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Olima Kholmurodova copyrighted

1. President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev 's speech at the opening ceremony of the International Charity Art Festival . Khalq Sozi newspaper, April 7, 2019.
2. Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated February 17, 2017 No. P Q - 2789 " On measures to further improve the activities of the Academy of Sciences, organization , management and financing of scientific research . "
3. Decision of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated April 20, 2017 No. P Q - 2909 " On measures to further develop the higher education system" / People 's word . April 21, 2017. #79 (6773).
4. Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated August 11, 2017 "On measures to further improve the quality of teaching foreign languages in educational institutions "
5. https://t.me/bolalikkunlarimda-Audio fairy tales telegram channel
6. Aarne A. The Types of the Folktale: A Classification and Bibliography. Antti Aarne's Verzeichnis der Marchentypen / A. Aarne; translated and enlarged by S. Thompson. - Helsinki: Academia scientiarum Fennica, 1928. - 279 c.
7. Abdura h monov A. _ Turkish solution _ _ oh dear _ creativity _ - Tashkent , 2004. - 410 p .
8. Akimenko N.A. Lingvokulturnye kharakteristiki anglosaksonskogo skazochnogo discursa. - Elista: Izd-vo Kalm. Un-ta, 2013. – 152 p.
9. Amroyan I.F. Typology tsepevidnyx structure. - Tolyatti, 2000. -124 c.
10. Anikin V. P. Russian folk tale. ‒ M.: Prosveshchenie, 1977. – 208p.
11. Afzalov M. About Uzbek folk tales . _ _ - Tashkent: Science, 1964.-21p.
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13. Basangova T. G. Children's folklore Kalmykov. Elista: KNIGI RAN. – 2009. ‒ 72 p.
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16. Vseleovsky A.N. Historical poetics. ‒ M.: Vysshaya shkola, 1989. ‒ 404 p.
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30. Jumaeva S. Historical approach to Uzbek folk tales . - Q arshi: Nasaf, 2010. - 48 p.
31. Zipes Jack, The Oxford Companion to Fairy Tales. Oxford University Press, 2002. – 637 p.
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42. Lindahl Carl Perspectives on the Jack tales and other North American Märchen. Folklore Institute/Indiana University Press, Bloomington: 2002. ‒ 192 p.
43. Meletinsky , E. _ M. _ Hero Volshebnoy skazki : origin image _ - M. , : Acad . Issled , 2005. - 237 p .
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45. Musa q ulov A. _ Uzbek point q lyrics . - Tashkent : Science , 2010. - 220 p .
46. Nagovitsyn A. E., Ponomareva V. I. Typology. ‒ M.: Genesis, 2011. ‒ 336 p.
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48. Nikiforov A. I. Skazka i s?????????/ ????., ?????. ??.??.??.?????????. ?? ?.: ???,?2008.?? 376??
kazochnik / s???., ?????. ??.??.??.?????????. ?? ?.: ???,?2008.?? 376??
ost ., input . St. _ E. _ A. _ Kostyukhina . ‒ M .: OGI , 2008. ‒ 376 p .
49. Petersen M. A Treasury of Uzbek Legends and Lore. - T.: Qatortol-Kamolot, 2000. - 180 p.
50. Pomerantseva E. V. Russian folk tale. - Moscow, 1963. - 191 p.
51. Propp V. V. Morphology skazki. - Moscow.: Labyrinth, 2001. - 192 p.
52. Propp V. Yes. Istoricheskie corni volshebnoy skazki. - L.: Izdatelstvo LGU, 1986. - 365 p.
53. Propp V. Ya . Folklore and deistvitelnost. ‒ M.: Nauka, 1976. ‒ 327p.
54. Roshiyanu N. Traditional formula stories. ‒ M.: Vostochnaya literatura, 1974. ‒ 216 p.
55. Safarova N. The nature of Uzbek children's game folklore. - Tashkent: Science, 2008. - 120 p.
56. Stekolnikova N.V. "Kolobok", "Teremok" and others. Kumulyativnye skazki v ix variantax // Nauchnaya kniga. ‒ Voronezh, 2008. – 400 p.
