Avvalo birinchi grammatik qoidalarni undan so’ng qiladigan xatolarni ko’rib chiqing bu sizni kelasida qilinadigan har qanday xatolardan saqlab qoladi. Uni tugatib test yechish sirlarini yaxshilab o’rganib chiqing

Wrong: Can you bring a better example? Right

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Wrong: Can you bring a better example?
Right: Can you give a better example?


Give a mark(baho qo’ymoq/bermoq), put a mark emas

Wrong: Teacher put me a good mark
Right: Teacher gave me a good mark


Set a watch by(..dan soatni o’rnatmoq), put a watch with emas

Wrong: I put my watch with the radio news Right: : I set my watch by the radio news


A watch is slow yoki fast(soat orqada yoki oldinda), goes behind yoki in front emas

Wrong: My watch goes two minutes behind
Right: My watch is two minutes slow(soatim 2 daqiqa orqada) Eslatma: “My watch loses or gains “deb aytishimiz mumkin


Have one’s hair cut(sochni oldirmoq), cut one’s hair emas

Wrong: I’m going to cut my hair
Right: I’m going to have my hair cut.


Learn by heart(yodlamoq), learn from out emas

Wrong: We have a poem to learn from out
Right:We have a poem to learn by heart


Put on weight (vazn olmoq/semirmoq), put weight emas.

Wrong: I'm lucky really as I never put weight.
Right: I'm lucky really as I never put on weight.
Eslatma: to lose weight – vazn yo’qotmoq, to gain weight – vazn yigmoq/semirmoq


Work miracles(juda ta’sirli/hayron qolarli natijalarga e’rishmoq), make miracles emas

Wrong: That medicine makes miracles
Right: That medicine works miracles
Ko’proq work miracles iborasi “mo’jizalar yaratadi” deb ham tarjima qilinadi. That medicine works miracles – Ushbu dori mo’jizalar yaratadi.


Get on with(davom ettirmoq), go with emas

Wrong: How is Shohsanam going with her work?
Right: How is Shohsanam getting on with her work?


This morning(bugun tongda)…etc, today morning ..etc emas…

Wrong: I have not seen him today morning
Right: I have not seen him this morning
Eslatma: today morning, today afternoon, today evening, yesterday night, this night deyishdan saqlaning. This morning, this afternoon, this evening, last night, tonight shaklida ayting


What’s the matter(nima muomo/nima bo’ldi), what have you? emas

Wrong: What have you today?
Right: What’s the matter with you today?
Eslatma: What’s wrong (with you)?, what’s the trouble(with you)?, what’s the problem? iboralari ham to’g’ri va what’s the matter iborasi bilan sinonim holda ishlatiladi.


What do you call?(nima deb ataysiz).. How do you call emas?

Wrong: How do you call this in England
Right: What do you call this in England
Eslatma: Agar savol ba’zi iboralarni, so’zlarni qanaqa ma’no anglatishini so’rash haqida bo’lsa :
How do you say shaklida ishlatsa bo’ladi.
Predloglarni tushrib qoldrishdagi xatolar

Ba’zi so’zlar o’zidan keyin predlog (preposition) kelishini talab qiladi agarda predlogni tushirib qoldirsangiz xato hisoblanadi. Buyerdagi misollar ham predloglarni xato tushirib qoldirishni oldini olishga bag’ishlangan.


Ask for a thing(nimadirni berishni so’rash), ask a thing emas

Wrong: She came and asked my book
Right: She came and asked for my book
Eslatma: Kimdandir nimandir berishini so’rasak, biz ask for shaklida ishlatamiz. Masalan: pul berishini, ko’proq ma’lumot berishini, so’rashda, ask my book shaklida ishlatolmaysiz.


Dispose/get rid of a thing(qutilmoq), dispose/get rid a thing

Wrong: He’ll dispose/get rid all his property
Right: He’ll dispose/get rid of all his property


Dream of a thing (...ni orzu qilmoq), dream a thing emas

Wrong: Young men dream glory and riches
Right: Young men dream of glory and riches


Knock at the door(eshikni taqillatmoq) knock the door emas

Wrong: Who is knocking the door
Right: Who is knocking at the door


Listen to a person or thing

(...ni tinglamoq), listen a person or thing emas

Wrong: They were listening the music
Right: They were listening to the music


Point to/at a person or thing(ishora qilmoq/sha’ma qilmoq), point a person or thing

Wrong: He pointed the map on the well
Right: He pointed to/at the map on the well
EslatmaPoint out” ni ham shu ma’noda ishlatish mumkin. He pointed out the boy who did it. Point (hech bir predlogsiz) – yo’naltirmoq ma’nosida ishlatiladi. Don’t point the gun this way.


Remind a person of something(ni eslatmoq), remind a person something emas

Wrong: Please remind me this latter
Right: Please remind me of this latter


Reply to a person(ga javob bermoq), reply a person emas

Wrong: She’s not replied me yet
Right: She’s not replied to me yet


Say to a person(..ga aytmoq), say a person emas

Wrong: Shohsanam said me, “Come tomorrow”
Right: Shohsanam said to me, “Come tomorrow”


Share with a person(bilan baham ko’rmoq), share a person emas

Wrong: My friend shared me his book
Right: My friend shared his book with me


Speak to a person(bilan gaplashmoq), speak a person emas

Wrong: I’ll speak him about that Right: I’ll speak to him about that


Supply a person with something(bilan ta’minlamoq), supply a person something emas

Wrong: Can you supply me all I need?
Right: Can you supply me with all I need?
Eslatma: “Provide a person with” ham shu ma’noda ishlatiladi. She provided her son with all he needed


Think of a person yoki thing(haqida o’ylamoq/..ni o’ylamoq), think a person yoki thing

Wrong: Think a number and then double it Right: Think of a number and then double it


Wait for person yoki thing(..ni kutmoq), wait a person yoki thing emas

Wrong: I’ll wait you at the cinema
Right: I’ll wait for you at the cinema
Eslatma: await fe’li predlogsiz ishlatiladi. I’m awaiting your reply


Wish for a thing(ni orzu qilmoq), wish a thing emas

Wrong: He doesn’t wish any reward
Right: He doesn’t wish for any reward
Keraksiz predloglar
Pastdagi so’zlar o’zdan keyin predlog talab qilmaydi chunki predlogning ma’nosi bu so’zlaring ichida bor


Answer(javob bermoq)

Wrong: Please, answer to my question.
Right: Please, answer my question
Eslatma: Agarda answer so’zi ot bo’lib kelsa, o’zdan keyin to predlogini oladi. His answer to my question was wrong. Agar answer so’zi fe’l bo’lib kelsa, tepadagi misoldagi kabi predlog olmaydi.



Wrong: Don’t approach to that house
Right: Don’t approach that house



Wrong: I asked to the teacher about it
Right: I asked the teacher about it


Attack(hujum qilmoq)

Wrong: They attacked against the enemy
Right: They attacked the enemy
Eslatma: Biz to make an attack on shaklida ishlatamiz buyerda attack ot bo’lib kelmoqda. They made an attack on the enemy


Comprise(tashkil qilmoq yoki ichiga olmoq)

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