o‗lchoviga mo‗ljallangan va ularning funksional maqsadli asosiga qo‗yilgan tibbiy uslublarga muvofiq qo‗llaniladigan tibbiy texnik vositalar. The measuring instruments used for medical purposes- medical equipment intended toquantitative measuring description of the state condition of human body on the basis of functional objectives and used according to the medical style Mahsulotni tibbiy qo„llanishi bo„yicha yo„riqnoma Mahsulotning tasviri va undan xavfsiz foydalanish bo‗yicha mufassal axborotga ega bo‗lgan, tibbiy mahsulot sifatini nazorat qilish uchun me‘yoriy hujjatlar talablariga muvofiq foydalanuvchilar uchun ishlab chiquravchi tomonidan tuzilgan hujjat. Instruction on the use of products medically – document formed for users by producer with image and more detailed information on the safe use of medical product according to the quality control requirements . Tibbiymahs ulotdan foydalanish bo„yicha qo„llanma me‘yoriy hujjatlar, tibbiy mahsulotlar sifatini nazorat qiluvchi idora va mahsulot ta‘rifini va undan xavfsiz foydalanishga oid mufassal ma‘lumotlarga ega, uni standartlash, metrologiya va Guidelines on the use of medical products – formed document bymanufacturer according to the requirements with administration controlling the quality of medical products and product descriptions and 320 sertifikatlash idorasi talablariga muvofiq foydalanuvchilar uchun tibbiy mahsulotni ishlab chiqaruvchi tomonidan tuzilgan hujjat. detailed information on the use of product safe ,standardization, metrology and certification . Uskunalarg a texnik xizmat ko„rsatish Uskunalarning nosozliklarini aniqlovchi va qo‗llanilganda ishlamasligining oldini olishni ta‘minlovchi tizimli ishlar yig‗indisi. Technical service of equipment-collection of system work defining defects or preventing fault in use. Uskunalarn i ta‟mirlash Uskunalarning nosozligini bartaraf etish va to‗xtovsiz ishlashini tiklash bo‗yicha ishlar yig‗indisi. Maintenance of equipment malfunctions-collection of works to over comemal functions, restore the smooth operation Standart Manfaatdor tomonlarning roziligi asosida ishlab chiqilgan va umuman hamda ko‗p marta foydalanish uchun idora tomonidan o‗rnatiladigan tartibda qabul qilingan, tanolingan, faoliyatning har hil turlariga daxldor qoidalar, umumiy tamoyillar, tasniflar, talablar va usullarni mujassamlashgan ko‗rinishidagi me‘yoriy hujjat. The standard- Normative documentsconcentrated rules related to the different types of activities, general principles, classification, requirements and methods made on the basis of the consent of the concerned parties andadopted according to the recognized rules by the administration to use in general, or a lot . O„zbekiston Respublika si standarti Standartlash bo‗yicha (―O‗zstandart‖ Agentligi, Davlat qurilish, Davlat tabiatni muhofaza qilish qo‗mitasi, O‗zbekiston Respublikasi Sog‗liqni saqlash vazirligi tomonidan) tasdiqlangan standart.i (O‗zRS) – Standard of republic of Uzbekistan(UzRS) - approved standards according to standardization (the State Agency ―Uz standard‖ , the State Committee Nature Protection the StateConstruction , the Ministry of theHealth Care of the Republic of Uzbekistan) . Texnik shartlar (TSH) Buyurtmachi bilan hamkorlikda yoki ishlab chiqaruvchi (tayyorlovchi) yoki buyurtmachi, buyurtmachi bilan kelishilgan holda ishlab Technical conditions (TC) - normative document establishes the technical requirements to exact product (service)in collaboration with 321 chiqaruvchi (tayyorlovchi) tomonidan tasdiqlangan aniq mahsulot (xizmat) ga texnik talablarni belgilovchi me‘yoriy hujjat. the customer or the manufacturer (preparation) or as agreed with the customer and the customer's production (preparation) . Korxona standarti (KS) Korxona tashabbusi bilan mahsulotga, xizmatga yoki jarayonga nisbatan ishlab chiqilgan va o‗zi tomonidan tasdiqlangan me‘yoriy xujjat Enterprises Standard (ES) - normative document approved by the enterprise to the product, service or process with the initiative of the enterprise. ГOСT - Sobiq SSSRning Davlat standartlari MDH mamlakatlarining standartlash, metrologiya va sertifikatlashtirish sohasida kelishilgan siyosatni amalga oshirish Bitimi va Vazirlar Mahkamasining 1992 yil 2 martda qabul qilgan ―O‗zbekiston Respublikasida standartlash bo‗yicha ishlarni tashkil qilish to‗g‗risida‖ gi qaroriga muvofiq MDH xalqaro standartlar sifatida amal qiladi The former Soviet state standards (ГОСТ) - CIS standardization, metrology and certification in the field of implementation of agreed policies and agreements, on March 2, 1992, the Cabinet of Ministers adopted the standards of the Republic of Uzbekistan "organized" On as the CIS in accordance with international standards. Xalqaro standart Standartlash bilan shug‗ullanuvchi xalqaro tashkilot tomonidan qabul qilingan va iste‘molchilarning keng doirasiga qulay standart An international standard- by the International Organization for Standardization dealing with a wide range of consumers and comfortable standard. Mintaqaviy standart Standartlash bo‗yicha milliy idora tomonidan qabul qilingan va iste‘molchilarning keng doirasiga mo‗ljallangan standart Regional standards - designed for a wide range of consumers adopted by the national government standard . Download 18,83 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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