International conference on bioinformatics of genome regulation
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Key words: frequency; triplet; order; cluster; elastic map Motivation and Aim: Structures observed within a DNA sequence reveal an order and provide further understanding of functional roles of a sequence or its fragments. A new function (or a connection between function and structure) may manifest through new patterns found in symbol sequences corresponding to DNA molecule. Here we report the seven-cluster structure observed over a chloroplast genome of L. sibirica Ledeb. Methods and Algorithms: The chloroplast genome sequence Siberian larch (L. sibirica Ledeb.) has been sequenced using the Illumina HiSeq2000 sequencer at the Laboratory of Forest Genomics of the Siberian Federal University [1]. The length of the genome sequence is 122 561 bp. Genome contains 121 coding regions. GC content is 38.75%. Analysis of the L. Sibirica chloroplast genome takes several steps. Firstly, the genome sequence was mapped into a set of equal length overlapping fragments. Numbers of different non-overlapping triplets in each fragment were counted. Then, a frequency dictionary, which contains the set of all the triplets counted within the fragments, was developed. The clusters in 63-dimensional space were identified with elastic map tech- nique, where the objects to be clusterized are the fragments identified in the sequence. The 63-dimentional space is provided with frequencies of non-overlapping triplets found in the different fragments of the genome. The fragments comprising the clusters were checked against the annotation of the genome. Thus, clusters where coding fragments prevail and those where non-coding fragments prevail had been identified. Results: Unlike the patterns described in [2], the structure observed here differs: the nodes comprising coding and non-coding regions are located in the basically different manner. Among the clusters three gene-coding, three non-coding clusters are found and one central cluster has both of coding and non-coding fragments in equal proportions. Also, for coding clusters their genes were identified. Conclusion: Seven cluster structure in chloroplast genome for L. sibirica was found. Un- like nuclear genome of bacteria, the chloroplast genome yields more complex structure. Further studies may bring new understanding of a fine structure details, or of relations between structure and function of chloroplast genome. References: 1. Krutovsky K. et al. (2014) Some preliminary results of a full genome de novo sequencing of Larix sibirica Ledeb. and Pinus sibirica Du Tour. Siberian Forest Journal. 1(4): 79 – 83. 2. Gorban A. N. et al. (2005) Four basic symmetry types in the universal 7-cluster structure of microbial genomic sequences. In Silico Biology 5: 25-37. 48 THE TENTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BIOINFORMATICS OF GENOME REGULATION AND STRUCTURE\SYSTEMS BIOLOGY THE OPPOSING EFFECTS OF SHORT- AND LONG-TERM SOCIAL STRESS ON PREFRONTAL CORTEX TRANSCRIP- TOME N.P. Bondar 1 *, L.O. Bryzgalov 1 , N.E. Ershov 1, 3 , F.E. Gusev 3, 5 , V.V. Reshetnikov 1 , D.F. Avgustinovich 2 , M.V. Tenditnik 4 , E.I. Rogaev 3, 5 , T.I. Merkulova 1 1 Laboratory of Gene Expression Regulation, Institute Cytology and Genetics SB RAS, Russia 2 Laboratory of Molecular Mechanisms of Pathological Processes, Institute Cytology and Genetics SB RAS, Russia 3 The Center of Brain Neurobiology and Neurogenetics, Institute Cytology and Genetics SB RAS, Russia 4 Laboratory of Experimental Models of Emotional Pathologies, Institute of Physiology and Fundamental Medicine, SB RAMS, Russia 5 University of Massachusetts Medical School, USA * Corresponding author: Key words: social defeat stress, depression, RNA-seq, prefrontal cortex Motivation and Aim: Chronic social defeat stress is a well-validated murine model of depression. However, little is known about the gene activity dynamics during the devel- opment of a depression-like state. Methods and Algorithms: We analyzed the effects of social defeat stress of varying dura- tion (10 and 30 days) on the behavioral patterns and prefrontal-cortex transcriptome in C57BL/6 mice. Results: Commonly used 10-day exposure to social defeat stress resulted in a high level of social avoidance with no sign of depression-associated behavior. Contrariwise, most animals exposed to 30-day stress demonstrated clear hallmarks of depression, includ- ing higher level of social avoidance, increased immobility in the forced swim test, and anhedonic behavior. The monitoring of transcriptome changes