Great thinker and poet Alisher Navoi

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Great thinker and poet Alisher Navoi

State and public figure

Alisher Navoi works as a seal in 1469-1472, as a minister in 1472-1476. In 1487-1488 he was the governor of Astrobod. Hussein International was very close to him, consulted with him in everything and appreciated it. True, there were times when a third person was involved in the middle of Bayt internationalization and Navoi, when there was a cold. But the cooperation of the two outstanding figures of his time passed many tests with success and became an example for generations. Hussein was very troubled in the early years of his international career. Khondamir wrote that in the year he ascended the throne, the son of Abusaid Mirzo, the monument Mohammed, was provoked by the claim to the throne. Hussein Bay International draws an army against him and wins.

In the spring of 1470–th year, the monument Mirzo raises his head again in Astrobo. Hussein takes Bay International Navoi to his side and sets off with the army again. At the same time, there comes a message that there was an uprising in Herat. Hussein returns Bay International Navoi to the capital, giving him great powers. Restore justice in Navoi city and calm the people. In one of such clashes, the hand of the monument Mirzo comes up high, and some people in the capital join him. Abusaid's daughter, Robia Sultanbegim, who was married in order to calm the conflict, betrayed her husband and, when she went on a trip, teaches a sermon in the capital in the name of the monument Mirzo. The land for a while passes into the hands of the monument Mirzo. This case will have a severe impact on Hussein Baykara. Falls into depression. Navoi stands next to him at such a moment, gives tassali. In the same 1470–th year, on the advice of Navoi, from the banks of the Murghab river reaches Herat in a very short time, and in the Garden Zagan gets tired of living and sleeping Monument Mirzo. After that, in Khoroson, a certain period of time finds peace, tranquility. Alisher was a man of creativity. By nature, he was a person far from empathy and domination, prone to contemplation and imagination, extremely sensitive. No matter how high the career was, zil-zambil was a burden for him, and Hussein Baykaru's sincerity and love kept him from resigning. Nevertheless, he served faithfully. With his wisdom, entrepreneurship, many of his ideas prevented bloodshed, turned Wars into reconciliation.

This virtue of him was especially evident in the activities of the ministry in 1472-1476. Hussein saw the work of the International governor relying on Navoi's intelligence and loyalty. He appointed him, despite his resistance, to high ranks, and in 1472–th year put "amir"(Minister)likka. The great poet was honored with the titles of "Amir kabir" (Amir ulug), "amirul muqarrab" (amir closest to the King). The years of his ministry were the period of prosperity in Herat, culture flourished and flourished. Ulug amir himself was the head, he brought out water to the land without water, rubbed old beehives, dug new channels. He repaired old buildings and built new ones. How many madrasasasahs and khanahs attacked.

qildirib, yangilarini qurdirdi. Qanchadan–qancha madrasalar, xonahoqlar soldirdi.

Ijod ogʻushida.

Alisher Navoiy sheʼrni, shoirlikni hamma narsadan baland tutdi. Vazirlik martabasida turib ham sheʼr yozishni toʻxtatmadi. Atrofidagilar uning bu ishiga ragʻbat va hurmat bilan qaradilar. Shoh Husayn Bayqaroning oʻzi unga rahnamolik qildi. Ulugʻ shoirning ilk sheʼriy devonini muxlislari tuzgan boʻlsalar, birinchi devoni – «Badoye ul–bidoya» («Badiiylik ibtidosi»)ni 1472–1476 yillarda shohning amri va istagiga koʻra oʻzi kitob qildi. 1485–1486–yillarda ikkinchi devon – «Navodir un–nihoya»(«Nihoyasiz nodirliklar») maydonga keldi. Alisher Navoiy 1481–1482–yillarda «Vaqfiya» asarini yozadi. Vaqf deb biror xayrli ishning sarfu xarajatini taʼmin qilmoq uchun ajratilgan yer yoki mulkka aytiladi. Alisher Navoiyning eng katta orzusi doston yozish, birinchi navbatda, XII asrning buyuk shoiri Nizomiy Ganjaviy (1141–1209) dan keyin shoirlik qudtarining mezoniga aylanib qolgan «Xamsa» yaratish edi. Nizomiyning «Panj ganj» nomi bilan tarixga kirgan «Xamsa»si 5 masnaviydan tashkil topgan edi: «Maxzan ul – asror»(«Sirlar xazinas»), «Xusrav va Shirin», «Layli va Majnun», «Hayf paykar»(«Yetti goʻzal»), «Iskandarnoma». Yuz yildan keyin unga Xusrav Dehlaviy (1253–1325) javob qildi. U oʻz dostonlarini «Matla’ ul–anvor» («Nurlar boshlanishi»), «Shirin va Xusrav», «Majnun va Layli», «Hasht behisht»(«Sakkiz jannat»), «Oynayi Iskandariy» (Iskandar oyinasi) deb ataladi. Lekin bular hammasi forsiy tilda yozildi. Ulardan forslar, shu tilni bilganlargina bahramand boʻldilar. Oʻz xalqining shunday hazinadan bebahra qolishi Navoiyni qiynadi.

