part of the amino acid sequences (known as
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- Bu sahifa navigatsiya:
- Gall See T i PLASMID . GalNAc
- GEM (Germ plasm Enhancement for Maize)
- GEMP (Genetically Engineered Microbial Pesticide)
- Gene “Stacking” See “ STACKED ” GENES . Gene Amplification
- Gene Expression Analysis
- Gene Expression Cascade
- Gene Expression Markers
- Gene Expression Profiling
part of the amino acid sequences (known as
the “domain”) of two or more proteins. Formed by fusing the two protein-encoding genes (which causes the ribosome to subse- quently produce the fusion protein). This fusion is often done deliberately, either to put the expression of one of the (fused) genes under the control of the strong promoter for the first gene, or to allow the gene of interest (which is difficult to assay) to be more easily studied via substituting some of the (gene) protein with a more easily measured (assayed) function. For example, by fusing a difficult-to-study gene with the β-galactosi- dase gene, the (protein) product that results can easily be measured (assayed) using chro- matography. See also PROTEIN , AMINO ACID , SEQUENCE ( OF A PROTEIN MOLECULE ), GENE , R I B O S O M E S , P R O M O T E R , A S S A Y , C O D I N G SEQUENCE , DOMAIN ( OF A PROTEIN ), GENE FUSION . Fusion Toxin A fusion protein that consists of a toxic protein (domain) plus a cell receptor binding region (protein domain). The cell receptor portion (of the total fusion toxin molecule) delivers the toxin directly to the (diseased) cell, thus sparing other healthy tissues from the effect of the toxin. See also FUSION PROTEIN , TOXIN , RICIN , PROTEIN , PROTEIN ENGINEERING , DOMAIN ( OF A PROTEIN ), RECEP- TORS , ENDOCYTOSIS . Fusogenic Agent Any compound, virus, etc., that causes cells to fuse together. For exam- ple, one of the effects of the HIV (i.e., AIDS- causing) viruses is to cause the T cells of the © 2002 by CRC Press LLC F human immune system to fuse (causing col- lapse of the immune system). See also ACQUIRED IMMUNE DEFICIENCY SYNDROME ( AIDS ), HUMAN IMMUNODEFICIENCY VIRUS TYPE 1 ( HIV- 1 ), HUMAN IMMUNODEFICIENCY VIRUS TYPE 2 ( HIV- 2 ), HELPER T CELLS ( T 4 CELLS ), ADHESION MOLECULE . Futile Cycle An enzyme-catalyzed set of cyclic reactions that results in release of thermal energy (heat) through the hydrolysis of ATP (adenosine triphosphate). The hydrolysis of ATP is normally coupled to other cycles and reactions in which the energy released is metabolically used. However, futile cycles would appear to waste the energy of ATP as heat, except when one is shivering to keep warm. The production of heat by shivering is an example of the futile cycle. See also ADENOSINE TRIPHOSPHATE ( ATP ), ENZYME , HYDROLYSIS . © 2002 by CRC Press LLC 0-8493-XXXX-X/01/$0.00+$1.50 © 2001 by CRC Press LLC G G G- See GRAM - NEGATIVE ( G- ). G+ See GRAM - POSITIVE ( G + ). G-Protein-coupled Receptors See G - PROTEINS . G Proteins See G - PROTEINS . G-Proteins (Guanyl-Nucleotide Binding Pro- teins) Discovered by Rodbell and co-workers at America’s National Institutes of Health (NIH), and Alfred G. Gilman and co-workers at the American University of Virginia-Char- lottesville, during the 1970s–1980s. These are proteins embedded in the surface membrane of cells. G-proteins “receive chemical sig- nals” from outside the cell (e.g., hormones) and “pass the signal” into the cell, so that cell can “respond to the signal.” For example, a hormone, drug, neurotransmitter, or other “signal” binds to a receptor molecule on the surface of the cell’s exterior membrane. That receptor then activates the G-protein, which causes an effector inside cell to produce a second “signal” chemical inside the cell, which causes the cell to react to the original external chemical signal. The G-proteins are called thus, because they become GTP and GDP forms