revealed massive altera- tions in gene expression on the 10 th day. Surprisingly, expression of a few genes was only affected on the 30 th day of stress, apparently, due to a reversal of the majority of the early stress-induced changes to the original basal state. Moreover, we have found that glucocorticoid-sensitive genes are clearly enriched targets on the 10 th day of stress, but these genes stop responding to the elevated corticosterone level after the 30 th day of stress. The majority of genes altered by 30-day stress were downregulated, with the most relevant ones participating in chromatin-modifications and neuroplasticity (e,g, guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs) of Rho-family GTPases). Conclusion: Taken together, our data suggest that depression may be caused by weaken- ing of the response to the stressful environmental factors in terms of both behavior and gene expression. Our results also support the hypothesis that major depressive disorder is associated with defective cell adhesion and impaired neuronal plasticity. Acknowledgements: This work was supported by grant from the Government of the Rus- sian Federation # 14.B25.31.0033 and a grant from the Russian Science Foundation # 16-15-10131. 49 THE TENTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BIOINFORMATICS OF GENOME REGULATION AND STRUCTURE\SYSTEMS BIOLOGY RNA-SEQ DATA ANALYSIS OF RATS WITH AGGRESSIVE BEHAVIOR IN THREE BRAIN AREAS A.O. Bragin*, A.L. Markel, V.N. Babenko, I.V. Chadaeva, E.S. Tiys, Y.L. Orlov Institute of Cytology and Genetics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia * Corresponding author: Key words: RNA-seq, aggressive behavior, differential gene expression, brain, laboratory animals, rat Motivation and Aim: Manifestations of aggression and aggressive behavior in the hu- man society are among the most urgent social problems. It is concluded from the studies conducted in recent decades that aggression should be considered as a special feature of behavior based also on the genetic and sociobiological history of the development of humans as a biologic species, of an individual, and of social group and environment [1]. With respect to the notion that aggression is a general biological phenomenon stemming from deep evolutionary roots, the investigation of aggressive behavior demands that not only the aggressive behavior of a human be analyzed but also the corresponding features of animal behavior. Methods and Algorithms: For analyzing of genetics factors which determine aggression behavior two rat lines were selected over more than 30 years at the Institute of Cytology and Genetics. First rat line was selected for tame behavior towards human. Other rat line was selected for aggressiveness. In our work we have analyze three rat brain area: Hypothalamus; Ventral tegmental area and Midbrain raphe nuclei (aqueduct) [2]. Tissue samples were processed for RNA extraction. This was followed by RNA-sequencing and filtration of reads. After that we use TopHat for mapping reads on the reference rat genome. For assessment of gene expression level and finding differently expressed genes we used Cufflinks. Results: We found 95 differently expressed gene in hypothalamus, 189 in Ventral teg- mental area and 136 in an aqueduct between aggressive and tame rats. We use DAVID gene ontology tools to find biological processes with overrepresented rat differentially expressed genes. Many of these processes are associated with neuronal activity and be- havior. Using ANDvisio system the associative genes networks of the differentially ex- pressed genes with molecular interaction were reconstructed. Conclusion: The RNA-seq analysis of the three brain areas of rat confirmed association of some genes with rat aggression. Acknowledgements: The work was supported by RSF grant 14-14-00269. References: 1. N.N. Kudryavtseva, A.L. Markel, Y.L. Orlov (2014) Aggressive behavior: genetic and physiological mechanisms, Vavilov journal of genetics and breeding, 18(4/3):1133–1155. (In Russian). 2. V.N. Babenko et al. (2016) Analysis of transcriptome data on gene expression in brain areas of rats, se- lected by aggressive behavior, In: Proceedings of «Neuroinformatics-2016», MEPhI, Moscow, P.2:82- 92. (In Russian). 