Great thinker and poet Alisher Navoi
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Great thinker and poet Alisher Navoi
Prose works
A significant part of the Navoi heritage consists of prose works. They are in the socio-political, moral-educational and scientific-philosophical direction. "Mahbub ul-qulub" (1500-1501) is the last major work of Navoi, in which the observations of ulug thinker Adib on the course of his life, his rich experience, are reflected at a high level. In this game, which consists of three parts, the questions "Soriun-nos's mood of forgiveness and condition" (1), moral problems (2), "picture of the philosopher and amsol" (3) are expressed. In the work"khamsatul mutahayyirin"("Besh hayrat", 1494), fantastic stories about his teacher and friend Abdurahman Jami, his life's sketches, sect, correspondence, works are presented. The works of" Haloti Sayyid Hasan Ardasher "(1488-89),"Haloti Rahlavon Muhammad" (1493) are in the direction of manoqib-halot and cover the life and activities of great personalities who have been in the direction of the show. "Munshaot" (1498-1499) is a collection of Navoi's letters (88 letters in total), which include missionary letters, Navruz greetings, obituaries, political turns, truce and other directions. They are attributed to Hussein boy International, Badiuzzamon and other historical figures. Scientific-philological heritage Tazkirasi" Majolisun-nafois " (1490-91; 1497-98) is the first tazkira written in Turkish, in which the poet gave information about 459 poets and writers within the framework of eight meetings. In the first and second assembly, when the order of tazkira was given, non-life poets, contemporaries of the poet in the third assembly, Khorasan in the fifth Assembly in the fourth assembly, Movaraunnahr in the sixth, Asia Minor and Iran, in the seventh and eighth Sessions, information about the creative Kings and princes belonging to the Timurids dynasty was collected. The work was translated into Persian three times by Fahri Hiroti(1521-22), Muhammad Qazvini(1522-23), King Ali Abdulali (1598). Navoi devoted his work" Muhakamatul-lokhatayn " to the comparison of lexical-grammatical features of Turkic dialects, intelligentsia speech, artistic and scientific works of his time with Persian features. He introduced many words used in the living folk language into the work, causing their application in the literary language. He opened new layers of meaning with the words he used himself. after Mahmud Koshgari, the language of Uzbek and other Turkic peoples became a scientific basis. it caused artistic and aesthetic possibilities of the language of Uzbek and other Turkic peoples. He appealed to the largest and most remarkable works created in Persian and Turkish languages, urging poets and scholars to fight for the independence of the language. In his work "Mezunul-avzon"(1492), dedicated to the theory of Aruz, he clearly and fluently explained the rules of Arabic and Persian aruz in Turkish. Studied the weight characteristics of samples of Turkish written and oral poetry. Together with the illumination of the Turkish aruz nature, Turkish poetry meant that it enriched the complex aruz system. Imagined about the gardens and circles. To'qqizta determined a new weight and poetic form. For the first time in Turkish history, he put forward his views on national weight. Regular research of the scientific and philological heritage of Navoi was established from the 20-ies of the 20 century. In this direction Fitrat, Oybek, A.Sa'diy, O.Sharafiddinov, A.Hayitmetov, I.Sultan, H.Such a literary critic as gudratullaev and A.K.Borovkov, A.Usmonov, A.The work of such linguists as Rustamov is remarkable. Works on history and economics The portrait has been in the main hall of Alisher Navoi Secondary School in Isfana, Kyrgyzstan for many years. The portrait was removed from the main hall in 2012-th year under the pressure of local Kyrgyz officials. Local authorities are trying to change the name of the school. "History of muluki Ajam" ("history of the novice Kings", 1488) is a short history, The Chronicle of the Iranian Kings, which is described, logically complements the works" history of Tabari"," Shahnam", consistently puts them into the scientific system. The last representative of the Sassanids from the legendary King Kayumars to Yazdi Shahriyar gives the history of Kings, a mythological interpretation. In the first chapter of the work" history of the prophets and doctors "("history of the prophets and doctors", 1485-1498),"the story continues the traditions of the prophets", narrates stories about the history of prophets such as Noah, Jesus, Moses, Yaa, Solomon, Joseph, David from Adam alayhis-Salom. Navoi Lokmani also gives a place to the judge among the military ranks. In the second section of the work called "Hukamo zikida" brings iba stories about Wise doctors Fishogurs, Jomospas, Taurus, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Bolinos, Jolinus, Batlimus, Buzurgmehr who left a deep mark in the history of mankind, the secret of their wisdom, scientific discoveries are interpreted in short lines. In his work" Foundation " (1481) he thought about the lands of the foundation, their properties, their amount, their use, the buildings and structures to be built on the foundation's property and funds, the procedures established in Madrasah and apartments in this direction. Navoi listed charitable institutions, scientific and cultural buildings and parks built at its disposal. The work is also an important documentary source for studying the rich international relations of Navoi and Hussein. Works of history and economic direction N.Veselavsky, Yakubavsky, Ya.Gulomov, V.Zahidov, B.It was studied by such scientists as Ahmedov. Works in Arabic and Persian. On the basis of the poems Alisher Navoi wrote in the Persian language, "Devoni Fany" was formed, and in its replacement, "Sittai zarariya" ("six necessity") and "Fusuli arbaa" ("four seasons") were given complexes of Persian revenge. The avenges in the collection" Sittai Zoroastrianism "are named after such names as" Ruhul-quds "("the Holy Spirit")," Aynul-life "("the fountain of life")," courtesy-afkor "("the gift of thoughts")," box-lock "("the heartwarming goose")," Minhojun-salvation "("the way of salvation")," Nasimul-Huld "("the nasimi of Paradise"). They are written in the spirit of the works of Khokani, Dehlaviy, Salman Sovzhiy, Abdurahman Jami, in the style of a philosophical-logical answer to them. After the international anthem Sultan Hussein at Fusuli arbaa consists of the attribute of Spring, cancer, Khazon (autumn) and Day (Winter). In his scientific work on the Persian language curriculum (1485), devoted to the rules of the problem genre, he theoretically founded this genre in classical poetry. The problem and the genres in which it was expressed meant ruboi, continent, chicken, in some cases gazelle attitude. Teaching methods of solving problems, he gave 121 examples. It is known that Navoi wrote in the Arabic language a work of a dictionary character in a religious-mystical spirit with the name "Sab'atul-abhur" ("Seven Seas"). However, this work has not been published and studied enough. Alisher Navoi's Persian heritage is Fitrat, H.Solomon, N.Mallaev, Sh.Shamuhamedav, R.Studied by Vohidov, Boltaeva. Thanks to the genius of Navoi, Turkic peoples living in different parts of the world have been yakkalized in the history of mankind, the spiritual heritage of the nation has taken a strong place from the Universal treasure. In independent Uzbekistan, the level of Public Policy has risen to the level of awareness of Navoi. One of the largest regions of the Republic and its center, the State prize of Uzbekistan, the Institute of language and literature of Uzbekistan, the academic theater of opera and ballet, The State Library of Uzbekistan, Samarkand State University and hundreds of other cultural and educational institutions, collective farms are named after the great poet. Alisher Navoi used the word Uzbek as an ethnonym in his works. "Samu toju Xil'atekim, I'll watch, most cap on the head, plaid plaid bas". oems
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