57. Suleymanov A.M. Bashkir narodnye bytovye skazki: Plot repertoire and poetics. ‒ M .: Nauka , 1994. ‒ 224 p .
58. Taylor A. Formelmärchen. Handwörterbuch des deutchen Märchens. - Berlin. Leipzig, 1934. ‒ 268 p.
59. Tolstoy I.I. Obryad i legenda afinskih buffonii // Tolstoy I.I. State of folklore. 80-96s. - M.; L.: Nauka, 1966. – 253 p.
60. Tudorovskaya E.A. Russkaya volshebnaya skazka: eyo structure and typology. - M.: Baltiyskie sezony, 2017. - 349 p.
61. Turdimov Sh. Ethnos and epos. - Tashkent: Uzbekistan, 2012. - 96 p.
62. Turdimov Sh. Treasure of wisdom - Tashkent: Uzbekistan, 2016. ‒ 280 p .
63. Thompson S., Aarne A. The types of the folk-tale. A classification and bibliography. A classification and bibliography, Antti Aarne's Verzeichnis der Märchentypen (FF Communications #3). Translated and enlarged by S. Thompson. Helsinki, 1928. - 427 p.
64. Thompson Stith The folktale / The Dryden press, New York. ‒ 1946. ‒ 537 p.
65. Tresidder J. Symbols and their meanings. Duncan Baird Pub, London. ‒ 2000. ‒ 544 p.
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66. William BM Jack in Two Worlds: Contemporary North American Tales and Their Tellers. ‒ USA: University of North Carolina Press, 194. ‒ 336 p.
67. Fontana D. The secret language of symbols: A visual key to symbols and their meanings. California: Chronicle Books LLC. 2003. ‒ 185 p.
68. Egamov X. _ Soviet ball q i turkish solutions _ _ fairy tale traditions hello _ _ from history essays . - Tashkent : Teacher , 1982. - 290 p .
69. Eshon qul J. An epic thought process. - Tashkent: Science, 2006. ‒ 112 p.
70. Eshon qul J. Folklore: image and interpretation . - Q arshi: Nasaf, 2004. ‒ 172 p.
71. Eshon qul J. Myth and artistic thinking. - Tashkent: Science, 2019. - 312 p.
72. Q as q abasov S. Funeral q . - Astana: Audarma, 2002. - 584 p.
73. Qosh ghariy M. _ Devonu lu g' otit Turk. The first volume. - Tashkent: Science, 1963. - 428 p.
74. Halliwell JO Popular Rhymes and Nursery Tales: A Sequel to the Nursery Rhymes of England. L.: John Russell Smith, 1849. ‒ 276 p.
75. Hans-Jörg Uther The Types of International Folktales. A Classification and Bibliography, Helsinki, Academia Scientiarum Fennica, 2004, 3 volumes: FFC 284 (619 pages) + FFC 285 (536 pages) + FFC 286 (284 pages)
76. Akimenko N. A. Strukturno-linguisticheskie osobennosti skazochnogo discursa (na primere angliyskikh kumulyativnyx skazok) // Gegyarlt. – ‒ Elista, 2004. ‒ #1-2(20-21). ‒ P.99-109.
77. Akimenko N. A. Spetsifika zagolovkov v angliyskikh volshebnyx skazkax. // Geyarlt. ‒ Elista, 2006. ‒ No. 2 – S.157-165.
78. Amroyan I. F. Typology tsepevidnyx struktur // Kunstkamera. Etnograficheskie tetradi. ‒ SPb., 1995, Vyp. 8-9. ‒ S. 286-293.
79. Amroyan I.F., Sovremennye sudby proizvedeniy detskogo folklore, imeyushchikh traditsionnuyu tsepevidnuyu kompozitsiyu // Atrium. Series Philology, 1997. ‒ No. 1. - S.18-24
80. Basangova T.G., Mandjieva B.B. Kalmytskaya kumulyativnaya skazka: problemy klassifikatsii i sokhrannosti teksta // Oriental Studies. ‒ M, 2011. ‒ No. 1. - S.177-181.
81. Gerasimova N.M. Formuly russkoy volshebnoy skazki (k probleme stereotyponosti i variativnosti traditsionnoy kultury) // Soviet ethnography. - M., 1978. ‒ No. 5. - P.18-28.
82. Jalolov G' . Fairy tale and ceremony // Uzbek language and literature. - Tashkent, 1995. ‒ No. 2. - B.29-32.
83. Kretov A.A. Skazki recursive structure // Trudy po russkoi i slavyanskoi filologii. Literaturovedenie. T. 1 (New series). ‒ Tartu: Kafedra russkoy literatury Tartusskogo universiteta, 1994. ‒ S. 204-214.
84. Kretov A.A. "Typology and genesis of recursive texts" Philological records. ‒ Voronezh, 2012-2013. ‒ No.-31. ‒ S. 219-245.
