Jizzak state pedagogical institute

Issues of the study of cumulative fairy tales

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Olima Kholmurodova copyrighted

1.2. Issues of the study of cumulative fairy tales

Uzbek folklore paid attention to cumulative tales only at the end of the 20th century, mainly at the beginning of the 21st century . Until now, they have been studied among tales about animals and have not been the subject of separate research . Even in the studies devoted to fairy tales , we do not find the terms cumulative or chain structure . But there is an article that directly analyzes the cumulative fairy tale . It is also an article by folklorist A. Musa Qulov about the tale " 33Three Goats " . In the article, we will read important thoughts about the performance and structure of the tale " Three Goats " , because, although the author did not use the term cumulative, he paid attention to the process of the performance of the tale, the form of narration, the relationship between the storyteller and the listener, and the original theoretical problems of fairy tales . as it moves, it also passes through the nature of a cumulative fairy tale . Let's pay attention to the scientist 's opinion at the beginning of the article: "The tale of " Three Goats ", which embodies the simple truth of children's folklore, life and fairy tales ... " . First of all, it should be noted here that all cumulative fairy tales are interpreted as children 's fairy tales . Secondly , these fairy tales are simple and show the truths of life and fairy tales , i.e. , the creation of a conditional fairy tale " truth " by interpreting life in its own images . Noting that the storyteller says "...I have a story, both long and short ... " and "The long one is long enough for the sun to set and the morning rises, and the short one is long enough for a cup of tea " draws the reader's attention to the fact that there are specific performance methods and forms of expression . The folklorist writes: "The fairy tale "Three Goats", embodying the simplicity of children's folklore, the truth of life and fairy tales , was recorded by Zulfia Mamatova in 1971 during a folklore expedition in Jobiboy village of Nurota district . When I told sister Zulfiya that you know a lot of fairy tales, tell me one, she said, "I have a fairy tale , both long and short."

‒ Is the long one long and the short one long ? I asked.
- The longest is the sunset and the dawn, the shortest is until dawn , - said the sister.
‒ Tell me the average ... »34
The average form of the tale takes the form of the q house: "There is, but there is no, there is open, there is full." A wolf is a wolf , a fox is a wolf, a sparrow is a bird , and a crow is a bird . Toshba is a Libra , and Qurba owes him a debt . Once upon a time, there was an old woman. They have three goats, one goat, a cow, a dog, and a cat. Every day, in the evening, when her stomach is full, the old woman tells her animals in Arabic :

I have three goats.

Olatoyim sneezes violently,
White-black my cow moo-moo,
The puppy howls , howls . _
White-black cat meow ,meow ,
Old woman sleeps every night , she said , as they went to sleep . One day, when they fell asleep without saying anything , a wolf took one of their goats . Now the old woman:

My two goats are getting stronger.

Olatoyim sneezes violently,
White-black my cow moo-moo,
The puppy howls , howls . _
White-black cat mov-mov mov-mov,
to bed saying that the old woman sleeps a lot . On the day they lay down in silence , the wolf took away one of their goats:

I have a goat, and it's getting worse.

