1 Self Study Report Cycle-ii of Urdu Education Society’s
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Self-Study Report - Affiliated College Page 1 Self Study Report Cycle-II of Urdu Education Society’s Chishtiya College of Arts (A Minority Institution) Khuldabad, Dist.Aurangabad. Affiliated to Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad. MAHARASHTRA STATE Pin: 431101. GRADE C++ (NAAC ACCREDITED INSTITUTION) Reg.No. (ACT-1860(ACT XXI OF1960)) AGD-9/73, DTD 30 th Jan 1973. COLLEGE PROFILE, CRITERION INPUTS AND EVALUATIVE REPORT Submitted to National Assessment and Accreditation Council Bangalore By Dr. Shaikh Aijaz Munshimiya I/c Principal (August-2013) Self-Study Report - Affiliated College Page 2 A. Preface 1 Preface 01-17 2 Forewords 3. Quality Profile 4. Mission, Goals, Objectives of College 5. Objectives of the Society 6. Body of Management till 2009 7. Existing Body of Management 8. Internal Quality Assurance Cell 9. NAAC Steering Committee B. Executive Summary 10. Executive Summary 18 - 19 C. Profile of the Institution 20 – 29 D. Criteria wise Analytical Report 11. Criterion-I Curricular Aspects 30 - 36 12. Criterion-II Teaching, Learning & Evaluation 37 - 53 13. Criterion-III Research Consultancy & Extension 54 - 80 14. Criterion-IV Infrastructure & Learning Resources 81 - 90 15. Criterion-V Student Support & Progression 91 - 102 16. Criterion-VI Governance,Leadership & Managment 103 - 114 17. Criterion-VII Innovations and Best Practices 115 - 123 E. Inputs from the Departments 19. Evaluative Report of the Departments 124 - 255 F. Post-accreditation Initiatives 20. Post – accreditation Initiatives 256 – 257 21. Maps of Present and Proposed Infrastructure 258 -262 22. Declaration & Acknowledgment 263 – 264 G. Audit Reports 265 Onwards Sr. no Contents Page no CONTENTS Self-Study Report - Affiliated College Page 3 UrdU edUcation society’s aUrangabad (Maharashtra) Chishtiya College of Arts Minority institution- naac accredited Affiliated to Dr.Baba saheb Ambedkar marathwada University,Aurangabad. Khuldabad. Dist.Aurangabad-431101.(M.S) Ref.: CCAK/NAAC/RAR/5616 Date:20.11.2012 To, The Director, National Assessment and Accreditation Council, Bangalore Subject: Submission of Reaccreditation Report. Sir This is in relevance with the Reaccreditation Report prepared by our College after deep consideration and due seriousness as required for Assessment and Reaccreditation. The Report would not have been possible without the help of the Management and College Staff. I greatly acknowledge their support and help in the preparation of the Report. The informations provided through the Report are genuine and true to the best of my knowledge. The Reaccreditation Report of the College is distributed in five sections. Each section provides detailed information of the mentioned topic. Great efforts has been taken in and outside the College for the preparation of this Report. Our College underwent the Assessment & Accreditation process by NAAC in the year 2004 and Accredited with C++ Grade. Since then College established IQAC and submitted its AQAR first for the years 2004-05 and 2005-06 and then from 2006 to 2011, IQAC also submitted online AQAR for the year 2011-12 in September 2012. The College is recognized under section 2(f) and 12(B) of UGC in the year 2011. The institute has submitted the Online LOI for Reaccreditation on 2 nd Feb 2011 (track id 13575) and submitted the RAR to NAAC based on old Manual after 15 th Feb 2012, which was the last due date by NAAC. Hence NAAC returned the RAR and requested to resend the RAR based on the new Manual. As we have submitted the online LOI before sept 2012, we are sending the RAR as per NAAC new Manual before 30 th Nov 2012. I request you to accept the five Copies and a CD of RAR and oblige. Our College has been striving to bring Academic and Administrative developments since 1989. College also tries its level best to bring positive changes in and around Khuldabad. We hope your guidance and recognition will enthuse and empower us to develop further in sustenance and enhancement of quality in higher education. Thanking you. Yours sincerely Dr. Shaikh Aijaz .Munshimiya. I/c Principal. Opp. Police