Kretov A.A. Skazki recursive structure // Toronto Slavic Quarterly. ‒ 2003. ‒ #1 http://sites.utoronto.ca/tsq/15/kretov15.shtml.
85. Mandjieva B.B. Kumulyativnaya skazka u Kalmykov (Sinoptichesky analiz raznovremennyx tekstov) // Nauchnaya Mysl Kavkaza. – Rastov na Donu, 2011. ‒ No. 1. ‒ S.100-106 .
86. Mc. Dermitt Barbara. Storytelling and a boy named Jack // North Carolina Folklore Journal, 1983. ‒ No. 31. ‒ P.3-22.
87. Musa q ulovA . Three a goat a fairy tale in particular // So g' lom generation for . - Tashkent , 1997. ‒ No. 7. - B.21-22 .
88. Musa q ulov A. _ " Three goat » fairy tale h a q ida // Literary studies current issues . It 's okay convention materials . ‒ Tashkent : Tafakkur , 2020. ‒ B.637-640 .
89. Nicolaisen WFH «English Jack and American Jack» Midwestern Journal of Language and Folklore. 1978. ‒ No. 4. ‒ P. 27-36.
90. Noralieva Sh. The image of a wolf in magical fairy tales // Uzbek language and literature. - Tashkent, 2012. ‒ No. 6. - P.35-39.
91. Novikova A.M. Narodnye kumulyativnye pesni // Problemy izucheniya russkogo ustnogo narodnogo tvorchestva: Respublikanskiy sbornik. - M.: MOPI, 1979. ‒ Vyp. 6. - S. 75-89.
92. Nosov D. A. Cumulative v skazkakh mongolskikh narodov: genrovyy prisnak ili kompositsionnyi priem // Mongolika. ‒ SPb.: Peterburgskoe Vostokovedenie, 2013. ‒ C.26-32.
93. Rasulova Z. Hair motif in Uzbek folk tales // Uzbek language and literature . - Tashkent, 2009. ‒ No. 3. - B.51-57.
94. Rasulova Z.J. The success of the Uzbek people in folk tales // Scientific Information of Bukhara State University. – Bukhara, 2018. ‒ No. 3 (71). ‒ B. 143-148.
95. Turdimov Sh. The fairy tale " Q umurs q a Polvan" // Preschool education. - Tashkent, 1992. ‒ No. 1. ‒ B.39.
96. Turdimov Sh. The fairy tale "Toxumboy and Kidneyboy" // Preschool education. - Tashkent, 1992. ‒ No. 3. ‒ B.10-13 .
97. Fedakar Selami. History of Parable Studies in Uzbekistan // Gaziantep University Journal of Social Sciences, 2014. ‒ No. 13. ‒ P.69-90.
98. English fairy tales / Selected and arranged by L. Kellner. - Lpz., 1917. ‒ 170 p.
99. English fairy tales / Collected by Joseph Jacobs. Illustrated by John D. Batten. - London. 1890. ‒ 253 p.
Folklore and Mythology Electronic Texts / Ashliman DL University of Pittsburgh; 1996-2003. https://www.pitt.edu/~dash/ashliman.html
Ja h on point q fairy tales . Collected to the publication preparer Free Yusupov . - Tashkent : MERIYUS, 2009. ‒ 198 p .
English point q fairy tales . Collected to the publication preparer and translator R. _ Otaboeva . - Tashkent : East , 2014. ‒ 72 p.
The world of cumulative fairy tales. Olima Kholmurodova prepares for publication. ‒ Tashkent: Tafakkur ‒ Tamaddun, 2020. ‒ 112 p.
The fairy tale "People" // Pre-school education. ‒ Tashkent, 1992. ‒ #5-6. - B. 40-44.
"Oyjamol" Uzbek folk tales. The second book. - Tashkent: Literary literature, 1969. ‒ 173 p.
The fairy tale "Tukhumboy and Buyrakboy". Recording and preparation for publication Shamirza Turdimov // Pre-school education. - Tashkent, 1992. ‒ No. 3. ‒ P.10-13.
"Three goats" fairy tale. Recorded and prepared for publication by Asqar Musa qulov . That 's it generation for magazine . - Tashkent , 1997. ‒ No. 7. ‒ B. 21-27.
Folklore and Mythology Electronic Texts / Ashliman DL University of Pittsburgh; 1996-2003. https://www.pitt.edu/~dash/ashliman.html.
Folktales of England / Ed. by Katharine M. Briggs and Ruth L. Tongue. London, Routledge and Paul, 1965. – 174 p.
100. A mirlan Seydin Els ü yer ulyny n the field Penalties : January 3 , 2000 . Informant : Boly q Eshpolat July , 1920- July tuo'yl g ' an , nation : q ara q alpa q ( q ytay ~ q ayshyly ~ m ə jek ). Address : Tao'elibai _ _ ü lkesi , Ü sh q udy q q alasy , 12 mkr ., 26 - jay , 9 - y y .