alternately, as part of their reac- tion cycle (i.e., in “passing the signal”). Dys- function of G-proteins in humans causes the salt and water losses inherent in cholera (the body’s compromised immune defense inher- ent in pertussis), and is believed responsible for some symptoms of diabetes and alcohol- ism. Dysfunction of G-proteins in plants causes rapid water loss (wilting). See also PROTEIN , SIGNALING , SIGNAL TRANSDUCTION , HOR- MONE , CELL , BETA CELLS , GTP ases , GPA 1 , INSULIN , RECEPTORS , NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH ( NIH ), NEUROTRANSMITTERS , TRANSMEMBRANE PROTEINS , ION CHANNELS , CHOLERA TOXIN . GA21 A naturally occurring gene (i.e., expressed at low levels in some plants) which confers resistance to glyphosate-con- taining herbicides. When the GA21 gene is inserted by man into crop plants (e.g., maize/corn) in a way that causes high expression, those crop plants are subse- quently unaffected when glyphosate-con- taining herbicides are applied to fields to cotnrol weeds in those crops. See also GENE , EXPRESS , EXPRESSIVITY , PROTEIN , GENETIC ENGI- NEERING , CORN , HERBICIDE - TOLERANT CROP , GLYPHOSATE . Galactose (gal) A monosaccharide occurring in both levo ( L ) and dextro ( D ) forms as a constituent of plant and animal oligosaccha- rides (lactose and raffinose) and polysaccha- rides (agar and pectin). Galactose is also known as cerebrose. See also STEREOISOMERS , DEXTROROTARY ( D ) ISOMER , LEVOROTARY ( L ) ISOMER . Gall See T i PLASMID . GalNAc N-acetyl- D -galactosamine. GALT See GUT - ASSOCIATED LYMPHOID TISSUE . Gamete A germ or reproductive cell. In ani- mals (and humans) the functional, mature, male gamete is called a spermatozoon; in plants it is called a spermatozoid. In both animals and plants the female gamete is called the ovum, or egg. See also OOCYTES . Gamma Globulin A type of blood protein that plays a major role in the process of immunity (immune system response). Sometimes the term “gamma globulin” refers to a whole group of blood proteins that are known as antibodies or immunoglobulins (Ig). Most often, however, it applies to a particular immunoglobulin, designated as IgG, believed to be the most abundant type of antibody in the body. See also ANTIBODY , G GUT - ASSOCIATED LYMPHOID TISSUE ( GALT ), PROTEIN , IMMUNOGLOBULIN . © 2002 by CRC Press LLC G Gamma Interferon Produced by T lympho- cytes. See also INTERFERONS , T LYMPHOCYTES . GAP A double-stranded DNA is said to be “gapped” when one strand is missing over a short region of the molecule. See also DEOXY- RIBONUCLEIC ACID ( DNA ). Gated Transport (of a protein) One of three means for a protein molecule to pass between compartments within eucaryotic cells. The compartment “wall” (membrane) possesses a “sensor” (receptor) that detects the presence of a correct protein (e.g., after that protein has been synthesized in the cell’s ribosomes), then opens a “gate” (pore) in the membrane to allow that protein to pass from the first compartment to the second compart- ment. See also PROTEIN , EUCARYOTE , CELL , RIBOSOMES , SIGNALING , VESICULAR TRANSPORT . GDH Gene See GLUTAMATE DEHYDROGENASE . GDNF See GLIAL DERIVED NEUROTROPHIC FACTOR . GEAC The country of India’s Genetic Engi- neering Approval Committee. The GEAC must approve a rDNA product (e.g., a genet- ically engineered crop plant that earlier received its “bio safety clearance” from the Indian Department of Biotechnology) before that rDNA product is allowed to be commer- cially planted. See also GENETIC ENGINEERING , r DNA , INDIAN DEPARTMENT OF BIOTECHNOLOGY . Gel A colloid, where the dispersed phase is liquid and the dispersion medium is solid. Gel Electrophoresis See TWO - DIMENSIONAL ( 2 D ) GEL ELECTROPHORESIS , POLYACRYLAMIDE GEL ELECTROPHORESIS ( PAGE ), ELECTROPHORESIS . Gel Filtration Also known as exclusion chro- matography. An effective