station, old Tehsil Building, Tq.Khuldabad,Dist.Aurangabad, State.Maharashtra. Pin: 431101. Tele No: (02437) 241124, 241270, 241161.website: www.ccak.ac.in , E-mail: chishtiya _College@ rediffmail.com Self-Study Report - Affiliated College Page 4 Certificate of Recognition of College under Section 2 (f) & 12 (B) of the UGC Act, 1956: Self-Study Report - Affiliated College Page 5 Our inspiration 5 th Dec 1937-7 th Sep 2002 OUR INSPIRING FORCE OUR INSPIRING FORCE Founder of society and institution “It is my firm determination to take education to the door of every slum Dwelling boy and girl”. Sd/- FOUNDER CHAIRMAN Hon’ble Late Abdul Azeem Ex-Minister, Govt. of Maharashtra. URDU EDUCATION SOCIETY AURANABAD. Self-Study Report - Affiliated College Page 6 1 st Jan 1940 – 8 th May 2009 FOREWORDS Former CHAIRMAN “A dynamic Person, a many faceted jewel.” Sd/- FORMER CHAIRMAN Hon’ble Late Dr.M.A Aziz MLC (MS) URDU EDUCATION SOCIETY AURANGABAD. Self-Study Report - Affiliated College Page 7 FOREWORDS FROM THE CHAIRMAN’S DESK OUR GUIDING FORCE “A dynamic enthusiastic and foresighted person...” “Our aim is not only to impart Education to the generation living in the backward areas but to build their character as well.” Sd/- CHAIRMAN HON’BLE SHAIKH MOHAMMED AYYUB URDU EDUCATION SOCIETY AURANGABAD. Self-Study Report - Affiliated College Page 8 Chairman’s Message Urdu Education Society was not founded just to add one more education society in the mushrooming growth of societies. Its end in view has been to impart quality education to the students – both boys and girls for whom eduation is out of reach. Especially those who live in slums and whose parents can not afford education to their children and wards for it is difficult for them to provide two square meals to their children. Their girl child was never encouraged to decorate herself with the ornament of education. Maulana Rumi in his one of parables tells the story of a boatman. Some students hired him to row them for a cruise at the river. During the sailing on the river they asked him teasingly whether he learnt Geography, Science or Maths. Poor illiterate fellow innocently said No, I’ve had no opportunity to learn these subjects.’ The students pitying his plight taunted,’So you have wasted half of your life’ at which poor fontman crest fallen. After a short while a storm suddenly raged. The boat was wobbling at the buffets of waves. Now it was the turn of the sailor. He asked the boys. ‘Do you know swimming for the tempest is rearing its head. The boys’ answer was in negative. Then the sailor said ironically – alas! you have wasted your life for soon you’ll been gulfed by the yawning to turbulent waves!” The boys became hopeless. So is the case with our young budding generation. They should take education in schools and Colleges otherwise the tornado of life will engulf them and drown the m. For today’s life is the life of ratrace and keen competition. Hence the motto is survival of the fattest. We through Urdu Education Society impart education. Quality Education at that! Shaikh Mohammad Ayyub Chairman Urdu Education Society Aurangabad. Certificate of Acreditation: Self-Study Report - Affiliated College Page 9 Self-Study Report - Affiliated College Page 10 Quality Profile: Self-Study Report - Affiliated College Page 11 UrdU edUcation society’s aUrangabad (Maharashtra) Chishtiya College of Arts Minority institution- naac accredited Affiliated to Dr.Baba saheb Ambedkar marathwada University,Aurangabad. Khuldabad. Dist.Aurangabad-431101.(M.S) Vision To lit the light of knowledge and make higher education easily available to hilly and rural youths. Mission All round development of students leading towards a responsible citizen of India. Goals To develop the personality of the students. Through curricular, co- curricular, extra- curricular and extension activities. To provide socially oriented education and Inculcate moral values into the youths. To encourage teachers for quality improvements. To make persistence efforts for the overall Development of all the languages taught Urdu, English, Hindi, Marathi and Arabic. To stimulate the academic environment by providing necessary advance facilities