numeric filing system, n. ~ 1. A system for organizing records through the use of numbers that appear on the materials. – 2. A system to classify materials using numbers as headings. BT: filing system Notes: A numeric filing system1 is commonly used for purchase orders, checks, and other records that have a unique number assigned to each document. – A numeric filing system2 uses an index or file plan to associate concepts with specific numbers, which are then applied to the materials being filed.
Raqamli fayl tizimi, n. 1. Materiallarda paydo bo’ladigan raqamlardan foydalanish orqali
Yozuvlarni tashkil qilish tizimi. – 2. Sarlavhalar sifatida raqamlar yordamida
Materiallarni tasniflash tizimi.
BT: fayl tizimi
Eslatmalar: “Raqamli fayl tizimi” odatda xarid buyurtmalari, cheklar va har bir hujjatga
O’ziga xos raqam berilgan boshqa yozuvlar uchun ishlatiladi. – Raqamli topshirish tizimi
Tushunchalarni ma’lum raqamlar bilan bog’lash uchun indeks yoki fayl rejasidan foydalanadi
Va keyinchalik ular topshirilayotgan materiallarga qo’llaniladi.
OAI ~ see: Open Archives Initiative
-qarang: Arxivlarni ochish tashabbusi
OAIS ~ see: Open Archival Information System
OAIS – qarang: Ochiq arxiv axborot tizimi
OASIS ~ see: Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards
OASIS qarang: Strukturaviy axborotni rivojlantirish tashkiloti
oath, n. ~ 1. A solemn pledge that binds an individual to perform a specific act. – 2. A solemn, formal promise to speak the truth. Notes: An oath is often accompanied by swearing to god, to a loved one, or a thing as witness to the faithfulness and truthfulness of the promise. Oaths of office sometimes replace ‘swear’ with ‘affirm’