What Are Car Alarm Sensors and How Do They Work?


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Your vehicle, whether you have bought a brand-new car, or you are driving a used vehicle, is an investment. You rely on this vehicle to help you get to and from your place of employment. You use it to pick up family and friends, to help you run errands, and to help you get out of town on those weekends that you have some time to relax. Naturally, you want to take good care of your vehicle. However, this is going to require much more than just changing the oil, washing it, and checking the brakes from time to time. You need to provide proper security for your car. A car security system is essential in today’s world.
Vehicles are broken into and stolen at an alarming frequency. Those who are lax with their car security might feel as though they are exempt from the problem. However, it’s only a matter of time before something happens. You don’t want to see what it’s like to be without your vehicle, even for a short period. Fortunately, there are quality car security systems that can work to keep your vehicle safe. Let’s look at some of the different options that are available today to see which ones might suit your needs.


Sizning avtomobilingiz, siz yangi mashina sotib olgan bo'lsangiz yoki foydalanilgan transport vositasini boshqaryapsizmi, bu sarmoyadir. Ish joyingizga borish va qaytishda yordam berish uchun ushbu transport vositasiga ishonasiz. Siz undan oilangiz va do'stlaringizni olib ketish, yumushlarni bajarish va dam olishga vaqtingiz bo'lgan dam olish kunlarida shahardan chiqib ketishingizga yordam berish uchun foydalanasiz. Tabiiyki, siz mashinangizga yaxshi g'amxo'rlik qilishni xohlaysiz. Biroq, bu moyni almashtirish, yuvish va vaqti-vaqti bilan tormozlarni tekshirishdan ko'ra ko'proq narsani talab qiladi. Avtomobilingiz uchun tegishli xavfsizlikni ta'minlashingiz kerak. Avtomobil xavfsizligi tizimi bugungi dunyoda muhim ahamiyatga ega.

Avtomashinalar qo'rqinchli chastotada buziladi va o'g'irlanadi. Avtomobil xavfsizligiga befarq bo'lganlar o'zlarini muammodan xalos bo'lgandek his qilishlari mumkin. Biroq, biror narsa sodir bo'lishi faqat vaqt masalasidir. Qisqa vaqt ichida bo'lsa ham, avtomobilsiz qanday bo'lishini ko'rishni xohlamaysiz. Yaxshiyamki, avtomobilingizni xavfsiz saqlash uchun ishlaydigan sifatli avtomobil xavfsizlik tizimlari mavjud. Keling, qaysi biri sizning ehtiyojlaringizga mos kelishini bilish uchun bugungi kunda mavjud bo'lgan ba'zi turli xil variantlarni ko'rib chiqaylik.

Locking the Doors and Keeping It in a Garage

While this might be simple, it should always be your first line of defense if you want to keep your vehicle safe. When you get out of the vehicle, always lock the doors behind you. It doesn’t matter if you are just running into the grocery store, or you are popping into the house for a few minutes to pick something up. Thieves can strike anywhere. Keep it locked.
Eshiklarni qulflash va garajda saqlash
Bu oddiy bo'lishi mumkin bo'lsa-da, agar siz mashinangizni xavfsiz saqlashni istasangiz, bu har doim sizning birinchi himoya chizig'ingiz bo'lishi kerak. Avtomobildan tushganingizda, eshiklarni har doim orqangizdan qulflang. Siz shunchaki oziq-ovqat do'koniga kiryapsizmi yoki biror narsa olish uchun bir necha daqiqaga uyga kirasizmi, muhim emas. O'g'rilar hamma joyda urishi mumkin. Uni yopiq holda saqlang.

Now, not everyone has a garage where they can keep their vehicle. If you do have a garage, it is a good idea to use it whenever possible, as it will put up yet another barrier between the thieves and your vehicle.
Endi hamma ham o'z avtomobilini saqlashi mumkin bo'lgan garajga ega emas. Agar sizda garaj bo'lsa, iloji boricha undan foydalanish yaxshidir, chunki u o'g'rilar va mashinangiz o'rtasida yana bir to'siq qo'yadi.

Club Devices

Another car security method that some people still use is the Club or a similar device. These were very popular in the 90s as a form of car security, but thieves have found ways to get around these types of devices with relative ease. However, you may still want to have them on your vehicle today in addition to other methods of vehicle protection.
The reason for this is simple. Many thieves today simply aren’t expecting them. They will have their tools to deal with an alarm, but they won’t have the tools needed to quickly and easily remove a Club. Once again, you are adding levels of defense for your vehicle. It all adds up.