to the Students of higher education in era of globalization. To do everything needful and relevant in order to achieve these goals. Objectives To Impart And Offer General Education to Pupils. To Make The Students Conscious Of their Right Guaranteed Under Indian Constitution Through Teaching And Related Co-Curricular Activities By The Institute. To Develop Harmony And Co-ordination Among Students, Parents, Teachers and Management By Organizing Meets And Various Such Programmes Time to Time. To Develop Self-Sufficiency and confidence among the students By Establishing Computer Training and Many Such Institutes. To do everything needful and relevant in order to fulfill all these goals and objectives. Self-Study Report - Affiliated College Page 12 TO IMPART AN OFFER GENERAL EDUCATION TO PUPIL. TO IMPART EDUCATION AN ARTS CRAFT AND DIFFERENT VOCATION TO MAKE THEM SELF SUFFICIENT. TO MAKE THEM CONSCIOUS OF THEIR RIGHTS, GUARANTEED UNDER INDIAN CONSTITUTION. TO EDUCATE AND MAKE THEM TO FACE THE INDIVIDUAL AND SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITIES AS A CITIZEN OF DEMOCRATIC REPUBLICAN OF INDIA. TO MAKE EFFORTS FOR THE EDUCATIONAL AND ALL SIDED DEVELOPMENT OF THE CHILDREN SOCIETY AND PUBLIC. OBJECTIVES OF URDU EDUCATION SOCIETY Self-Study Report - Affiliated College Page 13 UrdU edUcation society’s aUrangabad (Maharashtra) Chishtiya College of Arts Minority institution- naac accredited Affiliated to Dr.Baba saheb Ambedkar marathwada University,Aurangabad. Khuldabad. Dist.Aurangabad-431101.(M.S) Body of management till 2009 Chairman : 1) Dr.M.A. Aziz s/o Abdul Hameed (MLC) (Govt.of Maharashtra) Urdu Education Society, Qaisar Colony, Aurangabad. Vice Chairman : 2) Mr.Mohd. Shaker s/o Mr. Abdul Azeem Urdu Education Society, Qaisar Colony, Aurangabad. General Secretary: 3) Mr.Sk. Abdul Waheed s/o Abdul Hameed Urdu Education Society, Qaisar Colony, Aurangabad. Members : 4) Mr.Quazi Mohd. Noor s/o Ahmed Sharif Urdu Education Society, Qaisar Colony, Aurangabad. 5)Mr.SD.Akhlaque Seth s/o SD.AB. Qadar Urdu Education Society, Qaisar Colony, Aurangabad. 6)Mr.SD.Allauddin Hashmi s/o SD.T.Hashmi Urdu Education Society, Qaisar Colony, Aurangabad. 7)Mr.Sk.Mohd.Ayyub s/o Sk.Habib Urdu Education Society, Qaisar Colony, Aurangabad. Opp. Police station, old Tehsil Building, Tq.Khuldabad,Dist.Aurangabad, State.Maharashtra. Pin: 431101. Tele No: (02437) 241124, 241270, 241161.website: www.ccak.ac.in , E-mail: chishtiya _College@ rediffmail.com Self-Study Report - Affiliated College Page 14 UrdU edUcation society’s aUrangabad (Maharashtra) Chishtiya College of Arts Minority institution- naac accredited Affiliated to Dr.Baba saheb Ambedkar marathwada University,Aurangabad. Khuldabad. Dist.Aurangabad-431101.(M.S) Existing Body of management Chairman : 1) Mr.Sk.Mohd.Ayyub s/o Sk.Habeeb Urdu Education Society, Qaisar Colony, Aurangabad. Vice Chairman : 2) Mr.Mohd. Shaker s/o Mr. Abdul Azeem Urdu Education Society, Qaisar Colony, Aurangabad. General Secretary : 3) Mr.Sk. Abdul Waheed s/o Abdul Hameed Urdu Education Society, Qaisar Colony, Aurangabad. Members : 4) Mr.SD.Akhlaque Seth s/o Sd.AB. Qadar Urdu Education Society, Qaisar Colony, Aurangabad. 5) Mr.SD.Allauddin Hashmis/o Sd.T.Hashmi Urdu Education Society, Qaisar Colony, Aurangabad. 6) Mr. Abdul Muqeet Abdul Waheed Urdu Education Society, Qaisar Colony, Aurangabad. 7) Mr. Shaikh Mohd. Ghaus Shaikh Abdul Habeeb Urdu Education Society, Qaisar Colony, Aurangabad. Opp. Police station, old Tehsil Building, Tq.Khuldabad,Dist.Aurangabad, State.Maharashtra. Pin: 431101. Tele No: (02437) 241124, 241270, 241161.website: www.ccak.ac.in , E-mail: chishtiya _College@ rediffmail.co Self-Study Report - Affiliated College Page 15 UrdU edUcation society’s aUrangabad (Maharashtra) Chishtiya College of Arts Minority institution- naac accredited Affiliated to Dr.Baba saheb Ambedkar marathwada University,Aurangabad. Khuldabad. Dist.Aurangabad-431101.