Navoiy maslahatga ustozi Abdurahmon Jomiy huzuriga boradi. Jomiy Navoiyni bu ishga tezlikda kirishishga undaydi, uning oʻz kuchi va imkoniyatlariga ishonchini mustahkamlaydi. Navoiy besh dostonni ikki yilda tamomlaydi. 1483–yilda oʻz «Xamsa»sini yoza boshlab, 1485–yilning boshida yugatadi. Shoir ishlagan kunlar hisobga olinsa, 54 ming misralik ulkan obida 6 oyda bitkaziladi. Turkiy tilda birinchi marotaba «Xamsa» yaratiladi. Olimu fuzalo – barcha bu hodisani zoʻr olqish bilan kutib oldilar. Zayniddin Vosifiyning «Badoyeʼ ul–vaqoyeʼ»sidan: "Shoh Navoiyga: «Bir mojaro Siz bilan bizning oramizdan koʻpdan hal boʻlmay keladi, shuni bugun bir yoqlik qilaylik», deydi. Bu mojaro shundan iborat ediki, Sulton Husayn Alisherning muridi boʻlishini koʻpdan orzu qilar va uni «pirim» deb atar edi.

Alisher esa har gal: «Yo Ollo, yo Ollo, bu qanday gap boʻldi! Aslida – biz muridmiz, siz – hammasiga pirsiz», der edi. Endi Sulton Husayn Alisherdan soʻradi: – Pir nima–yu, murid nima?

Alisher answered:

• The wish of the pie should be the wish of the Murid.

• Then Sultan Hussein orders to bring his white horse. The horse was very asov, a chupaghan.

Sultan Hussein said:

• You pir, I will be a murid, you ride this horse, I will lead it.

Alisher will have to ride an unwieldy horse. The horse was awfully asov, and did not bring anyone close to him except the King. As soon as Alisher put his foot on his stirrup, the horse began to tip, Sultan Hussein turned to his horse, the horse obeyed and waited for Alisher to ride. As soon as Alisher sat down on the saddle, Sultan Hussein began to lead, holding the reins of his horse. Alisher fainted. They raised him from the saddle. In history, this was not the case. In no time the king would not have been a showman. 1484490 was an effective period for Navoi in artistic creativity. Soon after the "khamsa", the poet created a series of prose books. He wrote in 1488 that "the property of history novice" ("the history of novice Kings") was one of them. This work is also called"Zubdat ut–tavakhir "("the slip of dates") in the" discussion ul–lugatayn". At the end of 1480–ies, at the beginning of 1490–ies, close friends of Navoi, one of their teachers, Sayyid Hasan Ardasher (1489), Abdurahman Jami (1492), Pahlavon Muhammad (1493), died in a row. Navoi writes about them the works" Halati Sayyid Hasan Ardaşer"," Khamsat ul–mutahayyir"," Halati Pahlavan Muhammad". These works were prose and consisted of memories of the poet's memoirs about these glorious contemporaries. In 1491, the writing of the brochure "problem of the brochure" (second name "curriculum") devoted to the genre of the problem. Although the genre of the problem was widespread in the Navoi era, it was mainly Persian writing. Navoi was one of the first Uzbek poets who wrote problems in Uzbek. His 52 problems were included in"khazayin ul–Mauni". And 500 chameleons of the poet's problems in the Persian language. One of the greatest services of Navoi in the 1490–ies was the creation of Khazoin ul Mauni (treasure of meanings). This grandiose poem, consisting of 4 parts of Devon, arranged in 1492-1498–th years, contained almost all the lyrical poems written by the poet in the Turkic language. The poet considered the period from the age of 7-8 to the age of 20 the turn of his life, and called the Devon of this period "Strange us–SIGAR"("youth antics").

Heavy losses at the beginning of the 1490–ies, especially with 40-year-old man Pahlavon Muhammad, the loss of his mentor from the total, had a severe impact on Navoi. On top of this, Khadichbegim with Nizamulmulk in the palace invented new conspiracies in the passion of property and career. One of the results of these conspiracies shakes all people with a pure heart and puts the country on the brink of destruction. It was-the execution of The Believer Mirzo by the decree of his grandfather. In 1489, when Navoi returned to Herat, Badiuzzamon was appointed as the governor of Astrobod instead. Meanwhile, the Darveshali uprising begins in Balkh. Hussein takes the International Navoi and leaves for Balkh. A truce is drawn up with Darveshali, but in the Fortress begins a fight against Sultan Mahmoud Hussein Baykaro, the son of Abusaid. Leaving King Navoi in the balk, he takes his son Badiuzzaman and jumps to Herot. He also agrees with the compromise, goes back and gives the Balkh to Badiuzzamon tasaruffi. Badiuzzamon comes to the balk, leaving his son – 13-year-old believer Mirzo in Astrobo. Together with Khadichbegim Nizomulkmulk, Astroboda will achieve the appointment of Muzaffar Mirzo as governor. The relationship between Hussein Bay International and Badiuzzamon is deteriorating. Badiuzzamon orders The Believer Mirzo not to enter the city of Muzaffar Mirzo. The king quickly sends Navoi to the Balkh. Navoi falls between father and son and reconciles them. However, at this time it becomes known that Hussein Baykaro's secret decree on the capture and detention of Badiuzzaman was sent to the Balkh, to the city hall. Reconciliation becomes war again.