50 THE TENTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BIOINFORMATICS OF GENOME REGULATION AND STRUCTURE\SYSTEMS BIOLOGY ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЕ МИКРОФЛЮИДИКИ DOLOMITE ДЛЯ СЕКВЕНИРОВАНИЯ ТРАНСКРИПТОМОВ ОТДЕЛЬНЫХ КЛЕТОК D. Brittal ООО «Диаэм», Москва, Россия * Corresponding author: Key words: sequencing technologies, transcriptome Микрофлюидика Dolomite – технология, позволяющая работать с очень малыми объ- емами жидкостей, газов, с кристаллическими и полимерными частицами, клетками животного, растительного и бактериального происхождения, пузырьками и каплями с возможностью наблюдать за ними, манипулировать ими и контролировать процессы, протекающие с ними. Это дает возможность проводить «традиционные» исследования в миниатюрном форма- те, а также проводить исследования, которые ранее были невозможны. Особенности и возможности микрофлюидики Dolomite: работа с микрообъектами (кап- ли, клетки, частицы, пузырьки); работа с микро- и нанообъемами (диаметр канала от 10 нм); высокая воспроизводимость: точность дозирования – порядка пиколитра; точный контроль параметров процесса: температуры, скорости потоков, давления, смешивания; большая библиотека «стандартных» чипов; чипы произвольной конфигурации и гео- метрии: многослойные и составные чипы с разными свойствами поверхности каналов, интеграция на одном чипе различных стадий процессов для ускорения и автоматиза- ции методик исследований; интеграция с приборами, детекторами, системами пробо- подготовки и сенсорами (хроматографами, масс-спектрометрами, лазерами, спектрофо- тометрами, микроскопами и т.д.); автоматизация процессов: удобство, высокий выход, воспроизводимость, точность; объединение разных стадий методик в одном приборе; уменьшение размеров приборов; появление новых методов и приборов. Технология микрофлюидики Dolomite находит применения в таких областях как: химический син- тез, аналитическая химия, физико-химические исследования; разработка лекарственных препаратов, определение эффективности и цитотоксичности; биология, диагностика и медицина; экология, производство, приборостроение. Биология, диагностика и медици- на: качественный и количественный анализ фрагментов НК на чипе капиллярного элек- трофореза; чипы для секвенирования НК; цифровая капельная ПЦР для количествен- ной ПЦР-диагностики с высокой точностью; анализы крови (биохимические, ИФА, на глюкозу и т.д.); изоляция ДНК из цельной крови; наблюдение за иммобилизованными эмбрионами и клетками. Система для инкапсуляции клеток или нуклеиновых кислот в капли μEncapsulator 1: Отличная пробоподготовка для изучения экспрессии генов, ПЦР, сортировки и др.; инертные, биосовместимые материалы; возможность поддержания жизнеспособности клеток; пропускная способность: 300 000 клеток в 3 млн капель за 15 минут; инкапсу- ляция 100 мкл образца и реагента, или двух последовательных образцов по 100 мкл. Система для создания библиотек единичных клеток для последующего секвениро- вания: Транскриптомика одиночных клеток; высокая точность, воспроизводимость, надежность, инертность материала чипа; скорость инкапсуляции, капель/с – 4 000 – выше, чем у чипов из PDMS 1 . 1 Macosko et al. (Cell 161:1202) 51 THE TENTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BIOINFORMATICS OF GENOME REGULATION AND STRUCTURE\SYSTEMS BIOLOGY DELINEATING SINGLE CELL LIFE/DEATH DECISIONS IN THE CD95/FAS NETWORK J.H. Buchbinder 1,+ , D. Pischel 2,+ , K. Sundmacher 2 , R.J. Flassig 2 , I.N. Lavrik 1 * 1 Department of Translational Inflammation Research, Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany 2 Max-Planck-Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems, Magdeburg, Germany + equal contributors * Corresponding author: Key words: CD95/Fas/APO-1, cell death, NF-κB, single cell model, life/death decision, imaging flow cytometry Motivation and Aim: Death receptor (DR) stimulation induces apoptosis and strong anti- apoptotic responses at the same time. To solve this contradiction and understand how the decision between life and death is taken at the single cell level, we analyzed the dynam- ics of NF-κB activation and apoptosis responses in the same cells, which was exempli- fied for the CD95/Fas/APO-1 signaling pathway. Methods and Algorithms: We have developed an imaging flow cytometry based method that enables quantitative detection of different CD95 signaling outcomes. We are able to monitor NF-κB translocation into the nucleus and activation of the apoptotic caspase-3 in single cells (Schmidt et al., 2015). With the quantitative data from a large number of cells we have developed a mathematical model describing the CD95 network at the single cell level. Results: Our data indicate that CD95 stimulation leads to NF-κB activation and apopto- sis in the same cells. Analyzing of the computational model shows that the strength of CD95-mediated NF-κB activation is invariant with respect to CD95 stimulation strength within various cells and stimulation