Alarm Systems

Car alarm systems have been popular for many years. When they were first created, they served as a nice deterrent to would-be car thieves. However, as time has passed, society as a whole has seemed to agree to ignore car alarms. When was the last time you rushed to the window or scoured a parking lot when you heard a car alarm? You probably just assume that it’s someone who is locked out of their vehicle or who tried their door without disarming the vehicle. Thieves count on this, and it is one of the reasons that car thefts are so high today.
Does this mean that you shouldn’t get a car alarm system in your vehicle? Not at all. You should have a car alarm system, but it should never be your only line of defense for your vehicle. Remember, you want to make things as difficult as possible for car thieves.

Consider Choosing OBD GPS Car Trackers for Your Car Security

Easily one of the best options available today is to have an OBD GPS car tracker or another type of hidden car tracker on your vehicle. These devices make it possible to track your vehicle if it is stolen, and they are very simple to use. If you could only choose one of the products on the list above, you should select a GPS car tracking system over the other options each time. It provides a host of benefits that the different types of security systems can’t provide.
CarLock offers a quality system that can be installed in your vehicle quickly and easily. It will provide you with alerts that are delivered to your phone in real-time. You can be alerted when the vehicle’s engine has been started without you in the vehicle. It can detect and alert you to vibrations that are happening on the vehicle, such as tools being used to get into the car. It will alert you if the device has been disconnected from the vehicle, as well. You can even be alerted if your vehicle is towed away.
The device can track the location of your vehicle using the GPS. It collects data and sends it to the cloud, where the data is analyzed, and then you are alerted if there are any issues. This allows you to monitor your vehicle no matter where you are in the world.
Klub qurilmalari
Ba'zi odamlar hali ham foydalanadigan boshqa avtomobil xavfsizligi usuli bu klub yoki shunga o'xshash qurilma. Ular 90-yillarda avtomobil xavfsizligi shakli sifatida juda mashhur edi, ammo o'g'rilar bunday turdagi qurilmalarni nisbatan osonlik bilan aylanib o'tish yo'llarini topdilar. Biroq, siz hali ham transport vositalarini himoya qilishning boshqa usullariga qo'shimcha ravishda, bugungi kunda ularni avtomobilingizda bo'lishni xohlashingiz mumkin.

Buning sababi oddiy. Bugungi kunda ko'plab o'g'rilar ularni kutishmaydi. Ular signal bilan kurashish uchun o'z vositalariga ega bo'ladilar, ammo ularda Klubni tez va oson olib tashlash uchun zarur vositalar bo'lmaydi. Yana bir bor, siz avtomobilingiz uchun himoya darajalarini qo'shyapsiz. Hammasi qo'shiladi.

Signal tizimlari
Avtomobil signalizatsiya tizimlari ko'p yillar davomida mashhur bo'lib kelgan. Ular birinchi marta yaratilganda, ular bo'lajak avtomobil o'g'rilari uchun yaxshi to'siq bo'lib xizmat qilgan. Biroq, vaqt o'tishi bilan butun jamiyat avtomobil signallariga e'tibor bermaslikka rozi bo'lgandek tuyuldi. Qachon oxirgi marta mashina signalini eshitganingizda deraza oldiga yugurgansiz yoki to'xtash joyini ko'zdan kechirgansiz? Ehtimol, siz bu o'z avtomobili qulflangan yoki transport vositasini qurolsizlantirmasdan eshigini sinab ko'rgan odam deb o'ylaysiz. O'g'rilar bunga ishonishadi va bugungi kunda avtomashinalarni o'g'irlash ko'payib borayotganining sabablaridan biri.

Bu sizning avtomobilingizda avtomobil signalizatsiya tizimini olmasligingizni anglatadimi? Arzimaydi. Sizda avtomobil signalizatsiya tizimi bo'lishi kerak, lekin u hech qachon sizning avtomobilingiz uchun yagona himoya chizig'ingiz bo'lmasligi kerak. Esingizda bo'lsin, siz mashina o'g'rilari uchun narsalarni iloji boricha qiyinlashtirmoqchisiz.

