International conference on bioinformatics of genome regulation
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Key words: speciation, the probability of divergence, ecological niche, stochastic processes, stochastic process with continuous time, Markov process, Kolmogorov equation for the probability of the state Motivation and Aim: As part of the biosphere of the earth there is such a thing as an iso- lated ecosystem. Isolated ecosystems actively exchanged with the environment of matter and energy, but in a much more less exchange with other organisms of different types of ecosystems. If this ecosystem is there for a long period of time, the process of biological evolution, there accumulated a large number of endemic species. Often formed of the endemic species flock, containing several species, or even several genus and family of organisms (species flock, genus flock, and families flock). Examples of such ecosystems are ancient lake (Lake Baikal, Lake Tanganyika, Lake Caspian Sea); deep seeps and mud volcanoes; island ecosystems. In the study of ecosystems detailed question about how much time is required on the formation of endemic species flock. In the event of a closed ecosystem, with a large number of potential ecological niches and a small amount of initial species, how quickly things are not to be occupied ecological niches occupied by new species? This problem appears two independent parameters: probability of spe- ciation (species divergence of existing species into two species with the occupation of unoccupied ecological niches) per unit of time; the number of potential ecological niches available for settlement. Methods and Algorithms: To solve the problem, we used the methods of the theory of stochastic processes. The system in the process of evolution can be in a number of dis- crete states. Each state corresponds to a certain number of occupied and vacant eco- logical niches. For an infinitely small amount of time possible settlement of only one ecological niche, species, arising as a result of evolutionary divergence. Random process running in such a system can be described by Kolmogorov`s equations for the probabili- ties of state [1]. Results: As a result, it was found that the dependence of the mean time of settlement of ecological niches in the system is linearly dependent on the probability of specia- tion. From the original number of free ecological niches mean time settlement system depends on a logarithmic function. Since the logarithm function is a slow-growing func- tion. Then for a sufficiently large number of ecological niches for a system with a large number of niches need not much longer period of time for settlement than for systems with fewer niches. References: 1. Karlin S.A. 1968. first course in stochastic processes. Academic Press New York and London. 56 THE TENTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BIOINFORMATICS OF GENOME REGULATION AND STRUCTURE\SYSTEMS BIOLOGY ONLINE SCRIPTING TOOL FOR RETRIEVING 3D HUMAN GENOME DATA A. Butyaev*, J. Waldispüh l McGill University, Montreal, Québec, Canada * Corresponding author: Key words: Human Genome, 3D Genome Browser, Scripting, JavaScript Motivation and Aim: Our understanding of genomes has been significantly improved by the release of their three-dimensional (3D) structure. Our previous work [1] introduced a novel storage technology that provides a fast and convenient access to genomic data. On top of this technology, we also built an interactive genome visualization tool: the 3D Genome Browser (3DGB). Nonetheless, to the best of our knowledge, a fully accessible online resource that can provide an instant access to genomic data does not exist. In this work, we have implemented the Online Scripting Tool (OST), as an extension for 3DGB, to easily retrieve, process and manipulate the genomic data from the web page. Methods and Algorithms: OST is implemented in JavaScript. It improves the user expe- rience with our system, through a wide range of tools, by maintaining a simple environ- ment for the user (web-browser). Original API for 3DGB, various user-written packages and scripts, gene expression dataset and libraries such as jQuery ( are already imported into the system and they could be used at any time. Moreover, user can also include 3rd party libraries to simplify the processing of