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Mustaqil ta’lim topshiriqlari

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Mustaqil ta’lim topshiriqlari
Taklif etilayotgan mavzular bo‘yicha doklad, referat va slaydlar tayyorlash

  1. Postravmatik stress simptomlari o‘rtasidagi aloqalar (Boulbi bo‘yicha)

  2. Epigenetik va preformistik psixologik nazariyalar.

  3. Ilk etuklik davridagi izolyasiya tuyg‘usi

  4. Freyd nazariyasi va Angliya maktabi ishlarida ob’ekt tushunchasi .

  5. Psixoanaliz tarixida ko‘chish haqidagi tasavvurlarni o‘zgarishi.

  6. Regressiya shaxsnining xavotirdan himoyalanish usuli sifatida

  7. YUmor etuk psixologik himoya mexanizmi

  8. O‘spirining tipik himoyasi.

  9. Yung ishlarida o‘zlik tushunchasi

  10. Psixikaning kompensatorlik imkoniyatlari

Taklif qilingan mavzu bo‘yicha esse tayyorlash

  • Xavotirlanish tuyg‘usidan xalos bo‘lishda psixologik himoyaning o‘rni

Keys topshirig‘i
Tibbiyot hamshirasi 3. — hukmronlikka intiluvchi, o‘ch oluvchi, shubhalanuvchi, pedantik. Doimo birinchi bo‘lishga intiladi. Mayda gap. Boshqalar ustidan kulishdan, o‘zini ustuvor qo‘yishdan huzur oladi. Ba’zida iltifotsiz va shafqatsiz bo‘lib qoladi.

1.SHaxs xarakteristikasining tipini aniqlang.
2.Temperamentini ko‘rsating.
Z.Muloqot va ish turining ratsional usulini tanlang.

Bemor V. empatiyali, juda ko‘ngidchan, do‘stona munosabatlarni yoqlaydigan. Vazmin, tortinchoq, o‘ziga ishonmaydigan. Tez shubhaga beriluvchan va noqulay vaziyatlarda ehtiyotkor bo‘lib qoladi. Aniq sabablarsiz xovatir bilan gumonsiraydi, lekin oqibatlari kam ehtimolli.
1.Temperament tipinii toping.
3. Muloqotning optimal uslubini tanlang.

1 https://nrm.uz/contentf?doc=498861_o‘zbekiston_respublikasi_prezidentining_20_04_2017_y_pq-2909-son_oliy_talim_tizimini_yanada_rivojlantirish_chora-tadbirlari_to‘g‘risidagi

2 Myers, D. G. Psychology. Hope College. Holland, Michigan, 2010. - Р. 553.

3 Myers, D. G. Psychology. Hope College. Holland, Michigan, 2010. - Р. 554.

4C. George Boeree: Personality Theories. Original E-Text Site:http://www.ship.edu/%7Ecgboeree/perscontents.html Р 5.

5 C. George Boeree: Personality Theories. Original E-Text Site:http://www.ship.edu/%7Ecgboeree/perscontents.html Р 5.

6 C. George Boeree: Personality Theories. Original E-Text Site:http://www.ship.edu/%7Ecgboeree/perscontents.html Р 6.

7 Myers, D. G. Psychology. Hope College. Holland, Michigan, 2010. - Р. 556.

8 Duane P.Schults. Theories of Personality. Wadsworth, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc. Copyright © 2005.-Р59..

9 Myers, D. G. Psychology. Hope College. Holland, Michigan, 2010. - Р. 554.

10 Boeree C. G. Viktor Frankl/ Personality Theories. PsychologyDepartment Shippensburg University. 1997. – Р.8

11 Boeree C. G. Medard Boss/ Personality Theories. PsychologyDepartment Shippensburg University. 1997. – Р.3

12 Boeree C. G. Medard Boss/ Personality Theories. PsychologyDepartment Shippensburg University. 1997. – Р.3

13 Boeree C. G. G. Hans Eysenck /Personality Theories. PsychologyDepartment Shippensburg University. 1997. – Р.5

14Boeree C. G. G. Hans Eysenck /Personality Theories. PsychologyDepartment Shippensburg University. 1997. – Р.6

15 Boeree C. G. G. Hans Eysenck /Personality Theories. PsychologyDepartment Shippensburg University. 1997. – Р.7

16 Boeree C. G. G. Hans Eysenck /Personality Theories. PsychologyDepartment Shippensburg University. 1997. – Р.5

17 Boeree C. G. G. Hans Eysenck /Personality Theories. PsychologyDepartment Shippensburg University. 1997. – Р.6

18 Boeree C. G. G. Hans Eysenck /Personality Theories. PsychologyDepartment Shippensburg University. 1997. – Р.6

19 Boeree C. G. GeorgeKelly/Personality Theories. PsychologyDepartment Shippensburg University. 1997. – Р.3

20 Boeree C. G. GeorgeKelly/Personality Theories. PsychologyDepartment Shippensburg University. 1997. – Р.4-5

21 Boeree C. G. GeorgeKelly/Personality Theories. PsychologyDepartment Shippensburg University. 1997. – Р.14-15

22 Boeree C. G. GeorgeKelly/Personality Theories. PsychologyDepartment Shippensburg University. 1997. – Р.13.

23 Myers D. G. Psychology. Hope College. Holland, Michigan, 2010. - Р.173

24 Myers D. G. Psychology. Hope College. Holland, Michigan, 2010. - Р. 555.

25 Myers D. G. Psychology. Hope College. Holland, Michigan, 2010. - Р. 556.

26Boeree C. G. Jean Piaget/ Personality Theories. Psychology Department Shippensburg University. 1997. – Р.3-10

27 Myers D. G. Psychology. Hope College. Holland, Michigan, 2010. - Р. 555.

28 Boeree C. G. Alfred Adler/Personality Theories. Electronic textbook/PsychologyDepartment Shippensburg University. 1997. – p. 6

29 Myers D. G. Psychology. Hope College. Holland, Michigan, 2010. - Р. 224

30 Myers, D. G. Psychology. Hope College. Holland, Michigan, 2010. - Р. 553-593.

31 Myers, D. G. Psychology. Hope College. Holland, Michigan, 2010.- Р. 565.

32 Myers, D. G. Psychology. Hope College. Holland, Michigan, 2010. Р. 162-163

33 Myers, D. G. Psychology. Hope College. Holland, Michigan, 2010. - Р. 554.

34 Myers, D. G. Psychology. Hope College. Holland, Michigan, 2010. - Р. 597.

35 Myers, D. G. Psychology. Hope College. Holland, Michigan, 2010. - Р. 202.

36 Myers, D. G. Psychology. Hope College. Holland, Michigan, 2010. - Р. 202.

37 Myers, D. G. Psychology. Hope College. Holland, Michigan, 2010. - Р. 603.

38 Myers, D. G. Psychology. Hope College. Holland, Michigan, 2010. - Р. 603.

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