Avtomobilingiz xavfsizligi uchun OBD GPS avtomobil izdoshlarini tanlashni o'ylab ko'ring
Bugungi kunda mavjud bo'lgan eng yaxshi variantlardan biri bu sizning avtomobilingizda OBD GPS avtomobil kuzatuvchisi yoki boshqa turdagi yashirin avtomobil kuzatuvchisiga ega bo'lishdir. Ushbu qurilmalar sizning avtomobilingiz o'g'irlangan bo'lsa, uni kuzatish imkonini beradi va ulardan foydalanish juda oson. Agar siz yuqoridagi roʻyxatdagi mahsulotlardan faqat bittasini tanlay olsangiz, har safar boshqa variantlardan koʻra GPS avtomobil kuzatuv tizimini tanlashingiz kerak. Bu har xil turdagi xavfsizlik tizimlari taqdim eta olmaydigan ko'plab afzalliklarni beradi.

CarLock avtomobilingizga tez va oson o'rnatilishi mumkin bo'lgan sifatli tizimni taklif etadi. U sizga real vaqt rejimida telefoningizga yuboriladigan ogohlantirishlarni taqdim etadi. Siz mashinada bo'lmasangiz, vosita dvigateli ishga tushirilganda ogohlantirishingiz mumkin. U avtomobilda sodir bo'layotgan tebranishlarni, masalan, mashinaga kirishda ishlatiladigan asboblarni aniqlashi va ogohlantirishi mumkin. Agar qurilma avtomobildan uzilgan bo'lsa, u sizni ogohlantiradi. Avtomobilingiz olib ketilganda ham ogohlantirishingiz mumkin.

Qurilma GPS yordamida avtomobilingiz joylashuvini kuzatishi mumkin. U ma'lumotlarni to'playdi va ularni bulutga yuboradi, u erda ma'lumotlar tahlil qilinadi va keyin biron bir muammo yuzaga kelsa, sizga xabar beriladi. Bu sizga dunyoning qayerida bo'lishingizdan qat'i nazar, avtomobilingizni kuzatish imkonini beradi.

There are plenty of other benefits and functionalities of GPS car tracking with CarLock. For example, it can let you know if there are any instances of harsh acceleration, harsh braking, speeding, or harsh cornering. This can undoubtedly be an excellent addition to those who may have teen drivers in the family.
As you can see, there are many options available for your car security system. However, it’s often a good idea to choose not just one of the options above, but several if you want to keep your car as safe as possible. Having an alarm system, in addition to GPS car tracking, can be a great combo. A thief might be able to disarm the alarm system and think that they have gotten away, never even realizing that you had some backup security for the vehicle. Get your car protected today.

CarLock yordamida GPS avtomobillarni kuzatishning boshqa ko'plab afzalliklari va funksiyalari mavjud. Misol uchun, u sizga qattiq tezlashish, qattiq tormozlash, tezlikni oshirish yoki qattiq burilish holatlari mavjudligini bilishi mumkin. Bu, shubhasiz, oilada o'smir haydovchilar bo'lishi mumkin bo'lganlar uchun ajoyib qo'shimcha bo'lishi mumkin.

Ko'rib turganingizdek, avtomobil xavfsizlik tizimi uchun juda ko'p imkoniyatlar mavjud. Biroq, ko'pincha yuqoridagi variantlardan birini emas, balki mashinangizni iloji boricha xavfsiz saqlashni istasangiz, bir nechtasini tanlash yaxshidir. Signal tizimiga ega bo'lish, GPS avtomobillarni kuzatishdan tashqari, ajoyib kombinatsiya bo'lishi mumkin. O'g'ri signal tizimini o'chirib qo'yishi va u qochib ketgan deb o'ylashi mumkin, hatto sizda transport vositasi uchun zaxira xavfsizligi borligini hech qachon anglamaydi. Bugun mashinangizni himoya qiling.

A car alarm is a piece of equipment that makes a loud noise when someone tries to steal your car [source: Macmillan]. According to the FBI there is a car stolen every 40 seconds in the United States with an average valuation of $6,500 per vehicle [source: RMIIA]. Most cars today have some form of car alarm installed in them. A car alarm consists of sensors connected to a siren in such a way that when the connection is broken the siren starts wailing. We will now attempt to show you how to install a basic car alarm system.

  1. Attach the siren to any solid metal surface under the hood. Place the horn of the siren facing down, so no water will get into it.

  2. Drill a hole in the rubber firewall of the car. Thread the siren's wire through that hole into the passenger compartment of the car.

  3. Place the alarm's power line near the car battery ready to be attached later. (Don't attach it just yet.)

  4. Attach a fuse to the wire mentioned above, that you will be attaching to the battery later.

  5. Check the alarm's instruction manual and mount the shock sensor.

  6. Drill a hole in the dashboard for the LED indicator.

  7. Feed the LED indicator wire through the hole. Secure the LED indicator into place with double-sided mounting tape.

  8. Locate the wires that connect to the light button on the door. That's the button that turns on the light in the car whenever the door is opened. If you have power locks, locate the wire that connects to the power locks, as well.

