Grammar book for teaching

Positive: S + be going to + V (Simple) Negative

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Grammar book for teaching materials

Positive: S + be going to + V (Simple)

Negative: S + be + not going to + V (Simple)

Interrogative: to be + S + going to+ V (Simple)...?

Negative question: to be+n’t + S + going to + V(simple)

asic forms
I am going to buy a bicycle.

I’m not going to mend his shirt.

She is not going to be there.

Are you going to go to Claire’ party?

Isn’t he going to lecture in English?

I’m going to be a famous film star when I get older.


Going to ni kelajakda rejalashtirilgan ish xarakatlar bilan ishlatamiz va “moqchi” deb tarjima qilamiz.

I’m going to play you a Bach fugue.

He is going to lend me his bicycle.

He is going to finish his research next month.

The children are going to be home at 3:00

What are you going to do?
Note: O’tgan zamonda was/were going to ni ishlatamiz.
I was going to travel to Tashkent last week

They were going to paint their home

Note: go fe’li bilan going to ishlatish ma’qul emas uning o’rniga present continuous ishlatiladi:
He is going to go to school next year (incorrect)

He is going to school next year (correct)

USE 2:

Going to ni yaqin kelajakda sodir bo’ladiigan ish-xarakatlarni taxmin qilishda ham ishlatiladi. Башорат учун асос булувчи белгилар хозирдан маълум булади.

Look at those clouds! It is going to rain. (Ёмгир ёгишини башорат киляпмиз).

Listen to the wind. We’re going to have a rough crossing.

Гапларда be sure / afraid / believe / think сузларини куллаш мумкин.
How pale that girl is! I’m sure / I believe / I think she’s going to faint.

Omile is getting bad marks. I think he is going to fail the exam.

According to the weather report, we are going to have a rainy summer.

The country is going to experience a serious crisis next year.

*Going to – огзаки нуткда «gonna» тарзда талаффуз этилиши мумкин ва ушбу холат купрок American English га хос.

I/we will be working.

They will be playing football.

I will be studying when you came tonight.
We will not (=won’t) be going out tomorrow night.

Sarah won’t be visiting her friend this evening.

Will you be using your Grammar Book tonight?

Will the host family be waiting for us when we get there?

Won’t you be using your typewriter tomorrow morning?

Won’t he be working at home on Sunday?


  • Kelajakda bajarlayotgan ishning biror qismini ko’rsatadi. Tasavvur qiling ertaga siz 3 dan 5 gacha kursda bo’lasiz. Soat 4da nima qilayotgan bo’lasiz?

They will be cleaning the house (ular uyni tozalayotgan bo’lishadi).

He will be sleeping at 11 p.m tomorrow. (U ertaga kechki 11da uxlayotgan bo’ladi).
Бу замон хозирги давом замонининг келажак маъноси билан жуда ухшаш:

Уларнинг фарки хам мухим эмас ва куп холларда хохлаган бирини ишлатиш мумкин:

He will be taking his exam next week.ёки

He is taking his exam next week.

He won’t be coming to the party. ёки

He isn’t coming to the party.

PAST SIMPLE (O’tgan zamon) 25 – dars

  • Rule: Fe’llarning o’tgan oddiy zamon shaklini yasash uchun to’gri fe’llarga “ – ed ” qo’shiladi:

To work – worked To smoke - smoked

To love – loved To sneak – sneaked
Note: Agar fe’l “undosh + y” ga tugasa “ed” qushilganda y ied bo’ladi.

Study-> studied copy-> copied

Agar fe’l “e” ga tugasa unga faqat “d” qo’shamiz

Like -> liked hate-> hated

Note: Noto’ri fe’llarni esa o’tgan zamon uchun maxsus shakllari bor.
V (simple) V (past) V (simple) V (past) V (simple) V (past)

Begin – began Fall - fell Leave - left


S + V(ed/2) + C + M Bulishli gap

S + Did not/didn’t+V(simple)+C+M Inkor gap

Did+S+V(simple)+C+M ? So’roq gap

Didn’t + S + V(simple) + C + M ? Inkor so’roq gap
They published their report, Sustainable Use of Soil , last week.

