Avvalo birinchi grammatik qoidalarni undan so’ng qiladigan xatolarni ko’rib chiqing bu sizni kelasida qilinadigan har qanday xatolardan saqlab qoladi. Uni tugatib test yechish sirlarini yaxshilab o’rganib chiqing

Wrong: The book comprises of five chapters Right

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Wrong: The book comprises of five chapters
Right: The book comprises five chapters
Eslatma : to be comprised of shaklida ham ishlatish mumkin. The book is comprised of five chapters.
Misollarga yaxshilab e’tibor berib tushning to be comprised of bilan comprise adashtirib yubormang.



Wrong: We entered into the classroom
Right: We entered the classroom Eslatma: Enter into degan ibora ham bor. Enter into – qatnashmoq degan ma’no beradi masalan: dibat, munozara suhbatlarga qatnashish yoki boshlash. The government had entered into a genuine dialogue with the terrorists.- hukumat terrorchilar bilan chinakam muloqotga kirishdi..



Wrong: I’ve finished from my work
Right: I’ve finished my work


Leave( tark etmoq)

Wrong: Shohsanam left from England last week
Right: Shohsanam left England last week



Wrong: We should obey to our teachers
Right: We should obey our teachers


Reach(yetib kelmoq/erishmoq)

Wrong: We reached at the school early
Right: We reached the school early



Wrong: Does she resemble to her father?
Right: Does she resemble her father?
Eslatma: resemblance(o’xshashlik) so’zi o’zidan keyin to yoki between oladi. She bears no resemblance to her father. There is no resemblance between them



Wrong: I told to him to come at once
Right: I told him to come at once




Wrong: Shohsanam hid behind of a large tree Right: Shohsanam hid behind a large tree



Wrong: The boys went inside of the room
Right: The boys went inside the room



Wrong: They stood outside of the door
Right: They stood outside the door



Wrong: The earth goes round of the sun
Right: The earth goes round the sun
Eslatma: Around so’zi round so’zi bilan bir xil ma’no anglatadi
Artikl noto’gri qo’llash


3-shaxs birlikda -s va -es tushirib qoldirish

Wrong: He speak English very well
Right: He speaks English very well
Juda ehtiyot bo’ling : Hozirgi oddiy zamonda ega he, she, it yoki birlikdagi ot bo’lsa, felga -s yoki – es qo’shishni unutmang


Don’t o’rniga doesn’t ishlatish

Wrong: he don’t care what he says
Right: he doesn’t care what he says
Hozirgi oddiy zamonning inkor gaplarida agarda ega I, you, we, they yoki ko’plikdagi ot bo’lsa, don’t (=do not) ishlating. Agarda ega he, she, it yoki birlikdagi ot bo’lsa, doesn’t (= does not) ishlating


O’tgan zamonda –d yoki –ed tushrib qoldirish

Wrong: I receive a letter yesterday
Right: I received a letter yesterday
Juda ehtiyot bo’ling: O’tgan zamonda to’g’ri fe’llarga –d yoki –ed qo’shishni unutmang


Ko’plik ma’nosini beruvchi –s, -es, -ies qo’shimchalarni tushrib qoldirish

Wrong: I paid six pound for the book
Right: I paid six pounds for the book
Agarda ko’plikdagi son kelsa undan keying ot ham ko’plikda bo’ladi va ot oxiriga –s qo’shladi Ba’zi otlarning ko’pligi –s qo’shish orqali yasalamaydi ularning o’z ko’plik shaklari bor: child children, ox-oxen, foot-feet, penny-pence, goose-geese, person-people, louse-lice, tooth-teeth, manmen, woman-women, mouse-mice


Egalikni bildiruvchi ‘s (apostrof)ni tushrib qoldirish

Wrong: A hen’s egg is different from a pigeon
Right: A hen’s egg is different from a pigeon’s
Agarda ikkita ot qiyoslanayotgan bo’lsa, birinchi ot ‘s(apostrof) bilan ishlatilsa, ikkinchi ot ham ‘s(apostrof) bilan ishlatilishi shart. My mother’s nose is bigger than my father’s


Birlikdagi donalab sanaladigan ot oldidan artiklni tushib qolishi

Wrong: I’ve no money to buy car
Right: I’ve no money to buy a car
Qoida: Birlikdagi donalab sanaladigan otlar yakka o’zi ishlatilmaydi. Ularni oldidan a/an, the artikllari yoki my, ‘s(apostrof)lardan biri ishlatiladi . I want an apple(I want apple deb bo’lmaydi)


