Push someone to the wall (press someone to the wall) (fig) ilojsiz holatda qoldirmoq, solib qo'ymoq, boshi berk ko'cha ga tiqmoq, siquvga olmoq.
There was little else I could do. They pushed me to the wall.
When we pressed him to the wall, he told us where the cookies were hidden.
Put a cap on something (fig) biror nimaga cheklov qo'ymoq, o'rnatmoq, cheklamoq, chegaralamoq, me'yor belgilamoq.
We need to put a cap on spending on every department.
The city put a cap on the amount each landlord could charge.
Put a smile on someone's face biror kishini xursand qilmoq, ko'nglini, kayfiyatini ko'tarmoq.
We are going to give John a pretty good raise, and I know that will put a smile on his face.
The surprise birthday party really put a smile on my dad's face.
Put a stop to something (put an end to something) biror nimaga chek qo'ymoq, biror nimani poyoniga yetkazmoq, ya kunlamoq, tugatmoq.
I want you to put a stop to all this bad hehavior.
Please put an end to this conver sation.
Put all one's eggs in one bas ket (fig) «hamma tuxumni bitta savatga joylashtirmoq», bor e’ti borini bitta narsaga qaratmoq, bor imkoniyatini bir narsaga yo'naltirmoq, hammasini bitta narsaga tikmoq.
Do not invest all your money in one company. Never put all your eggs in one basket.
2.1 advise you to diversify and not to put all your eggs in one basket.
Put in a good word (for some one) biror kishiga birov haqida yaxshi so‘z (gap) aytmoq, biror kishini birovga maqtamoq, tav siya qilmoq.
I hope youget thejob. I will put in agood word foryou.
I want the job. If you see the boss, please put in agood word.
Put in an appearance (at some thing) birrovga ko'rinmoq, birrovga paydo bo'lmoq (biror yerda), birrovga kelib ko'rinib ketmoq.
I only wanted to put in an ap pearance at the reception, but I ended up staying for two hours.
Do we have to stay a long time, or can we just put in an appear ance?
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