technique for sep- arating molecules (such as peptide mixtures) on the basis of size. This is accomplished by passing a solution of the molecules to be separated over a column of Sephadex ® , for example, which is a polymerized carbo- hydrate derivative that contains tiny holes. The holes are of such a size that some of the smaller molecules diffuse into them and are in this way retained (held back) while the larger molecules are not able to get into the holes and pass on by the solid phase (Sepha- dex ® , in this example). This, simplistically, is how separation is effected. See also ELECTROPHORESIS , CHROMATOGRAPHY , FIELD INVERSION GEL ELECTROPHORESIS . GEM (Germ plasm Enhancement for Maize) A project conducted under the aus- pices of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, in concert with 16 American universities and 20 corn (maize) seed companies. GEM’s intent is to cross exotic (not in current use) germ plasm with commercial maize lines in order to increase corn yield. See also CORN , GERM PLASM , HYBRIDIZATION ( PLANT GENETICS ), PLEIOTROPIC . GEMP (Genetically Engineered Microbial Pesticide) See GENETICALLY ENGINEERED MICROBIAL PESTICIDE , INTEGRATED PEST MAN- AGEMENT ( IPM ). Gene A natural unit of the hereditary material, which is the physical basis for the transmis- sion of the characteristics of living organisms from one generation to another. The basic genetic material is fundamentally the same in all living organisms: it consists of chain- like molecules of nucleic acids — deoxyribo- nucleic acid (DNA) in most organisms and ribonucleic acid (RNA) in certain viruses — and is usually associated in a linear arrange- ment that (in part) constitutes a chromosome. The segment of DNA that is involved in producing a polypeptide chain. It includes regions preceding and following the coding region (leader and trailer) as well as inter- vening sequences (introns) between individ- ual coding segments (exons). More than one protein can be expressed (made) from a given gene (i.e., the particular protein expressed is determined by factors such as the cell’s temperature or other environmental variable, or the presence of STATs, some of which themselves are proteins). See also INFORMATIONAL MOLECULES , DEOXYRIBO- NUCLEIC ACID ( DNA ), RIBONUCLEIC ACID ( RNA ), GENE EXPRESSION , CHROMOSOMES , EXPRESS , MESSENGER RNA ( m RNA ), CODON , INTRON , EXON , CODING SEQUENCE , GENE EXPRESSION CASCADE , CENTRAL DOGMA ( NEW ), SIGNAL TRANSDUCERS AND ACTIVATORS OF TRANSCRIPTION ( STAT s ). Gene “Stacking” See “ STACKED ” GENES . Gene Amplification The copying of segments (e.g., genes) within the DNA or RNA molecule. This can be done by man (e.g., © 2002 by CRC Press LLC G polymerase chain reaction), can be caused by certain chemical carcinogens (e.g., phor- bol ester), or occur naturally (e.g., in pro- caryotes and certain lower eucaryotes). The five primary techniques used by man to per- form gene amplification are: 1. Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) 2. Ligase Chain Reaction (LCR) 3. Self-sustained Sequence Replication (SSR) 4. Q-beta Replicase Technique 5. Strand Displacement Amplification (SDA) See also GENE , Q - BETA REPLICASE TECHNIQUE , POLYMERASE CHAIN REACTION ( PCR ), CARCINOGEN , PROCARYOTE , EUCARYOTE . Gene Array Systems See BIOCHIPS , PROTEOM- ICS , GENE EXPRESSION ANALYSIS . Gene Chips See BIOCHIPS , GENE EXPRESSION ANALYSIS , PROTEOMICS . Gene Delivery (gene therapy) The insertion of genes (e.g., via retroviral vectors) into selected cells in the body in order to: 1. cause those cells to produce specific therapeutic agents (growth hormone in livestock, factor VIII in hemophiliacs, insulin in diabetics, etc.). A potential way of curing some genetic diseases, in that the inserted gene will produce the protein and/or enzyme that is missing in the body due to a defective gene (thus causing the genetic disease). Approxi- mately 3,000 genetic diseases are known to man. Examples of genetic diseases include cystic fibrosis, sickle cell ane- mia, Huntington’s disease, phenylketo- nuria (PKU), Tay-Sach’s disease, ADA deficiency (adenosine deaminase enzyme deficiency), and thalassemia. 