Jizzak state pedagogical institute

Field punishments of Amirlan Seydin Elsuyer

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Olima Kholmurodova copyrighted

Field punishments of Amirlan Seydin Elsuyer ulyny: January 3, 2000. Informant: Bolyq Eshpolat girl, born July 1920, nationality: Karakalpak (qytay ~ kayshyly ~ majek). Apartment: Tao'elibai country, Ushqudyq castle, 12 square meters, 26-jay, 9-house.

49 Uzbek folk tales. The third book / Compilers: M. Afzalov, Kh. Rasulov, Z. Husainova. ‒ Tashkent: Teacher, 2007. ‒ P.5-8.

50Uzbek folk tales. The third book / Compilers: M. Afzalov, Kh. Rasulov, Z. Husainova. ‒ Tashkent: Teacher, 2007. ‒ B.7.

51Anikin V.P. Русское устное народное творчество: ucheb. - M.: Vyssh. Shk., 2001. - P.558.

52Zueva T.V. Russian folklore: fly. for higher fly factory 5-e izd. - M.: Flinta, Nauka, 2003. - P.82.

53Propp V. Ya. Source indicated. - S.244.

54 Propp V. Ya. Source indicated. - P.241-258.

55Uzbek folk tales. The first book / Compilers: M. Afzalov, Kh. Rasulov, Z. Husainova. ‒ Tashkent: Teacher, 2007. ‒ P.20, 29.

56Uzbek folk tales. The third book / Compilers: M. Afzalov, Kh. Rasulov, Z. Husainova. ‒ Tashkent: Teacher, 2007. ‒ P.67.

57Uzbek folk tales. The third book / Compilers: M. Afzalov, Kh. Rasulov, Z. Husainova. ‒ Tashkent: Teacher, 2007. ‒ P.183.

58Turdimov Sh. The fairy tale "Ant Wrestler" // Preschool education. - Tashkent, 1992. #1. ‒ B.39.

59 Taylor A. _ A Classification of Formula Tales // The Journal of American Folklore. 1933. Vol. 46. #179. ‒ P.77-88. http://www.jstor.org/stable/535851

60 Uzbek people fairy tales . First book / Compilers : M. _ Afzalov , Kh . Rasulov , Z. _ Husainova . ‒ Tashkent : Teacher , 2007. ‒ B.73 .

61 Turdimov Sh . " Ant. " Polvon » fairy tale // Before school education _ - Tashkent , 1992. #1. ‒ B .39.

62Kruk I.I. Vostochnoslavyanskie skazki o jivotnykh. Pictures Composition. - Minsk, 1989. - C.89 .

63 Propp V. Ya. Source indicated. - S.247.

64Turdimov Sh. A treasure in the near future // Preschool education. - Tashkent, 2000. - B.46.

65Turdimov Sh. A treasure of wisdom. ‒ Tashkent: Uzbekistan, 2016. – B.5.

66Namychkina E.V. Rol narastaniya i spada v kompozitsii angliyskikh skazok, postroennyx na osnove nanizyvaniya // Vestnik Vyatskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta. ‒ Kirov, 2011. No. 3. ‒ S.83.

67Andreev N.P. K obzoru russkikh skazochnykh syujetov // Khudojestvennyy folklore. - M.: Rabotnik Prosveshcheniya, 1927. - P.59‒70.

68Akimenko N.A. Lingvokulturnye kharakteristiki anglosaksonskogo skazochnogo discursa. - Elista: Izd-vo Kalm. un-ta, 2013. – P.39.

69Halliwell JO Popular Rhymes and Nursery Tales: A Sequel to the Nursery Rhymes of England. ‒ L.: John Russell Smith, 1849. ‒ P.29.

70 Halliwell JO Popular Rhymes and Nursery Tales: A Sequel to the Nursery Rhymes of England. ‒ L.: John Russell Smith, 1849. ‒ P.25.

