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from the name of whom they are created, e.g.: батькгв, братгв, сестрин. Андрпв, Ганнин, учителева, шктъне. The corresponding notions are rendered in English usually with the help of the possessive case of a noun {father's {батькгв), sister's {сестрин)) or with the help of preposition + noun combination {of the father {батъюв), of the sister {сестрин)).
All the three groups of Ukrainian adjectives - qualitative, relative and possessive - have their own semantic and grammatical peculiarities.
Qualitative adjectives are different in meanings. They can render: duration in space (протяжшсть у npocropi: довгий, вузъкий, глибокий), in time (y чаек повглъний, швидкий, довгий), spiritual or physical properties of living beings (духовш чи ф1зичш властивостх живих jctot: талановитий, ттелектуалъний, незграбний, хворий, горний), peculiarities perceived by sense perception organs (ознаки, що сприймаються органами чуття: гарячий, ггркий, запашний, твердий). Qualitative adjectives vary also according to their grammatical peculiarities. In majority of cases they have degrees of comparison {високий - вищий - найвищий); create pairs of antonyms {глркий - солодкий, вузъкий ~ широкий); serve as word-building stems for abstract nouns {ггркий - глркота, доблесний - доблесть) and adverbs with suffixes -о, -е {далекий - далеко, гарячий -гаряче); as well as they can be combined with adverbs of measure and degree {дуже холодний, завжди уважний, вгчно молодий).
According to their morphological structure adjectives are divided in Ukrainian into two groups: full adjectives (повш або членш) - these are adjectives with flexions, e.g.: певний, повний, and short adjectives (коротю або нечленш) - without flexions, e.g.: винен, годен, повен, певен. Short forms of adjectives are used in parallel with the form of full adjectives and only in the nominative case singular of masculine gender. They have lost their system of declension and thus are indeclinable now. In modern Ukrainian short adjectives are used mainly in the function of the nominative part of predicate {Сктъки я вам винен? Будинок повен людей. Рад би ще раз побачити). They are practically not met in the function of an attribute (the exceptions are some uses in the language of folklore or poetry: ясен мюяцъ, дргбен дощик, зелен сад) [5; 52].
English adjectives do not have any endings and consist of the "pure" base, so according to their structure they are similar to Ukrainian short adjectives. Nevertheless, the loss of flexions has not been reflected on their grammatical characteristics. Deprived of any morphological means of expressing syntactic relations, English adjectives still perform two characteristic for this part of speech syntactic functions - the function of an attribute and the function of a nominal part of the compound predicate. Whereas Ukrainian short adjectives, having lost their flexions, lost as well a part of their expressive abilities.
The English adjective as a part of speech is characterized by the following typical features:

  1. The lexico-grammatical meaning of "attributes (of substances) / quality (of substances)". It should be understood that by attributes we mean different properties of substances, such as their size {large, small), colour {red, blue), position in space {upper, inner), material {wooden, woolen), psychic state of persons {happy, furious), etc.

  2. The typical stem-building affixes -Jul, -less, -ish, -ous, -ive,

-ic, un-,pre-, in-, etc.

  1. The morphological category of the degrees of comparison (The absence of the category of number distinguishes English adjectives from adjectives in all other Germanic languages).

  2. The characteristic combinability: right-hand connections with nouns {a beautiful girl), and the so-called "prop word" one {the grey one); left-hand connections with link-verbs (... is clever), adverbs, mostly those of degree {a very clever boy).

  3. Its typical syntactic functions are those of an attribute and a predicative complement.

The Ukrainian adjective is a notional part of speech which renders some characteristic of an object (but not that of a process -непроцесуальна ознака предмета) expressing it via the grammatical categories of gender, number and case. In a sentence it performs the functions of an attribute and a nominal part of a compound nominal
Following is the comparison of the basic features of English and
Ukrainian adjectives.


1. The lexico-grammatical meanings are essentially the same.
2. The Ukrainian adjective has a greater variety of stem-
building affixes than its English counterpart.
The so-called "suffixes of subjective appraisal" (as in dpi6ne-сенький, багатющий, синюватий, величезний etc.) are alien to the English adjective (the only exception is -ish in whitish, reddish, etc.).
3.1. The English adjective does not have grammatical categories of gender, number and case, which were lost already in the Middle English period. In Ukrainian vice versa all adjectives are changed according to genders and numbers. Besides, all full adjectives (and we have the majority of them) have their own system of case endings. Similar to nouns, adjectives are changed according to six cases. Besides, according to the character of the final consonant of a stem they are divided into hard (тверда трупа: дужий, червоний) and soft (м'яка трупа: нижнш, безкраш) groups. In plural all adjectives lose the gender differentiation (родове розр1знення) and have similar endings in all three genders.
All the mentioned categories of Ukrainian adjectives are
expressed in a rather peculiar way. Speaking about Ukrainian nouns,
their categories of gender, number and case are to this or that extent
determined by the meaning of words; whereas in adjectives they are
reflected only according to the form of a word which the adjective is
combined with. Thus, the categories of gender (довгий - довга -

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