Англиискии для вас Новый курс XXI века

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Exercise 4. Translate these sentences.
что идет в нашем (местном) кинотеатре?
когда состоится следующая лекция по английской ли- Как вы думаете, тературе?
где сейчас Джон?
। сколько времени он пробудет в Санкт Петербурге?
Learn these words and word combinations
offer ('ofa| v предлагать (помощь, что-з.); He offered me his help. He offered lo help me.
opportunity Lopa'tjurmti] n возможность, (удобный) случай; 1 didn't get the opportunity to speak to him. У меня не было (я не имел) возможности по­говорить с ним.
team games командные игры
cricket (' knkil | п крикет
rugger рглдэ] п разг, от rugby регби
soccer | sokaj п футбол
rounders |' raundaz] п английская лапта
baseball | beisborl] п бейсбол
athletics [®0'lctiks] л легкая атлетика
admit (admit] v 1. допускать, признавать; I admit you are right. 2. принимать, впускать; to admit to a club (to school, college); 1 wonder who is admitted to colleges in this country?
athletic [aeO" letik| а атлетический; athletic sports легкая атлетика
facility [frsihti] n (обычно pl.) условия; There are excellent facilities for ath­letics here.
attention n: to pay attention to smth. обращать внимание на что-л.; We pay a great deal of attention to the development of sport.
training n тренировка
body ['bodi] n тело
character |' kaerakta] n характер
record |' reka:d| n рекорд; to establish [istaebhj] a record for smth. установить рекорд в чем-л.; Не established the record for the 100 m run. Он установил рекорд в беге на 100 метров.
sportsman |'sportsman] «спортсмен
nation ['neifn) п 1. нация; 2. страна.
physician [frzifn] п врач (терапевт); at the physician's у врача
form п медицинская карта
What’s the trouble (ЛглЬЦ? Что случилось?
feverish | 'firvanj] а лихорадочный; The child feels feverish. У ребенка жар (ребенка лихорадит).
throat |9rout| п горло, гортань, глотка; зев; sore |so:J throat воспаленное горло, ангина; 1 have a sore throat. У меня болит горло.
slip off v снимать
blouse [blauz] п блузка
chest п грудная клетка, грудь; to listen to one’s chest послушать (легкие и сердце)
breathe [brird] v дышать; to breathe in вдохнуть; “Please breathe in,” said the doctor; to breathe out выдохнуть
cough [kaf] v кашлять; Have you been coughing much?
take one’s temperature мерить (измерять) температуру; Will you take your temperature, please?
thermometer [Oa'mamita] «термометр
tongue [tAi}| « язык
a bit n небольшое количество, немного, чуть-чуть
sneeze [sni:z] v чихать; “I’ve been coughing and sneezing a lot these two days," said Jane.
examine |ig zxmin| v мед. осматривать, обследовать; выслушивать; “ГП have to examine you,” said the doctor.
mouth |mauO| n рот
wide adv широко; Open your mouth wide. Откройте пошире рот.
cold n простуда, грипп; to have (to have got) a cold простудиться, болеть гриппом
course Iko:s) мед. курс; to give a course of antibiotics f eentibar atiks] прописать (проводить) курс лечения антибиотиками
capsule I'ktepsju:!) п капсула; облатка
prescription [pns'knpjn] рецепт; Did the doctor give him a prescription?
surgeon I'saxfcn] n хирург; at the surgeon’s у хирурга; to go to the surgeon’s пойти к хирургу
surgery ['saxfronj n кабинет или приемная врача
What’s wrong with you? Что с вами (что случилось)?
fracture pfraektfa] n перелом; разрыв; трещина
run (ran, run) v бежать, бегать; He ran as hard as he could.
ball n мяч
slip v поскользнуться
fall down (fell, fallen) v падать
pain n боль; to have (to feel) a pain чувствовать боль; I have a pain in my left hand.
get up v вставать, подниматься
careful I'kEafl] а осторожный, осмотрительный; You should be careful when you cross the street. One cannot be too careful. Осторожность не помешает.
examination |ig.zдосмотр, освидетельствование, обследование; X-ray peksrei] examination рентгенологическое исследование
X-ray room рентгеновский кабинет
X-ray picture рентгеновский снимок
X-ray v делать рентгеновский снимок
drive (drove, driven |dnvn]) v подвозить, отвозить кого-л., куда-л.; Will you drive me home, please?