71Halliwell JO Popular Rhymes and Nursery Tales: A Sequel to the Nursery Rhymes of England. ‒ L.: John Russell Smith, 1849. ‒ P.33.

72 Folklore and Mythology Electronic Texts / Ashliman DL University of Pittsburgh; 1996 ‒ 2003. https://www.pitt.edu/~dash/ashliman.html; The fairy tale treasury / Briggs, Raymond. Selected by Virginia Haviland. London, Hamilton, 1972. – 190 p.

73English fairy tales / Collected by Joseph Jacobs. Illustrated by John D. Batten - London, 1890. ‒ P.20; Folklore and Mythology Electronic Texts /Ashliman DL University of Pittsburgh; 1996. ‒ 2003. https://www.pitt.edu/~dash/ashliman.html; The fairy tale treasury / Briggs, Raymond. Selected by Virginia Haviland. London, Hamilton, 1972. – 190 p.

74 Folklore and Mythology Electronic Texts / Ashliman DL University of Pittsburgh; 1996 ‒ 2003. https://www.pitt.edu/~dash/ashliman.html.

755 English fairy tales / Selected and arranged by L. Kellner. - Lpz., 1917. ‒ 170 p.

76English fairy tales / Collected by Joseph Jacobs. Illustrated by John D. Batten. – London, 1890. ‒ P .93, 155, 24, 206, 68.

77Kretov A.A. Typology and genesis of recursive texts. Philological records. ‒ Voronezh, 2012-2013. #31. ‒ P.219-220.

78Volshebnye skazki Britanii. - M.: AYRIS-press, 2017. - C .3.

79 Superanskaya A.V. Sovremennyy slovar lichnykh imen. Sravnenie. Production. Typing. ‒ M.: Ayris-press, 2005. – C .90; Superanskaya A.V. Source indicated. - S.115.
* Jack English. Jack is blind. k John, cm. Ivan.
* Ivan is Russian. [is dr.-evr. Yohanan Bag Miluet ; Greek Ioannes , lat. Johannus ]; church John*; English John John, German. Johann ( es ), Hans Johannes, Johann, tradition. Johann, Johann, Hans, tradition. Hans, fr. Jean Jean, dog. Giovanni Giovanni, Swede. Johan Johan , dat. Jens Ens, Again, esp. Juan Juan, Arabic. Johna John; Russian blind Vanya, Iva; sr. Ananias, Hannibal.

80 http :// www . folkstreams . net / movie - context . php ? id = 258

81 Doddridge J., Doddridge N. Notes on the settlement and Indian wars of the western parts of Virginia and Pennsylvania from 1763 to 1783. Pittsburgh, PA: John S. Ritenour and Wm. T. Lindsey. USA. 1912. ‒ P.124.

82William BM Jack in Two Worlds: Contemporary North American Tales and Their Tellers. USA: University of North Carolina Press, 194. ‒ 336 p.

83Nicolaisen WFH English Jack and American Jack. Midwestern Journal of Language and Folklore. 1978. No. 4. ‒ P.27-36.

84Barbara McDermitt. Duncan Williamson. Tocher 34: 1979. ‒ P.141‒148; Barbara McDermitt. Storytelling and a boy named Jack // North Carolina Folklore Journal, 1983. #31. ‒ P.3‒22 .

85English fairy tales / Collected by Joseph Jacobs. Illustrated by John D. Batten. – London, 1890. ‒ P.24.

86English fairy tales / Collected by Joseph Jacobs. Illustrated by John D. Batten. – London, 1890. ‒ P .206.

87Imomov K. Uzbek folk prose poetics. ‒ Tashkent: Science, 2008. - P.109.

88Imomov K. Source indicated. – B.111.

89Eshanqul J. Myth and artistic thinking. - Tashkent: Science, 2019. - P.71-86.

90Veselovsky A.N. Historical poetics. ‒ M.: Vysshaya shkola, 1989. ‒ P.304-306.

91Propp V.V. Morphology skazki. - M.: Labyrinth, 2001. - P.16.

