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Exercise 1. Make up sentences using the table and translate them.

You'd better
He'd better
speak to the teacher about it. leave for the airport now. read the guidebook.
ask them to help you.
phone him now.
Exercise 2. Make the necessary substitutions and reproduce the dialogues.

  1. I don't understand what he meant by that.

  2. You'd better ask him.

(B: speak to him; tell him what you want to do; tell him everything).

  1. Is this the right bus for the Town Hall? Этот автобус идет к ратуше? (До­еду ли я на этом автобусе до ратуши?)

Exercise 3. Make up sentences using the table and translate them.

Is this the right

bus tram*


the station?
Moscow University?
London University?
the airport?
the National Gallery [ grelanj?

Exercise 4. Make up sentences using the pattern "Is this the right bus (tram, etc.) for...?”
Learn these words and word combinations
left n левая сторона; on the left слева, с левой стороны; on your left слева от вас; You'll see a supermarket on your left.
to turn (to the) left поворачивать налево; Turn left at the school and you’ll see the bus-stop.
right |rait| n правая сторона; on the right справа, с правой стороны; on your right справа от вас; to turn (to the) right поворачивать направо
straight [streit| on adv прямо; Turn left at the supermarket and then go straight on.
far (farther, farthest) adv далеко, на большом расстоянии; Is it far? far from далеко от; Is Red Square far from here?
car-driver n водитель (автомобиля)
passer-by | pu:sabai] n (plpassers-by) прохожий
way |wei] n 1. дорога, путь; ГП ask the way. Я спрошу дорогу. Could you tell me the way to the nearest underground station? He могли бы вы сказать мне. как пройти к ближайшей станции мезро? 2. дорожные знаки: “No Through Way” “Проезда (прохода) нет”; “Way Up” “Наверх”; “Way Down” “Вниз”
turn round v поворачивать назад
traffic-lights ('tnefik Jaits] n светофор
distance [distsns] n расстояние; What distance is it to Kiev? It’s no distance at all. Это совсем близко; in the distance вдалеке
stranger | 'stremcfca] n чужой, нездешний, незнакомец
policeman [pa'lizsmon] n полицейский, полисмен
conductor [kan dAkta| n кондуктор автобуса (в Великобритании)
put down v высаживать; to put smb. down at a stop высадить кого-л. на оста­новке, сказать кому-л., что это его остановка; Did you ask the conductor to put you down at the department store?
get off v выходить (из автобуса, трамвая и т. п.)‘, to get off at the next stop; You’ll have to gel off at the next stop.; to get on сесть (в автобус, трамвай и m. n.)
wrong |гэг)| а неправильный, ошибочный, ложный, не тот (который ну­жен); Гт afraid you’re wrong. Боюсь, что вы ошибаетесь. His answer is wrong; to go the wrong way идти не в ту сторону, нс по той дороге; They went the wrong way.
change v пересаживаться, делать пересадку; to change (for a train) at a sta­tion; You’ll have to change at Trafalgar [tra'falqa] Square for a 11 ora 12 bus. Вам нужно пересесть на Трафальгарской площади на автобус 11 или 12.
post-office I poust.afis] п почтовое отделение, почта
taxi ptasksi] п такси; to take a taxi брать (взять) такси; You аге going to take a taxi, aren’t you? It’s a long distance.
promise ( 'promts] v обещать; I promised to call him back.
do one’s best сделать все возможное; все, что в твоих силах; They are doing their best. Они делают все. что в их силах.
in time вовремя; You’re just in time. Вы пришли (приехали) как раз вовре­мя.
keep (kept) v зд. нс возврашать, оставлять себе. You can keep the book. I do not need it.
appointment lapointmonl] n (деловая) встреча, (деловое) свидание; to make (to have) an appointment договориться о встрече; Did you make an appointment with Mr Britton for ten o’clock? to keep (to break) an appoint­ment прийти (не прийти) на свидание; I’m afraid Г11 have to break the appointment with Mr Smith.
possible 1'posabl) а возможный; I’m sure he’ll do everything possible to help you. Я уверен, он сделает все возможное, чтобы помочь вам; as soon as possible как можно скорее; Please come back as soon as possible.
urgent |'э:фэп1] а срочный, неотложный, безотлагательный; The matter is urgent. Это срочное (неотложное, безотлагательное) дело.
perhaps |pa'haeps| adv может быть, возможно; пожалуй; Perhaps he’ll lend you the hook.
perfect | p9:fikt| а совершенный, прекрасный, идеальный, безупречный; The weather was perfect. It s perfect. Прекрасно. (Идеально.)
the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (tjeimba, kamois, indAstn| Торгово- промышленная палата
hold the line не вешайте трубку (подождите у телефона)
available [гг veilab!| а доступный, имеющийся в наличии; Is Mr Brown avail­able just now? Можно видеть сейчас г-на Брауна (поговорить сейчас с г-ном Брауном)?
put smb. through |0ru:] to smb. v соединить кого-л. с кем-л. (по телефону) believe |br lirv] v полагать, думать; I believe he’s already completed the novel, show n выставка; the International Agricultural | .ждпкл1Уэгэ1| Show Между­народная сельскохозяйственная выставка
official [yfijll о официальный; Is the news official? Это официальное сооб­щение?
engagement lingeicfomant] л свидание, встреча
opening ( оир(э)шг)] п открытие; Would you like to attend the official opening of the exhibition?
mind [maind] v: if you don't mind если вы не возражаете (не имеете ничего против)
send (sent) v посылать, отправлять; When did you send the letter?
complimentary [komplrmentn] ticket пригласительный билет, контрамарка
A. Asking the Way