101. Uzbek point q fairy tales . First book _ Developers : M. _ Afzalov , Kh . Rasulov , Z. _ H usainova . ‒ Tashkent : Teacher , 2007. ‒ 384 p . _
102. Uzbek point q fairy tales . Second book _ Developers : M. _ Afzalov , Kh . Rasulov , Z. _ H usainova . ‒ Tashkent : Teacher , 2007. ‒ 384 p . _
103. Uzbek point q fairy tales . Third book _ Developers : M. _ Afzalov , Kh . Rasulov , Z. _ H usainova . ‒ Tashkent : Teacher , 2007. ‒ 384 p .
104. Uzbek folk tales . Two roofs. Roof 1. - Tashkent: Ozdavnashr, 1960. ‒ 320 p.
106. Beknazarov Q. Uzbek folk tales (study, classification, poetics): Philol . science. nomz... diss. - Tashkent, 1993. - 129 p.
107. Dostho'jaeva N.N. Structural analysis of Uzbek fairy tales : Philology. science. nomz... diss. - Tashkent, 1999. - 175 p.
108. Jalolov G' . Genesis and poetics of the Uzbek volshebnoy skazki: Autoref. diss... cand. Philol. science - Tashkent, 1986; That author. Fairy tale and verse . - Tashkent: Science, 1975. - 24 p.
109. Jumaeva S. Genetic basis and specification of tales about animals : Philol . sciences nomz... diss. - Tashkent, 1999. - 168 p.
110. Nazarova Sh. Genesis and poetics of test motifs in Uzbek folk tales: Philol . science. Doctor of Philosophy in… autoref. - Tashkent, 2017. - 48 p.
111. Rasulova Z.J. Strange things in the magical tales of the Uzbek people : Filol . science. nomz... diss. - Tashkent, 2012. - 146 p.
112. Sodi qova M. Specifications of stepdaughter -type series of fairy tales: Philology . science. nomz... diss. autoref. - Tashkent, 2003. - 28 p.
113. Usmanova Z. Specific features of Uzbek fairy-tales: Filol.fan.nomz...diss. - Tashkent, 1999. - 160 p.
114. Yusupova H.O '. Expression of national color in English translations of samples of Uzbek folklore prose ( in the example of fairy tales, anecdotes): Philol . science. nomz... diss. autoref. - Tashkent, 2011. - 26 p.
115. K. Odirov . Interpretation of time and space in Uzbek magical tales: Filol . science. nomz... diss. - Tashkent, 2004. - 143 p.
116. Briggs Katharine M. A Dictionary of British Folk-Tales in the English Language. Incorporating the FJ Norton Collection. Part A Folk Narratives. Vol. 1. – 1587 p.
117. Boronov J., Botayev Sh., Iriskulov M., Rahmonberdiyev K. English – Uzbek dictionary. - T.: Literary and Art Publishing House named after Gafur Ghulam, 2001. - 608 p.
118. Donald Haase The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Folktales and Fairy Tales. -London. ‒ 2008. ‒ Vol. 1, 2, 3. ‒ 1203 p.
119. Isakov U. and others. English-Uzbek dictionary - T.: New century generation. 2013. - 640 p.
120. Karimov B. _ Uzbek point q of fairy tales some one features // 20th century Uzbek folklore studies ( anthology ). - Tashkent : Uzbekistan national encyclopedia , 2017. - B. 49-64.
121. Mirzaev . T. , Eshon qul _ J ., Selfless S. _ " Alpomish " epic iso h li lu g' ati . - Tashkent : Elmus media Press, 2007. ‒ 164 p .
122. Monaghan Patricia. The encyclopedia of Celtic mythology and folklore. ‒ New York, 2004. ‒ Vol.1,2,3,. ‒ 529 p.
123. Oxford Advanced Learner's Encyclopedic Dictionary. Oxford University Press, 1995. – 1081 p.
124. Rybakin A. I. Slovar angliyskikh lichnyx imen: 4000 words. - M.: OOO Astrel, 2000. - 224 p.
125. Superanskaya A.V. Sovremennyy slovar lichnykh imen. Sravnenie. Production. Typing. ‒ M.: Ayris-press, 2005. ‒ 384 p .
126. The New Encyclopedia Britannica // Peter Norton, President and Chief Executive Officer Joseph J. Esposito, President, Publishing Group Chicago, London, New York, etc., 1994. – 33 volumes.