strength. However, the ability to undergo apoptotic cell death is strongly dependent on CD95 stimulation strength. We identified the ratio between the time of survival signaling (TOS) and the time of cell death decision (TOD) as an indicator for the signaling outcome. Conclusion: Taken together, we uncovered the regulation of these two opposing path- ways in the single cell and, furthermore, our findings indicate a relatively simple strategy how a cell might avoid apoptosis and become resistant towards cell death. Acknowledgements: The work is supported by Russian Science Foundation 14-44-00011. References: 1. J.H. Schmidt et al. (2015) Quantification of CD95-induced apoptosis and NF-κB activation at the single cell level, J Immunol Methods, 423: 12-7. 52 THE TENTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BIOINFORMATICS OF GENOME REGULATION AND STRUCTURE\SYSTEMS BIOLOGY MODELING OF TWO PHASES IN DROSOPHILA SENSORY ORGAN PRECURSOR CELL DETERMINATION T.A. Bukharina 1 , D.P. Furman 1, 2 *, V.P. Golubyatnikov 2, 3 , M.V. Kazantsev 4 1 Institute of Cytology and Genetics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia 2 Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia 3 Sobolev Institute of Mathematics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia 4 Polzunov Altai State Technical University, Barnaul, Russia * Corresponding author: Key words: D. melanogaster, bristle pattern, sensory organ precursor cell formation (SOPC), Central Regulatory Circuit (CRC), mathematical model Motivation and Aim: The bristle pattern of D. melanogaster is one of the attractive mod- el objects for studying development of ordered spatial structures in multicellular organ- isms. The bristle positions are strictly determined by the positions of SOPC. The goal of this work is construction of an extended mathematical model of SOPC formation under the control of CRC. Methods and Algorithms: The description of CRC and approach to modeling of its func- tioning are presented in [1]. Results: SOPC specialization in D. melanogaster is determined by CRC functioning and takes 14-16 hours [2]. The dynamics of proteins content during this time interval has two appreciable periods. The first one (I, 0-10 hours) is characterized by predominance of interactions which amplify expression of the AS-C genes. During the second one (II, 10-16 hours) CRC functioning is directed to eliminate the AS-C proteins from the cell through activation of the adaptor protein Phyl followed by inhibition of the AS-C genes. Conclusion: Numerical experiments generate a hypothesis that there is a mechanism which blocks appearance of Phyl during the first period. Acknowledgements: Budget project 0324-2015-0003 and RFBR, grant 15-01-00745. References: 1. V.P. Golubyatnikov et al. (2015) A model study of the morphogenesis of D. melanogaster mechanore- ceptors: the central regulatory circuit, JBСB, 13(1): 1540006. 2. P.J. Chang et al. (2008) Negative-feedback regulation of proneural proteins controls the timing of neu- ral precursor division, Development, 135(18): 3021-3030. 53 THE TENTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BIOINFORMATICS OF GENOME REGULATION AND STRUCTURE\SYSTEMS BIOLOGY NUMERICAL MODEL OF DROSOPHILA SENSORY ORGAN PRECURSOR CELL DETERMINATION T.A. Bukharina 1 , D.P. Furman 1, 2 , V.P. Golubyatnikov 2, 3 *, M.V. Kazantsev 4 1 Institute of Cytology and Genetics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia 2 Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia 3 Sobolev Institute of Mathematics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia 4 Polzunov Altai State Technical University, Barnaul, Russia * Corresponding author: Key words: Sensory Organ Precursor Cell (SOPC), Central Regulatory Circuit (CRC), dynamical system, stability Motivation and Aim: SOPC determination is the main event in development of D. me- lanogaster bristles. We describe one mathematical model of SOPC formation under the control of CRC in order to perform numerical simulations of this process. Methods and Algorithms: Modeling of CRC functioning and analysis of the numerical results follows mathematical constructions presented in [1]. Results: We study phase portrait of 6-dimensional nonlinear dynamical system which simulates two stages formation of SOPC. This process takes up to 16 hours [2]. In our mathematical model this interval was split into two periods with different dynamics. The first period takes 10 hours, and it is characterized by absence of the Phyllopod protein in the CRC dynamics. Here, the AS-C proteins concentration grows with decreasing speed due to feedbacks