2. cause those cells to become (more) susceptible to a conventional therapeu- tic agent that previously was ineffec- t i v e a g a i n s t t h a t p a r t i c u l a r condition/disease (e.g., insertion of Hs- tk gene into brain tumor cells to make those tumor cells susceptible to the Syntex drug Ganciclovir). 3. cause those cells to become less sus- ceptible to a conventional therapeutic agent (e.g., insert genes into healthy tissue in order to enable that healthy tissue to resist the harmful effects of such conventional chemotherapy agents as vincristine). 4. counter the effects of abnormal (dam- aged) tumor suppressor genes via inser- tion of normal tumor suppressor genes. 5. cause expression of ribozymes that cleave oncogenes (cancer-causing genes). 6. be used for other therapeutic uses of genes in cells. See also TUMOR SUPPRESSOR GENES , ONCOGENES , CANCER , p53 GENE , TUMOR , PROTO - ONCOGENES , RETROVIRAL VECTORS , RETROVIRUSES , HUNTING- TON ’ S DISEASE , GENETIC CODE , INFORMATIONAL MOLECULES , DEOXYRIBONUCLEIC ACID ( DNA ), CHROMOSOMES , HORMONE , ENZYME , PROTEIN , GENETIC TARGETING . Gene Expression Conversion of the genetic information within a gene, into an actual protein (or cell process). Note that many genes are only expressed at specific times during the lifetime of an organism. Some genes are expressed in a “cascade” of related expressions. See also GENE , GENETIC CODE , INFORMATIONAL MOLECULES , EXPRESS , GENE EXPRESSION ANALYSIS , BIOCHIPS , GENE EXPRES- SION CASCADE , CENTRAL DOGMA ( NEW ). Gene Expression Analysis Generally done via use of “biochips” (which have numerous detection/analysis devices fabricated onto their silicon surface) or “microarrays,” gene expression analysis involves evaluation of the expression (and expression levels) of numerous genes in a biological sample, to analyze/compare any differences between gene expression/products in: 1. Normal cells vs. diseased cells. 2. Normal cells vs. those responding to a stimulus. 3. Cells from the same organism, at dif- ferent stages of development (e.g., embryo versus adult). © 2002 by CRC Press LLC G 4. Normal (historic wild type) cells vs. genetically engineered cells (those that have been engineered to cure a disease, resist an herbicide, etc.). 5. normal cells vs. those same cells treated with a given pharmaceutical (candidate). Analysis generally involves measurement of gene expression markers (i.e., molecules synthesized, or cellular consequences such as apoptosis) to determine which genes are expressed (and when/how much, etc.). See also GENE , GENE EXPRESSION , GENE EXPRESSION PROFILING , MICROARRAY ( TESTING ), GENOMICS , FUNCTIONAL GENOMICS , EXPRESS , EXPRESSED SEQUENCE TAGS ( EST ), ZINC FINGER PROTEINS , BIOCHIPS , HIGH - THROUGHPUT SCREENING ( HTS ), MICROFLUIDICS , HERBICIDE - TOLERANT CROP , GENE DELIVERY ( GENE THERAPY ), HORMONE , PROTEOMICS , PROMOTER , GENE EXPRESSION MARKERS , GENE EXPRESSION CASCADE , APOPTOSIS , RT - PCR . Gene Expression Cascade A sequential series of individual gene expressions (i.e., each gene causing a separate/different protein to be “manufactured”), that is initiated (“set off”) by the first gene expression. For exam- ple, a gene expression cascade is often ini- tiated by the first gene causing expression of a transcription factor (i.e., protein that itself interacts with cell’s DNA to either cause or speed up yet another gene expression). The protein resulting from that second gene expression could be yet another transcription factor that triggers another (i.e., third) gene expression, and so