The Present simple tense

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tayyori 2003

To be

Darak shakli


Inkor shakli


So’roq shakli

I am


I am not

I’m not

Am I?

You are


You are not

You aren’t

Are you?

He is


He is not

He isn’t

Is he?

She is


She is not

She isn’t

Is she?

It is


It is not

It isn’t

Is it?

We are


We are not

We aren’t

Are we?

They are


They are not

They aren’t

Are they?

1. Ot +be +ot Ot bilan ot kelganda ishlatamiz. Ya’ni biror narsaning nima ekanligini aytganimizda

Canada is a country.
Cats are animals.
2. Olmosh +be +ot ya’ni biror kimni kimligini aytilganda.
I am a student.
We are students.
3. Ot + be +adjective ya’ni biror kimni yoki biror nimani sifatini (rang, maza ta’m, beldisin) yoki qandayligini aytilganda foydalaniladi
A ball is round.
Balls are round.
Robiyakhan is clever
4. Olmosh + be+adjective
I am hungry. She is young.
5.Ot +be + joy ya’ni biror kimni yoki biror nimani qayerdaligini aytilganda foydalaniladi.
Maria is here.
Botir is outside.
She is inside.
They are at home.
Muhammadiyor and Mumtozabegim are in the garden

To be” fe’lining o’tgan zamon shakli.

Darak shakli


Inkor shakli


So’roq shakli

I was

I was

I was not

I wasn’t

Was I?

You were

You were

You were not

You weren’t

Were you?

He was

He was

He was not

He wasn’t

Was he?

She was

She was

She was not

She wasn’t

Was she?

It was

It was

It was not

It wasn’t

Was it?

We were

We were

We were not

We weren’t

Were we?

They were

They were

They were not

They weren’t

Were they?

THERE IS / THERE ARE birikmasi







There is


There is not

There isn’t

Is there?


There are

There are not

There aren’t

Are there?

There is+birlik
There are+ ko’plik
1.There is/are birikmasidan hozirgi zamonda biror joyda biror narsa yoki biror kim borligini (turganligini) ifodalashda ishlatiliniladi.
There is a cat in the room. (xonada mushuk bor)
There are two cats in the room. (xonada 2 ta mushuk bor)
bu birikmadan keyin uyushgan bo’laklar kelishi mumkin.
There is a cat, two dogs and four rats under the tree.
There are two snakes and a cake.
There is much money in my pocket.
In my pocket there is much money
There is/are birikmasini so’roq va inkor shakllari
Bu birikmani inkor shaklini yasashda notyuklamasi to be yordamchi fe’llariga qo’shish orqali yasaladi.
There is not a doll in the door.
There are not children in the garden.
bu birikmani so’roq shaklni yasashda to be yordamchi fe’llari gap old tomoniga o’tadi.
There is my car in the street.
Is there your car the street?
There are three buses in the park.
Are there three buses in the park?
There was/were birikmasi

There was/were birikmasidan o’tgan zamonda biror narsa yoki biror kim borligini (turganligini) ifodalash uchun ishlatilinadi. Bu birikma ham huddi hozirgi zamonidek qo’llaniladi.
There was a cat in the corner.(bir mushuk burchakda bor edi)
There were many people in the stadium.(o’yingohda ko’p odamlar bor edi)
Bu birikmani so’roq va inkor shakllari ham hozirgi zamon shakli bilan bir xil tuziladi.
bu birikmani so’roq shaklini yasash uchun o’tgan zamon to be fe’li gap old tomoniga o’tadi.

There was my car in the street.
was there your car the street?
There were three buses in the park.
were there three buses in the park?

Bu birikmani inkor shaklini yasashda not yuklamasi to be yordamchi fe’llariga qo’shish orqali yasaladi.

There was not a doll in the door.
There were not children in the garden.
Have and Have got
Biz have, has ni yolg’iz ishlatgandan ko’ra bazida unga got qo’shishimiz mumkin. Bunda ma’noda o’zgarish bo’lmaydi.
We have a new car.
We have got a new car.
Have va have got ishtirok etgan darak gaplarning so’roq inkori 3 xil yo’l bilan yasalishi mumkin.
Have you got any money?
Do you have any money?
Have you any money?
O’tgan zamonda had dan keyin got qo’shilmaydi.
I had a new car last year.
So’rog’ va inkori did/didn’t bilan yasaladi. Had have ga aylanadi.
He didn’t have a watch, so he didn’t know time it was.
Have ba’zida harakat bo’lib qilmoq degan ma’noni bildiradi va u quyidagi birikmalarda ishlatiladi.
Have breakfast, lunch, meat, drink, …
Have a swim, a walk, a rest, a holiday,a part, …
Have a bath, a shower, a wash …
Have a look, ( at something)
Have a baby
Bu birikmalardan keyin got ishlatilmaydi.
I have a bath every morning. ( men harkuni ertalab vanna qabul qilaman)
I have got a bath. ( meni vannam bor)

Odatda have dan keyin –ing qo’shilmaydi. Lekin yuqoridagi birikmalardan keyin have –ing qabul qiladi.