1The speech of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev at the opening ceremony of the international festival of the art of giving // People's word. ‒ Tashkent, April 7, 2019.

2UNESCO. (1989). Recommendation on the Safeguarding of Traditional Culture and Folklore. Retrieved October 18, 2012, from http://portal.unesco.org/en/ev.php

3Imomov K. Uzbek folk prose. - Tashkent: Science, 1981. - 103 p.

4Urusbieva F.A. Karachaevo-Balkar story. Voprosy genre typology: Monograph. URAN Sev.-oset in-t gum. i sots. issled. ‒ Vladikavkaz: NPO SOIGSI, 2010. ‒ C .44; Nagovitsyn A.E., Ponomareva V.I. Typology skazki. ‒ M.: Genesis, 2011. ‒ P.39; Taylor A. A Classification of Formula Tales // The Journal of American Folklore. 1933. Vol.46 . #179. ‒ P .78; Propp V. Ya. Folklore and deistvitelnost. ‒ M.: Nauka, 1976. ‒ P.243; Kretov A.A. Skazki recursive structure // Trudy po russkoi i slavyanskoi filologii. Literaturovedenie. T.1 (Novaya series). ‒ Tartu: Kafedra russkoy literatury Tartuskogo universiteta, 1994. ‒ P.206; Kretov A.A. Typology and genesis of recursive texts. Philological records. ‒ Voronezh, 2012 ‒ 2013. #31. ‒ S.219.