on. See also GENE , EXPRESS , GENE EXPRESSION , CASCADE , PROTEIN , CELL , DEOXYRIBONUCLEIC ACID ( DNA ), PROMOTER , TRANSCRIPTION FACTORS , APOPTOSIS . Gene Expression Markers Refers to mole- cules (e.g., synthesized due to a specific gene’s expression) or consequences (e.g., cell apoptosis due to a specific gene’s expression) that can be measured as proof of gene’s expression in gene expression analysis. See also GENE EXPRESSION , GENE , GENE EXPRESSION ANALYSIS , EXPRESS , BIOCHIPS , PROTEIN , CELL , APOPTOSIS , GREEN FLUORESCENT PROTEIN . Gene Expression Profiling Determination of specifically which genes are “switched on” (e.g., in a cell), thereby enabling precise definition of the phenotypic condition of that cell (i.e., the phenotype of that cell at that moment). Typical uses (i.e., comparison of such tissue phenotypes) include: 1. Comparing diseased cell with normal cell. 2. Defining quantitatively the “normal” state. 3. Comparing a given drug’s impact (i.e., treated cell with normal cell). 4. Comparing old cell with young cell. In subsequent gene expression analysis, the quantitative amounts of each protein being expressed can be determined via use of such technologies as two-dimensional (2D) gel electrophoresis, Southern blot analysis, flu- orescence tagging, radiolabeling, RT-PCR, QPCR, plane polarimetry, etc. See also GENE , GENE EXPRESSION , PROTEIN , CELL , PHENOTYPE , GENE EXPRESSION ANALYSIS , TWO - DIMENSIONAL ( 2 D ) GEL ELECTROPHORESIS , SOUTHERN BLOT ANALYSIS , RADIOLABELED , RT - PCR , QPCR , GENE EXPRESSION MARKERS , MICROARRAY ( TESTING ). Gene Function Analysis The determination of which protein is expressed (i.e., caused to be “manufactured”) by each gene in an organism’s genome/DNA. Typically, gene function analysis follows after discovery of gene sequences found via structural genom- ics study. Some methods utilized to deter- mine which proteins result from which gene(s) are: 1. Site-directed mutagenesis (SDM) to compare two same-species organisms possessing two different genes at the same site (SNP) on the genome (i.e., on organism’s DNA). 2. Antisense DNA sequences to compare two same-species organisms, one of which has a gene at the same site “turned off” (silenced) via antisense DNA. 3. Reporter gene, to compare two same- species organisms (possessing two dif- ferent genes at the same site on genome/DNA) via a reporter gene adjacent to the gene/site, to detect © 2002 by CRC Press LLC G presence or absence of the desired trait/function. 4. Comparison of same organism (e.g., crop plant) when one of the two is “chal- lenged” by a specific plant disease. 5. Chemical genetics, to compare two same-species organisms (one of which has gene at the specific site at least partially inactivated by a specific chemical). 6. “Silencing” or “knocking out” a partic- ular gene via other methods than anti- sense or chemical genetics, to compare. 7. Use of already-known “model organ- isms” (e.g., Drosophila for comparing insect genes, Arabidopsis thaliana for plant genes, Caenorhabditis elegans for animal genes). See also GENE , GENE EXPRESSION , GENETIC CODE , INFORMATIONAL MOLECULES , EXPRESS , PROTEIN , GENOME , GENOMICS , STRUCTURAL GENOMICS , FUNCTIONAL GENOMICS , ZINC FINGER PROTEINS , TRAIT , DEOXYRIBONUCLEIC ACID ( DNA ), SEQUENCE ( OF A DNA MOLECULE ), POINT MUTATION , SITE - DIRECTED MUTAGENESIS ( SDM ), ANTISENSE ( DNA SEQUENCE ), GENE SILENCING , REPORTER GENE , METHYLATION , POSITIONAL CLONING , DNA METHYLATION , CHEMICAL GENETICS , MODEL ORGANISM , DROSOPHILA , ARABIDOPSIS T H A L I A N A , C A E N O R H A B D I T I S E L E G A N S ( C . ELEGANS ), CENTRAL DOGMA ( OLD ), CENTRAL DOGMA ( NEW ), TRANSCRIPTION FACTORS , TRAN- SWITCH ® , SINGLE - NUCLEOTIDE POLYMORPHISMS ( SNP s ). Download 4.84 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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