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1. Simple Future asosiy felning oldiga 1-shaxs birlik va ko‘plikda shall yordamchi fe’lini, qolgan shaxslarda will yordamchi fe’lini qo‘yish bilan yasaladi: Ega + shall (will) + V I (we) shall work, he (you, they) will work.
2. Simple Futurening bo‘lishsiz shakli shall yoki will yordamchi fe’lidan keyin not inkor yuklamasini qo‘yish bilan yasaladi:
Ega + + shall (will) + not + V I (we) shall not work. He (you, they) will not work.
3. So‘roq shaklini yasashda shall yoki will yordamchi fe’li eganing oldiga o‘tkaziladi:
Shall (will) + ega + V? Shall I (we) work? Will he (you, they) work?

3. My Plans for the Future I think that one of the most difficult things is to plan one’s own future. But a person may suppose what he or she would like to do in the near future. I have not decided about my future profession yet. Life is quite difficult now, but I want to have an interesting job. I would like my work to be connected with different countries and people. I’d like to communicate with people at my work. I also hope to enter some higher educational establishment and gain more knowledge and more friends. My another dream is to learn to operate the computer. Perhaps I will attend some computer classes. I will also improve my command of English. I realize that the knowledge of languages is very important nowadays. I hope to spend more time with my family, especially with my grandparents. They are getting older, so they need more care and help now. And I hope I will have enough time for my favourite music and my old friends. I can’t imagine my future life without them.

4. Put in what/which/who.
a) This is a very nice house. Which Room is yours?
b)What is more expensive, meat or fish?
c) Who is older, Ann or George?

18- bilet. 1. Qattiq disk Ma'lumotlarni saqlaganingizda yoki kompyuteringizga dasturlarni o'rnatganingizda, ma'lumot odatda qattiq diskka yoziladi. Qattiq disk bu ma'lumotni yozib oladigan va saqlaydigan plita deb nomlangan magnit disklarning milidir. Ma'lumotlar magnit ravishda saqlanganligi sababli, kompyuterni o'chirgandan so'ng qattiq diskka yozilgan ma'lumotlar saqlanib qoladi. Bu qattiq disk va RAM yoki xotira o'rtasidagi muhim farq bo'lib, u kompyuterning kuchi o'chirilganida qayta o'rnatiladi. Qattiq disk qattiq disk ichida joylashgan, u diskka ma'lumotlarni o'qiydi va yozadi. Qattiq disk, shuningdek, protsessor va disk o'rtasida ma'lumotlarni orqaga va orqaga uzatadi. Ma'lumotni qattiq diskka saqlaganingizda, qattiq diskda minglab, agar millionlar bo'lmasa, nol va nollarni yozishga to'g'ri keladi. O'ylash juda ajoyib jarayon, ammo ma'lumotlarning zaxira nusxasini saqlash uchun yaxshi sabab bo'lishi mumkin.
2. The Present Perfect Tense (Hozirgi tugallangan zamon) Hozirgi tugallangan zamonning yasalishi
1. Present Perfect to have fe’lining hozirgi zamondagi shakllari have va has hamda asosiy fe’lning o‘tgan zamon sifatdoshi (Past Participle) yordamida yasaladi: I have worked, he has worked, we have worked.
Ega + have (has) + P.P. 2. Present Perfectning bo‘lishsiz shakli have yoki has yordamchi fe’lidan keyin not inkor yuklamasini qo‘yish bilan yasaladi: Ega + have (has) + not + P.P. I have not worked, he has not worked, we have not worked. 3. Present Perfectning so‘roq shakli have va has yordamchi fe’llarini eganing oldiga qo‘yish bilan yasaladi:

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