structure in the system. By the end of the first period, the system approaches to its equilibrium state with maximal AS-C concentration. Appearance of Phyllopod in CRC during the second period (10-16 hours) induces decreasing of AS-C amount to almost zero values by the end of this period. Conclusion: The two-phases model is the fullest description of SOPC determination. Results of our numerical experiments correspond to available biological data, see [2]. Acknowledgements: Budget project 0324-2015-0003 and RFBR, grant 15-01-00745. References: 1. V.P. Golubyatnikov et al. (2015) A model study of the morphogenesis of D. melano-gaster mechano- receptors: the central regulatory circuit, JBСB, 13(1): 1540006. 2. P.J. Chang et al. (2008) Negative-feedback regulation of proneural proteins controls the timing of neu- ral precursor division, Development, 135(18): 3021-3030. 54 THE TENTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BIOINFORMATICS OF GENOME REGULATION AND STRUCTURE\SYSTEMS BIOLOGY EVOLUTION FEATURES OF THE THREE CODON POSI- TIONS IN GENE OF ENVELOP PROTEIN E FOR DIFFER- ENT GENOTYPES OF THE TICK-BORNE ENCEPHALITIS VIRUS Yu.S. Bukin 1, 2 *, Yu.P. Dzhioev 3, 4 , I.V. Kozlova 4 , S.E. Tkachev 5 , D.O. Kiselev 3 , A.I. Paramonov 3 , O.N. Reva 3 , V.I. Zlobin 3 1 Limnological Institute SB RAS, Irkutsk, Russia 2 Irkutsk State Technical University, Irkutsk, Russia 3 Irkutsk State Medical University, Irkutsk, Russia 4 Scientific Center of Family Health Problems and Human Reproduction SB RAS, Irkutsk, Russia 5 Institute of Chemical Biology and Fundamental Medicine SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia Key words: tick-borne encephalitis virus, gene of envelope protein E, molecular phylogenetic analysis, saturation substitutions, codon position, population genetic Motivation and Aim: Tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV) is one of the most dangerous infections p distributed over a wide area of the Eurasian continent [1]. Provided four TBE virus genotype - Far East, Siberian, Western (European) and dedicated enough recently in eastern Siberia 886-th genotype. The most popular marker for phylogenetic studies TBEV is gen E of envelope protein. In phylogenetic studies based on envelope protein E doesn’t estimated contribution to the effect of saturation substitutions. Satura- tion effect is possible distortion of phylogenetic analysis. The aim of the study was to determine the effect on the results of molecular phylogenetic analysis of the saturation substitutions in different codon position in gen E of envelope protein. Methods and Algorithms: Selection of the most appropriate model for the evolution of the nucleotide sequences of the gene E of TBE and calculation parameters was carried out with the help of «jModelTest v. 2.1.7». Test saturation substitutions of various codon position was performed in the program «DAMBE». In the population-genetic level, the sample of sequences for gene E was investigated by using of the program «DnaSP v 5». For reconstruction of the evolutionary history of genotypes of TBEV was used of a pact «ape» for the R programming language and the program «MrBayes v 3.2.0». Results: When phylogenetic analysis TBEV virus genotypes at the third codon posi- tion of gen E saturation effect is observed, which leads to distortion at a phylogenetic evaluation of events in the sequence and dating of branch nodes. Using only the first and second codon positions gene E of TBEV not reliably split virus closely related genotypes and genotypes of the strains within the insufficient number of polymorphic sites. Genetic diversity within a virus genotypes formed by different population processes, genetic diversity of the Far Eastern and Siberian genotypes formed through the neutral genetic drift, western genotype exposed to dynamic selection, reduce the variety of coat protein gene nucleotide sequences of E. References: 1 J. L.Goodman, D. T.Dennis, D. E. Sonenshine. (2005). Tick-borne diseases of humans. American So- ciety of Microbiology. 55 THE TENTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BIOINFORMATICS OF GENOME REGULATION AND STRUCTURE\SYSTEMS BIOLOGY STOCHASTIC MODEL OF SPECIATION, WHICH DE- SCRIBES THE EVOLUTIONARY BRANCHING PROCESS WITHIN THE SPECIES FLOCK IN A CLOSED ECOSYSTEM Yu.S. Bukin 1, 2 , D.Yu. Sherbakov 1, 3 1 Limnological Institute SB RAS, Irkutsk, Russia 2 Irkutsk State Technical University, Irkutsk, Russia 3 Irkutsk State University, Irkutsk, Russia Download 3,91 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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