Put on airs (give oneself airs) (fig) o'zini katta olmoq, o'zini osmonda deb bilmoq, boshqalardan ustun deb bilmoq.
Stop puttingon airs. You arejust human like the rest ofus.
She is always putting on airs. You would think she was a queen.
Put one in one's place popugini pasaytirib qo'ymoq, o'rnini ko'rsatib qo'ymoq, kimligini eslatib qo'ymoq, joyiga o'tqizib qo'ymoq, koyib bermoq.
The boss put me in my place for criticizing her.
Then her boss put her in her place for being rude.
(1) bor imkoniyatini ishga solmoq (2) yaxshi taassurot qoldirishga harakat qilmoq.
1. When you apply for a joh, you should always put your hest foot forward.
try to put my best foot forward whenever I meet someone for the first time.
oyo g'ini tirab turib olmoq, fikrida qattiq turib olmoq, qat'iy turib olmoq.
You will have to put your foot down whenyou thinkyou are right.
It has always been difficult to make her change her mind when she puts her foot down.
biror nima deb qo'yib keyin afsuslanmoq, aytgan gapiga pu- shaymon yemoq.
When I told Sue that her hair was more heautiful than I had ever seen it, I really put my foot in my mouth. It was a wig.
put my foot in my mouth by tell ingJohn's secret.
Put one's heart into some thing (put one's heart and soul into something) berilib qilmoq, jonini bermoq, yuragini bag'ishlamoq, mehr bermoq (mehr berib ishlamoq).
She put her heart and soul into the singingofthe national anthem.
Come on, choir. You can sing hetter than that. Put your heart into it!
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