data. Results: To prove the efficiency of the OST, we designed an experiment to explore the 3D neighborhood of the Retinoblastoma 1 gene (RB1) - a tumor suppressor gene that has been associated with many types of cancer. Starting with a 3D neighborhood, which is centered on the promoter of the RB1 gene in the 3D structure of chromosome 13 in the normal B-cells (GM06990), we retrieve the list of SNPs that can be found in the promoter region of RB1, and in other DNA strands that are not in the immediate se- quence neighborhood of the RB1 promoter. In addition, we found 3 other strands in the spatial vicinity of RB1, which are located in a radius R=0.2. In total, 1199 SNPs were identified in this 3D neighborhood, for which we extracted their phenotype. As expected, we identified SNPs related to various types of cancer. Furthermore, we found one SNP (rs10492604) related to sleep disorders in one of the strand. While there are only two SNPs of this type in the chromosome, it is interesting that another SNP (rs10492507) was also found in the vicinity of the RB1 gene (R=0.53). This proof of concept experi- ment is implemented using the OST and researchers can use it to explore the 3D struc- ture of the human genome. Conclusion: The Online Scripting Tool is an interactive tool to perform a simple and ef- ficient manipulation of the 3D Genome Browser database. We designed an experiment to explore the 3D neighborhood of RB1 gene, created JavaScript package and documented it to show usability and power of the tool. Availability: Our Online Scripting Tool is freely available at: scripting.html. References: 1. A. Butyaev et al. (2015) A low-latency, big database system and browser for storage, querying and visualization of 3D genomic data, Nucleic Acids Research, 43(16): e103. 57 THE TENTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BIOINFORMATICS OF GENOME REGULATION AND STRUCTURE\SYSTEMS BIOLOGY UGENE: A TOOLKIT FOR TEACHING STUDENTS I.V. Bykova 1 *, O.I. Golosova 1 , A.Y. Bakulina 2, 3 , D.A. Afonnikov 2, 4 , D.Y. Kandrov 1 , A.Y. Palyanov 2, 5 , G.A. Grekhov 1 , Y.E. Danilova 1 1 Unipro Center of Information Technologies, Novosibirsk, Russia 2 Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia 3 State Research Center of Virology and Biotechnology VECTOR, Koltsovo, Novosibirsk region, Russia 4 Institute of Cytology and Genetics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia 5 Institute of Informatics Systems SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia * Corresponding author: Key words: Education, bioinformatics software, data analysis Motivation and Aim: Modern biological experiments in many cases require bioinfor- matics methods for planning and subsequent data analysis with application of complex computing algorithms. Though there are serious commercial bioinformatics packages for these purposes, they sometimes are not available for the students. On the other hand free useful program tools and algorithms are uncoordinated in many cases and young biologists have to be experi- enced in programming to work with them successfully. Thus, young scientists encounter big obstacles in mastering bioinformatics hands-on. Methods and Algorithms: UGENE is developed as an open-source free software aimed to assist a molecular biologist. It comprises a lot of analysis tools, including both the experiments design and data processing without any programming skills for a user. UGENE provides an easy way to work with DNA, RNA and protein sequences. The functionality list is very wide: sequence annotation with access to remote databases, multiple alignment and phylogenetic trees, 3D protein structures, processing of Sanger and NGS sequencing data (genome assembling and variations, processing of RNA-Seq and СhIP-Seq data), etc. UGENE can be run on MS Windows, Linux and Mac OS X platforms. Due to its accessibility and wide functionality UGENE can be used as an excellent tool to teach different biological methods. Results and Conclusion: Currently UGENE is used in tutorials of several universities, for example, Roskilde University (Denmark). “Practical Bioinformatics”, interdisciplin- ary course utilizing UGENE, starts in September 2016 at NSU. Growth of educational programs using UGENE promotes its popularization within the international community of molecular biologists. Availability: 