(M.S) Body of IQAC 2011-2012 Chair Person : Mr.Sk.Mohd.Ayyub Chairman, Urdu Education Society,Aurangabad. Administrative Officers: A) Dr.Shaikh Ajaz Munshimiya I/C Principal Chishtiya College of Arts, Khuldabad. B) Prof.Tilawat Ali Chairman, Rah bar Education Society, Aurangabad. C)Dr.Shaikh Samad Principal Vasantrao Naik College of Arts,Science,Commerce Aurangabad. Teachers/Lecturers : A)Mr. Ramteke P.W Head,Dept. of Sociology, Chishtiya College of Arts, Khuldabad. B)Mrs. Khan Hameeda Head,Dept. of Home Sci., Chishtiya College of Arts, Khuldabad. C) Mr.Jaddhav Sunil Head,Dept. of Pol. Sci, Chishtiya College of Arts, Khuldabad. D) Dr. Afser Rasheed Head,Dept. of Phy.Edu, Chishtiya College of Arts, Khuldabad. Self-Study Report - Affiliated College Page 16 Members of the Management: A) Mr.Mohd.Shaker Vice-Chairman, Urdu Education Society, Aurangabad. B) Mr.Sk. Abdul Waheed s/o Abdul Hameed General Secretary,Urdu Education Society,Aurangabad. Local Society Members : A)Md. Ateequllah Librarian, Sir Sayyed College, Aurangabad. B)Mr.Mohd. Shafiuddin Librarian, Chishtiya College of Arts,Khuldabad. Co-Ordinator: : C) Ms. Syeda Arshia Quadri Head,Dept. of English, Chishtiya College of Arts, Khuldabad. Opp. Police station, old Tehsil Building, Tq.Khuldabad,Dist.Aurangabad, State.Maharashtra. Pin: 431101. Tele No: (02437) 241124, 241270, 241161.website: www.ccak.ac.in , E-mail: chishtiya _College@ rediffmail.com Self-Study Report - Affiliated College Page 17 UrdU edUcation society’s aUrangabad (Maharashtra) Chishtiya College of Arts Minority institution- naac accredited Affiliated to Dr.Baba saheb Ambedkar marathwada University,Aurangabad. Khuldabad. Dist.Aurangabad-431101.(M.S) College NAAC Steering Body Chairman : Dr. Shaikh Aijaz M. I/c Principal Co-ordinator : Ms.Syeda Arshia Quadri Members : 1) Mr.Ramteke P.W : 2) Ms. Khan Hameeda : 3) Mr. Jadhav Sunil A : 4) Dr. Afser Rasheed : 5) Mr. Syed Athar Ali : 6) Ms. Noorjahan Shaikh Opp. Police station, old Tehsil Building, Tq.Khuldabad,Dist.Aurangabad, State.Maharashtra. Pin: 431101. Tele No: (02437) 241124, 241270, 241161.website: www.ccak.ac.in , E-mail: chishtiya _College@ rediffmail.com Self-Study Report - Affiliated College Page 18 INTRODUCTION A work in education field was a war against illiteracy, disappointment, unemployment educational backwardness and other major problems. We approached to needy students who worked hard and showed development in our all educational plans. Parents and Guardians cooperated and guided for best achievement .our staff trying to come over the difficulties for the last twenty years of existence. Chishtiya College of Arts, Khuldabad, dist – Aurangabad (M.S) running under Urdu Education Society is the first institute for higher education in the hilly and rural area of Khuldabad. The College was established in the year 1989 with a Mission to provide higher education to the Rural and hilly youth especially women of minority section of the area. College in its 20 years of journey saw many ups and downs and faced difficulties in making understand the very basic concept of higher education to the rural area. But with firm determination of the Founder Chairman Hon’ble Late Abdul Azeem Ex Minister Govt.of Maharashtra, College progressed to great heights and then under the guidance of Dr. M.A. Aziz , Former Chairman and MLC of Govt. of Maharashtra, College faced NAAC first time in the year Feb 2004 and got graded C++ by NAAC Peer Team. In the post NAAC period College worked on the peer team suggestion seriously and achieved most of the recommendation made by the Peer team. The Reaccreditation Report shows the results of the College in Post NAAC period. All the stakeholders are responsible in achieving the success. College got Permanent Affiliation, recognized under 2f and 12B of the UGC section, submitted proposals for financial assistance to UGC, teacher quality has been increased, learner centered teaching methods adopted, more co curricular, extra curricular and community services provided to the community. Introduction of ICT based teaching and administrative work. These are some of the important features that became the landmarks in the progress of College towards Quality sustenance and enhancement. The present RAR designed in the structure suggested by NAAC as below mentioned parts: A. Preface or cover letter from Head of the Institution. B. Executive summary- the SWOC analysis of the Institution. C. Profile of the Institution. D. Criteria