  1. Excuse me. Can you tell me where South Street is, please?

  2. Take the second' on the left and go straight on.

  1. Is it far?

  2. No, it’s only about five minutes’ walk.

  1. Thank you.

  2. Not at all.

A (car-driver to a passer-by): Excuse me, please. Could you tell me the way to the station?

  1. Turn round and turn left at the traffic-lights.

  1. Will it take me long?

  2. No, it’s no distance at all.

  1. Thank you.

  2. That’s OK.


  1. Excuse me, can you tell me where the nearest underground station is?

  2. I’m a stranger here. You’d better ask the policeman.

A (to the policeman): Excuse me, officer,2 could you tell me the way to the near­est underground station?
B: You’re going the wrong way. Go straight on and take the second on the right. You’ll see it on your left.
В. On a Bus
A (at the bus-stop): Is there a bus from here to the National Gallery'?
B: Yes, take a 124 and ask the conductor to put you down at Trafalgar Square.

  1. Thank you.

  2. That’s OK.


  1. Does this bus go to the station?

  2. No, you'll have to get off at the bank and take a 12.

  1. Can you tell me where to get off?

  2. It’s the next stop but one.5


  1. Is this the right bus for the Town Hall?6

  2. No, you’re going the wrong way. You’ll have to change at the post-office and take a 192.

  1. Thank you.

  2. Not at all.

C. Taking a Taxi
A: Piccadilly,' please. 1 have to be there by 10.30.
Taxi-driver: I can’t promise, but I’ll do my best... You’re just in time. 70 p," please.
A: Thanks a lot. Here's 80 p. You can keep the change. (Here’s a pound. Give me 20 p change, please.)
D. Telephone Conversation
Secretary: Good morning. Mr Browning’s office.
Victorov: Good moming. Can I speak to Mr Browning, please? This is Victorov speaking.
Secretary: Mr Browning is out. Can I help you, Mr Victorov?
Victorov: I’d like to have an appointment with Mr Browning.
Secretary: When would you like to come?
Victorov: As soon as possible.
Secretary: I'm afraid there's nothing till tomorrow. Mr Browning is very busy just now. If it is urgent, perhaps we could find time tomorrow.
Victorov: No, it isn’t as urgent as that. It can wait until the day after tomorrow.
Secretary: What time could you come on Wednesday?
Victorov: As late as possible in the afternoon.
Secretary: Would 4.30 be all right?
Victorov: Yes, that’s perfect. Thank you. Goodbye.
Secretary: Goodbye, Mr Victorov.
Secretary’: Good morning. British Embassy.
Petrov: Good morning. I’d like to speak to Mr Weston, please.
Secretary: Who’s calling, please?
Petrov: This is George Petrov from the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
Secretary: Will you hold the line, please? I'll see if Mr Weston is available... I’m putting you through.
Mr Weston: Hello, Mr Petrov.
Petrov: Hello. I believe you know that the International Agricultural Show is to open next Wednesday, September 8th in Sokolniki Park. I wonder whether you would like to attend the official opening.
Mr Weston: Thank you very much for the invitation. Unfortunately I can't accept it. I have another engagement. I think Mr Morton will be able to attend the opening if you don't mind.
Petrov: We’ll be glad to see Mr Morton. We're sending a Complimentary Ticket for him. Goodbye.
Mr Weston: Goodbye.

  1. Take the second (разг. сокр. от the second turning второй поворот). По­верните на вторую улину.

  2. Excuse me, officer ['ofisa). В Англии принято обращаться к полицей­скому, употребляя слово officer (офицер).

  3. the National Gallery Национальная галерея (крупнейшее в Великобри­тании собрание картин, находится на площади Трафальгар-Сквср в Лондоне)

  4. take а 12 (twelve) (разг. сокр. от take a number 12). Обратите внимание на то, как произносятся номера автобусов до 100 - как количествен­ные числительные: take а 22 (twenty two), а 97 (ninety seven); после 100 — произносится каждая цифра: take а 182 (one-eight-two).

  5. It's the next stop but one. Это вторая остановка (через одну остановку).

  6. the Town Hall ратуша

  7. Piccadilly (Circus) (.ptko'dih ,sa:kas] Пиккалилли-Серкус, плоишь Пиккадилли (в центральной части Лондона)

  8. 70 р(репсе)70 пенсов

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