58 THE TENTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BIOINFORMATICS OF GENOME REGULATION AND STRUCTURE\SYSTEMS BIOLOGY GENE ONTOLOGY ANALYSIS AND NETWORK RECON- STRUCTION FOR GENES RELATED TO AGING DISEASES AND BEHAVIOR I.V. Chadaeva*, O.V. Saik, V.N. Babenko 1 Institute of Cytology and Genetics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia * Corresponding author: Key words: gene network, aggressive behavior, aging genes Motivation and Aim: Analysis of aging in animal models has shown the connection with neurodegenerative diseases. At the same time, it has a basis neuronal aggressive be- havior that accompanies many neurodegenerative diseases. Transciptomics studies on laboratory animals allowed detection of sets of differentially expressed genes related to aggressive behavior [1]. The aim of our study was to find common genes whose expres- sion is associated with the aging process, and the manifestations of aggressiveness. Methods and Algorithms: Using gene network research programs, Manual Aging, Lon- gevity, GenAge Human, Gene Ontology, Meshops, Coremine and ANDSystem [2], we analyzed a database of aggressive behavior genes and genes associated with aging. List of genes related to behavior diseases was obtained from OMIM database (http://omim. org/). We also used experimental data obtained by transcriptome profiling of aggressive and tame rats at ICG SB RAS [1]. Results: Six lists of genes related to aging as annotated in science literature were used for cross-comparison. It was found that 22 genes, such as AR, BDNF, ESR1, MAOA, POMC and others, were present in both aggressive and aging gene sets. Gene networks of aging and aggression were reconstructed using ANDSystem tool [2] and internet- available software, such as GeneMANIA ( and STRING. Conclusion: The genes found were involved in various biological processes such as neurotransmitter signaling pathways, hormonal regulation, cell transformation and adhe- sion, etc. Therefore, we conclude that the ambiguous and multidimensional involvement of these genes, which in turn suggests a complicated complex nature of the phenomena of aggressive behavior under consideration. Acknowledgements: The research is supported by ICG SB RAS project #0324-2015- 0003. References: 1. V.N. Babenko et al. (2016) Analysis of transcriptome data on gene expression in brain areas of rats, se- lected by aggressive behavior, In: «Neuroinformatics-2016», MEPhI, Moscow, P.2:82-92. (In Russian). 2. V.A. Ivanisenko et al. (2015) ANDSystem: an Associative Network Discovery System for automated literature mining in the field of biology. BMC Syst Biol., 9(Suppl 2):S2. 59 THE TENTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BIOINFORMATICS OF GENOME REGULATION AND STRUCTURE\SYSTEMS BIOLOGY ANTIOXIDANT RESPONSE ELEMENT CONTROLS LYSOSOMAL BIOGENESIS MASTER-REGULATOR GENES A.V. Chechushkov*, N.K. Zenkov, E.B. Menshchikova Research Institute of Experimental and Clinical Medicine, Novosibirsk, Russia * Corresponding author: Key words: Antioxidant Response Element, TFE3, TFEB, lysosomal biogenesis Motivation and aim: Antioxidant response element (ARE) is a highly evolutionary con- served transcription factor binding site that regulates expression of antioxidant defense genes and many other genes participating in cellular redox homeostasis [1]. Also, ARE was found in autophagy receptors genes and, vice versa, activity of transcription fac- tor Nrf2, that binds ARE, has been shown to be regulated by autophagy [2]. TFEB and TFE3 are transcription factors that regulate lysosomal biogenesis and autophagy genes via CLEAR genomic motif, participating in stimulation of autophagosome formation and autophagy flux[3]. As TFEB and TFE3 participate in redox defense mechanisms, we were interested whether these transcription factors may be interrelated with ARE- binding transcription factors. Methods and Algorithms: Using RSAT program package we created position frequency matrix for CLEAR and ARE motifs. Then genes of CLEAR-binding transcription fac- tors (TFEB and TFE3) and ARE-binding transcription factors (Nrf1-3, BACH1-2) were searched for ARE or CLEAR motifs. Found motifs were screened for evolution con- servation and ChIP-seq data for histone modifications using UCSC genome browser instruments. Real-time PCR was performed to investigate TFEB and TFE3 