wise analytical Report. E. Inputs from each of the programmes provided at the College as the College has no specific departments in vogue. Hence the College has used the proforma of Departmental inputs and provided programmewise details. F. Post-accreditation Initiatives G. Audit Reports Self-Study Report - Affiliated College Page 19 STRENGTHS Experienced and qualified teaching staff with satisfactory research work Strong management information system. Being the first institution of higher studies in the hilly and tribal with well net work team work. N.S.S. and Sports activities with up to date network computer. WEAKNESS Inadequate infrastructure Library not fully automated Lack of adequate Govt. transportation facilities for students. OPPORTUNITIES U.G.C. financial support benefit under various schemes due to 2(f) & 12(b) recognition. Strategic partnership with international, national and distance education institution for offering more professional and need base short term courses. CHALLENGES Growth of providers of degree, technical and professional courses. Students coming from poor educational background at entry level is a challenge. FUTURE PLANS Special efforts for fast learners to make mark in University merit list. Special efforts for slow learners to improve passing percentage. Physical training to students going for PSI, Army, SRP,BSF and may such competitive exam under sports department. Separate language laboratory and Audio-Video Center. Proposal for College building and other benefit of UGC schemes. Organize UGC Sponsored Seminar and Workshops. Organize new collaboration research programme encourage more teachers to go for major and minor research project. Proposal of Suffi Research Study Center has been sent to Govt. of Maharashtra waiting for approval. Establish competitive guidance center under minority status and guide students for interview. Home Science and Geography laboratory improvement. History Museum under History department. Start Short term courses under women empowerment center such as fashion designing, interior designing, beauty parlor course, Small scale industry training in pickles and vermicelli making, book binding training, Mahila Bachat gat to develop self reliance in surrounding girls students and women. Go for COSIST ,SAP,DST,FST,Assistance/Recognition. Develop linkage with national/international, academic/research body. Planning to go for ISO certification. Self-Study Report - Affiliated College Page 20 B. Profile of the Affiliated /Constituent College 1. Name and address of the College: 2. For communication: 3. Status of the of Institution : Affiliated College Constituent College Any other (specify) Appendix I 4. Type of Institution: a. By Gender i.For Men ii. For Women iii. Co-education b. By shift i. Regular ii. Day iii. Evening 5. Is it a recognized minority institution? Yes No If yes specify the minority status (Religious/linguistic/ any other) and provide documentary evidence. Appendix II Designation Name Telephone with STD code Mobile Fax E mail I/c Principal Dr.Shaikh Aijaz Munshimiya O: 02437 241124 R:9890151975 9890151975 - - skaijazm@ gmail.com Vice Principal ------- O: ------ R: ------- -------------- - ------------------ -- Steering Committee Co-ordinator Ms.Quadri Syeda Arshia O: 02437 241270 R:9860017596 9860017596 - quadri.arshia@ rediffmail.com Name: Chishtiya College of Arts. Address: Opp.Police Station, Old Tehsil Building City: Khuldabad Dist - Aurangabad Pin: 431101 State: Maharashtra Website: www.ccak.ac.in e-mail: chishtiya_college@rediffmail.com Religious - - - - - - - - - Self-Study Report - Affiliated College Page 21 6. Source of funding: Government - Grant-in-aid Self-financing Any other 7. a. Date of establishment of the College:08/06/1989 b. University to which the College is affiliated /or which governs the College (If it is a constituent College) c. Details of UGC recognition: Under Section Date, Month & Year (dd-mm-yyyy) Remarks (If any) i. 2 (f) 31-05-2011 -- ii. 12 (B) 31-05-2011 -- (Enclose the Certificate of recognition u/s 2 (f) and 12 (B) of the UGC Act) Certificate of recognition u/s 2 (f) and 12 (B) of the UGC Act is enclosed at page number 4 of RAR. Appendix