Where is Tom? He is heaving a bath.

The Present simple tense
(hozirgi oddiy zamon)

S+V(s/es) (darak)

S+do/does+not+V (inkor)

Do/does+S+V? (so’roq)

Signal words: every day(week,year,month) har kuni (hafta,yil, oy) often – tez-tez, always – har doim, barely – deyarli, scarcely – arang, annually-yiliga, seldom-kamdan-kam, never-hech qachon, sometimes-ba’zan,usually-odatda, permanently-doimiy, from time to time-goh-gohida, generally-odatda,normally-odatda, frequently-tez-tez, occasionally-ahyon-ahyonda, hardly ever, almost never-deyarli hech qachon, on Mondays-dushanba kunlari.
Quyidagi bog’lovchilardan keyin kelasi zamon o’rniga present simple keladi:
If, unless, when, as soon as, until, till, provided that, as long as, bosh..
Biz bu zamonni quyidagi holatlarda ishlatamiz.
1.Odatdagi takrorlanib turuvchi.
We usually go to the cinema on Sundays.
She plays tennis every day.
2.Haqiqat bo’lgan va tabiat qonuniyatlari.
The earth goes round the sun.
It snows in winter.
3.Jadval tusiga kiritilgan.
Monday comes after Sunday.
4.present simple zamonini yana boshqa ma’noda (o’z ma’nosidan tashqari ) kelasi zamon ma’nosida. Bu holatda omma uchun ish harakat rejalashtirilgan bo’lishi shart. Tuzilishi present simple formulasida keladi lekin ma’no kelasi zamonda bo’ladi.
The film begins at 10 o’clock tomorrow.
The train arrives at the station at 1 o’clock.
5. Sport sharhlari, sharhlar va hikoyalarda.
Peterson overtakes Williams and wins the race.
Mike Dalton plays the part of Macbeth.
Then prince gets on his horse and quickly rides away.
6. Ko’rsatma va yo’nalish berganda (buyruq gap o’rnida)
You sprinkle some cheese on the pizza and then you bake it. (instead of: Sprinkle some cheese… )
Agar bu zamondagi biror darak gap egasi III shaxs birlikda (he, she, it,) bo’lsa kesimiga –s, -es qo’shiladi.
I . I watch We
II. You watch You watch
I II. He
She watches
-ss, -sh, -ch, -y, -o,-x bilan tugovchi harf va harf birikmalariga –es qo’shimchasi qolganlariga –s qo’shiladi.
Dresses, washes, studies, goes, fixes.
She likes football.
It rains in autumn.
Ana shunday darak gaplarning “so’roq’’ “inkor” shakli “does”, “doesn’t” bilan yasaladi. U holda kesimdagi –s, -es qo’shimchasi tushib qoladi.
Does she like football?
She doesn’t like football.
Does it rain in autumn?
It doesn’t rain in autumn.
Qolgan shaxslardagi (I, you, we, they) darak gaplarda kesim hech qanday qo’shimchasiz keladi, ya’ni o’z holida bo’ladi. Ana shunday gaplarning so’roq va inkor shakli do /don’t bilan yasaladi.
They write letters every day.
Do they write letters every day?
They don’t write letters every day.
Lekin agar bu zamondagi darak gapning kesimi to be fe’li am, is, are, bo’lsa so’roq inkorini o’zi hosil qiladi.
Ann is a good girl.
Is Ann a good girl ?
Ann isn’t a good girl.

Exercise 1

1. The mechanic (ask, asks) us a question. 2. The pupils (like, likes) to learn English. 3. The agronomist (know, knows) English very well. 4. Ann (want, wants) to write on the blackboard. 5. Kate (is, are) a good nurse. 6. Students (learn, learns) English, too. 7. We (keep, keeps) pieces of chalk in the box. 8. He (clean, cleans) the blackboard with the duster. 9. We (answer, answers) our teacher’s questions. 10. We (read, reads) texts at our English lessons.

Exercise 2

For example: Kate learns French at school. - Kate does not learn French at school. She learns English there. They know German. - They do not know German. They know Uzbek.

1. Ann does her exercises at school. 2. Pete likes to go to the post-office. 3. These men work in this shop. 4. We learn German at school. 5. The woman works on a state farm. 6. They go to school four times a week. 7. Mike likes to go in a bus. 8. Kate wants to teach English. 9. Bobur lives far from school. 10. We read English books at home. 11. The mechanic lives near the shop.

Exercise 3

Darak gaplarni so’roq gapga aylantiring.
1. Pete’s sister works in a hospital. 2. You read English books. 3. He writes exercises in his exercise-books. 4. She learns French at school. 5. Kate’s brother works on a farm. 6. Ann helps her mother at home. 7. They know German very well. 8. We live far from Fergana. 9. Pupils carry books in bags. 10. Kate lives near school.

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