Grammar Translation Method contents I. Introduction II. Main part
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Grammar Translation Method
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Grammar Translation Method CONTENTS I.INTRODUCTION……………………………………………………………... 2 II.MAIN PART:
III.CONCLUSION ……………………………………………….. 12 IV.REFERENCES ………………………………………………...13 Introduction English has become the most spoken and written language worldwide and it has become the language number one at our primary schools as well. The system of teaching foreign languages at our schools has changed a lot. Nowadays, teachers can choose their textbooks and other supplementary materials, they can also choose methods or activities they want to use in their lessons. It is a big advantage but also a big challenge. In my opinion, it is very difficult to find an approach suitable for all learners. The aim of the present thesis is to compare grammar translation method and communicative language teaching. I have chosen these two approaches because, in my view, these are two main streams in language teaching nowadays. Although grammar translation method is said to be outdone, it is still used very often at our schools. On the other hand, communicative approach is highly recommended but not many teachers really use it. In my opinion, it is very difficult to say which method or approach is the best. Some activities might be suitable for one person and wrong for someone else. The central factor in the choice of method is the learner and his or her needs. That is why I decided to ask my pupils which method or approach they prefer. For my experiment I decided to use grammar lessons, because I find grammar an important tool for students to speak English with confidence. According to Leibnitz: “A language is acquired through practice; it is merely perfected through grammar” (qtd in Thornbury 2000: 25). The theoretical part of this thesis is devoted to different attitudes to grammar and its teaching. The second chapter is devoted to an overview of methods and approaches used for teaching foreign languages. It contains the historical and theoretical background. The main emphasis is placed on grammar translation method and communicative language teaching. In the practical part I intended to discover students’ point of view to these two approaches. This part consists of two lesson plans; one is based on grammar translation method and the second introduces communicative language teaching. After that students and teachers evaluate the lessons using a questionnaire.
Grammar is an essential part of a language. Its correct usage is very important for communication, because incorrect grammar structures can influence understanding. Language teachers and language learners are often frustrated by the disconnect between knowing the rules of grammar and being able to apply those rules automatically in listening, speaking, reading and writing. It is important to know that grammar is not just a dry list of a fixed set of word forms and rules of usage. According to Scrivener, “grammar only makes any sense if you can use it” (Scrivener 2003: 1).
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