expression. Results: No CLEAR motifs were found in ARE-binding transcription factors. Converse- ly, TFEB and TFE3 both have conservative ARE motifs with high score-similarity be- tween mammals. ARE motif of TFEB gene is located in promoter region as indicated by H3K3me3 markers flanking the region. ARE of TFE3 is located in intron 2 of TFE3 gene and is flanked by H3K27Ac and H3K4m1 indicating intron enhancer region. Real-time PCR shows that ARE-inducing pharmacological agents tert-butylhydroquinone and its synthetic water-soluble analogue TS-13 increase TFEB and to a lesser extent TFE3 gene expression indicating conceivable functional role of found regulatory elements. Conclusion: Our results may show possible evolutionary conservative control of master- regulator of lysosomal biogenesis genes by antioxidant response element. Such interac- tions may rely new pharmacological basis for control of TFEB and TFE3 activity, by ARE-inducing pharmacological agents. References: 1. J.D. Hayes, A.T. Dinkova-Kostova, The Nrf2 regulatory network provides an interface between redox and intermediary metabolism, Trends Biochem. Sci. 39 (2014) 199–218. doi:10.1016/j. tibs.2014.02.002. 2. A. Jain et al., p62/SQSTM1 is a target gene for transcription factor NRF2 and creates a positive feed- back loop by inducing antioxidant response element-driven gene transcription., J. Biol. Chem. 285 (2010) 22576–91. doi:10.1074/jbc.M110.118976. 3. M. Sardiello et al., A Gene Network Regulating Lysosomal Biogenesis and Function, Science. 325 (2009) 473–477. doi:10.1126/science.1174447. 60 THE TENTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BIOINFORMATICS OF GENOME REGULATION AND STRUCTURE\SYSTEMS BIOLOGY SOFTWARE MODULE FOR INTEGRATION OF SBML- WRITTEN MATHEMATICAL MODELS OF MOLECULAR GENETIC SYSTEMS FOR THE HAPLOID EVOLUTIONARY CONSTRUCTOR 3D SOFTWARE PACKAGE A.D. Chekantsev 1, 2 *, S.A. Lashin 1, 2 1 Institute of Cytology and Genetics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia 2 Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia * Corresponding author: Key words: Evolution modeling, SBML, software development Motivation and Aim: Microbes forming large communities in nature regularly exchange genes via horizontal transfer. It gives microbial cells the ability to acquire novel metabolic functions [1] and consequently may lead to ecological changes in community as a whole. Nowadays, there are a lot of resources for warehousing mathematical models of metabolic [2-4] and gene regulatory [4] systems. It is a great challenge to integrate these data in a com- plex hierarchical model of evolving microbial community. The Haploid Evolutionary Con- structor 3D (HEC 3D) framework allows constructing and simulating such communities consisting of cells of various strains/species/populations living in spatially heterogeneous habitats. Cells consume, utilize, synthesize and secrete metabolites according to genetic programs written modeled as gene networks [5]. Some of cells consume one metabolites and synthesize another, which respectively may be consumed by third cells, i.e. they form trophic cycles of exchanging metabolites. The aim of this study is development and implementation of a software module for HEC 3D framework in order to import mathematical models of molecular-genetic systems from the existing databases to the HEC. Methods and Algorithms: We used models written in SBML format. The integration is pro- vided via libSBML and SOSlib libraries. To resolve issues with different synonyms of the same metabolites, we used the REST API for ChEBI database. Results and discussion: The module designed allows us to extract the parameters and for- mulas reactions from the model loaded from the repositories such as BioModels or SA- BIO-RK and to replace existing HEC 3D generalized synthesis strategies with real SBML models. ChEBI database of chemical names was integrated which solved the problem of metabolites wrong usage. Thus, the novel module allows users to use the “real-world” mod- els in the HEC 3D and to investigate the behavior and the evolution of complex microbial communities. Acknowledgement: The study has been partially supported by the RFBR grant №150703879 and Budget Project 0324-2015-0003. References: 1. T.Y. Pang, S.S. Maslov (2011) A toolbox model of evolution of metabolic pathways on networks of arbitrary topology, PLOS Comp. Biol., 7: e1001137. 