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Table 3 Chemical analysis of the test site before saline washing


Soil layer, cm

Before leaching

After leaching

dry residue %

CI %

dry residue %

CI %

2020 year


































3. Conclusion
From the results of experiments on deep mechanical loosening soils on hard mechanical sand (gypsum) soils, one can conclude that the amount of chlorine ion in the active layer is 0,003 in the variant 2 compared to the control. The dry matter content decreased by 0.058% in the variant 2, while the dry matter content decreased by 0.063% in the variant 3, respectively.
The norms for seasonal salting differed from variant 1 (control) to Variant 2-1470 cbm/ha, in variant 3-1380 cbm/ha. Cotton irrigation norm 537 cbm/ha in variant 2, -721cbm/ha in variant 3, 1127 cbm/ ha (control) less water than variant 1, improved soil water, air, salt regime.
At the same time, high-quality cotton was harvested and the land reclamation situation improved, as cotton yield increased by 0,39 t/ha in variant 2 and 0,129 t/ha in variant 3 compared to control.
As a result of deep softening on medium and strong saline soils, the effectiveness of salt washing was determined.
As a result of deep softening on strong and moderately saline soils, the effect of saline washing norms and deadlines on the water-physical properties of the soil was studied.
In strong and moderately saline soils, the meliorative state of the soil and the effect of deep softeners on its fertility were studied.



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