__Hockey___________ UNIT
Grade Level
Length of unit: 15 days
Written By: Laurie Woodcock
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Educational Objectives & Standards
| Unit Objectives |
State Standards
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To grip the hockey stick, dribble, and pass the puck correctly
1PA-E1 PO1, 1PA-E1 PO2, 1PA-E2 PO1,
1PA-E3 PO1, 1PA-E4 PO1
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To drive and receive the hockey puck using correct form and technique
1PA-E2 PO1, 1PA-E2 PO1, 1PA-E3 PO1,
1PA-E4 PO1
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The student will know how to tackle and dodge effectively
1PA-E1 PO1, 1PA-E2 PO1,1PA-E4 PO1,
1PA-E5 PO1
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The student will know how to play offense and defense effectively
1PA-E1 PO2, 1PA-E2 PO1, 1PA-E4 PO1, 1PA-E5 PO1
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The student will know how to block a puck demonstrating proper goalie skills
1PA-E2 PO1, 1PA-E4 PO1
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To understand hockey terminology, hockey positions and field dimensions and safety
1PA-E4 PO1, 5PA-E3 PO1
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Student will demonstrate correct form while performing several strength and flexibility exercises
4PA-E1 PO1
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Demonstrate knowledge and ability to participate in a hockey game understanding the rules and calling fouls cooperatively
1PA-E4 PO1, 5PA –E3 PO1, 5PA-E4 PO1
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To work together as a team and understand the value of hockey as a sport that can also be enjoyed outside the school setting
1PA-E2 PO1, 2PA-E1 PO2, 5PA-E2 PO2, 5PA-E3 PO2, 5PA-E4 PO1, 6PA-E2 PO2,
6PA-E3 PO1, 7PA-E2 PO1, 7PA-E3 PO1
Mastery Elements
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Game positions/ # of players
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Modified games for skills and drills
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Basic Math assoc. with unit
Daily Overview
| Day 1
Grip, Dribble, Pass,
Hockey Safety
Day 2
Review Dribble, Pass
Day 3
Review Receiving Driving/ Shooting |
Day 4
Review Drive
Goalie/ Blocking |
Day 5
Review Goalie/ Blocking
Game Rules and Penalties
Day 6
Dodging and Tackling
Skills and Drills
Day 7
Review Dodging and
Hockey Stations
Day 8
Hockey Stations |
Day 9
Mini Hockey Games and Activities
Day 10
Sideline Hockey
Day 11
Modified Hockey Game
| Day 12
Hockey Game
Team 1v2
Team 3v4
Day 13
Hockey Game
Team 1v3
Team 2v4 |
Day 14
Hockey Game
Team 1v4
Team 2v3 |
Day 15
Hockey Test |
References for Golf, Hockey, and Softball
Dynamic Physical Education for Secondary School & Lesson Plans for Dynamic Physical Education for Secondary School Students. (Paul Darst and Robert Pangrazi)
Teaching Team Sports (Joan A. Philipp & Jerry D. Wilkerson)
The Ultimate Sport Lead-Up Game Book (Guy Bailey)
Quality Lesson Plans for Secondary Physical Education
(Dorothy B. Zakrajsek, Lois A. Carnes, Frank Jr. E. Pettigrew)
Teaching Cues for Sport Skills (Hilda Fronske)
Ready-To-Use P.E. Activities for Grades 7-9 (Joanne M. Landy & Maxwell J. Landy
DATE: ______________________ EQUIPMENT: 30 Hockey Sticks, 30 Yarnballs
UNIT: Hockey Day: 1 of 15 LOCATION: Outside
OBJECTIVE: Today you will learn: The proper way you grip a hockey stick, how to dribble and
pass the yarnball correctly. We will also discuss hockey safety.
Intro: Jog around the basketball court.
Jog at a comfortable pace around the basketball court. Make sure there is good space.
Fitness: Teacher led exercises
Upper Body Strength
Knee push-ups, Triceps push-ups, Regular push-ups
Abdominal Strength
Knee touch curl-ups, Partial curl-ups and hold 8 secs.,Crunches
Flexibility Stretches
Arm Stretches – hold each arm 8 secs, Windmills,
Side-bend twists
Please stand in front of me in your teams and make sure you have good space to follow along to do these exercises.
Make sure you bend your elbows and keep your seat level to your back when doing push-ups.
As you curl, slide your hands up to your knees.
As you are doing the windmills, make sure you touch your toes to get the full stretch.
On the side-bends stretch and extend to get the full benefit of stretching.
Lesson Focus: Students will grip the hockey stick and work on dribbling and passing using a yarnball. Discussion of hockey safety.
Organization: (30 hockey sticks and 30 yarnballs) Spread equipment out along the wall
Students are in scatter formation.
1. Teacher demonstrate proper grip after going over description of hockey stick.
2. Each student will get a hockey stick and a yarnball.
3. On signal, students will practice dribbling in their area alternating using both sides of the blade.
4. Students will dribble around specific area keeping their head up and moving at controlled pace.
5. Teacher will discuss passing and demonstrate.
6. Students will get a partner closest to them and will work on passing in a stationary position. One partner will put a ball back against the wall without throwing it.
7. After teacher demonstration, students will work on passing as partners are moving around the teaching area. They will lead the ball slightly in front of partner.
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Grab stick with left hand if right handed or non-dominant hand as if you were “shaking hands”. Right hand or dominant hand is 6-8 inches below top hand. V grip formed by thumb and forefinger. Hold stick in front of body. Elbows and arms should move freely. Hold stick firmly but comfortably.
When dribbling, use small series of taps using both sides of the blade. Keep arms in front of body when dribbling straight and keep ball close to body. When zig-zag dribbling, move blade to the left or to the right.
Students will dribble to line and back keeping blade low to the ground and using short controlled taps.
Students will zig-zag dribble to line and back.
When passing, students will have good space between classmates and stand opposite their partner at a close distance. Students will pass back and forth without making their partner move.
Students will be in two lines (shuttle) and will pass back and forth to each other to the line in front of them and back. The pass will need to be passed a little ahead of the partner.
Closure: Put all sticks and yarnballs against the wall.
1. What was our lesson focus today?
When you grip the hockey stick, which hand goes on top of the stick?
What are two rules about hockey safety that was discussed today?
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