Navoi suffers from such a trace of the incident and desperately returns back. In the father–son war, Badiuzzamon is overcome. The believer takes Mirzo as a prisoner. In 1499-th year in Marv, another son of Hussein Baykaro Abulmuhsin raises his head against his father.

The King jumps into the Marv with his army. At these times Navoi dreamed of going on a pilgrimage. Mirkhond reports that Abulmuhsin is obliged to make a truce with his father to ensure that Alisher is represented on behalf of the King. A quick chop is sent to Navoi. Chopar reaches the showirga and submits the King's letter. It was in it that the poet was asked to leave the hajj after, reaching Marv in Texas. Alisher Mashhad consults with his superiors and companions. They ask Alisher to go on a pilgrimage for the peace of the country. Alisher will reach the appointed place, the father will reconcile the son and return to Herot.

In 1498, Alisher Navoi reviewed and filled"Majolis un–nafois" again. The number of poets reached 459 units. In the same year he writes in response to "Logic ut–Tair", which was sealed in his heart from an early age. "Lison ut-tayr" is one of the works that bring down the creativity of Navoi. The great poet collected his letters in 1498-1499 years and composed "Munshaot". It contains 88 letters, many of which were sent to the poet's Kings and princes. The work "prisoner ul–qulub", which the poet finished writing in the late 1500–ies, remained his most recent work. Navoi dies in janvar 3, 1501. The whole people – from the king to the gadog, from the scientist to the shepherd, from the poet to the peasant-mourns the death of his glorious child with grief and suffering.


The highest peak of Alisher Navoi's creativity is the work" Khamsa "(1483-85), the poet was one of the first, created a complete" Khamsa " in the Turkic language and proved that it is possible to write such a comprehensive work in the Turkic language. In the introductory part of "Khamsa", in order to express to readers that this collection is written as an admiration for the work of Nizami Ganjavi "Panj Ganj" ("five treasures") :

"Not easy stand in this area,

Pat the paw on the nizamiy panjasig.“

he will say thanks.

The composition of Khamsa includes such epics as" Hayrat ul-abror"," Farhad and Shirin"," Layly and Majnun"," Sab'ai Sayyar"," Saddi Iskandari".

The poet's philosophical, socio-political, economic, scientific, educational, moral and aesthetic attitude towards creation, existence, nature, man is reflected in"hayastul-abror" after the chapters of praise, monacot, na't and admiration. The separation of the king and the nation from the point of view of humanity means his views on the just king, by implying that the King was not able to pass away from the nation by skill, morality, justice, kindness, logic, piety.

In"Farhad and Shirin", the heroes mark the task of man before history and the future through love adventures, instilling that humanity is not only in love, but also through the protection of that honorable name.

Artistically reproduced the story of Khusraw and Shirin in the history of the east, through Farhod expressed his views on the perfect man. If the traditions of Pharaoh, Nizami, Dehlav were renewed through the epic of Navoi, then this plot took the main place in solving the problems of the core of Turkish classical literature, and in this direction Ahmad Rizvan, Galilee, Harimiy, Bafqiy, Urfi Sheroziy, Lamiyy, Nizari v.the b. the epics were created.

Known through the Arabic fairy tales dostonida" Layli and Majnun", the plot found its finished form, in which the philosophy of ishq was expressed in a unique way. Fizuli, who would then be created, became the spiritual ground for the Andalib, the polished epics. Sab'ai sayyor and Saddi Iskandari, a member of the khamsa, brought the issues related to the kingdom to the forefront. These epics are distinguished by their socio-political character and originality in the tradition of homophobia. Teacher Abdurahman Jami (1414-1492) gave high marks to Khamsa.

Moved in 15-20 centuries in the fund of the mist FA ShI handcuffs 166 kept handcuffs. Of these, 84 thas were given all the epics of the five.

About" Khamsa " foreign scientists A.Vamberi, J.Melakolin, F.Richard, L.Data, Y.Ekman, E.Quot; Partele; Russian researchers I.Krachkovsky, V.Bartold, E.Bertels, Conrad, B.Jirmunsky, A.Yakubovsky, A.Semyanav; Turkish scientists F.Bridge, A.S.Levend, K. Eraslan; ozar scholars H. Arasli, G. Aliyev; Uzbek scientists Fitrat, I.Sultan, V.Zahidov, A.Kayumav, T.Jalalov, Erkinov, S.Nazrullaeva, A.Ebdoğ'aforav, M.Doctor, S.Hasanov v.the b. works are known.

B. on the research of "Khamsa"in uzmuda.Qasimov, B.Akram, H.Boltaboev, A.Erkinov, D.Farmonova is engaged in research work.

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