2. U. Witting et al. (2012) SABIO-RK – database for biochemical reaction kinetics, Nucleic Acid Res., 40: D790–D796. 3. S.A. Coskun et al. (2013) An online model composition tool for system biology models, BMC Syst. Biol., 7: 88. 4. F.V. Kazantsev et al. (2016) MAMMOTh: a new database for curated MAthematical Models of bio- MOlecular sysTems, bioRxiv, 053652. 5. S.A. Lashin et al. (2014) HEC 2.0: improved simulation of the evolution of prokaryotic communities, In Silico. Biol. 11: 125-135. 61 THE TENTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BIOINFORMATICS OF GENOME REGULATION AND STRUCTURE\SYSTEMS BIOLOGY A SPATIAL MODEL OF PLANT INTERACTOME AND LONG NON-CODING RNA M. Chen* Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China * Corresponding author: Key words: plant genomics, long non-coding RNA, gene expression Motivation and Aim: The computer analysis of structure of transcripts and the genome organization of crop plants on the basis of integration of high-performance sequencing data is important for the solution of fundamental molecular and biological problems and applied agricultural tasks. The analysis of structure of the genes connected with architec- ture of an ear in crop plants, morphological parameters of draught- and cold resistance for wheat can be added with the bioinformatics methods and data for model organisms. Methods and Algorithms: We present here joint research project devoted to development of an integrative computer platform for the analysis of high-performance sequencing data and publicly available computer genomics data. In genetic sense, the mechanisms of drought resistance can be grouped into three categories, drought escape, drought avoidance and drought tolerance. However, crop plants use more than one mechanism at a time to resist drought. Drought escape is defined as the ability of a plant to complete its life cycle before serious soil and plant water deficits develop. This mechanism involves rapid phenological development (early flowering and early maturity), developmental plasticity. Such studies need molecular-genetics approaches and integration of available data. For example, a drought resistance gene, Drt1 in rice, which is linked with genes for plant height, pigmentation, hull color and awn, and has pleiotropic effect on the root system was described. Results: The task of the work is the analysis of structure of transcripts in plants genomes, search and the description transcripts structures and its location to the protein coding genes. The expected results include development and adaptation of the computer data- base of potential genes and antis-sense transcripts in model organisms of plants – Arabi- dopsis, rice, bread wheat. Conclusion: Integration of data in the project will include data of sequencing technolo- gies RNA-seq and Hi-C (for Arabidopsis). With use of the developed programs and algorithms the general platform of the bioinformatics analysis in plant genomes using high-performance sequencing data will be developed [1-3]. Acknowledgments: The work was supported by RFBR (grant 16-54-53064). References: 1. X. Meng et al. (2016) Circular RNA: an emerging key player in RNA world, Brief Bioinform, pii: bbw045. [Epub ahead of print] 2. J. Wang et al. (2016) Exploring the mechanisms of genome-wide long-range interactions: interpreting chromosome organization, Brief Funct Genomics, pii: elv062. 3. L. Yu et al. (2016) miRNA Digger: a comprehensive pipeline for genome-wide novel miRNA mining, Sci Rep., 6:18901. 62 THE TENTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BIOINFORMATICS OF GENOME REGULATION AND STRUCTURE\SYSTEMS BIOLOGY LONG-TERM SPACEFLIGHT MEDIATED CHANGES IN PROMOTER LANDSCAPE IN ZEBRAFISH TISSUES A.V. Cherkasov 1 *, K.V. Arshavsky 1 , V.N. Sychev 2 , M.A. Levinskikh 2 , O.A. Gusev 1,3, 4 1 Institute of Fundamental Biology and Medicine, Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Russia 2 Institute for Biomedical Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia 3 Division of Genomic Technologies, CLST, RIKEN, Yokohama, Japan 4 Preventive Medicine & Diagnosis Innovation Program, CLST, RIKEN, Yokohama, Japan * Corresponding author: Download 3,91 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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