They didn’t publish their report, Sustainable Use of Soil, last week.

They didn’t spread the news.

Did the children draw the pictures ?

Did she speak to me ?

Why didn’t she write letters more frequently ?

Didn’t you see Jane at the meeting ?
Qisqa javob shakllari.

Yes, I did. No, I didn’t

Yes, he / she / it did. No, he / she / it didn’t

  • Usage 1 (Qo’llanilishi)

O’tgan noaniq zamoni o’tgan zamonda aniq bir vaqtda sodir bo’lib tugagan

ish – harakatlar uchun:

I lived in Madrid 2 years ago

We travelled to Samarkand last week

  • Usage 2 Ish – harakatlar vaqti berilganda :

I met him yesterday.

His parents passed away many years ago.

The exhibition took place yesterday.
Note: Ago doim past simpleda ishlatiladi

I graduated school 3 years ago

  • Usage 3 Ish – harakat vaqti so’ralganda :

When did you meet him ? When did you eat lunch ?

What time did he arrive ? What time did he finish his work ?

PAST CONTINUOUS TENSE o’tgan davomli zamon


S + was / were + Ving. Darak gap

S + was / were not + Ving. Inkor gap

Was/Were + S + Ving……? So’roq gap

Wasn’t/weren’t + S + Ving….? Inkor so’roq

She was working. We were not working.

He was talking to his friend. You were not listening to him.

Bill was taking a nap on the couch. They were not reading a newspaper.

Some students were playing soccer in the stadium.

The children were not sleeping when we got home.

The instructor was correcting the mistakes.

Were they swimming in the pool at 3 o’clock ?

Was she working in the library at that time yesterday?
Qisqa javob shakllari:
Yes, I was. No, I wasn't

  1. USE

  • Утган давом замони утган замонда муаян бир вактда давом этаётган иш - харакатни ифодалайди.

.......................... ..................................


.......................... ● ..................................

At eight he was having breakfast. – Соат саккизда у нонушта килаётган эди (яъни 8 дан аввалрок бошлаган ва кейинрок тугатади.)

At eight he had breakfast. – У 8 да нонушта килди, яъни 8 да нонушта килишни


  • Утган замондаги аста-секин булган узгаришларни курсатиш учун :

It was getting darker. The wind was rising.

The boy was getting over (= тузалмок) the shock day by day.

Long hair was becoming high fashion.
Used to 26-lesson
S + Used to + V(simple) Bulishli gap

S + did not use to + V(simple) Inkor gap

Did + S + use to + V(simple)? So’roq gap

Didn’t + S + use to + V(simple)? Inkor so’roq gap

Rule: Used to Used to o’tgan zamonda odat bo’lgan lekin hozir bajarilmaydigan ish harakatlar bilan ishlatiladi
I used to smoke every day 10 years ago. Now I don’t smoke anything.

They used to play computer games.

I didn’t use to do labour-intensive job. So this job seems to me a bit difficult
Note: S + am/is/are + used to+Ving -> hozir odatga aylangan ish

S + am/is/are + used to + noun -> odatga aylangan holat

My young brother is used to eating cookies

I am used to the noise in the city

Note: S + was/were + used to +Ving o’tgan zamonda odat bo’lgan (for a short time)

S + was/were + used to + noun o’tgan zamonda odat bo’lgan

He was used to smoking 20 cigarettes a day. But the he stopped soon.

I was used to my students when I was teaching

Note: S+will+get+used to+Ving/noun-> kelajakda odatlanib ketadigan ish

If you go abroad, you will get used to (using) free wi-fi

After some time I will get used to wearing a uniform I hope.
S + to be + getting + used to +V(ing)/noun-biror ish harakatga yoki narsaga odatlanib qolmoq
I am getting used to sleeping much

He is getting uset to coming late


I will have graduated by June next year.

She will have finished washing the dishes.

They will have been married by the 15th of May.