  9. Connect a sensor to these wires.

  10. Secure and attach all input and output wires to the alarm module.

  11. Mount the module under the dashboard.

  12. Bundle together all the wires and stuff them under the dashboard.

  13. Connect the alarm power wire to the car battery and your alarm is armed and ready to go [source: Commando Alarms].

Avtomobil signalizatsiyasi - bu kimdir sizning mashinangizni o'g'irlamoqchi bo'lganida baland ovoz chiqaradigan uskunadir [manba: Macmillan]. FQB ma'lumotlariga ko'ra, Qo'shma Shtatlarda har 40 soniyada bir mashina o'g'irlanadi, har bir avtomobilning o'rtacha narxi 6500 dollarni tashkil qiladi [manba: RMIIA]. Bugungi kunda ko'pgina avtomobillarda avtomobil signalizatsiyasi o'rnatilgan. Avtomobil signalizatsiyasi sirenaga shunday ulangan datchiklardan iboratki, aloqa uzilganda sirena yig'lay boshlaydi. Endi biz sizga asosiy avtomobil signalizatsiya tizimini qanday o'rnatishni ko'rsatishga harakat qilamiz.

Sirenni kaput ostidagi har qanday qattiq metall yuzaga ulang. Sirena shoxini pastga qaratib qo'ying, shunda unga suv kirmaydi.

Avtomobilning rezina himoya devorida teshik oching. Sirena simini o'sha teshikdan avtomobilning yo'lovchi bo'limiga o'tkazing.
Signalning quvvat liniyasini keyinroq ulash uchun avtomobil akkumulyatori yaqiniga joylashtiring. (Hozircha uni biriktirmang.)
Yuqorida aytib o'tilgan simga sug'urta ulang, siz batareyaga keyinroq ulanadi.
Signalning qo'llanmasini tekshiring va zarba sensorini o'rnating.
LED indikatori uchun asboblar panelida teshik oching.
LED ko'rsatkich simini teshikdan o'tkazing. LED indikatorini ikki tomonlama o'rnatish lentasi bilan mahkamlang.
Eshikdagi yorug'lik tugmachasiga ulanadigan simlarni toping. Eshik ochilganda mashinadagi chiroqni yoqadigan bu tugma. Agar sizda quvvat qulflari bo'lsa, quvvat qulflariga ulanadigan simni ham toping.
Ushbu simlarga sensorni ulang.
Barcha kirish va chiqish simlarini signal moduliga mahkamlang va ulang.
Modulni asboblar paneli ostiga o'rnating.
Barcha simlarni bir-biriga bog'lab, asboblar paneli ostiga qo'ying.
Signal quvvat simini avtomobil akkumulyatoriga ulang va sizning signalingiz qurollangan va ishga tayyor [manba: Komando signallari].
A valet switch is a manual shut-off that temporarily disables the alarm system (so you can let the valet park your car, for example). The valet switch is hidden in an out-of-the-way spot in the car. The switch pictured here is mounted under the car's fuse access panel.
­The most basic element in a car alarm system is the door alarm. When you open the front hood, trunk or any door on a fully protected car, the brain triggers the alarm system.
Most car alarm systems utilize the switching mechanism that is already built into the doors. In modern cars, opening a door or trunk turns on the inside lights. The switch that makes this work is like the mechanism that controls the light in your refrigerator. When the door is closed, it presses in a small, spring-activated button or lever, which opens the circuit. When the door is opened, the spring pushes the button open, closing the circuit and sending electricity to the inside lights
All you have to do to set up door sensors is add a new element to this pre-wired circuit. With the new wires in place, opening the door (closing the switch) sends an electrical current to the brain in addition to the inside lights. When this current flows, it causes the brain to sound the alarm.
As an overall protective measure, modern alarm systems typically monitor the voltage in the car's entire electrical circuit. If there is a drop in voltage in this circuit, the brain knows that someone has interfered with the electrical system. Turning on a light (by opening the door), messing with electrical wires under the hood or removing an attached trailer with an electrical connection would all cause such a drop in voltage.
Door sensors are highly effective, but they offer fairly limited protection. There are other ways to get into the car (breaking a window), and thieves don't actually need to break into your car to steal it from you (they can tow your car away). In the next couple of sections, we'll look at some of the more advanced car alarm systems that protect against craftier criminals.

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