Quick on the uptake tez qabul qiladigan, tezda ilib oladigan, tezda tushunadigan, o'rgana oladigan.
Just because I am not quick on the uptake, it does not mean I am stupid.
Sue understands jokes before anyone else because she is so quick on the uptake.
Quiet as a mouse (quiet as the grave) (fig) umuman ovozi chiqmaydigan, indamas, «tilini yutib yuborgan», «soqov».
John kept as quite as a mouse, answering only when he was spoken to.
This town is quiet as the grave now that the factories have closed.
Quit while one is ahead vaqtida to'xtatmoq, hammasi yaxshiligida, silliqligida o'yindan chiqmoq, omadi borida to'xtatmoq, o'yindan chiqmoq, qo'li balandligida tark etmoq.
1. Ifyou want to be successful you must learn to quit while you are ahead.
2. Get into the market. Make some money and get out. Quit while you are ahead.
Race against time (1) vaqtga yugurmoq (sportda) (2) vaqtida bo'lishga harakat qilmoq, vaqti da tugatishga harakat qilmoq, muddatiga bitirishga harakat qilmoq.
We were in a race against time to heat the world record.
You do not need to race against time. Take all the time you want.
Rack one’s brain (s) qattiq o'ylamoq, miyani, kallani qiynamoq (eslashga, o'ylashga harakat qilib).
racked my hrains all afternoon, hut could not rememher where I put the hook.
2. Do not waste any more time racking your hrain. Go borrow the book from the library.
Racked with pain kuchli og'riqdan aziyat chekmoq, og'riqdan qiynalmoq, azob tortmoq.
My hody was racked with pain, and I nearly passed out.
sat there racked with pain, wait ing for the doctor.
Rain cats and dogs (fig) kuchli yomg'ir quymoq, chelaklab yomg'ir yog'moq.
It is raining cats and dogs. Look at it!
am notgoing out in that storm. It is raining cats and dogs.
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