By the time we get to the station, they’ll have arrived.

By 2010 the population of the earth will have exceeded 6 billion people.

The students will have found the solution to the problem before the time is up.

Man/People will not have used up all the resources by 2015.

The groups will not have had any debate by then.

Will you have learnt all the new words?

Will the computers of today have been out of date by 2010?

Won’t you have eaten your breakfast?

Won’t you have taught Elementary Statistics for 3 years by the dead line?

Future perfect kelajakda ma’lum bir vaqtda ish-xarakat tugagan bo’lishini bildiradi. Одатда ушбу замон by предлоги катнашган вакт иборалари билан бирга келади: by then (ушавактга), by that time, by the 24 th, by Monday…, by the time somebody does…

  1. By the end of next month he will have been here for ten years.(Кейинги ой охирига у бу ерда 10 йил булган булади)

I save ₤50 a month and I started in January. So by the end of the year I will have saved ₤600.


I want to watch a movie tomorrow at 4 p.m. The movie lasts 2 hours, so at 5 o’clock I’ll be watching It. But at/by 6 o’clock I will have watched the movie.

NOTE: By the time+Present simple, Future perfect

By the time our parents come we will have decorated our room.

By the time Rustam goes to Canada he will have had fluent speech in English.

Use. Present perfectda ish xarakat o’tgan zamonda bajariladi natija esa hozir kurinib turadi:

S + have/has (not) + V (Perfect) Darak va bulishsiz gap

Have/has + S + V(ed/perfect) ? So’roq gap

Haven’t/hasn’t+S+V(ed/perfect)? Inkor so’roq

Have the pupils used this blackboard?

He has bought a new car.

My nephew has broken his arm.

Carpenters haven’t painted the wall.

Haven’t you called me?

Qisqa javob shakllari:
Yes, I have. No, I haven't

Yes, he/she/it has. No, he/she/it hasn't

Yes, we/you/they have. No, we/you/they haven't

Use 2: O’tgan zamonda bajarilgan va kelajakda yana takrorlanishi mumkin bo’lgan ish-xarakatlar blan ham present perfect ishlatiladi:

Abdulla Oripov wrote many poems (He is dead, he can’t write any more)

Ahad Qayum has writeen many poems (He is alive, he can write some more)

NOTE: Баъзи холларда хозирги тугалланган замонда берилган саволларга утган оддий замонда жавоб берилиши мумкин. Чунки савол берувчи учун вакт номаълум ва мухим эмас, жавоб берувчига эса маълум булиши мумкин.
- Have you seen my stamps?

- Yes, I saw them on your desk a minute ago.

- Have you had breakfast?

- Yes, I have / No I haven't had it yet / Yes, I had it at 7. / I had it with Mary. (вакт мазмунан курсатилган)

  • Хозирги тугалланган замон today,/this morning/afternoon/evening/week/ month/year/century/millennium/decade,/all day,/all his/her/my life каби хали тугамаган вакт муддатларида содир булган иш харакат учун:

Tom has rung up three times this morning already. (at 11 a.m.)

Tom rang up three times this morning. (after 1 p.m.)

Has the postman come this morning? (The postman normally comes between 9 and 10, and it is 9:45)

Did the postman come this morning? (It is 11 o'clock)






Present perfectda ishlatiladigan vaqt ravishlari

“Just” endigina xozirgina deb tarjima qilinadi have/has yordamchi fe’lidan keyin ishlatiladi.
He has just gone out. = He went out a few minutes ago.

Has he just gone out?

“Recently” yaqin o’tmishda deb tarjima qilinadi va gapning oxirida ishlatiladi
We have come recently

It has rained recently

“Lately” so’nggi paytlarda deb tarjima qilinadi va gapning oxirida ishlatiladi
She hasn’t written any letter lately

I haven’t seen much of her lately

“Already” Allaqachon deb tarjima qilamiz va have/has dan keyin ishlatamiz
I have already finished my homework

He has already packed his belongings

“Yet” hali ham deb tarjima qilinadi va faqat inkor va inkor so’roq gaplarda gapning oxirida ishlatiladi.
We haven’t prepared anything for his birthday yet.

