3. He was so intent upon his own reflections that he was quite unconscious of my
approach. (D.)
Bu misolda «he was so intent upon his own reflections «-gapi bosh gap va bosh gapda «so»-
so’zi bilan kelayotgan gap bo’lagining nima sababli yuzaga kelganligini ko’rsatib kelayotgan «he
was quite unconscious of my approach»gapi natija ergash gap, «that»esa bog’lovchi.
Why was he so intent upon his own reflections?
4. «The bookseller had never heard of the author so that I got the books cheap». (A.B.)
Bu misolda «the bookseller had never heard of the author»-gapi bosh gap va bosh gapda «so
that-bog’lovchisi bilan kelayotgan gap bo’lagining nima sababli yuzaga kelganligini ko’rsatib
kelayotgan «I got the books cheap»gapi natija ergash gap.
Why had the bookseller never heard of the author?
5. I have slept lately with my blind drawn up, so that at waking, I have the sky in view. (G.)
Bu misolda «I have slept lately with my blind drawn up»-gapi bosh gap va bosh gapda «so
that»-bog’lovchisi bilan kelayotgan gap bo’lagining nima sababli yuzaga kelganligini ko’rsatib
kelayotgan «at waking, I have the sky in view»gapi natija ergash gap. Why have I slept lately
with my blind drawn up?
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