To be dan keyin a yoki an artiklini tushib qolishi

Wrong: I am not teacher, I’m student
Right: I am not a teacher, I’m a student


Half so’zidan keyin a yoki an artikilini tushib qolishi

Wrong: He drank half glass of milk
Right: He drank half a glass of milk
Eslatma: Half a glass(an hour, a day, a mile, etc) so’zi half of a glass(of an hour, of a day, of a mile, etc) so’zlarining qisqartmasidir


Hundred, thousand so’zlarini yolgiz ishlatish

Wrong: Hundred years make a century
Right: A/one hundred years make a century
Hundred(yuz), thousand(ming) so’zlarni a noaniq artiklini yoki one soni bilan ishlating. O’zini hundred yoki thousand shaklida ishlatmang


Make a noice va boshqa birikmalarda a yoki an artikilini tushib qolishi

Wrong: I told them not to make noise
Right: I told them not to make a noise
Eslatma: to make a mistake, to make a fortune, to make a will, to make an impression, to make an experiment, to make an attempt


Millat nomlarining oldidan the ni tushib qolishi

Wrong: English are fond of sports
Right: The English are fond of sports
Oxirgi harfi sh, ch, yoki ese bilan tugagan millat nomlari the bilan ishlatiladi. The French, the British, the Dutch, the Swiss , the Chinese, the Sudanese va boshqalar


Musiqa asboblarining nomlarini oldidan the ni tushib qolishi

Wrong: I play violin, but not piano
Right: I play the violin, but not the piano
Musiqa asboblarining nomlari “the” aniq artikli bilan ishlatiladi


Cinema, theatre, concert va shunga o’xshash so’zlarining oldidan the ni tushib qolishi

Wrong: On Saturday I go to cinema
Right: On Saturday I go to the cinema
Biz yashaydigan yerdagi doimo muntazam boradigan yerlarimiz: masalan bank, pochta, sartaroshxona shunga o’xshash joylarga biz the artiklni ishlatamiz. Sababi tinglovchi/o’quvchi ongida biz doim boradigan joy ma’lum, shaxarda mingda sartaroshxona bo’lishi mumkin lekin biz doimo boradigan sartaroshxona aniq bitta sartaroshxona. Sizlarga bir nechta misol keltiraman bu joylar doim the artikli bilan ishlatiladi: the bank, the library, the grocery store, the post office, the doctor, the dentist the(corner) store, the pharmacy, the gas station, the office, the gym, the hospital, the hairdresser, the nail salon, the barber… etc


Majhul nisbatda to be ni tushib qolishi

Wrong: Charles Dickens born in 1892
Right: Charles Dickens was born in 1892
Majhul nisbat shakli Subject +to be+P.P orqali yasaladi. Ya’ni ega egaga mos to be undan so’ng fe’lning 3 shakli(Past Participle) orqali yasaladi.


Vaqtni aytishda predloglarning tushib qolishi

Wrong: I was born the third of December
Right: I was born on the third of December
Biz vaqtni aytishda “da” degan ma’noda on/at/in predloglaridan foydalanamiz. On Monday- dushanbada, at midnight- yarim tunda, in 1995- 1995-yilda
Last, next,every, this, one day, some day so’zlari bilan vaqtni bildirishda predlog(at,in,on) ishlatilmaydi. last night, next Friday this afternoon(on next Friday emas bu xato)


Infinitive dan oldin kishilik olmoshini tushib qolishi

Wrong: I want to tell me the truth
Right: I want you to tell me the truth
Advise, allow, ask, beg, cause, choose, command, convince, enable, encourage, expect, force, hire instruct, invite, need, order, permit, persuade, prepare, promise, remind, require, tell, threaten, urge, want, warn, wish, would like fe’llaridan ke’yin to infinitive yoki object + to infinitive ishlatilishi mumkin. Masalan: I want to go to the cinema- Men kinoteatrga borishni xohlayman, I want you to go to the cinema – men sizni kinoteatrga borishingizni xohlayman.


For this reason iborasining o’rniga for this ni ishlatilinishi

Wrong: For this he wants to leave
Right: For this reason he wants to leave

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