She hasn’t finished her master’s degree yet.

“Ever” biror marta deb tarjima qilinadi va faqat so’roq gaplarda Subject dan keyin ishlatiladi.
Have you ever smoked anything?

Have tourists ever come to your city?

“Never” hech qachon deb tarjima qilinadi. Have yoki has dan keyin ishlatiladi. Darak gaplarda ishlatilsada, gapga inkor ma’no beradi.
Have you ever tried Chineese meals? No, I’ve never tried It.

Note: He has been to The USA U Amerikada bo’lgan(Xozir u yerda emas)

He has gone to The USAU Amerikaga ketgan(Xali ham usha yerda yoki yo’lda)

FOR and SINCE 29-lessonn

Usage: ish-xarakat boshlangan vaqt bilan “since” ishlatiladi. Ish-xarakat qancha davom etganini ko’rsatish uchun esa “for” ishlatiladi.

for + period of time (vaqt muddati)

for six days, for a long time, for a week/year/150 years....

t t- time

for 10 years….

We (have) lived there for 10 years.

I haven’t played football for more than two months.

since + starting point / time

since 4 o’clock/November/2000/the beginning of the lesson…


She has been here since 6 o’clock.

We’ve been friends since our schooldays.
since – узбек тилига «-дан бери» тарзида таржима килинади.

for ва since катнашган гаплар учун How long… тарзида савол берилади.

How long have the archeologists been unable to date these fossils?

They have been unable to date these fossils since 1970/for 25 years.

How long has she been pregnant?

She has been pregnant since May/for 6 months.

How long has she been a vegetarian?

She has been vegetarian for ten years./since 1994.

How long has the country been cosseted by the government?

The country has been cosseted for very long time./since 1975.

NOTE: How long…, for + period утган оддий замонда хам кулланилиши мумкин.

How long did you study at NEEI?

I studied there for 4 years.

  • be, live, wait феълларидан сунг for тушириб колдирилиши мумкин.

We have been here an hour/ two days.

The patients have waited for you all night.

  • all билан бошланувчи вакт иборалари олдидан for кулланилмайди.

They’ve worked all night.

The light has been off all day.

He has been absent all the term.

This is/It is + the superlative / the only / the first / the second /…+ Noun + S + Have/Has + Ever + V (perfect):

This is the best wine I have ever drunk. (Бу мен ичган энг яхши вино)

This is the worst book I’ve ever read. (Бу мен укиган энг ёмон китоб)

This is the easiest job I have ever had. (Бу мен мен ишлаган ишларнинг энг

The first/ the second…the only билан ever ишлатмаслик хам мумкин:

It/This is the 1st time I have seen a mounted band.

It is only the second time he has been in a canoe.

This is the only book he has written.

Further examples for Present Perfect and Past Simple,

I think these items have been rung up (=registered) wrongly on the till.

Some Jams Bond films have dated more quickly than others.

The unions and management have made a two-year pay and productivity deal.

We have exhausted this topic of conversation. (We have nothing new to say).

How long have you been out of job?

How long were you out of job last year?



S + had + V(ed/perfect) + C + M Darak gap

S + had not+ V(ed/Perfect) + C + M Inkor gap

Had + S + V(ed/perfect) + C + M? So’roq gap

Hadn’t + S + V(ed/perfect) + C + M? Inkor so’roq

They had solved the problem before the time was up.

We hadn't informed John about our early arrival.

I had forgotten my keys, so I went back home.

Ann had had a terrible day and she had been late for work.

He hadn't separated the papers and books until his parents came.

Had many people lost their jobs before the manager changed his mind?

Had Tom's wife died before he moved to the UK?

Had John sent his children to the grandparent's?

  1. USE

  • O’tgan tugallangan zamon (Past Perfect) da ish-xarakat o’tgan zamondan oldinroq sodir bo’ladi:

Present: Ann has just left. If you hurry you'll catch her.