Olatoyim sneezes violently,
White-black my cow moo-moo,
The puppy howls , howls . _
White-black cat mov-mov mov-mov,
to bed saying that the old woman sleeps a lot . He forgot about them , the wolf took away the cow , the cow , and the puppy . The Old Lady's End:
White-black cat mov-mov mov-mov,
old woman sleeps every night , she said, and they went to bed . The next day, the wolf took the knife away . In the evening , the old woman fell asleep . The old woman hid under the ozone, and the old man hid inside his cube . The white wolf came. The old man poked his nose inside the cube and said " h appshu ". The wolf opened the trap and left . The old man did not come to the old woman again. They reached their goal and said every day:
asleep saying that the old woman sleeps every night. And now you all sleep . "35
A. Musa qulov that the fairy tale is made up of prose and poetic parts , has a unique narration process, if the children do not fall asleep quickly, the number of goats in the fairy tale reaches up to ten, and the fairy tale becomes much longer, if the children are homesick , three goats are enough , and the goats are enough . It is important that the medicine is not reduced by three . When I asked the reason for this, the narrator replied that "grandmothers used to say that" as "a special form of tradition" .
Noting that the children laughed heartily when the researcher showed the storyteller skilfully imitating the voices of the animals , showing the characters' movements , in particular, the old man's getting into the narrow cube . shows. Researchers have shown that this appearance, characteristic of the performance of cumulative fairy tales, is manifested in the same form in the performers of other nations .
A. Musa Qulov drew attention to the important aspects of the "Three Goats" fairy tale : " ... first of all, it has a good effect on children's education. Secondly, according to the tradition of storytelling, it was told in the evening . Our ancestors believed that the stories told at night protect the house from evil spirits . According to folk belief , evil spirits rise at night . And the performance of fairy tales and epics does not endear them to people . That is why, in the fairy tale, an evil wolf comes to the house on the night when the old woman forgets to write a poem . In the poetic text of the fairy tale , attention is paid to traditional magic numbers . The fact is that three goats, a donkey, a cow, a puppy, and a cat make seven. Our ancestors believed in the magical power of the numbers three and seven..." 36The most important aspect of performing cumulative fairy tales is that the performer always takes into account the audience - children . The researcher emphasizes this aspect separately . _ _ _ _ This applies to all types of cumulative fairy tales. Another important point is that the plot of the tale , the dialogues of which are known to the audience, are listened to depending on the skill of the performer, and the parts that the storyteller forgot or edited for certain reasons are corrected by the audience . This situation ensured the performance of cumulative fairy tales without changes . A. Musa Qulov also pays attention to the mixed chain style as a criterion for cumulative fairy tales and notes it in his own way : " The traditional narrative of the fairy tale and the initial statement about the characters begin its exposition . If the old woman's sleep was a problem, the evil of the wolf caused the conflict . The development of events is based on the fact that the animals decrease by one every night due to the old woman falling asleep . This is a very typical fact for the structural-systemic direction in folklore studies. The solution of the fairy tale is already clear to children. Nevertheless, even if the children memorized the story , they insisted on listening to it . The reason is that the storyteller imitates the voices of animals in such a way that the children 37laugh out loud every time .
Folklorist A. Musa qulov's article on the tale of "Three Goats" and the fairy tale recorded by him are destined to further reveal their scientific and educational significance in new researches . While recording a unique tale , the researcher recorded valuable facts about the storyteller , the way of telling the story, the listening audience, and the performance form of the tale according to the listener's demand, as a legacy to all generations .
Folklorist Shomirza Turdimov published cumulative fairy tales such as " Tukhumboy bilan Boyrakboy ", " Q umurs q a polvan ", " Q'on giz bikach ", "Fox" and announced the story " Tukhumboy bilan Buyrakboy " q _ The scientist, first of all, pays attention to the semantics of cumulative tales . "Most of them are cumulative (the method of expression is a chain) ... esoteric , philosophical knowledge, information, riddles of the borders of human thinking and their folk solutions are symbolically expressed in the core of fairy 38tales , " he wrote. While explaining the content of the story, it expresses the chain of repetition in the composition of the fairy tale in the following way: "At the beginning of the story, the condition of the egg and the kidney were equal. They strive for the condition. But when Tukhumboy defeats Buyrakboy in a fight , his posture changes. Now Tukhumboy won and won the right to eat Boyrakboy . This motif is the backbone of the fairy tale . Because the motives he received (the chain to the old woman) are essentially home to him . A) Egg - absorbing . B) kidney, kidney, calf , camel , camel , girls, boys - swallowing . In essence , there is one winner and many losers , but they come to a common goal ( but the form is different, it becomes more complicated than simple) . In the finale of the fairy tale, the old woman cracks open the egg that has gone to the house with a hot shovel , allowing the swallowed ones to return 39to the world . The structural structure of the fairy tale created by a number of scholars O.I.Kapitsa (1926), V.Ya.Propp (1976), I.F.Amroyan (2000), A.A.Kretov (2012) based on the cumulative principle It was noted that it was based on the formula :
A+(A+B)+ (A+B+C)+(A+B+C+D)+ )+(A+B+C+D+E)
