Slide 33
Activity 12: Video, Do Now & Wrap-up
Ask mentees 2 questions:
What is a wrap-up routine?
What is one example of a reflective wrap-up question?
Encourage mentees to take notes about what they see/hear on the video
Start the video at 2:20. Mentees watch the video and think about the questions.
Turn and talk: Mentees turn to a partner and share their answers.
TETE Video
5 min
Slides 35-43 –
Activity 13: Routines Practice
Introduce the following routines. Tell the purpose and show an example. You can use the Building Routines PowerPoint presentation to help you.
warm-up routines
attention grabbers
daily mingle
wrap-up routines
exit tickets
15 min
Slides 44–
Activity 14: Routines Micro-teaching
Divide mentees into groups.
Each group will micro-teach a routine based on a lesson about sports.
Give each group a Building Routines handout.
Each group micro-teaches one routine on the handout to the other mentees.
Handout: Building Routines
20 min