Past: When I arrived Ann had just left.

(Men kelganimda Anna endigina ketgan ekan.)

NOTE: Yuqoridagi gapda Annaning ketgani o’tgan zamondan oldin sodir bo’lgan. So’zlovchi esa o’tgan zamonda kelgan.
Present: I have lost my case.

Past: He had lost his case and borrowed Tom's pyjamas.


Half Half a mile

a kilo

a pound

an hour

a minute

0.5 kg- half a kilo

Yarim soat -- half an hour

2.5 kg -- two and a half kilos

1.5 km -- one and a half kms

Narx, tezlik,nisbat,vaqt,umuman o’lchovni bildiruvchi so’z birikmalarida “ga” “uchun” manosida:

5 pounds a kilo (kilosiga 5 фунт)

$ 1 a meter (metriga $ 1)

four times a day (kuniga 4 marta)

60 kilometers an hour (soatiga 60 km)
Yuqoridagi so’z birikmalarida a/an=per, ya’ni ularni o’rniga per ishlatilishi mumkin
Grapes are 75 cents per kilo (= a kilo).

We paid more per dozen (= a dozen) here.

My car uses more fuel per kilometer (= a kilometer).

They have English classes 3 times per week (= a week).

(Students should make up many sentences)

* His hayajonnni bildiruvchi so’z birikmalarida Such/what

Such a long queue!

What a pretty girl!

Such a kind man!

What a lovely day to go for a walk!

What a perfect plan!

Such long queues!

What pretty girls!

* one day  at some time in the future

One day he will become rich
*Home Be at home=be home

I am at home = I am home

Note: bed, church, court, hospital, prison, school/ college /university

Yuqoridagi so’zlar quyidagi so’z birikmalarida o’zlarining asl maqsadlari uchun qo’llanilsa, ular oldidan the qo’llanilmaydi.


to bed – to sleep or as invalids to hospital – as patients

to church – to pray to prison – as prisoners

to court – as litigants to school/ college/ university – to study


in bed – sleeping or resting in hospital – as patients

at church – as worshippers at school - as students

in court – as witnesses

get/ be back from school/ college/ university

be released from prison

leave school/hospital

in prison

The children usually go to bed at 10 p.m.

They go to church every Sunday.

In Britain, judges wear white wigs in court.

She has to go to hospital to have an operation.

She has spent more than a month in hospital.

He was released from prison after serving two years of a five-year sentence.

He served four years in prison for robbery.
Yuqoridagi joylar o’zlarining asl maqsadlarida qo’llanilmasalar, ular oldidan the ishlarish kerak:

Bob left the book on the bed.

I went to the church to see the stained glass.

He goes to the prison sometimes to give lectures.

We were in the hospital to visit our friend.

They climbed onto the prison.

When sentences

Usage: When 2 ta sodda gapni bir biriga bog’lab bitta murakkab gap hosil qilishda ishlatiladi.

When 2 ta ish xarakatning biri oldinroq ikkinchisi keyinroq sodir bo’lganini ko’rsatadi va when ni da deb tarjima qilinadi.
Structures: When+present simple, Future simple kelasi zamon

Usage: Yuqoridagi struktura kelasi zamonda sodir bo’ladigan ish xarakatlar bilan ishlatiladi.

When he comes home, I will inform you

When I go to college, I will call you

Structure: When+past simple, past simple

Usage: Утган оддий замонишлатилганда whenкисмдаги иш харакат биринчи содир булиб, иш харакатлар ораси жуда якин булади:

When he called her a liar, she smacked his face. (1st, he called her a liar; then she smacked)

When he opened the window, the bird flew out. (1st, he opened; 2nd the bird flew out)

Structurs: When+past simple, past contimuous

When +past continuous, past continuous

Usage: Yuqoridagi struktura o’tgan zamonda 2 ta ish harakat teng sodir bo’lganini ko’rsatadi.
When you came my home, I was cooking the pilaf

When I saw you, you were happy

It was raining, When were walking outside

When you were running, I was driving next to you

Structure: When+past simple, Past perfect

Usage: Yuqoridagi struktura o’tgan zamonda 2 ta ish xarakat ketma ket sodir bo’lganini ko’rsatadi bunda past perfect zamondagi ish harakat oldin sodir bo’ladi.

