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ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ: В вопросительных предложениях может также употреб­ляться глагол сап.
Can he have failed us? Неужели он подвел нас?

  1. can’t (couldn’t) + Perfect Infinitive выражает мнение говорящего о возможности (невозможности) совершения действия в прошлом.

Peter сап 7 have translated this article, he does not know Spanish. Петр не мог перевести эту статью (неможет быть, чтобы Петр перевел эту статью), он не знает испанского языка.
This couldn’t have been done yesterday. He может быть, чтобы это было сде­лано вчера.

  1. Мау

  1. may (might) + Perfect Infinitive выражает предположение о возмож­ности совершения действия в прошлом.

Не might have already made an appointment with Mr Smith. He said he would. Он, возможно, договорился о встрече с г-ном Смитом. Он сказал, что он это сделает.

  1. might +■ Perfect Infinitive выражает упрек по поводу того, что дейст­вие не было совершено.

You might have advised him to join them. Вы могли бы посоветовать ему присоединиться к ним.

  1. Must

must + Perfect Infinitive выражает предположение, граничащее с уве­ренностью о том, что действие совершилось в прошлом.
There must have been a misunderstanding. Должно быть (очевидно, вероят­но), произошло недоразумение.
They must have left yesterday. Они. должно быть (вероятно), уехали вчера.
ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ: Глаголы must и may в отрицательной форме не употреб­ляются с перфектным инфинитивом.

  1. Be to

be to + Perfect Infinitive выражает действие, которое должно было про­изойти в прошлом, но не произошло.
Не was to have checked out before 12.00 but unfortunately he failed to. Он дол­жен был расплатиться в гостинице до 12 часов дня, но. к сожалению, не смог.

  1. Needn't

needn't + Perfect Infinitive выражает действие, в совершении которого не было необходимости.
You needn’t have brought the textbook for him. He has got one. He нужно бы­ло (не было необходимости) приносить ему учебник. У него есть.

  1. Would

would + Perfect Infinitive выражает сильную степень уверенности гово­рящего в отношении действия (состояния) в прошлом.
That would have been the right way. По-видимому (должно быть), это был правильный путь.
Не would have been about forty then. Ему, по-видимому, тогда было около сорока лет.

  1. Should, ought to*

Exercise I. Read the following. Translate the sentences containing modal verbs into Russian.

  1. A: I hope Bill has reserved a hotel room.

  1. He can 7 have done that. No one has asked him to.

  1. A: Why didn’t Peter come to see us yesterday?

В 1 don’t know. He may have been too busy.

  1. No, he can 7 have been too busy.

  2. Oh, you can’t be sure about that.

  1. A: I didn’t know John had left on business. You might have told me.

  1. I’m sorry. 1 thought you knew that.

  1. A: Jim looks very tired today.

  1. He must have worked very hard last night.

A: Yes, I think he did.

  1. A: Why are they so angry with George?

  1. He must have failed them. He was to have dealt with the matter but I don’t think he did.

  1. “I ought to have thought about that before, but 1 didn’t know he was so wor­ried about his sister,” said Jane.

  2. Could Ben have told them it was Mr Bailey’s fault?

См. урок 5

  1. “You should have fought. Jim,” Dr Nicholas' friend said to him.

  2. You needn't have helped him. He was able to manage it alone.

Exercise 2. Respond to these statements according to the models. Translate the responses.

  1. His visit upset their plans.

Can (could) his visit have upset their plans?
His visit can’t (couldn't) have upset their plans.

  1. The centre forward missed the ball. 2. His letter disappeared. 3. Gravot managed to get Johnny out of the game. 4. Guff hit Johnny.

  1. It is possible that he attended the lecture.

He could have attended the lecture.

  1. It is possible that he’s made a hotel reservation. 2. It is possible that he asked Peter’s advice. 3. It is possible that she answered the call. 4. It is possible that he broke the appointment.

  1. 1 hope (maybe) he found the book yesterday.

He might have found the book yesterday.

  1. 1 hope he told them about the meeting yesterday. 2. I hope he checked out before lunch. 3. I hope John handed the papers to Mr Brown. 4. I hope he has passed through the customs.

  1. I'm sure he went (has gone) sightseeing.

He must have gone sightseeing.

  1. I’m sure he has left his suitcases in the luggage room. 2. I’m sure he went to the dentist’s. He had an awful toothache in the morning. 3. I’m sure there was a misunderstanding between them. 4. I’m sure it was Mr Smith’s fault.

  1. She went by the seven o’clock train. (The lecture didn't begin till ten.)

She needn't have gone by the seven o’clock train as the lecture didn’t begin till ten.

  1. She did everything herself. (Everyone was ready to help her.) 2. They wor­ried about Johnny. (He came back in time.) 3. Bill dealt with the matter. (Tom was going to deal with it.) 4. Bill reserved a hotel room for him for ten days. (He was going to stay only for a week.) f) I believe he was about thirty then.

He would have been about thirty then.

  1. I believe he was at college then. 2. I believe he helped them. 3. I believe he left the cinema before the end of the film. 4. 1 believe Jim brought him the book.

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