  1. Sport in British Schools

(Talk between Michael Kovrov, a Russian coach, and George Smith, a British coach)
Michael: What kinds of sports do you have in British schools?
George: Oh, various kinds. Most secondary schools offer some opportunity for playing chief team games. Football is usually played in winter at boys’ schools and cricket in summer. Some schools play only rugger and some only soccer. Girls play tennis and rounders (a sort of base­ball) in summer and hockey in winter, I admit hockey is becoming more and more popular also at boys’ schools.
Michael: And what about athletics? Are there any facilities for athletic sports? George: Yes, there are also facilities for some athletic sports.
Michael: I have the impression that most British schools pay a great deal of attention to sport.
George: Oh yes. British teachers think that sport plays a large part in the train­ing not only of the body but of the character, too.
Michael: That’s what Russian teachers think, too.
George: I know sport is very popular in your country. A lot of world records were established by your sportsmen.
Michael: I'd say we re a sports-loving nation.

  1. At the Doctor’s1

  1. At the Physician's

Doctor: Good morning.
Ann: Good morning. Doctor.-’
Doctor: Well, what’s the trouble?
Ann: I feel hot and feverish and I’ve got a sore throat.
Doctor: Now, let's have a look at you. Slip off your coat and blouse. I’d like to listen to your chest. Breathe in then cough. That's it. Now again. Thank you. Now I’ll take your temperature. Put it (the thermometer) under your tongue. Well, it is a bit high. We'll have to do something about it, won't we? Have you been coughing much?
Ann: Yes, quite a lot. and sneezing.
Doctor: 1 want to examine your throat. Open your mouth wide. Yes. it does look a bit sore. You’ve got a cold but not a very bad one. You’d better have a couple of days in bed.
Ann: What about the throat. Doctor?
Doctor: I’m giving you a course of antibiotics. Take one capsule every four hours.' Here’s the prescription.
Ann: Thank you. Doctor. Goodbye.

  1. At the Surgeon’s

Two friends help Peter Belov walk into the surgery.
Doctor: What's wrong with your leg. Belov?
Belov: I’m afraid it’s a fracture, Doctor.
Doctor: How did it happen?
Belov: 1 was playing a game of tennis. Running to get the ball 1 slipped and fell down on my leg. I felt an awful pain when 1 tried to get up. My friends had to help me get here.
Doctor: That’s too bad. You should have been careful. Well, we'll start with the X-ray examination. Now sit down in this chair and the nurse will take you to the X-ray room.
(A few minutes later the nurse drives Peter Belov back into the surgery. She
passes the X-ray pictures to the doctor.)

Doctor (after examining the pictures): Unfortunately, it is a fracture. You’ll have to stay in hospital,4 Belov.
Belov: How long do you think I’ll have to stay here?
Doctor: I think not less than a couple of weeks.

  1. at the doctor's у врача (на приеме у врача). Обратите внимание на упо­требление существительных doctor, surgeon, physician, etc. В форме притяжательного падежа в сочетаниях: to be at the doctor's (at the sur­geon’s. etc ), to go to the doctor’s (to the surgeon’s), etc

  2. Doctor пишется с заглавной буквы, если используется как обращение. 3. every four hours каждые четыре часа

  1. to stay in hospital быть/лежать в больнице. Когда слова hospital, school, college, university, work, church |t|>:tj] церковь, prison [pnzn] тюрьма, bed употребляются в своем прямом функциональном значении, то ар­тикль перед ними не ставится. Во всех остальных случаях они упо­требляются с артиклем.

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