When you came home, your teacher had already left

When I reached school, My had started the lesson

Conditionals 31-lesson
Rule: If qatnashgan barcha zamondagi gaplar, 2 ta sodda gapni birlashtirib, murakkab gap hosil qiladi. If ni agar deb tarjima qilinadi va u o’zidan keyingi gapga shart qo’yadi.
If + present simple, Present simple

Isbotlangan faktlar bilan ishlatiladi

If you heat water to 100 degrees, it boils
Structre: If + present simple, future simple

Kelasi zamondagi ish xarakat uchun ishlatiladi

If I go to Madrid, I will enter Santiago Bernabeu

If you study hard, you will pass the exam

If you take injection, it hurts
Structure: If + past simple, S+would V + C + M

Structure: If + past perfect, S+would have V(3)

U o’tgan zamondagi ish harakatdan nolish manosini bildiradi.

If you came yesterday, I would drive you to Tashkent

If I had 5 million dollars, I would buy an expensive car
As soon as Bilanoq

Rule: As soon as ko’p hollarda bog’lovchi sifatida when va if o’rniga ishlailishi mumkin.

As soon as ni bilanoq deb tarjima qilamiz.
Structures: As soon as+present simple, Future simple kelasi zamon

Usage: Kelasi zamondagi ish xarakatlar bilan ishlatiladi

As soon as he comes, I will let you go

They will pay you, as soon as they take the money

Structure: As soon as+past simple, Past simple o’tgan zamon

Usage: O’tgan zamonda ketma ket sodir bo’lgan 2 ta ish xarakat uchun ishlatiladi. Bunda ish xarakat orasi yaqin bo’ladi.

As soon as he came, we went out

As soon as I took my salary, I bought the phone

IELTS structure: If or when+present simple, present simple mobodo
If or when you are ill, please go to hospital
Wish sentences(qaniydi)

Rule: Wish li gaplar o’tgan xamondagi biror ishga achinish yoki undan nolish uchun ishlatiladi.

Wishni qaniydi deb tarjima qilamiz.
tructure: S+wish,past simple hozirgi zamondagi ishdan nolish

S+wish, past perfect o’gan zamondagi ishdan nolish

I wish I took my umbrella

We wish we hadn’t called him to the party

PREPOSITIONS – Predloglar 32-lesson
Predloglar – otlar va olmoshlar oldidan qullaniladigan suzlarning bir guruxi bulib,

Ularning xar biri uzining maxsus mazmuniga ega.

We spent the afternoon at the football match.
She is staying with them for a few months.

He was born in Namangan.

Eng muxim predloglar quydagilar:

About before despite of to above

Behind down off toward(s) across below

Durning on under beneath for without

Out until up against beside from

Over along beside in since upon

Among between into through with around

Beyond like throughout within at by

Till near amongst


A. AT / ON / IN da deb tarjima qilinadi va vaqt va joy ravishlari oldidan ishlatiladi
Usage of AT: At soatlar va bayramalar oldidan ishlatiladi

At+ o’clock/holidays

There is a meeting at 2:30. (2:30 da miting bulib utadi)

Call me at nine o’clock tomorrow morning. (Ertaga ertalab 9 da qungiroq qilgin

I met him at Christmas last year

I’m sure we’ll have wonderful time at Easter.
At + dawn We were woken at down by a cock crowing repeatedly

Night It gets cold at night

Midnight There is a great film on TV at midnight

Lunchtime You will see breadlines outside many New York churches at lunchtime

The moment I’m afraid she’s not here at the moment.

Present At present she’s working abroad.

The same time Shall we meet up at he same time tomorrow.

The weekend The weatherforecast says that it will rain at the weekend

Muayan yoshda

AT+ ….= AT THE AGE OF …..