Folklore scientist Sh.Turdimov does not pay more attention to the structural aspect of the issue , he says about the semantics of image and repetition : "Egg is an egg in a broad sense . " Total life comes from uru g ', grows, develops, bears fruit, matures, and again gives q to uru g ' . Saying " Uru " means that the grain of life goes home for a certain period of time ( Tukhumboy sleeps in the hut of a drunken old woman). Mother Nature allows the egg to " heat and crack " (the old woman cracks the egg with a hot shovel and the things she swallows come out ) to come back to the world . The fairy tale "Kidney Boy with Egg Boy" is an Uzbek interpretation of the myth about the world egg . The fairy tale symbolically shows that the material origin of all living things is the egg . In the fairy tale, Boyrakboy 's fight against Tukhumboy has a natural meaning . Because the kidney is meat. If it stands still, it will rot , if it is buried, it will rot. It never blooms or grows .
Kidney Boy" comes from the chain of meanings represented by symbolic images . In other words, it can be understood that " the living being sleeps as a kidney, goes to the mother's womb, gets strength, sleeps, matures, and says again . " This content is literally knowledge, a folk philosophical conclusion, and it is possible to proceed from it to other semantic levels of the fairy tale . If we move from the structure of a fairy tale to the spiritual level , it means that the stages of human development will continue until reaching the final destination 40, breaking the circle of different situations , experiences, skills, and patterns to a reality of a new content .
cumulative fairy tales there are hidden symbolic and symbolic meanings that are almost forgotten for the representatives of today's generation. It is clear that opening the circle of meanings will be one of the main objects of future research .
Qulov is one of the first to pay attention to the structure of Uzbek cumulative tales in the article " The Capital of Turkish Education " . The scientist writes in this regard: "In particular, children love to listen to fairy tales. At the same time, chain (cumulative ) fairy tales intended for children deserve special attention . Let's look at the chain story known as " Three Goats" . The tale began with a description of traditional zachin, time, space and images: "There is, but not , open, but full . A wolf is a wolf , a fox is a wolf, a sparrow is a bird , and a crow is a bird . Toshba is a Libra , and Qurba owes him a debt ... "41
The beginning of such Uzbek cumulative fairy tales, as N.M. Gerasimov pointed out, can be a clear example of general stereotyped formulas about fairy tales .
issue of the study of English cumulative fairy tales has always been one of the topical issues, it seems that it has been given a little less attention when compared to the materials of the general collection of fairy tales . In particular, the comments of Professor Carmen Milagros Torres in this regard are noteworthy. According to Carmen Milagros Torres, the features of English cumulative fairy tales are particularly noteworthy 42:
Cumulative tales consist of individual stories with a small plot based on rhythm and repetition . At this point , the term " story " should be accepted in the broad sense of the expression method and should not be accepted in the sense of the story genre in written literature . usually, he gives a lesson , a lecture . The character of a person is embodied in the character of an animal. We can confirm the same idea in the example of Uzbek cumulative fairy tales .
There is no magic in the name of English cumulative fairy tales . This kind of appearance shows the peculiar aspect of English cumulative fairy tales . An example of this is the English cumulative fairy tale " Three little pigs" . The folklorist Joseph Sherman in the publication "Encyclopedia of 43Mythology and Folklore" focuses on the chain - like form of cumulative fairy tales , which is formed by the untying of the chain , the return of the circle , and the addition of a new element after each repetition . mentioned that the plot of the fairy tale forms the basis of cumulative fairy tales. The rhythmic structure of these tales is particularly suitable for children's audiences, and among English-speaking peoples "This Is the House That Jack Built" , "Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly" He emphasized that cumulative fairy tales based on poetic odyssey were widespread . Joseph Sherman's English cumulative fairy tales are different from other fairy tales which touched on the feature of the story, according to which there is a category of "jump tale" (tales that startle suddenly) of English cumulative tales, and the role of the storyteller in the cumulative tales included in this category is irreplaceable . The storyteller begins to tell the story slowly, and when he comes to a certain name , the listeners suddenly ask one of the questions in a loud voice to perform an action or a question in the story . In the cumulative fairy tale "Who's Got My Golden Arm" (Who Got My Golden Arm ) , the main repetition of the sentence "Who Got My Golden Arm " develops the plot of the story, and at the end of the fairy tale, the narrator asks: "Who Got My Golden Arm ?" ‒ suddenly said to one of the audience : " You do!" (You got it! ) , the fairy tale increases the work of the listeners . The main thing is that the suddenness of the tale is told by the teller at the beginning of the tale, but no one knows who will face it and when . The performance style of such tales requires special preparation by the storytellers . We can see that English cumulative fairy tales such as "Teeny Tiny" (Mitty Hanim), "The Strange Visitor" (Notanish me h mon ) also reflect the characteristic of sudden fright.
Folktales " (Folktales), St. Thompson says that the characteristic feature of cumulative tales is that they reflect the nature of play , which takes its form even though it has passed through many historical periods and different cultural environments . q lip q knows as fairy tales. According to him, the structure of the main cumulative fairy tales is simple, a set of rather small events is long arranged, the details of the fairy tale plot develop communication between the characters.
brief analysis of English cumulative fairy tales also shows that this type of fairy tale should be studied at a wider age . At the same time, the comparative study of English and Uzbek cumulative fairy tales, which are far from each other in terms of territory , ethnicity , language , and religion , allows us to draw unexpected scientific and theoretical conclusions for science .

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