92Freudenberg O.M. Sistema literaturnogo sujeta // Literatura. Art. Theater. Cinema. ‒ M., 1988. ‒ P.216‒237.

93Sayimov B., Mominov G'. Epic genres of Uzbek folklore. ‒ Tashkent: Science, 1981. ‒ B.7.

94 Mandjieva B.B. Kumulyativnaya skazka u Kalmykov (Sinoptichesky analiz raznovremennyx tekstov) // Nauchnaya Mysl Kavkaza. ‒ Rostov-on-Don, 2011. No. 1. ‒ P.101 .

95Stekolnikova N.V. "Kolobok", "Teremok" and others. Kumulyativnye skazki v ix variantax // Nauchnaya kniga. - Voronezh, 2008. - 400 p.

96English fairy tales / Collected by Joseph Jacobs. Illustrated by John D. Batten. – London, 1890. ‒ P.93.

97Folk tales of the world / Erkin Yusupov, who prepares the collection for publication. - Tashkent: MERIYUS, 2009. ‒ P.31.

98Amroyan I.F. Typology tsepevidnyx structure. - Tolyatti, 2000. - S.45; Amroyan I. F. Povtor v struktur folklornykh tekstov (na materiale russkikh, bulgarskikh i cheshskikh skazochnyx i zagovornykh tekstov). - M.: Nauk, 2005. - P.21.

99 Halliwell JO Popular Rhymes and Nursery Tales: A Sequel to the Nursery Rhymes of England. ‒ L .: John Russel Smith , 1849. ‒ P .33.

100Akimenko N.A. Lingvokulturnye kharakteristiki anglosaksonskogo skazochnogo discursa. - Elista: Izd-vo Kalm. un-ta, 2013. – P.51-89.

101 Folklore and Mythology Electronic Texts / Ashliman DL University of Pittsburgh; 1996 ‒ 2003. https://www.pitt.edu/~dash/ashliman.html; The fairy tale treasury / Briggs, Raymond. Selected by Virginia Haviland. London, Hamilton, 1972. – 190 p.

102 English fairy tales / Collected by Joseph Jacobs. Illustrated by John D. Batten. – London, 1890. ‒ P.170.

103Halliwell JO Popular Rhymes and Nursery Tales: A Sequel to the Nursery Rhymes of England. - L.: John Russell Smith, 1849. - P.25.

104Nosov D.A. Cumulative v skazkakh mongolskikh narodov: genrovyy prisnak ili kompositsionnyi priem // Mongolika. ‒ SPb.: Peterburgskoe Vostokovedenie, 2013. ‒ P.27.

105Propp W. Yes. Folklore and deistvitelnost. ‒ M.: Nauka, 1976. ‒ P.241-258.

106Kretov A.A. Skazki recursive structure // Trudy po russkoi i slavyanskoi filologii. Literaturovedenie. T. 1 (New series). ‒ Tartu: Kafedra russkoy literatury Tartuskogo universiteta, 1994. ‒ P.204-214; Kretov A.A. Rekursivnye skazki-2 // 2002. http://www.ruthenia.ru/folklore/ publications.htm; Kretov A.A. Skazki s povtoreniyami // Jivaya starina: Journal of Russian folklore and traditional culture. - M., 2002. No. 1 (33). ‒ S. 24-27; Kretov A.A. Kolobok: noun object k subject // Text, m.r., ed.ch.: materialy rabochego soveshchaniya / Pod ed. V.N. Bazyleva. - M.: MAKS Press, 2003. ‒ C.16-33; Kretov A.A. Typology and genesis of recursive texts. Philological records. ‒ Voronezh, 2012 ‒ 2013. #31. ‒ S. 219 – 245.