At 16 at 63 at 20 at 16 = at the age of 16

She got married at seventeen.

I was married at your age.

The child prodigy made his professional tour as a pianist at six / at the age of six.

He was conscripted into the army at 18 / the age of 18.

At the age of mine, he had to contend with the death of both parents.

At the age of 25, he decided to devote himself to God.

At times = sometimes
At times I feel alone and tired from everything.
Usage of ON: On ni kun va sanalardan oldin ishlatiladi


On 4 June On manday/tuesdas/Wednesday …

My birthday is on the 9th of September but hers is on the 19th of October.

Many shops don’t open on Sundays.

On a clear day, you can see the mountains from here
Exception: Bayram kunlaridan keyin day so’za kelsa, ulardan oldin on so’zi ishlatiladi.
On Christmas day

On New year’s day

They always have turkey on Christmas day.

The accident happened on New year’s day

Informal: on the nights.
Usage of IN: In oy,fasl,yil,asr va ming yilliklar oldidan ishlatiladi. In ni da mobaynida deb tarjima qilinadi.

in + a month (in May / September…)

a season (in (the) spring / (the) autumn)

a year (in 1982 / 1985)

a decade (the 1950s)

a century (in the 5th century)

Rome was found in the eighth century B.C.

The Beatles had a string of number-one hits in the 1960s.

She was a political outcast after the party expelled her in 1982.

Most animals bear their young in the spring.

Erik starts infant school in September.

the morning/ Monday / Tuesday /…+ morning / afternoon /evening

in+ the afternoon/ BUT on + the morning/the afternoon/the evening of+ a certain date

the evening the night of + a certain date

on Friday morning on the night of murder / robbery(= the day it happened)

on Sunday afternoon on the night of September 9th
What were you doing on the afternoon of 13th of March?

Her latest escapade was to camp outside a department store on the night before the sale.

in/witin + a period of time
before or at the end of a particular period


in two month - 2 ой ичида

in a few days - бир неча кун ичида

Dinner will be ready in ten minutes.

We’ll all be dead in a hundred years so there’s no point worrying about it.

The project will be finished in the next few months.

In/within +

a month’s time

a week’s time

a year’s time

= in + a period of time

I think she’ll be head of this company in five years’ time.

We are going on holiday in two weeks’ time.

This is the first cigarette I've had in three years’ time.

She can write an essay in half an hour’s time.
NOTE: any, every, last, one, next, this сузлари олдидан at / in / on va boshqa predloglar кулламаймиз.
on Monday – on this Monday

in autumn – in every autumn

in 2004 – in this year

at the weekend – at next weekend

Can you tell him I’m in London next week?

She was expected to announce officially her candidacy for president last week.

Alarmingly, the hole in the ozone layer has doubled in size this year.

Every summer drove of sightseers’ crowd the city.

on time = o’z vaqtida

in time (for something) = уз вактида = vaqtidan biroz oldin

in a good time (for something) = vaqtidan ancha oldin
The 8:15 train started on time. (it started at 8:15)

Passengers should be in time for their train. (they should come earlier)

I arrived at the concert hall in good time for the concert. (The concert began

at 7:30 and I arrived at 7:15)

at the beginning (of) / end (of) – бирор нарсанинг бошида / охирида дейиш учун кулланади.
at the beginning / end of the concert at the beginning of the month

at the beginning / end of 2004 at the end of the meeting

At the end of the book there is a quotation from Abraham Lincoln.

At the beginning of a book there is often a table of contents. At the end there may be

an index.

The scandal broke right at the beginning of the conservative Party Conference.

in the beginning – boshida deb tarjima qilinadi va бирор иш харакат содир булган ва кейинчалик узгариш bo’lganlgini yoki biror ish xarakat sodir bo’lib kelajakda o’zgarishi мумкинлигини билдиради. In the beginning урнига at first куллаш мумкин.

In the beginning / At first we used hand tools. Later we had machines.

In the beginning / At first I thought he was joking but then I realized he meant it.

In the beginning / At first he denied stealing the money but later admitted it.