5See: Bolte Johannes, Polívka Georg.Anmerkungen zu den Kinder-und Hausmärchen der Brüder Grimm.Erster Band (Nr.1 ‒ 60). ‒ Leipzig : Dieterich Verlag , 1913. ‒ 556 p . 

6 Nosov D.A. Mongolian national cumulative tale. MONGOLICA-IX: sb.st. - SPb.: St. Petersburg, 2010. – P.84.

7See: Propp V.Ya. Morphology skazki. - M.: Nauka, 1969. - 168 p.; Propp V. Ya. Istoricheskie corni volshebnoy skazki. - L.: Izdatelstvo LGU, 1986. - 365 p.; Propp V. Ya. Russkaya skazka (Sobranie trudov V. Ya. Proppa). Nauchnaya redaktsiya, kommentarii S. Rasskazova. - M.: Labyrinth, 2000. - 416 p.; Propp V. Ya. Folklore and deistvitelnost. ‒ M., 1976. ‒ 327 p.; Nikiforov A.I. Narodnaya detskaya skazka dramaticheskogo genre. ‒ L., 1928. ‒ P.53-64.; Kapitsa O.I. Children's folklore. Pesni, poteshki, draznilki, skazki, igry. ‒ A.: Priboy, 1928. ‒ 222 c .

8Propp V. Ya. Folklore and deistvitelnost. ‒ M., 1976. ‒ P.241-258.

9Propp V. Ya. Source indicated. - B.241.

10Propp V. Ya. Source indicated. - B.243.

11Propp V. Ya. Source indicated. ‒ B.244.

12Propp V. Ya. Source indicated. ‒ B.247.

13Propp V. Ya. Source indicated. ‒ S.248.

14Propp V. Ya. Source indicated. ‒ S.248.

15 Nikiforov A.I. Narodnaya detskaya skazka dramaticheskogo genre. ‒ L., 1928. ‒ P.53.

16Kapitsa O.I. Children's folklore. Pesni, poteshki, draznilki, skazki, igry. ‒ A.: Priboy, 1928. ‒ P.154-165.

17Haavio M. Kettenmarchen–Studien I. FFC 88. ‒ Helsinki, 1929.

18 Amroyan I.F. Typology tsepevidnyx structure. - Tolyatti, 2000. - 124 c .; Amroyan I.F. Povtor v structure folklornogo teksta (na materiale Russian, Bulgarian and Czech skazochnyx and zagovornyx tekstov). - M.: Gosudarstvennyy respublikanskiy tsentr russkogo folklora, 2005. - 296 p.; Tolstoy I.I. Obryad i legenda afinskih buffonii // Tolstoy I.I. State of folklore. - M.-L.: Nauka, 1966. - P.80-96; Kruk I.I. Vostochnoslavyanskie skazki o jivotnykh. Pictures Composition. ‒ Minsk, 1989. ‒ 159 p.; Roshiyanu N. Traditional formula stories. ‒ M.: Izdatelskaya firma "Vostochnaya literatura", 1974. ‒ 216 p.; Anikin V.P. Russian folk tale. ‒ M.: Prosveshchenie, 1977. ‒ 208 p.; Anikin V.P. Russkoe ustnoe narodnoe tvorchestvo. ‒ M.: Vyssh. Shk., 2001. - 726 p.; Gerasimova N.M. Formuly russkoy volshebnoy skazki (Problemy stereotypnosti i variativnosti traditsionnoy kultury) // Soviet ethnography. 1980. No. 5. ‒ S.18‒28; Gerasimova N.M. Figura mediatsii v russkoi volshebnoy skazke // Kunstkamera. Etnograficheskie tetradi. ‒ SPb., 1995. Vyp. 8-9. ‒ S. 241-250; Nosov D.A. Mongolian national cumulative tale. MONGOLICA - IX : sb.st. - SPb .: St. Petersburg , 2010. ‒ C.84-90 .

