History of Civilizations of Central Asia
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CHAPTER 5 ABDULLAEV, R. M. 1992. Turkestanskie progressisty i natsional’noe dvizhenie [Turkistan Pro- gressives and the National Movements]. Zvezda Vostoka [Star of the East], No. 1. Tashkent. 933
Contents ISBN 92-3-103985-7 BIBLIOGRAPHY AND REFERENCES ——. 1998. Natsional’nye politicheskie organizatsii Turkestana v 1917–1918 gg. Avtoreferat [National Political Organizations of Turkistan in 1917–1918. Summary]. Tashkent. ABDURAKHIMOVA, N. A.; RUSTAMOVA, G. 1999. Kolonial’naya sistema vlasti v Turkestane
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Contents Copyrights ISBN 92-3-103985-7 BIBLIOGRAPHY AND REFERENCES PALEN, K. K. 1910a. Otchot po revizii Turkestanskogo kraya. Pozemel’no-podatnoe ustroystvo. [Report on the Audit of Turkistan Kray. Organization of Land Taxation]. St Petersburg. ——. 1910b. Sel’skoe upravlenie, russkoe i tuzemnoe [Rural Government, Russian and Native]. St Petersburg. ——. 1910c. Vsepoddaneyshaya zapiska, soderzhashchaya glavnye vygody otchota [Most Humble Notes Containing the Main Benefits of the Report]. St Petersburg. POTAPOVA, N. Yu. 2002. Istoriya predprinimatel’stva v Turkestane (vtoraya polovina XIX–
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Copyrights ISBN 92-3-103985-7 BIBLIOGRAPHY AND REFERENCES Doklad o chelovecheskom razvitii Uzbekistana [Report on Human Development in Uzbekistan]. 1999. Tashkent.
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