In the beginning / At first they refused but I managed to bring them round.
in the end – нихоят, натижада
I didn’t like him at first, but in the end I actually got quiet fond of him.

Anyway, in the end I didn’t wear your jacket.

In the end, we decided to go to the theatre.

Have faith! (Бардам булинг!) It’ll be all right in the end.

in the end = at last va nixoyat, hayriyat.

In the end / At last we are alone together.

In the end / At last the two sides have begun to engage in a constructive dialogue.

It was a long haul but the alterations to the house are finished in the end / at last.

Usage of BY: By istalgan vaqt ravishi oldidan ishlatiladi va o’sha vaqtda yoki o’sha vaqtga deb tarjma qilinadi.

by + a time / date / day
Not later than /at or before

(муайан вакт / сана / кунга )

by 6 o’clock by the 1st of October

by Monday by that time (= by then)

She promised to be back by five o’clock.

The application must be in by the 31st.

The train starts at 6.10, so you had better be at the station by 6.00.

They have to decide by next Friday.

I have to finish this by Monday at the latest.

I’ll phone you tomorrow. - I should have the details by then (= by that time).

She’ll have prepared all the documents by the deadline.

before + noun/time = earlier than…(…дан аввал)

She is always up before dawn.

You should always wash your hands before meals.

I saw him here before the film.

How do you feel before the final exam?
before – якка холда, вакт равиши сифатида кулланиши мумкин.

I have seen him somewhere before. (adv)

Have you ever been there before? (adv)

from…to / till / until…

муайян бир вактдан бошка бир вактгача
from Monday to Friday from 9am to / till / until 2 pm

from 1982 to / till / until 2004

Most people work from nine to five

The Museum is open from 9:30 to / till / until 6:00

from - якка холда хам кулланилиши мумкин. Bunda fromni “dan boshlab” deb tarjima qilinadi.
Drinks will be served from seven o’clock.

The price of petrol will rise from tomorrow.

From 1966, real income per person grew more than 7 percent per year in South


Агарда гапда from катнашмаса, “муаян вактгача” фикрини ифода этиш учун till / until кулланади (to эмас):

from…to / till / until… BUT from…to / till / until…

Let’s start now and work till / until dark. (to эмас )

Women in Britain were not allowed to vote till / until 1918. ( to эмас )

We didn’t get home till / until 2 am

He usually pays me on Friday but last week he didn’t pay me till / until the following Monday.

NOTE: from … to …- масофага нисбатан бирор жойдан бошка бир жойга:

from home to school from the USA to the UK

from Namangan to Tashkent from Karlsplats to Stephenplats

It is about four kilometers from the airport to your hotel.

NOTE: (from) time to time = sometimes.
I see this man in front of my office (from) time to time
BY versus UNTIL / TILL

by – ish xarakat ko’rsatilgan vaqtda tugashini va ko’rsatilgan vaqt oxirgi muddat ekanligini bildiradi.

until – ish xarakat ko’rsatilgan vaqtgacha davom etishi mumkinligini ko’rsatadi lekin ish xarakat ko’rsatilgan vaqtdan avval tugashi shartligini bildiradi.
All the applicants should submit their documents by 7 June.

Barcha qatnashchilar 7-iyungacha xujjatlarini topshiriahlari kerak. (7-iyun oxrgi muddat).

All the applicants should wait till 4:30 p.m to get the test results.

Barcha qatnashchilar test natijalarini olish uchun kechki soat 4:30 gacha kutishlar kerak

(natijalar 4:30gacha ham aniq bo’lishi mumkin).
Usage of SINCE: Since biror ish xarakat boshlangan vaqtni ko’rsatadi va dan beri deb tarjima qilinadi.

муаян вакт / кун / санадан бери

since + time / day / date / year and other nouns



since October since the departure

since 1985 since the meeting

since the election since then (= since that time)
He has been here since Monday. (from Monday till now)

He wondered where Ann was. He hadn’t seen her since their quarrel.

The meeting will be the first encounter between the party leaders since the election.

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