Agro Inform reproductive and viability characteristics of
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Agro Inform 2/ 2021 62 Today, mulberry silkworms are reared in more than 20 countries around the world and 840- 860 thousand tons of raw cocoons are produced. "The cocoon yield per box of worms in the world is 80.0-85.0 kg in the China, 78.0-80.0 kg in India, and the degree of uniformity of cocoon caliber is 90.0% in the leading countries" [1]. Nowadays, research is being conducted around the world to develop a scientific basis for increasing the viability and cocoon productivity of F 1 hybrid generations, as well as the creation of high-heterosis industrial hybrids. In this regard, obtaining high-quality silk fiber that meets the requirements of the silk industry and obtaining purebred hybrid eggs with the hybridity of about 100%, as well as the further intensification of the genetics and practical selection of quantitative characteristics of the mulberry silkworm is of great scientific importance [2]. Taking into account all these abovementioned, it is possible to grow high- tech cocoons using sex-regulation methods of the mulberry silkworm. Sex-marking and regulation of sex ratio in silkworms is one of the first achieved biological objects. B.L.Astaurov and H.Hosimoto were the first in this direction in the 30s of the last century to conduct thorough fundamental research [3], [4]. Figure 1. Scheme of genetic sexing using a balanced lethal (BL) strain suggested by Strunnikov [1975]. A segment of the Z chromosome including wild- type alleles of genes sl-1 and sl-2 (sl-sex lethal) has been translocated to the W resulting in a T(W; Z) chromosome. The strain is propagated with males heterozygous for lethal alleles (red, yellow) of the 2 genes in trans, and only this type of male offspring is viable. Since the 1960s, a group of scientists in Uzbekistan, led by V.A.Strunnikov, have managed to obtain a unique breed with lethal genes l 1 and l 2 in mutual balance with the participation of the same sex-limited breeds (Fig.1) [5]. In 1996, the Zhejiang Agricultural Academy оддий Л-28 генетик тизими билан реципрок чатиштирилди. F2 авлодда ♀(С-8 нгл×Л-28) × ♂(Л-28×С-8нгл) шаклидаги мураккаб комбинация олинган. Мазкур тадқиқотларда ҳар бирида ота-оналик сифатида олинган компонентлар ҳамда F1, F2 авлодларда репродуктив ва эмбрионал ҳаётчанлик кўрсаткичлари қиёсий таҳлил қилинди. Таҳлил натижаларига кўра, назорат сифатида олинган С-8нгл зотига нисбатан F1 авлодда эмбрионал леталлар мувозанати бузилишига қарамасдан, хўжалик белгилари бироз пасайганлиги ажралиш ҳисобига содир бўлди. F2 авлодда эса ота-оналик компонентлари даражасига, ҳаттоки, ундан ҳам юқорига кўтарилганлиги аниқланди. Шу олинган генотип популяциясида авлодма-авлод аналитик селекция ишларини олиб бориб, деярли янги зот яратиш имкони мавжуд. Таянч сўзлар: тут ипак қурти, тухум, қурт, зот, генетик тизма, эмбрионал Z-летал, бекросс чатиштириш, жинсни нишонлаш. |
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