19 Tolstoy I.I. State of folklore. - M.-L.: Nauka, 1966. - P.80-97.

20Tolstoy I.I. Source indicated. - S. 97.

21Tolstoy I.I. Source indicated. - S.89.

22A 's V.P. Russian folk tale. ‒ M.: Prosveshchenie, 1977. ‒ 208 p.

23Kruk I.I. Vostochnoslavyanskie skazki o jivotnykh. Pictures Composition. ‒ Minsk, 1989. ‒ B.85 .

24Kretov A.A. Skazki recursive structure // Toronto Slavic Quarterly. ‒ 2003. ‒ #1 http://sites.utoronto.ca/tsq/15/kretov15.shtml

25 A kimenko N.A Strukturno-lingvisticheskie osobennosti skazochnogo discursa (na primere angliyskikh kumulyativnyx skazok) // Gegyarlt. 2004. #1-2 (20-21). ‒ P.99-109.

26Who is it? N. _ A. _ Shown source . - S. _ 108.

27Hans-Jörg Uther, The Types of International Folktales. A Classification and Bibliography. ‒ Helsinki, Academia Scientiarum Fennica, 2004. 3 volumes: FFC 284 (619 pages) + FFC 285 (536 pages) + FFC 286 (284 pages).

28Afzalov M. About Uzbek folk tales. - Tashkent: Science, 1964. ‒ P.21-22.

29Sarimsakov B. Composition of genres of Uzbek folklore. Uzbek folklore essays. Roof 1. - Tashkent, 1988. - P.70-71.

30Jalolov G'. Poetics of Uzbek folk tales. - Tashkent, 1976. ‒ 156 p.

31Imomov K. Uzbek folk prose. ‒ Tashkent: Science, 1981. ‒ P.149-156.

32Jumaeva S. Genetic basis and specification of animal tales. NDA . ‒ Tashkent, 1996. - 125 p

33 Musakulov A. About the tale of the three goats // For a healthy generation. - Tashkent, 1997. #7. - B.21-22.

34Musakulov A. Source indicated. - B.22.

35There are two editions of this resource. One is the journal option we mentioned above. The second is a scientific conference collection. Both sources are reliable. At this point, we prefer to use the next source. Musakulov A. About the fairy tale "Three Goats" // Current issues of literary studies. Proceedings of the international conference. ‒ Tashkent: Tafakkur, 2020. ‒ P.637-640.

36Musakulov A. About the fairy tale "Three Goats" // Current issues of literary studies. Proceedings of the international conference. ‒ Tashkent: Tafakkur, 2020. ‒ P.637-640.

37 Musakulov A. Source indicated. - B.639.

38 Turdimov Sh. The fairy tale "Toxumboy and Kidneyboy" // Preschool magazine. - Tashkent, 1992. #3. ‒ B.10-13.

39Turdimov Sh. Source indicated. – B.12.

40Turdimov Sh. Source indicated. – B.13.

41Eshanqul J. The capital of Turkish education // Enlightenment. ‒ Tashkent , 2018. #52. ‒ B.4 .

42 Carmen Milagros Torres Traditional Tales: History and Genre Centro de Competencias de la Comunicación: University of Puerto Rico at Humacao, 2003/ Puerto Rico. ‒ P.2-4. https://www.yumpu.com/en/document/view/12388113/traditional-tales-history-and-genre-universidad-de-puerto-rico.

43Josepha Sherman. Storytelling: an encyclopedia of mythology and folklore. ‒ New York, 2008. - R.104 .

44 Ant / Narrator : Zulfia Haydarova // Pre -school education _ ‒ Tashkent , 1992. #2. - B .39.

45 Human fairy tale // Before school training _ ‒ Tashkent , 1992. #5-6. - B.40-44 .

46Imomov K. Uzbek folk prose poetics. - Tashkent: Science, 2008. - P.166.

47Musakulov A. Uzbek folk lyrics. - Tashkent: Science, 2010. - B.61.


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