III d. Details of recognition/approval by statutory/regulatory bodies other than UGC (AICTE, NCTE, MCI, DCI, PCI, RCI etc.) Under Section/clause Recognition/Approval details Institution/Department/ Programme Day, Month and Year (dd-mm- yyyy) Validity Remarks i. - - - - ii. - - - - iii. - - - - iv. - - - - (Enclose the recognition/approval letter) 8. Does the affiliating university Act provide for conferment of autonomy (as recognized by the UGC), on its affiliated Colleges? Yes No If yes, has the College applied for availing the autonomous status? Yes No 9. Is the College recognized a. by UGC as a College with Potential for Excellence (CPE)? Yes No If yes, date of recognition: for its performance by any other governmental agency? Yes No If yes, Name of the agency Date of recognition: - Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad. (MS) Self-Study Report - Affiliated College Page 22 10. Location of the campus and area in sq.mts: Location * Semi-urban, Hilly Area Campus area in sq. mts. 1901.38sq.mts. Built up area in sq. mts. 714.61sq.mt (* Urban, Semi-urban, Rural, Tribal, Hilly Area, Any others specify) Appendix IV 11. Facilities available on the campus (Tick the available facility and provide numbers or other details at appropriate places) or in case the institute has an agreement with other agencies in using any of the listed facilities provide information on the facilities covered under the agreement. Auditorium/seminar complex with infrastructural facilities Sports facilities play ground swimming pool gymnasium Hostel Boys’ hostel i. Number of hostels ii. Number of inmates iii. Facilities (mention available facilities) Girls’ hostel i. Number of hostels ii. Number of inmates iii. Facilities (mention available facilities) Working women’s hostel i. Number of inmates ii. Facilities (mention available facilities) Residential facilities for teaching and non-teaching staff (give numbers available -- cadre wise) Cafeteria -- Health center – First aid, Inpatient, Outpatient, Emergency care facility, Ambulance……. Health center staff – Qualified doctor Full time Part-time Qualified Nurse Full time Part-time Facilities like banking, post office, book shops Transport facilities to cater to the needs of students and staff Animal house Biological waste disposal Generator or other facility for management/regulation of electricity and voltage Solid waste management facility Waste water management Water harvesting × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × Self-Study Report - Affiliated College Page 23 12. Details of programmes offered by the College (Give data for current academic year) Programme Level Name of the Programme/ Course Duration Entry Qualification Medium of instruction Sanctioned /approved Student strength No. of students admitted Under- Graduate B.A 3 yrs HSC or 10+2 Marathi & English 1060 662 Post- Graduate M.A Urdu Marathi History Pol.Sci 2 yrs Graduation or 10+2+3 Marathi & English 60 per year per Subject 480 310 Certificate courses MS-CIT 3 Months After 5 th Std. Marathi English and Hindi 144 44 Any Other (specify and provide details) B.A Open University 3 Years H.S.C & equivalent or preparatory Marathi & English Not Fixed 311 13. Does the College offer self-financed Programmes? YesNo If yes, how many? 1. M.A (Non Grant Basis) 2. B.A (YCMOU) 3. MSCIT (Certificate Course in Computers) Appendix V 14. New programmes introduced in the College during the last five years if any? Yes No × Number 02 03 - Self-Study Report - Affiliated College Page 24 15. List the departments: (respond if applicable only and do not list facilities like Library, Physical Education as departments, unless they are also offering academic degree awarding programmes. Similarly, do not list the departments offering common compulsory subjects for all the programmes like English, regional languages etc.) The concept of independent Department could not be applied to the College. The below mentioned list is of the subjects in which the institute offers UG and PG courses.Below are the independent units running at the campus. Download 5,09 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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