Wrong: The people whom boarded the plane are in a rock band.
Right: The people who boarded the plane are in a rock band.
Biz whom ni gapda to’ldiruvchi sifatida ishlatamiz. Who ni ham to’ldiruvchi ham ega sifatida ishlata olamiz.
Sizlarga oson bo’lshi uchun : Ega+whom+ Ega + verb… shaklida gap tuziladi. Agar gap ega bo’lmay fe’l bo’lsa who qo’yamiz bu holatda whom qo’yolmaymiz. Gaplarni tuzilishga Eslatma
The peopleega who boardedverb the plane are in a rock band.(Eslatma bunaqa gaplarda whom ishlatilmaydi.)
The cousinega whom weega metverb at the family reunion is coming to visit.(buyerda who ham ishlatsak ham bo’ladi whom o’rnida)
Orttirma(superlative) darajadan keyin who, whom, which ishlatish xato. Biz orttirma darajadan keyin that qo’yamiz.
Wrong: It is the best which I have seen
Right: It is the best that I have seen
Biz orttirma darajadan keyin that qo’yamiz, who, whom, which emas. Ba’zan that tushirib qoldirishimiz mumkin
Ikkita narsani qiyoslayotganda the same as/the same that ishlatishdagi xatolar. Biz that dan keyin objective pronounlar(me,us,etc) ni qo’yolmaymiz
Wrong: Amelia bought the same bag that me
Right: Amelia bought the same bag as me
Biz the same that+ me,him,her,it, us, you, them shaklida gap tuzmaymiz. The same that o’zidan keyin gap (Ega+ verb) talab qiladi masalan: I have the same book that you have.That o’zidan keyin ega+ kesim holidagi gap talab etadi.
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