107Amroyan I.F. Typology tsepevidnyx structure. - Tolyatti, 2000. - 124 c .; Amroyan I.F. Povtor v struktur folklornykh tekstov (na materiale russkikh, bulgarskikh i cheshskikh skazochnyx i zagovornykh tekstov). - M.: Gosudarstvennyy respublikanskiy tsentr russkogo folklora, 2005. - 296 p.; Amroyan I.F. Typology tsepevidnyx struktur // Kunstkamera. Etnograficheskie tetradi. ‒ SPb., 1995, Vyp. 8-9. ‒ S. 286-293; Amroyan I.F., Sovremennye sudby proizvedeniy detskogo folklore, imeyushchikh traditsionnuyu tsepevidnuyu kompozitsiyu // Atrium. Series Philology. 1997. #1. - S.18-24.

108Akimenko N.A. Lingvokulturnye kharakteristiki anglosaksonskogo skazochnogo discursa. - Elista: Izd-vo Kalm. un-ta, 2013. – 152 p.; A kimenko N.A Strukturno-lingvisticheskie osobennosti skazochnogo discursa (na primere angliyskikh kumulyativnyx skazok) // Gegyarlt. ‒ Elista, 2004. #1-2 (20-21). ‒ P.99‒109; Akimenko N.A. Spetsifika zagolovkov v angliyskikh volshebnyx skazkax // Gegyarlt. ‒ Elista, 2006. #2. - S.157-165.

109The world of cumulative fairy tales / Prepared for publication by Olima Kholmurodova. ‒ Tashkent: Tafakkur-tamaddun, 2020. - B.3-20.

110 See : Uzbek _ people fairy tales / Compilers : M. Afzalov , Kh . Rasulov , Z. _ Husainova . ‒ Tashkent : Teacher , 2007. ‒ 384 p .

111That source. ‒ B.67.

112That source. ‒ B.183.

113 Turdimov Sh. "Kumurska Polvon" / Narrated by Zulfia Haydarova. Recorded by: ShamirzaTurdimov // Preschool education. ‒ Tashkent , 1992. #1. ‒ B .34.

114English fairy tales / Collected by Joseph Jacobs. Illustrated by John D. Batten - London. 1890. ‒ P.20.

115 That's it source . ‒ P.21.

116English fairy tales / Collected by Joseph Jacobs. Illustrated by John D. Batten - London. 1890. ‒ P. 68.

117 That's it source . ‒ P.24.

118 That's it source . ‒ P.24.

119 Joraev M. _ Uzbek people " magic " numbers in fairy tales . - Tashkent : Science , 1991. ‒ 152 p.

120Veselovsky A.N. Historical poetics. - M.: Vysshaya shkola, 1989. - 408 p.

121 The world of cumulative fairy tales / Prepared for publication by Olima Kholmurodova. ‒ Tashkent: Tafakkur-tamaddun, 2020. - B.10.

122The world of cumulative fairy tales - Olima Kholmurodova, who prepares for publication. ‒ Tashkent: Tafakkur-tamaddun, 2020. - P.11-12.

123The world of cumulative fairy tales / Prepared for publication by Olima Kholmurodova. ‒ Tashkent: Tafakkur-tamaddun, 2020. - B.12.

124The world of cumulative fairy tales / Prepared for publication by Olima Kholmurodova. ‒ Tashkent: Tafakkur-tamaddun, 2020. - P.11-12.

125The world of cumulative fairy tales / Prepared for publication by Olima Kholmurodova. ‒ Tashkent: Tafakkur-tamaddun, 2020. - B.12.

126The world of cumulative fairy tales / Prepared for publication by Olima Kholmurodova. ‒ Tashkent: Tafakkur-tamaddun, 2020. - B.19.

127 Musakulov A. About the tale of the three goats // For a healthy generation. - Tashkent, 1997. #7. - B.21-22.

128Propp V. Ya. Folklore and deistvitelnost. ‒ M.: Nauka, 1976. ‒ P.241-258.

129Stith Thompson. The Folktale / The Dryden Press. ‒ New York, 1946. - P.231.

130 Oyjamol . Uzbek people fairy tales . ‒ Tashkent: Literature and Art, 1969. ‒ B.141.

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